Member Reviews

This is a great book on prayer. It was really meaningful to read.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book. All opinions are my own.

I love Present in Prayer by Jennifer Tucker! Each of the 30 devotional entries uses Biblical meditation practices centered on a Bible verse of the day and expounds on it within that entry. I used Present in Prayer as part of my personal devotional time and it really Ministered to me. I loved the nuggets and Wisdom that Ms. Tucker brings out in each entry. I highly recommend Present in Prayer by Jennifer Tucker! Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. (I also bought a copy of this book for myself.) My review is also on Goodreads.

Present in Prayer by Jennifer Tucker is a beautifully illustrated guide to Christian meditation. The author leads you through 30 different meditations, the topics of which are based on Philippians 4:8. There are 8 sections: Whatever is True, Whatever is Honorable, Whatever is Right, Whatever is Pure, Whatever is Lovely, Whatever is Admirable, Whatever is Excellent, and Whatever is Worthy of Praise.
These are not a quick 5-minute devotionals. Each meditation has taken me about half an hour, but the time spent on it is really up to you. The author provides a framework, but how much time you take meditating and contemplating is going to be different for each person. Very biblically based, and you'll be doing a thorough perusal of a passage of scripture in each one. I will say that I don't always prefer the translation the author has picked (ie MSG). Some of the more contemporary translations help give context, I just happen to be partial to the NKJV.
As a bonus, my Garmin shows that my stress levels are reduced drastically during and after these meditations, so they've been a great way for me to end my day and wind down before bedtime.
5/5 Stars. Highly Recommended if you're looking for a closer walk with the Word. Helpful to find personal insights into scripture. I received an eARC version of this book and have already ordered it in hard copy. I'll definitely be checking out the author's other books.
Thank you to NetGalley, Jennifer Tucker, and Thomas Nelson for the opportunity to review the eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

I thought the cover art was beautiful and the description peaked my interest. I had never heard of Christian mediation but it makes sense why it could work. I'm not an overly religious person but I love learning new things which made this book a very interesting read!
Also, the art is just as beautiful on the inside. It would make a special gift for a Christian in your life.

I read and enjoyed Jennifer Tucker’s “Breathe as Prayer” and was excited to see her new book, “Present in Prayer”. In “Present in Prayer”, she explains and then provides opportunities to practice Lectio Divina. She clarifies this is not eastern mind-emptying. Lectio Divina is slowing your mind and heart with the intent to provide God to work in your heart through his Word and in prayer.
Following some background on the practice, Tucker provides thirty scripture passages with guided practice in Lectio Divina that were encouraging and artistically beautiful. Use them at whatever pace you wish to go.
I’m usually a kindle format reader, but like Tucker’s “Breath as Prayer”, this would be most thoroughly enjoyed in a print edition. The artwork is beautiful, and a hard copy book would allow you to flip through the thirty passages in a non-linear way if you chose.
If you want a beautiful book that will help you intentionally slow down and experience God’s Word in fresh ways, check out “Present in Prayer.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Zondervan & Thomas Nelson Gift division, for providing me with a digital copy. All opinions are my own.

I enjoyed reading this so much. If you’re looking for a book that will help you meditate on God’s word, this is an excellent choice. In the midst of our everyday busyness, Jennifer Tucker’s Present in Prayer provides a guide on how to cultivate the quiet art of hearing God’s voice through silence, prayer, reading, meditation, and rest. This book includes beautiful opening prayers, Scriptures, reflective insights, and surrendering prayers at the end of each meditation. Each section invites you to pause and reflect on how God has spoken to you on what you learn to embody Christ’s love and peace, allowing His presence to change actions, thought, and relationships. The beautiful artwork throughout the book offers a peaceful visual element that deepens your meditation experience.

Quiet, lovely, peaceful. I have loved incorporating this book into my quiet time. Her works are a gift.

This book is an amazing guide to meditating on the word of God. Doesn't feel overly structured and religious, but rather a tangible way to deepen your relationship.

This was such a positive reminder of the power of prayer. It was a nice reset to shaping my heart and mind to where it needs to be when I pray. I recommend working through this book over many days to truly let it shape your heart and mind. Cannot wait to share with others!

A really lovely guide walking the reader through the Christian meditative practice of lectio divina. The author selects scriptures and outlines a process in this devotional-like format, so each day you can immerse yourself in reflection on scripture. Perfect for Christians that want to incorporate a contemplative/meditation practice into their day while still staying wholely within their faith tradition. I own and love the author's first book, "Breath Prayers" and often incorporate the reflections and mindful breathing in it into my end-of-the-day routine.
I feel that "Breath Prayers may be more accessible if you aren't super "churchy" but do find comfort in scripture, and "Present In Prayer" may be better for those with a more traditional faith walk. Both books are filled with beautiful illustrations and very clear reassurances and descriptions of these practices so devout Christians can feel comfortable using mindfulness and meditation techniques and secure that they are not treading into "New Age" or Eastern meditation practices. Great devotional books for anyone who finds value in scripture and Christian teachings.

Oh, the times I have struggled to stay focused during times of Bible study. So many earthly interruptions...the tv in the background, the phone ringing, the dryer buzzer going off, the dog barking,..... Present in Prayer by Jennifer Tucker delves into ways to stay focused, to eliminate the distractions, and have a peaceful Biblical meditation.
Releases Nov 12th. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

Present in Prayer: A Guided Invitation to Peace Through Biblical Meditation by Jennifer Tucker is the author’s latest devotional. I absolutely loved her book Breath as Prayer. This book is just as good, focused on what it means to be experience God’s peace. I cannot wait for this book to release so I can by a hard copy. It’s well worth the purchase. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

This book was such a beautiful book from start to finish. I was just so touched by the words, and the encouragement. It was wonderfully done