Member Reviews

I received a complementary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the author and the publisher. Natural Selection is a novella that sends a big message. Sophia thinks she's found the love of her life and then things turn sideways on a trip to the Galapagos. During this trip she finds a bunch of quirky friends and ends up finding a bit of herself too. A quick read by one of my go to authors.

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When Sophia’s boyfriend bails on her last minute, she decides to go on the cruise to Galápagos anyway. And during those eight days she waits and waits for him to answer her texts and call her back…

Okay so, I randomly picked this up because I read one of her other books. And then I saw she just published this short story and I felt like it would be perfect for my reading goal. Because I did really enjoy her other book.

I’m a little 50/50 on her writing. Like it's catchy and all. But personally I don’t enjoy third person that much.

This novella/book was honestly too short to tell what I thought about characters, the plot and all that. So I don’t think I will be writing my thoughts on the characters at least.

And really the novella was even too short for me to even understand what was going on. I was not catching up to anything.

I would recommend this to anyone who just wants a short novella for their reading goal. This was good for that. Even though I didn’t really understand it or the point of the novella.

Thank you netgalley, amazon original stories and also Elin Hilderbrand for providing me with this earc in exchange od an honest review.

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I'm a huge Elin fan and loved the idea of this, but it felt flat to me. It was too short in my opinion and very predictable.

I did like the Galapagos setting!

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Short story about expectations and adapting to change. Sophia is in love and is planning a trip to the Galapagos Islands with her boyfriend. He is different than the usual men she meets in New York but at the same time there are red flags: he lives in another state, won't let her meet his children and he only spent one weekend with her. As the couple get ready to get on the plane for their trip, JP gets a call about a problem with his college age son and he leaves, telling Sophia to go on the trip without him.

Sophia is a more of a luxury traveler and the boat is not exactly what she expected. Yet she realizes her choices are to be miserable for the trip or try to go with the flow and she ends up enjoying the wildlife and her fellow passengers.. The author mentions Darwin and the idea that we must adapt or perish and I'm not quite sure the story hit that concept, but I liked Sophia and was happy she met new friends and enjoyed photographing the various animals in the Galapagos. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC to review.

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Hildebrand surprising us with one more summer adjacent novel. Love it!

I really loved the beginning. It almost felt like a set-up for a thriller, and knowing the the Queen of Beach Reads is switching up her formatting to mystery, makes me a bit more excited for things to come. Unfortunately from there it became a bit more predictable. I wish Hildebrand was able to keep that momentum going.

Hildebrand did a fantastic job at the imagery. I felt as if I was right there with Sophia looking for dolphins and the tropical birds in the Galapagos.

Ultimately I gave this short story 3.5 stars, rounded up. I enjoyed Natural Selection as a short story but it felt a bit rushed. I think it could have made a fantastic full novel!

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This was a cute short story by Elin Hilderbrand. I really wish that this was a full length book because it would have been fun to follow Sophia and see how she evolves after the trip. Overall, this was a great fast read that I recommend as an introduction to Hilderbrand's writing.

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Although this story was only 54 pages, it was very fleshed out and I enjoyed it. It was pretty predictable, but I really loved the ending! I would recommend if you’re looking for a fast read.

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Evolution is a journey.

Sophia is a NYC realtor in her mid-thirties and after a series of underwhelming relationships has finally found a great guy. JP is older, divorced from his wife Maria, and has three kids back in Oklahoma whom she has yet to meet, but the couple is about to take a major step in their relationship. They are taking a trip to the Galápagos Islands, a bucket list item for avid amateur wildlife photographer JP, and while its not exactly the vacation Sophia would have chosen she is excited for their travels together. Before they even get on the plane at the airport, though, JP gets a call….there’s a problem back home with one of his kids and JP has to return to OK. He insists that Sophia get on the plane and enjoy the trip without him; stunned, she boards the flight but with major reservations. She connects with several of the other travelers who will be on their (small and less than luxurious) boat trip, and tries to enjoy the experience even as she anxiously awaits an update (or at least a better explanation) from JP that doesn’t come. In a part of the world that brings the work of Charles Darwin to mind, Sophia will need to either adapt to her new circumstances or be miserable as she clings to what could have been.
Sophia is at a point in her life where she has to make decisions about what she wants to achieve in life, and how she can meet those goals. Is JP her last chance for marriage and babies, the type of life both of her sisters already have? Does she know JP as well as she think she does, and what can she learn from her shipmates as they experience some of nature’s wonders together? In nature, creatures who adapt to changing surroundings are able to survive and live on…..and Sophia will need to do the same. Fans of author Elin Hilderbrand’s novels will definitely enjoy this short story, as will readers of Anne Rivers Siddons, Mary Kay Andrews and Kristin Hannah. Many thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for allowing me early access to this enjoyable read from a talented author.

