Member Reviews

This story took us on a wild ride.
Pain is fresh out of prison, he has plans to turn his life around but circumstances lead him down a dangerous path.

A lot happened in this book but it seemed to happen at the end of the story. It took a while for the story to get to the good stuff.

Being introduced to so many different characters was alot. It was hard to keep them all straight.

I really enjoyed the narrator. He did a wonderful job keeping me engaged.

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Oh Wow!!! This started out a little slower than I expected but then at the 70% mark the pace picked up and wow! The twist and turn. I’m sad it ended in a cliffhanger though but I feel some things were tied up and now it’s to see what’s next. I’m looking forward to the next book.

- Prostitution
- Self harm
- Rape
- Drug use /Drug abuse
- Murder
- Sexual assault
- Child abuse

Audio Narration - The narrator did a really good job of bringing the story to life.

Thank you Macmillan audio for the ALC

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Gosh ! I don’t even know where to begin first I’ll just start by saying this book was chefs kiss I enjoyed this book so much! Just from pain getting out of prison and trying to catch up with the world ! The betrayal of his best friends and also him trying to do the correct thing after going to prison but soon realizing he may have to go back to old habits because of his grandmothers debt and sickness !
Next I loved the female main character Passion who One morning finds herself the victim of a robbery and the thieves snatch from her the only thing of value that she has left in the world, a locket containing the ashes of her deceased parents. She is currently living in a shelter ran by her uncle who traffics young girls will passion find her way out ? Will pain be her peace ?

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Whew this was a crazy ride pain wanted better but his friends just didn’t get it ! Passion was going through unnecessary trauma for ungodly reasons smh , I really felt terrible for her and Pain .. The narrator was perfect! Honestly I felt like I was watching a show episode on HBO ! This was really good 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 I highly recommend this movie lol I mean book !

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This book was just not for me. I was not a fan and just couldn't get behind it. There was too much going on.

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Passion For The Heist by K'Wan
Genre: Urban Fiction
Pages: 336 pages
Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️
Troupes: Drug Dealing, Wrongful Conviction, Family Drama, Newfound Family, Cliff Hanger
TW: Murder, Domestic Violence, Underage Prostitution
Series: Yes, Book 1
ARC?: Yes, thank you to Net Galley and Macmillan Audio for my advanced listening copy of Passion for the Heist. Being able to listen to K'Wan's writing on the page come to life was a suspenseful joy.

I want to start of by saying I am a fan of K'Wan and his writing and this novel was not short of what I was expecting from him. I love how he always weaves his characters together into this mater piece that you get to watch unfold along the ride. He included some characters from his previous novels as well as added some characters that did not fully develop. In typical K'Wan fashion, I believe this is due to Book 2. He likes to leave us on a need-to-know bases and it always gives us the shock value we are waiting for later. So, this was not a disappointment for me.

There are two stories going on simultaneously that do come together beautifully in the end. It most definitely gave Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde.

You have Pain, which is being released back into society, after from being wrongfully convicted. A simple slip of wrong place wrong time caused the course of this promising young man's life to be forever changed.

As much as Pain tries to change his life for the better and make his grandmother proud, she is sick and struggling with medical bills. This forces Pain back into the game to get some quick cash that he desperately needs.

Then we have Passion. After losing both of her parents in a car accident, she is forced to live with her estranged Uncle Joe. He is a drug dealer and pimp, having women and gang members all up and through his house. While under his care her mental and emotional health take a downward plunge. She begins trying to cope by using drugs and liquor as she finds herself hopeless. Even though she is dealing with all of this she is still striving to be successful in school and save to follow her dream of moving out of Uncle Joes house and settling in New York.

Unfortunately, Passion gets robbed (wrong place wrong time- or is it?) and the thieves takes the locket that she kept her parents ashes in. This is what sets off the chain of events and where the plot thickens. You are in for a treat with plot twists, betrayals, newfound family, and a cliff hanger.

Bravo K'Wan. 👏🏽 I have missed your writing so much. It was an honor reading and reviewing this for you.

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I chose to DNF this book after a few hours of listening made it clear to me that I am not the intended audience for it and the content triggers got to be too much. I think readers more versed in the urban fiction genre or less bothered by grittier topics like sexual assault and trafficking will have a much better time with this novel. The writing wasn't bad and the narrator did good work! The novel's content just sadly wasn't for me. Leaving 3 stars because I don't think it deserves less even though I didn't finish it.

