Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

I got approved for this book in late July of 2024, and while I was planning on waiting on reading this novel in a couple of months (since it is not set to be published until March 2025), I ended up opening up the book on my kindle and reading the first couple of pages, with the intention of putting the book down, but after the first chapter, I was HOOKED and I had to keep reading

I was so suprrised that this book was a debut novel because Hannah Deitch is a GENIOUS! This book kept me guessing and just when I thought I had it all figured out, it turns out I was wrong. I cannot recommend this book enough and I think that there is a very strong possibility that I may read this book again before it comes out in March.

If you want a book that will keep you up all night, this is the perfect book for you. I hope Hannah Deitch writes many more novels as good as this one in the future!! I also have a feeling this book will be fabulous in audio format as well.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

If you are interested in seeing more of my reviews and other content feel free to connect with me here <3: (links to my Instagram, Goodreads, TikTok, Storygraph, My blog and Substack newsletter, etc)

If you are a publisher or author who has questions about my reviews (as well as questions about my stats, reach or engagement), please free to email me. I am also open to requests for book reviews from authors or publishers. Thank you again for taking time to read my review, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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It seems I am the minority here so maybe it just wasn't for me. I do feel horrible rating this debut novel so low. I struggled through it and I could not wait for it to end. I can appreciate the story the author was going for but I do not feel it was executed well. I was bored, it was unrealistic, repetitive.. juvenile. My least favorite so far this year.

Thank you NetGalley and The William Morrow Team for my ARC ❣️

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A interesting format on a mystery and thriller that I hadn't seen done before. I also loved the writing and the pacing of the book. The twist really did suprise me and the ending leaves the reader with a lot to think about.

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A pretty good Thelma-and-Louise-but-make-it-gay type story. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending (although as the book went on, it was harder and harder to imagine a GOOD ending. And I have a LOT of questions about the road trip itself. Sure, time passed and there were time skips, but the characters seem to launch from one side of the country to the other with little or no effort, only to immediately/constantly get in trouble as soon as they reached wherever they were going. There was a lot of bonding time alone on the road that got left on the cutting room floor, and it made the story feel a bit too over-trimmed.

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Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Killer Potential had a great murder mystery and chase concept going for it but, for me, the relationship between Evie, the SAT tutor who kicks off the book and Jae, her mysterious friend/lover distracted and gave this story a darker tone that jus didn’t hit the right balance.

While this story is all about Evie and her roadtrip across the USA while trying to figure out just what happened to her employers, and that part was highly engaging, the final portion of the book becomes about Jae and her later (my feeling) obsession with her. That just didn’t work out and led to an ending that took the wind out of the sails of this story.

Very well written to be sure, and mystery part was great, but as a full story this just felt a bit off.

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Let’s go on journey where you pick your victims because you don’t really care for them. This book really takes you on journey with a good twist at the end. Evie Gordon gotten herself into some serious trouble. Can she find a way out of trouble with her mystery friend Jae?

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Great title for a very original story. We are instantly hooked into the daily life of Evie Gordon, a young woman who fails to seamlessly get into the working world despite her extensive education and ends up working as an SAT tutor to wealthy kids in Los Angeles. She resents her gig and the kids, the wealth, and the injustice of it, but needs the money and is good at it. At heart Evie is a small-town girl who is smart in books but less so in how the world works.

One day she shows up to her job at the Victor’s house to tutor her student. This is where the story takes a dramatic turn, and without spoiling the whole book, the action begins.

The story is certainly compelling. It is long, and at points does get repetitive. Of course you must read to the end because many of the details that fill in the narrative happen at the end. I was a bit numb at the end of reading it. I am not sure I was satisfied by the ending, but
I was sure that I could not take much more.

The writing is well paced with good use of language and plot. Hannah Deitch is an author to watch.

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This book was such a ride! I was hooked from the beginning. There was mystery, anxiety, spice, humor and so much more. The story flowed well and was so much fun to read!

Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC. I will definitely be recommending this book to other readers!

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Killer Potential was so fast-paced that I read it in one day (almost in one sitting). I'm still processing exactly what happened. It's written in such a clear, unique voice and is so different from any other thriller I've read. I'm not sure if I like the ending — it felt a bit unresolved — but I can say, without reservation, it's a story that will stick with me in the days to come.

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This was a wild ride of a thriller literally. It was a unique storyline which I really enjoyed. I liked the character Evie and she was always someone. I really could not see the twists that kept coming and this book just kept me glued to the pages. I 100% recommend reading it!

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Darkly funny and provocative, this edge-of-your-seat thrill ride follows two unlikely fugitives an SAT tutor who finds her rich employers brutally murdered and the bound woman she frees from their mansion!! Wow!! This book was a crazy ride!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had murder, mystery, gaslighting, suspense, intrigue, and some crazy twists and turns!! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Ruthless, evocative, and just a touch surreal. Importantly, I only thought "oh god no, don't do that stupid thing" like twice, which might be a record.

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This was super interesting! I had to get past the first few pages to really get into it. Once I did, boom! What a twisty story. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A killer debut! (Pun intended). This is the type of book that once it sinks its fangs into you, it doesn’t let go until every last bit of curiosity has been satisfied. I was hooked from the first sentence and on the edge of my seat until the last. Evie is a knock out character that takes you on a ride of many emotions and sleepless nights hoping she’ll make it out on the other side. I know this book will stay with me for a long time. Don’t walk, but run when this is released!!

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This book had me on my toes and definitely a page turner. Greatly written and would recommend to everyone.

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Fantastic writing, witty, sarcastic, creepy, thrilling, intelligent, unique. Everything (and more) that you want in a mystery/thriller.

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I enjoyed about 75% of this book. I was kind of surprised at how things turned out. But the ending was just weird to me. It seemed a little out of character and fell flat.

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What did I just read?? I am dumbfounded by how great Killer Potential was! A must read! Five stars!

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This was an interesting take on a murder mystery! I felt like the book was a lot different from the blurb. Would have preferred more investigation instead of traveling across the US, I think.

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Evie Gordon works as a SAT tutor for the super rich and elite kids of LA to help pay off her mounting college debt and rent. Her life quickly changes when she walks into the home of one of her students to find a bloody horror scene unfold and woman hidden under the steps crying out for help.
This twisty cat and mouse thriller had me up literally for days and I couldn't put the book down! Easy 5/5 stars, add this to your must read lists!!

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