Member Reviews

Danu has grown up among the fairies she knows nothing of her family as she was given up as a baby. She has decided to go and exp!ore the realms to see if she can find out anything about her heritage. She is joined by her Griffin friend Morrigan. On their journey they meet up with a warrior Dagda. Together they need to find a way to save the heart of the forest. Will they finish the quest? A good read confusing at times. Jumped around too much. I had to read it on my phone as it couldn't download correctly onto my kindle which didn't make for a good reading experience. The characters & storyline made sense most of the time. Thank you Netgalley & the publisher for the copy. This is my voluntary review.

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The plotline and character building was absolutely so much fun and I am beyond beyond excited and hopeful for sequels and more books in this series.

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This was a new to me author and a genre I haven’t read in a while. This was the spark I needed to rekindle my love for fantasy. It was fast paced and I am a slow story kinda gal. I did enjoy the characters and the story. I love anything with an adventure and the unknown. I can’t wait to read more from her.

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This book was really great! The story telling in this book was great! And the magic system was very well done and I would highly recommend this book!

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A fun and short little book. I've come across better writing but was positively surprised by it - the cover really isn't suitable for this kind of lecture. Still a good addition to our Fantasy section

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