Member Reviews

Dr. D! What an inspiring man. Former U.S. Army soldier, criminal investigator, martial arts instructor, and college professor. Finding himself bored with retirement, he decided to go back to teaching. While interviewing for one job, and not getting it, he was approached by a recruiter, and before he knew what hit him, he was teaching in a prison!
So much of what Davison experienced reminded me of my own career of over 21 years in Federal Prisons. From his first day to his last. He was very good at expressing himself, of the inmates, and of the surroundings.
What REALLY surprised me was his poetry! I'm not one for poetry, don't think I ever met anyone behind bars into poetry, but the author has a real knack for it. His entry, "My Yard" was amazing. And really hit home for me.
I enjoyed how Dr D interacted with inmates, helping them along the way while taking no crap from them either. He epitomized the standard drilled into me, and used throughout my career, "Fair, Firm, and Consistent". Be fair to the inmates, but firm. Don't deny them what they have coming, but don't knuckle under to them and let them take advantage of you. And mostly, be consistent. If you tell one inmate no, then you have to tell the next inmate asking no also. Don't come to work with a hangover and take it out on the inmates, and the next day act like it didn't happen. They are not going to like you, but if you follow these three standards, they will (grudgingly) respect you. And that respect can save your life, as it did for me several times.
I wish prisons could attract more people like the author. They are sorely needed. After all, over 90% of these inmates will be released someday, and don't you wish they could have learned how to coexist in society before they are released?
Excellent book!

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This book was good but confusing. All over the place. The subject / topic was very interesting but there was too much of the authors comments, opinions, backstory...mixed in at weird places. I could never maintain a "feel" for the characters. I did like the book but needed more consistency. Thank you.

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