Member Reviews

This was a quick and easy read for me

Really enjoyed it. Thank you for the opportunity to review. I would recommend to others

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc. I enjoyed this one, I enjoy any book with the idea that someone could be living in your house and you not know it! It was a crazy ride to go on with Lauren and her family, as she tried to figure out if her son's new friend, Billy, was imaginary or real. Loved the multiple POVs, and I was on edge waiting to see what the finale would be. Astonishing twist at the end!

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I'm rating this closer to a 4.5 rather than a 4.
This was such a great book!
It started off a little slow for me, but picked up quickly. Without spoiling, the entire premise is one of my worst paranoid fears haha.
The Man in my Attic has multiple POVs and a twist that I didn't see coming at all.

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for sending me a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What makes this domestic thriller so unique is that you go into it with a pretty clear idea of what's happening. There is a man hiding in the family's attic and you know who it is and what he's already done. You know what secrets the husband and wife have been hiding from one another. Their little boy tells them about "Billy," his friend in the walls. It's just a matter of waiting to see what will finally happen. It's fast paced and suspenseful. If I have any complaint it's that there are SO many characters telling the story. I found myself flipping back to see whose point of view I was reading.

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Special thank you to NetGalley, Robin Mahle and Joffe Books for an ARC of this incredible book.

Words to describe this book: Creepy, chilling and unique.

I like how the author chose to tell the story from various characters perspectives. The book itself is fast-paced and a definite page turner. Highly recommend!

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This is one of those books where the concept is so delicate that the execution could make or break it. Thankfully, though, Mahle sticks the landing. There is a reveal or two that made my suspension of disbelief bridge creak a bit, but overall, a good read (pun not intended).

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The Man in My Attic by Robin Mahle is a busy psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping ending. And by busy I mean BUSY! This book is like a roller-coaster! There is so much happening!

For me this storyline was original! I never cross anything like this. From time to time I was distracted from the original storyline by side storylines... that was sort of necessary but not really. So this is where I was losing my focus.

I definitely didn't see that last twist coming! At the same time, something didn't work for me in the end. I believe if this book were cut down and concentrated on the main storyline I would scream 5 stars. All the side stories just took away that heart-pounding suspense.

This story is told from multiple POVs and it's easier to understand each character's intentions and thought process. I would say this book is definitely fast-paced and quick read!

Lauren and Jacob got her dream house, renovated it and was ready to spend their life together there.
One day their son Noah tells them that he has a friend Billy who lives in the house. Noah explained that he came up with a name so Lauren doesn't take it seriously as every little one has an imaginary friend! But then strange noises around and things that Noah delivers from Billy make everyone question what is going on!

Thank you, NetGalley and Joffe Books for this copy!

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I found the premise of this book to be interesting. I think the main issue with this book was that the characters were very unlikable. I also found myself getting bored very early on. This made me not care much about what was going to happen in the end. I would love to try another book by this author in the future.

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Oh my goodness, what a book. It was creepy, chilling and thrilling. Right from the start I was hooked, couldn't put it down. A new author who has made a big impression on me. Hope there is more to come. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I really felt emotionally connected to the main characters. That said, I think the story was dragged out and then quickly wrapped up at the end. I found myself wanting the story to "get to the point." The twist was very unexpected, but in a good way. Although I wish that the twist was more "world shattering," than it was. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves phycological thrillers.

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This was definitely a jaw dropping thriller that keeps you wanting to turn the pages. The idea that someone could be living in your attic is just creepy within itself. Then you add the warped ideas that the killer had to justify his killings is just crazy. The characters are well written and the multiple POVs make them even more relatable and made the book more enjoyable in my opinion. I was feeling for Lauren and her son, Noah throughout the whole story. I found myself wanting her to just man up and do something about her husband Jacob. I will state that the multiple twists that came out at the end were crazy and I honestly didn't see them coming. It has been so long that I have read a thriller that actually shocked me in the end, but this one did it!

If you like thrillers, you will want to get a copy of this book as soon as it publishes in August 2024.

Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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The prologue was incredibly gripping! It was one of those that made you excited for what was to come and the book didn't disappoint. The tension was on point and the various character POVs were well written. It was a creepy read!

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4.25 / 5 ⭐️

Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for the ARC of this book!

