Member Reviews

This collection of thirty-three tributes to James Baldwin, published in 2024, the year of the centennial of Baldwin’s birth, was published in the United Kingdom. The contributors, most of them Black Brits, are joined by some connection to the UK. Several contributors are from the Caribbean Islands and, as to be expected, more than one contributor mentioned the Windrush Generation. in his imaginary letter from James Baldwin, Letter to my Brother, Patrick Vernon mentions the Windrush Generation.

In the summer of 2024, I visited the Arne Journey exhibition, a series of sixty one paintings by the artist Iyaba Ibo Mandingo–several of the paintings depicting the Windrush Generation–on display at the Housatonic Museum of Art in Bridgeport, Connecticut Mandingo’s visual tribute to the Windrush Generation, inspired by Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series of the northern migration of Blacks from US South, shows aspects of the migration of nearly half a million people from the Caribbean countries to Britain between 1948 and early 1970s and their first years in the United Kingdom. Named after one of the ships on which they traveled, the HMT Empire Windrush, the Windrush Generation came to fill post-World War 2 labor shortages. As inhabitants of British colonies, the migrants from the Caribbean were given the right to live and work in Britain.

While there are several photos of Baldwin throughout this book, Alan Bell shares in A Picture is Worth a Thousand Phone Calls, a frustrating, but rewarding, search for a cover photo for the 1989 edition of Blk, a US queer publication. A few contributors are old enough to have known Baldwin. Others have careers in the arts inspired by James Baldwin.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Aurora Metro Books, for a free copy of this book.

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i have always been told i need to read more james baldwin, and my deepest darkest confession is that ive never read any of his work despite owning giovannis room for most of my adult life.

i am now so endeared and admiring of him that i immediately went to see what my library had by him. this is a wonderful book about a very important time in history, and a unique and delightful man who had such a wonderful impact on so many people. definitely necessary reading.

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What a wonderful, insightful book. I have always held deep admiration towards James Baldwin but never knew him past how significant he has been in the history of Black people, this was a perfect book to get to know him better. Suffice to say, my admiration went deeper. James Baldwin was a one-of-a-kind person, what a delightful human being. I understand why people talk about him with as much happiness as they do.

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We all know that James Baldwin is a must have author on your bookshelf. It was nice to hear how he was whilst alive, and through other people's eyes. The accounts allowed the reader to become immersed in a life that used to be, and get to know Baldwin who was honestly a visionary.

The poems create a nice break in the long paragraphs and stories and allow you to breathe a bit in between the knowledge. It's nicely laid out, and you seem to get an idea of who James Baldwin was from every angle. A literary genius and the activist we need today.

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While I was expecting this to be a majority of first hand encounters with Baldwin, the intellectual essays and analyses of his work were a refreshing surprise! Between each essay is a poem, quote from Baldwin, and or photographs- I recommend this for any enthusiast who wants a deep dive into analyzing his work.

I adore Baldwin and have watched many of his interviews and regularly read his works, so I was excited to hear first hand experiences from a variety of people. I love that his flaws were not shied away from or covered up, but tenderly assessed and addressed. The combination of genres and media make this collection feel full and vibrant instead of a drudge.

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It is always a joy to read James Baldwin, and here is a fresh, contemporary collection relevant to the times we live in. As always, I am stirred, inspired and drawn into reflection at James’ words, as well as those of the other contributors in the collection. It’s a beautiful reflection of his legacy and will be getting a physical copy to keep!

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You just approved me for this title, which I'm eager to read. Unfortunately, I foolishly didn't check formats before requesting it. I do all my book reading on a Kindle because of vision issues, and this title isn't available in that format. I've ordered a print copy for my wife and I from my local independent bookseller. I don't know if I'll be able to read it, but she will—and she's a huge Baldwin fan. My apologies for not realizing I shouldn't have troubled you requesting a review copy due to formatting. I'm giving the book five stars, which is the kind of book I expect it will be.

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Really interesting hearing different people's views on Baldwin. At times you think it will be dated, by the 'current events' mentioned however as Baldwin said 'History is not our past it is our present'.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this.

This is a book that I might never had heard of nor picked up if it wasn’t for the exposure from NetGalley. And it would have been such a shame if I had missed this book. Having only read one book so far (Giovanni’s Room) and only having known bits and pieces of Baldwin’s life this was such a treasure trove of information.
Maybe, if you are already very familiar with Baldwin, this won’t be as eye-opening as it was for me.
That doesn’t mean, however, that this book isn’t worth a read.

So many different people in this book comment on Baldwin and what he meant and still means to them. Both in a context of the past and the present. What most of the stories have in common is that Baldwin (either in person or through his works) found them at a younger age; at a library, café or through someone they care about and has never left them.

James Arthur Baldwin (or King James as he was referred to in one of the stories) has left a huge legacy behind for many more generations to be inspired by and this collection proves it.

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What a joy this book is, a fabulous collection of poems, interviews, think pieces and cultural commentary, all marking and celebrating the life and work of James Baldwin. One to dip in and out of, rather than read all the way through, you need time to fully absorb what each writer has to say and process the new perspectives on Baldwin. Wonderful.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Encounters with James Baldwin is a heartfelt celebration of the author's 100th birthday, a testament to his enduring influence and legacy.

This book features over thirty contributors who reflect on Baldwin’s life and work in fiction and non-fiction. Each section reflects on how his thoughts and actions affected their lives and the social justice movement.

For fans of Baldwin, this book offers a deeper understanding of his life and, more importantly, its profound impact on the world, inspiring readers to reflect on their own contributions to social justice.

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