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This is my first time reading anything by this author. I loved that it was a quick and easy read. A woman takes a trip alone at the last minute to discover her bf isn’t who he says he is. This book could almost have been the story of my life. Always dating the wrong man and thinking I would never find a good one. I will definitely check out more books by this author as she’s on my TBR shelf.

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I was having trouble falling asleep and decided to read this short story. It kept my attention and I read the whole thing in one sitting - I have been fascinated by the Galapagos for a while, and this book made me want to take a trip there (as did Jodi Picoult's Wish You Were Here). The characters are well developed, and I did not see where the plot was going. I really enjoyed it! Thanks to Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for early access, as well as the Amazon First Reads program. I'm proud of myself for reading a First Reads pick as soon as it was available!

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Natural Selection was the first book (I say that loosely because it's really a short story) I have read by Hilderbrand. I have to say I'm disappointed. It fell flat for me. I have read plenty of Novellas & short stories that I have loved but not this one. It was predictable & a little bit pointless.

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I enjoyed this short story. It’s different than the other Hilderbrand books I’ve read but worth a read. Slightly predictable but a good story with a solid theme.

I received a copy from Netgalley and the publisher.

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This was a decent palette cleanser if you need something really quick to read from a highly beloved author, but nothing that is going to stick out in my head by any means.

The story was very predictable, and I didn't really have time to get to know the characters I don't feel. It was only 50 pages so that is to be expected really.

The writing felt pretty redundant at points and overly simplistic, which isn't something I generally notice in books but did notice here. It was a lot of "Sophia laid down." "Sophia drank water." "Sophia looked at her phone." (I completely made these sentences up mind you, but you get the idea--It repeatedly stated x person did x thing, but there was 0 elaboration, and that writing pattern got tiresome to me.

Overall, quick and easy but I wouldn't rush to pick it up. Worth a read if you love Elin Hilderbrand or need something quick to maybe push you out of a reading slump. For me, 2.75 stars rounded up.

Thank you to Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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An enthralling short story. This could even be a full length novel and be interesting the whole way through. Women will feel for the protagonist as she navigates a precarious situation.

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Super quick, easy read, but you’ll see the writing on the wall once you start this one. I did like the writing style though and will likely read another by Hildebrand.

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In Natural Selection, Sophia is preparing to go on a Galápagos Islands cruise with JP, her boyfriend of six months, when he receives a mysterious phone call as they are boarding the flight. He says he has to go, one of his kids needs him, but insists that Sophia should go on the trip and take pictures for him. As Sophia heads out on her journey, she tries to put JP's odd behavior behind her and enjoy her time, but she quickly finds that she is unable to get back into contact with him.

I was intrigued by the mystery of what happened with JP, but it was unfortunately about what you would expect. Sophia kept referring to herself as a millennial and she used some slang and made pop culture references that are certain to date the story. That being said, Hilderbrand writes interesting characters and the story was very readable. Fans of her work should pick this up, as it is a quick, fun read.

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A short, super quick story from Elin. This started off strong but fell flat for me at the end. A bit too predictable but I liked the characters.

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A really , really quick read., I do have to say I wanted more
Sophia has been dating JP, who is almost perfect in her eyes. They agreed to take their first trip together and while at the airport JP is called away for an emergency.. Sophia inbox on a trip that will save her life and change it in. She has not expected.!

I enjoyed this book. I just wanted more.!

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In Natural Selection, Elin Hilderbrand takes readers on an unexpected journey of self discovery and transformation in her new short story. This story follows Sophia Othonos, who finds herself embarking on a rustic cruise to the Galapagos Islands alone after her boyfriend JP bails at the last minute. Initially, Sophia is unsure about continuing the trip meant for two. But throughout the week of exploring the islands, Sophia confronts her insecurities and reevaluates her relationship, ultimately realizing that the person she truly needs to fall in love with is herself. As always, this story is enriched by Elin’s vivid descriptions and thoughtful reflections, proving that sometimes the best adventures are the ones taken alone.

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I adore Elin Hilderbrand's work and have read all of her long form books, and this is her first short story I've read. It was a different experience; I enjoyed it all the same.

The book is a snapshot of a relationship experience the main character, Sophia, is having. My favorite thing about it is a core message that there are ups and downs, and what is happening in a relationship or life right now is not indicative of how it will all turn out. This is a nice reminder, no matter where one is in life.

The main thing I missed from Elin's typical long books is the switching of perspective between characters. This is not a criticism of this piece as it would likely be too much for a short piece like this. Rather, this is praise for her other work as I really enjoy getting to see the story unfold from different angles.

It was also fun to see a glimpse of a trip to the Galapagos. I haven't visited that region yet, so I appreciated the view into what travel is like there.

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