Member Reviews
Before I start this review, I would like to thank NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!
There's a misconception in the Western church that only the biggest mission trips, or vocations in direct Christian ministry, are the only ways to serve God. As a result, the ministry of home often gets overlooked at the expense of the friends and neighbors in our everyday lives. It personally took me a lot of healing to recover from that mindset (especially as someone who needs to stay close to home most of the time due to extenuating circumstances), and I appreciate the way that Phylicia Masonheimer extensively wrote about how God can be glorified, not in spite of, but directly inside of mundane, everyday chores. I appreciate the great care in making sure that the theology and praxis of home care and hospitality was practical for people in all walks of life, not just people who are married with single family homes. I will for sure pick this back up again as the new year continues and my community gets back into their routines. Highly recommended!
I really enjoyed this book! I didn't realize having a liturgy of home was going to be something that I wanted or even deeply needed. This book is practical and personal. What I liked about the practical portions was that there was no one right way. Options were given, but she always said make it work for you and your season and your life. The poetry was beautiful and really opened the chapters in a different but fitting way. I will be coming back to this book again again. Highly Highly recommend!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book had really wonderful practical advice with the theology to back it up. I work outside of the home and still found this book to be helpful and beneficial - so don’t brush it aside if you don’t have the same life experience as Phylicia. It’s still applicable.
I made it through about 40% of the book but felt a lot of it was not new info to me other than some of her personal stories which felt distracting at times.
After one glance at the subtitle of this recent release, I knew I had to read this–“Every Home A Foundation: Experiencing God through Your Everyday Routines.” So often, it is easy to view household management as nothing more than a mundane necessity. Phylicia’s words helped remind me that the home is a place of purpose, and the unseen, daily work it requires has eternal significance. I was especially challenged by the chapter on contentment, and I loved the poetry and practical tips sprinkled throughout.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Every Home a Foundation is a guide for setting up rhythms in the home. Loved this book! I will be using the practical tips on keeping a Christ focused home daily. I've followed Phylicia on instagram for many years. Her book was written as if she was talking to me over coffee. It was easy to read and I'll be purchasing my own copy.
Hello readers!! I am finishing up my last review for 2024, this recently released book, Every Home a Foundation – Experiencing God through Your Everyday Routines by Phylicia Masonheimer. It is a great book for women and how to live and use our homes purposefully for the Lord.
In the first part of the book, she writes about what a home is, how to make a home, and along with sharing what the Bible has to say. I like that she shares about the mundane tasks of daily life and how to honor God in those tasks while keeping our focus on Christ. I found it encouraging! I hope this inspires many women to use their homes as a center of discipleship, much like it was throughout history. The 2nd part of the book is about using your home and how to take care of your home. She points everything back to the Lord. Our homes should be places to reflect our priorities, and as Christians, that should be Christ.
Here are a few highlights I took from the book:
God is in the business of home-building, and when He is the foundation, we will always build well.
Our homes should reflect the priorities of Christ, our foundation and cornerstone of the church.
Discontent is a liar, a robber, and a cheat, and God offers us a way out: faith.
Without boundaries, we constantly experience the unwanted consequences of our actions.
Discipline does not just refrain; discipline sets free.
Our sacred moments are not limited to Sundays; they are just as present when washing dishes after work on a Monday night.
I am not just cleaning, I am creating. What if we saw these repetitive, uninteresting tasks as an opportunity to create something beautiful? To make something new?
He restores our souls in the middle places, not just the mountaintops.
Every action of our daily tasks is an opportunity to know God on a deeper level. Not a single daily task is a waste!
We are not alone in redoing the work. How many times a day does God pick up after His people?
Whatever you love, let it shine in your home. Whatever way God has met you in your story, tell that story so others can ask.
Help us look for what is true, good, and beautiful not just what it new, cool, and trendy. Set your eyes on things above…
This book would make a great gift to give to a new homeowner or as a gift to a newly married woman. So, I will be putting this book on my book gift list to give when these opportunities arise. She provides some helpful tips and suggestions on how to organize, clean your home, open your home to guests, etc… Which I think many younger women will find helpful. I have been a homeowner since I was 21 years of age, so I have almost 30 years of experience, so I didn’t find anything helpful for me personally, but yet it was encouraging to see that I do many of the same things she has suggested in the book. I love her focus on what is true, good, and beautiful! This book would have definitely been helpful to me in my younger years of motherhood.
Every Home a Foundation is a must for Christian monotony will be a gift to the new brides in my life. The author shows us the importance of home and how it is meant to be a place for comfort for those who live in it. It's a gift of God to love.