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This book moved very slowly and then sped up at about the 75% mark. Unfortunately, just as I was getting invested in the FMC and MMC, the book abruptly ended. I’m guessing there must be another book coming out to continue this story, but I’m not sure if it will entertain me enough to continue. Don’t let my review discourage you, since I definitely seem to be in the minority on my rating.

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Passion for the Heist is the first urban fiction book that I've read. I kept seeing this author pop up at the library I work at and when I saw it as an early listen option, I figured I would give it a try. The books seem like they are marketed towards women with their cover art and I was curious about the genre.

I ended up doing some digging into urban fiction and street lit. What is it? Who is it written for? Who writes it? This article does a great job breaking it down and talking about the value of the genre.

The audio narration of Passion for the Heist was great. I got caught up in each character and by the end of the book, Passion and Pain felt like real people to me. I love an easy to listen to audiobook and I'm really glad I listened to this rather than read it myself.

Passion lost her parents in a car accident and is living with "Uncle Joe," her mother's brother. He runs a tight household with a handful of women and is a pimp and a drug dealer, but Passion has never had to do what the other girls in the house do to live there.

Pain just got out of prison and is determined not to go back. He wants to spend time with his grandma and get a real job. His reputation as the street's best heist man and bad ass make it tough to go straight, but he doesn't want to relive the things he had to go through in prison ever again.

Passion is about to turn 18 and dreams of leaving the NYC and living in CA. She wants a new life without Uncle Joe in it and has been saving to make it happen. She has gone through a lot of trauma and struggles to stay positive and out of trouble sometimes.

When Passion and Pain keep crossing paths, they both feel a pull towards each other. The last half of the book really picked up speed and the character development starts to get a lot better at that point too.

I have to give it 4 stars for the ending. It really leaves you in a lurch and feels unfinished. Now I HAVE to read the next book! I hate when the first book in a series doesn't stand on its own, but it had the desired effect and I'm on the hook already for the next book. Lol.

If you are new to the genre, I found this summary spot on:

"Urban fiction, also known as street lit, hip-hop lit, gansta lit, or ghetto lit, tells the story of life in the inner-city, generally with a gritty, dark tone. The plot shines a light on the harsh realities of life in the city, including hard subjects such as drug use, gangs, sex, poverty, and violence. Stories are fast-paced and often focus on a young-adult protagonist overcoming adversity, surviving abuse and betrayal, and rising out of hard times. The writing often contains explicit sexual content and graphic violence." -

Thank you to MacMillan audio for the ALC to listen to. #MacAudio2024

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Thank you Netgalley & Macmillan audio for this ARC. I listened to 52% of this book before I DNF'd it. I really tried to push through but the story still had not materialized. At 52% in the plot was not established, It was just a lot of dialogue but never really got to the point of the book, The narrator was good and the writing style is something I think I would enjoy if the storyline was better.

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This was my first time diving into urban fiction and this wasnt bad. I will say it was a lot and I hope they add some trigger warnings as to I can see some folks being triggered by some of the things in the read. All in all good read, will deff check out more from this author.

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I wasn't sure what to expect when reading this book, but I'm very glad that I picked it up as part of the Macmillan audio influencers program!
This book is an excellent urban fiction book - with a fun element of planning heists that gave me Ocean's Eleven vibes. The characters were fascinating and well-rounded and the way that they were all interconnected was very well crafted to give the story additional depth. This was my first book by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The chemistry between Passion and Pain was excellent - and not necessarily in a romantic way, but in the way that they kept encountering each other and understood each other.

The story was very well paced - and definitely ramped up toward the end, moving quickly and bringing the characters together in ways that I didn't totally predict (which was refreshing!). I found myself pulled into the back stories of these characters and the experiences they were going through. Passion especially had a lot to deal with between living with Uncle Joe, the girls, her struggles and just trying to succeed at school. There are some trigger warnings here that I'd recommend checking out. Pain's battle between his old and new self was immersive and really had me invested in his ability to navigate.

The themes of loyalty and family are heavy in this book and create a foundation that makes for a very compelling story. This looks to be the first book in a series - which means there were things left unanswered in the ending and definitely set up a second book to continue with Passion and Pain to see where they end up!

