Member Reviews

I couldn’t pass up a new EH book. Her newest, NATURAL SELECTION, released last week so grab it now! Only available on Amazon! EH gives such great summer vibes that I couldn’t turn down a Galapagos getaway in this newest novella. It’s a novel of taking chances and finding oneself—of course, doing so with a beautiful backdrop.

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This story didn't make much sense to me -- basics of a narrative arc were missing.

Review copy provided by publisher.

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THis was a great little short story about how your world can open up if you embrace what is thrown at you.

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I always enjoy reading Elin Hilderbrand's novels and this short novella really packed a punch in it's 50 pages. There were moments of mystery where I was unsure where the book was going to go and I love that she incorporated such mystery and thrill into such a short read.

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I loved this short story. I knew just enough about the characters to love them. I read it in one sitting and it was the perfect trip to Nantucket

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Thank you Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for e-ARC of the book.

Sophia and her boyfriend are on their way to Galápagos Islands but just before getting on the plane he gets a call about his family emergency. Sophia still goes on a vacation where she gets time to think her life over.

Even though it was a short story I really enjoyed all the characters and the description of wonderful nature of the islands. I’m starting to understand all the praise for Elin Hilderbrand.

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Natural Selection was a short story about a New York woman that goes on a couples cruise only to find out that the person she was supposed to fall in love with is herself. The author wrote this well and it delivered a important message, as well. I enjoyed all of the characters and the setting of this book was amazing. Overall I enjoyed this short story and would recommend this one to any reader who loves short stories or romance. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for this short story read in exchange of my honest review of Natural Selection by Elin Hilderbrand.

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This was a charming tale, perfectly aligned with Elin Hilderbrand’s signature style. The setting was beautifully crafted, and I found Sophia to be a compelling and well-developed protagonist. My only disappointment lies in its brevity—I was left wanting much more from this delightful story.

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This was a cute story that was very on-brand for Elin Hilderbrand. I enjoyed the setting, and I thought that Sophia was a fantastic main character. I hate that this was only a short story because I definitely wanted more!

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I have read this ARC with a view to providing a review
All opinions and thoughts are my own

I've read some of this author before and always enjoyed their books
This didn't disappoint

Loved it

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Thank you to NetGalley and Elin Hilderbrand for a copy of this story for an honest review!

Rating: 3/5 Stars

This was such a fun, short read! It was really easy to binge and had me interested the whole time.

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I'm not a fan of short stories because, many times, you're forced to immerse yourself in a situation, create an emotional connection with the protagonist and form opinions on orbital characters without knowing anything about them. Sadly, that was the case here.

I've never not loved an Elin Hildebrand book. I adore her writing, the way she sets up a story, the plot lines she creates. I'm a fan to say the least. But there just wasn't room for her to shine here. I do think this could have worked as a novel but in this form, it lacked the usual Hildebrand luster.

3.5 rounded up to 4.

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Love this author and this book was a one sitting easy to breeze through wonderful short story book. Never read a book from this author that I haven't liked.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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My first Elin Hilderbrand book.

I story was good, but like with most novellas it can be challenging to develop characters and bond with them. She is clearly a gifted storyteller.

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a contemporary short story with the Galápagos Islands as a background.

a fun, slightly thrilling short story by Elin Hilderbrand was a great way to say goodbye to this summer season. it was my first time reading anything by Elin - an author that many people consider to be THE summer writer - and maybe I'll give her another chance next year.

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I think this was a fun short read! Wish it was longer form, I feel like I didn’t get the full effect of the message at the end of the story, because it was just too short.

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3 ⭐️

Sophia gets ditched by her boyfriend at the airport right before a trip to the Galápagos Islands, takes the trip by herself when he insists on it, can’t reach said boyfriend all week, and then is somehow blindsided when his wife calls her to tell her that she was a mistress. Which somehow she never figured out even though the boyfriend was 20 years older than her, had grown kids he refused to let her meet, and only stayed in NYC during the week, voluntarily choosing to go back to Oklahoma every weekend. Basically Sophia was not the brightest bulb - I had the mistress “twist” figured out as soon as he left the airport on page 5ish.

I still enjoyed the book for the writing and the minor screw you she gave the boyfriend at the end. All the imagery made me want to take a trip to see the boobies and tortoises and go snorkeling with penguins. But I can’t get over how dumb this woman was, so minus 2 stars for that.

Thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for the ARC of this novella in exchange for my honest review.

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I am generally not a fan of short stories, but I do like the author Elin Hilderbrand which is why I picked this one up. The story follows the main character Sophia as her and her boyfriend are about to embark on a cruise to the Galápagos Islands. When her boyfriend is called away on a family emergency, Sophia is forced to go solo.

While the story was cute and the author integrated good character development into only 40 pages, the storyline was quite predictable. For that I rated it a solid 3 star read. Although it wasn’t my favorite, I would recommend for someone looking to get into reading as it is an easy, quick, and cute read. Thanks for Net Galley and Amazon Original Stories for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a review.

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This one feel pretty flat for me. I was disappointed, after absolutely loving this author's full-length novels. There was very little plot and it was predictable.

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Natural Selection is a short story by Elin Hilderbrand about a young woman, Sophia, who has had a string of bad relationships and has finally found a man who treats her with love and respect. As they set out for a vacation to the Gallapagos Islands, her boyfriend all of a sudden leaves her at the airport with a weak explanation and a hurried goodbye. Sophia sets out on the cruise, alone and worried about her boyfriend. She makes some unexpected friends, learns some good life lessons, and finds out some bad news about her relationship.

I liked the concept of this story, and there was some good character development. The reason I'm giving it a 3* is because the whole story was about this one situation, and then it jumped to several years later. The transition was too severe for my taste. This was my first book by this author, and I would definitely read another. Maybe a longer one would be more my style.

Thank you, #NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories, for an advanced copy of Natural Selection in exchange for an honest review.

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