The book starts with home as a refuge and continues with how the "monotony" of what it takes to keep a home going, such as cleaning, can also be used for worship. All the detail of what it takes to make a "home" are important and can bring us closer in our walk with God when viewed with it as a way to worship.
I received a complimentary copy of this book thanks to NetGalley, but all opinions are my own. I did buy a physical copy to keep!
Phylicia does it again!!! 5 stars!!!! This book is full of biblical ways to look at taking care of the home. As a stay at home mom it is easy to think things like mopping floors, doing dishes, sweeping, etc., is not important, but it really is and Phylicia does a great job of explaining that!
*** thank you to NetGalley for this advanced reader copy, all thoughts and opinions are my own!
I love Phylicia's insight's into God's Word. This book challenged me to think about how I am thinking about our house and how we can use it more for God's glory.
{Thank you to @NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for my gifted e-copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.}
“Christians are spiritually divided from their homes. The things done in church, Bible study, or on a stage are seen as ministry and spiritually valuable; the things done in the home (whether cleaning tasks, discipleship of children, or hospitality) are seen as extra physical tasks that have no real spiritual impact. This could not be further from the truth.”
“A home culture of faith sees all work as God’s work, paid or unpaid. Laundy, dishes, cooking food, inviting people over, scrubbing floors–all of it glorifies God.”
Aren’t these quotes fantastic?
“Every Home a Foundation” is a biblical look at the theology of home and the tasks and routines that take place there. I love that this book is written with everyone in mind: married women, single women, college students, etc.--anyone living anywhere! This book was so needed, and I’m grateful that Phylicia was the one to write it.
This book is about finding joy and contentment in our good and necessary work in the home. It’s also a call to faithfulness and obedience.
I loved the liturgies included in each chapter, and I highlighted so many portions of this book.
“Every Home a Foundation” is a book full of biblical wisdom and insight along with heaps of practical advice.
I would highly recommend this title!
This was a wonderful read. I don't often purchase books to keep, but I plan to buy a physical copy of this one to reread and annotate because it was so full of gems!
Every Home a Foundation explores the concepts of "theology of home" and "liturgy of home." Nowadays the importance of the home, its upkeep, and its purpose is diminished by modern views, but in God's eyes, home is more than just a place to crash at night. Masonheimer explains why home is important from a biblical perspective and how we can see God in every-day tasks, then breaks down common issues homemakers experience such as discontentment, overwhelm, and reluctance to show hospitality. She also provides suggestions on how to overcome such issues.
As a stay-at-home mother with a family and a house to care for, Every House a Foundation confirmed to me the importance of caring for the home and family. Every little task done in the right attitude is worship and can bea physical reminder of God. The book also helped me work through feeling overvwhelmed with cleaning and wanting to host, but hesitating due to the size of our home, our budget, etc. Masonheimer reminded me of the importance of opening my home to others. I recommend this book to anyone who is blessed with the task of caring for a home.
I received a digital ARC from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review. #sponsored
It was an interesting read. I enjoyed the focus on scripture in the first part of the book more so than the practical tips laid out in the second half and of the book. Overall, this book serves as a great reminder of who we are called to be as Christians in our own homes.
I found a lot of encouragement in this book which was the point! She provided a lot of examples of why we should appreciate and be intentional about our mundane responsibilities for the glory of God, and I loved it! It was a great read. Nothing groundbreaking, but a good reminder. These types of books help me to be a better mom and wife, and I believe that this book would help anyone to grow regardless of their season of life or home dynamic. Many people struggle to see the value of the mundane, so I think this is something that probably most women/moms need to read (since we’re often the homemakers).
This was one of my most anticipated new releases of the year! In her signature style, Phylicia writes about how she and her family have cultivated a series of liturgies in their home. I typically enjoy personal storytelling within books, but some of her stories felt distracting at times. I appreciated how much scripture was used, but it was usually dropped in without a lot of context. I originally thought I was the perfect audience for the book, but after reading about topics like homeschooling and traditional homemaking, I’m not sure I was. I still enjoyed parts of the book but expected to really love it as I adore her speaking and EWAT work.
This book was a 5 star for me! Phylicia was such a gracious breath of fresh air when it came to talking about the theology of the home and how to not only find simplicity in it, but delight in worship. A favorite read of 2024 for sure!
This book is about finding joy and contentment in the home. Written from a Christian perspective, this was absolutely delightful. The first section of the book focuses on the theology of home - a haven for spiritual rhythms and development - while the second section considers liturgies (actions) of the home such as cooking, cleaning, decorating, and being hospitable that may otherwise seem meaningless or mundane. I appreciated that in addition to listing spiritual rhythms and liturgies, the author offers next steps to actually incorporate the work into the home. A lovely book!
Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for the advanced copy. All opinions are my own.