I also want to spend a minute on the narration. This was an extremely well narrated book. To be honest, it's not often that I get the chance to listen to a fully male narrated book (usually they're female or a mix of voices) and it was an enjoyable experience. The depth, nuance and pacing of the narration really fit the book and the storyline to enhance the reading experience. I definitely enjoyed the narrator.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ALC of this book to read and review!

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I didn't really enjoy this one but I think it's me and not the book. This book just isn't for me. The audiobook was well performed all things considered and I'm sure it'll be a hit for the girlies that love their urban fiction.

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Thank you Netgalley for gifted copy. Passion of the Heist was a good read! I was obsessed with Pain. Like his story ran so deep(I need a spin-off). Passion as well. Even though the book gave background on them I wanted more. I love how the author had Pain and passion continuously running into each other and then bam 💥.
For some reason I knew the best friend was a snake 🐍 it was too much wishy-washy stuff with them. (I'm not gone say who since I want y'all to read the book). This is not a book you can just skip through and it makes sense. Your attention will be grasped immediately because if you're like me you wanna know who this person is and why they are here.

Ohhh Hook blew me.. but I'ma let y'all read it.

If you are looking for REAL, RAW, AUTHENTIC READ. THIS IS THE ONE.

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I absolutely loved ❤️this book. I listened to the audiobook and I found myself laughing 🤣 and people around me giving me strange looks 👀. There has to be a part 2 and I can’t wait to read it. K’wan never disappoints me.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for gifting me this book in exchange for my honest review

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𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
5 🌟
𝑰𝒇 𝒋𝒖𝒅𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒚 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏. 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝑴𝑬! It's something about this cover that drove me to this book, and I am beyond happy about that. This book is more than 5 🌟's! The storyline was heavy at some point and definitely had heavy topics, so please check TW and be mindful of your mental health. I devoured this book.

The audiobook is phenomenal, and the narrator, Cary Hite, did a great job. This story had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and I devoured it in 1.5 days! I didn't want to put it down. This story will have you in a chokehold and will not let you loose until the very end.
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 :
•dual POV
•mental health issues
•sexual abuse by an adult
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 Aug.27
Thank you, Netgalley, and MacmillanAudio for the audiobook for my honest review.

#BookReview #Audiobook #MustRead #CaryHite #Netgalley #MacmillanAudio

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This was my first dip into street lit or urban fiction. I definitely like this a lot more than I anticipated. Being that I knew nothing about this genre I wasn't sure what to expect and I am so glad I gave this a try.

Well, we have a couple different POV's our main ones are by passion and pain. He is just released from prison and is trying to decide what he wants to do with his life going forward. Passion is an orphan girl living with her uncle who is in a precarious situation in both at home and on the streets. They are dual timelines run alongside each other culminating in a quick romance at the end of the book.

I found the heist and overall crime related activity to be very interesting to read. It was done very well. It felt very authentic to me and I enjoyed the various players within the different street gangs. I found some of the side players to do the most interesting within the novel. I enjoyed the way that things were described and explained throughout the book and I found the audiobook to be very true to the physical book. As I did a tandem read on this.

There were a couple things that I was not a big fan of within this book however. Which is why I gave it a four star rating. The back does speak of "an inescapable love" and "two broken souls finding each other" which led me to believe this was gonna be a little heavier on the romance, than it was. To be clear I am absolutely fine with this book not being heavy on the romance, but with that blurb I Was expecting a lot more interaction between our main characters. I feel like it was bad marketing on the publisher part to include that in the blurb. The two main characters don't even have any kind of meaningful interaction until about 60 pages before the end of the book and only have one romantic encounter. That does not scream to me "an inescapable love". Also, there are aspects of the crime and interactions between fellow gang members that are not resolved at the end of the book. I'm not sure if this intends to be a series and that might be where that gets wrapped up but if it is just a standalone that did leave an open ending for me.

To be extremely interesting I want to read more in this genre and even by this offer I felt it was very well done overall.

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Thank you netgalley and Macmillan audio for the free ALC. My opinions are being left voluntarily. I thought I was brave but almost immediately discovered this book went to hard for me. I went as long a I could and felt immensely triggered and dnf at 11%. I am not sure if others will get through it.

Suggest skipping


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