Member Reviews

Really interesting hearing different people's views on Baldwin. At times you think it will be dated, by the 'current events' mentioned however as Baldwin said 'History is not our past it is our present'.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this.

This is a book that I might never had heard of nor picked up if it wasn’t for the exposure from NetGalley. And it would have been such a shame if I had missed this book. Having only read one book so far (Giovanni’s Room) and only having known bits and pieces of Baldwin’s life this was such a treasure trove of information.
Maybe, if you are already very familiar with Baldwin, this won’t be as eye-opening as it was for me.
That doesn’t mean, however, that this book isn’t worth a read.

So many different people in this book comment on Baldwin and what he meant and still means to them. Both in a context of the past and the present. What most of the stories have in common is that Baldwin (either in person or through his works) found them at a younger age; at a library, café or through someone they care about and has never left them.

James Arthur Baldwin (or King James as he was referred to in one of the stories) has left a huge legacy behind for many more generations to be inspired by and this collection proves it.

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What a joy this book is, a fabulous collection of poems, interviews, think pieces and cultural commentary, all marking and celebrating the life and work of James Baldwin. One to dip in and out of, rather than read all the way through, you need time to fully absorb what each writer has to say and process the new perspectives on Baldwin. Wonderful.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Encounters with James Baldwin is a heartfelt celebration of the author's 100th birthday, a testament to his enduring influence and legacy.

This book features over thirty contributors who reflect on Baldwin’s life and work in fiction and non-fiction. Each section reflects on how his thoughts and actions affected their lives and the social justice movement.

For fans of Baldwin, this book offers a deeper understanding of his life and, more importantly, its profound impact on the world, inspiring readers to reflect on their own contributions to social justice.

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