A gripping story from start to finish. It starts off with a gripping prologue, making you unable to put the book down from the second you open it.

A well written villain and likeable main character (that being Lauren, of course). As for Jacob, I knew he was a bad guy, but oh my, one particular part definitely shocked me.

The one thing I have to say is the vast amount of different characters’ point of views was a bit of a rollercoaster, although in order to tell the story Robin Mahle wanted to tell I suppose it was necessary.

Robin certainly does a good job at holding the reader’s attention, I know I couldn’t stop reading! A good read for any thriller fan.

I know one things for certain after reading this rollercoaster of a book- I’m not going to be able to write off the noises in my attic quite as easily anymore…


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Thanks Netgalley for the free arc! In my honest opinion this book was very intriguing and I loved reading from all the character’s points of view… it made a very intriguing and suspenseful thriller. I would definitely recommend!

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There is a 4 person dual pov in this book that its the detectives, gary, lauren, jacob and sometimes the child noah. Its so crazy to think you can listen and think what the weirdo at her work (gary) is thinking and for sure a killer on the loose especially what happened in the last family , the house that lauren is staying in now with her son and husband. everyone has a motive, everyone has a dark past or is doing something bad, like her husband is basically cheating on her and she knows about it but plays stupid, jacob is a real idiot i think and is also in trouble at work.
Gary the guy at lauren's job she brings food to because she thinks he doesn't have food looks poor, has another side to him hes def crazy. There were times i was thinking something different like maybe the husband is also in on it because her son Noah has a 'imaginary friend' who lives in the walls and he talks to but doesn't know what he looks like was just creepy till I found out that was Gary.
I was also preparing to see what lauren would think when she finds out gary is the guy at work also living in her walls talking to her kid, what a weirdo. This book was so crazy and the ending was so good for someone who loves thrillers.

Thank you to netgalley for giving me this book for review, thoughts are 100% my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for my ARC copy.
Well what a twisted state of affairs. Was a good read, nice character development and the cadence loped along nicely.
The author writes from multiple POV which I love. Each character adding a new dimension to the plot.
An easy read and quite linear, I did enjoy the book, however the “twist” was quite transparent.
A 3 ⭐️ from me.

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If you like Freida McFadden as well as John Marrs, then I think you have found your perfect book. Robin Mahle seems to be a pleasant combination of the two writers, which I could not be happier with!

The way time flew by while reading this book was insane. I felt as though I had just picked the book up and then the next thing I know, I was almost done with it. Had I not had to feed my family dinner, I would have finished the book in one sitting. It is so faced paced!

I always had a fear in me when we first bought our house that maybe someone could be up hiding in the attic or even down in the basement. That's what happens in this book, and when I tell you all those fears came right back to me, I am not even joking!

With the several different POV's that are told in the story, there are so many twists and turns that you might need to wear a neck brace! You definitely will not see the ending coming at all!

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The man in my attic

I saw this book as an instant read on NetGalley and was desperate for a new book. The description said perfect for fans of Freida McFadden so how could I pass that up? As I read I agree with that but I can also see John marrs fans liking it too.

I saw down and read the first 25% in one setting. It FLEW by. I was slightly worried when I saw how many chapters were in this book but they go by super fast.

Over all I really enjoyed it. It was fast paced but had enough down time to let you catch your breath without being bored. The characters felt dynamic. I could see it play out like a true crime show in my head.
The description were spot on. And again I like a mystery where I feel like I could guess the twist but if they STILL get me when I realize all the pieces to the puzzle were there? I’m in pressed. And there were definitely some twists I didn’t get till right before or as they revealed it.

I’ve never heard of this publishing company or author but I’m excited to read more form them! I even signed up for their news letter and free book alerts!!

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Prepare for sleepless nights with this addictive thriller, once you start you won’t be able to put it down!!!
When I tell you I could not put this book down I’m not lying it absolutely gripped me from the beginning. The suspense of the main character stumbling across the man in the attic, the man being caught going in and out the attic I loved every second of this roller coaster of a book it has short chapters which who doesn’t love, suspense to keep you hooked and twists you never see coming.

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The concept of having someone stay in your house that you not know of, hiding in the attic for example, is so creepy. This book had its moments of creepy was but overall it was a bit predictable. It’s a generic thriller that does it thing and entertains the reader but it will not be remembered in the long run.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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