Member Reviews

This short story was packed full of heartbreak, romance, and it was more or less a story about hope and growth. I loved it and I couldn’t put it down!

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The beginning felt like the set up for a thriller, however it fell short completely. While the twist had a surprising aspect, it was simply not enough to feel worth the last 30 pages.

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This book was so much fun to read. Well this short story. I really enjoy Elin Hilderbrand and her way of making you the watcher of some serious domestic drama. I really love that drama, the who is sleeping with who, and someone is doing this behind someone else's back. That sort of drama is so entertaining to read about.

Well she does it again. And this time in a quick, fun read while Sophia is on vacation to the Galapagos islands. So if you need a short trip without traveling, and you only have 45 min to an hour to get a quick read in. Definitely pick up this one.

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I love Elin's short stories. They always have a point and a lighthearted beach feel at the same time. this was no different. Sophie has been dating a man for 6 months and quickly on you can see where this is going. On her trip she meets some folks and makes some life choices. If you are looking for a brief interlude before choosing your next book, this is a great choice.

I haven't posted on Instagram yet but will this week.

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If you're in the mood for a quick, fun read, "Natural Selection" by Elin Hilderbrand is a solid pick!

As usual, Hilderbrand drops her main character into a vacation setting — this time, a cruise around the Galápagos Islands. But things take a turn when her boyfriend bails last minute, leaving her to enjoy the trip solo. As she mingles with the other passengers and tries to wrap her head around why her guy flaked, she realizes she's perfectly capable of handling whatever comes her way.

It's light, it's entertaining, and it’ll give you all the vacation vibes without having to leave your couch!

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for an advanced readers copy in exchange for a thoughtful and honest review.

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I loved this short story from Elin Hilderbrand. Set in the Gelapago, on a 'eh' boat, after her boyfriend suddenly left her at the airport, you know the FMC is going to go through some self discovery and of course discover something that readers can kind of see coming. I kind of wish this had been fleshed out to a full length novel. The characters were likeable and entertaining, with a bit of humor. Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

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Short stories are hard to write and this one really never got going before it ended. A trip to the Galapagos could be made more interesting, but the duplicity of a boyfriend and his stranded girlfriend never really engendered interest.

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I have read most of Elin Hilderbrand’s books and have enjoyed most of them but this latest short story (only 54 pages) was a huge disappointment! I really didn’t like any of the characters and didn’t care for the story even though it took place in the Galapagos Islands which I’ve never been to. Not my cup of tea.

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I was able to get an Arc of this through First Reads by Amazon Prime and through NetGalley.

The book starts off with the female main characters boyfriend leaving her at the airport to run to the aid of his trouble son. She is left to visit the Galapagos Island by herself and promises to take pictures for her boyfriend. Time passes and she hears nothing from him. She ends up stalking his children’s social media and things are not as they seem.

Would I recommend this, not really. It had the potential to be really good but it fell short.

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A romantic vacation to the Galapagos turns into a tour for one. Sophia Othonos ' boyfriend cancels at the last minute after a shattering phone call. Left stranded at the airport, JP encourages Sophia to take photos to commemorate the trip.

Feeling abandoned while worried about JP, Sophia realizes this isn't a luxury cruise but a scenic tour. Forced to confront the solo situation, she makes friends with strangers. Putting aside the blocking and radio silence, Hildebrand plays with the titled concept that only the strongest survive. Will Sophia survive this trip or will this holiday turn into a sinking ship?

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the early edition of #NaturalSelection in exchange for an honest. JP's silence left me paging through the short story to discover the truth. Was he in trouble, leaving Sophia handing or running from the law.? As Sophia's mind races trying to make sense of the situation, readers are engaged to discover the truth.

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A very predictable story of a woman stranded by her boyfriend/fiance at the airport and is left to go on a trip by herself. How the main character could not predict this situation is beyond belief.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for gifting me a digital ARC of this short story by the one-and-only Elin Hilderbrand. All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

Sophia and her boyfriend, JP, are headed for a getaway to the Galápagos Islands when JP receives a call that he must return home immediately. JP had been married before and has 3 children with whom he is still very involved. JP insists that Sophia go on the trip alone. Now she's alone on a trip meant for couples and must decide who she wants and where she should be.

Elin has once again written a story with compelling characters, in situations that make them and the reader think. Plus, it takes place in a beautiful setting with amazing descriptions of nature. The other characters on the cruise with Sophia are fully fleshed out, even in this short story. You can picture everyone! A good story of finding yourself.

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In this short yet reflective story, Sophia Othonos embarks on what was meant to be a romantic getaway to the Galápagos Islands with her boyfriend, only to find herself alone after he bails at the last minute. Following the heart break she embarks on a journey of self-discovery while navigating the wild beauty of the islands.

We follow her as she reassesses her relationship, identity, and what she deisres out of life. The story is an exploration of personal growth, one that all of us go through at some point in our life. This theme makes the story very relatable and accessible, specially for middle aged audiences.

The story begins with Sophie being is excited about her relationship and a possible future with her boyfriend. However, as the trip unfolds and she is left to her own devices, Sophia begins to question the foundation of her relationship and whether it is truly what she wants.

Throughout her journey, Sophia’s character is developed through her interactions with the other passengers on the cruise. These new friendships, along with the tranquil beauty of the islands help her to reevaluate her life choices and recognize that the person she needs to fall in love with is herself. A point the we all could appriciate and use in our own lives.


Vivid Imagery: The author’s descriptions of the Galápagos Islands are beautiful and immersive, there is a clear picture of the islands in our minds as we read through it.

Relatable Protagonist: Sophia’s journey of self-discovery is relatable and will resonate with readers who have faced similar life challenges.

Emotional Resonance: The story effectively conveys the emotions of loneliness, self-doubt, and eventual empowerment.


Predictable Plot: The story’s trajectory is somewhat conventional, and easy to anticipate the twists and turns.

Brief Narrative: One of the pitfalls of a short story is that it leaves the readers wanting for more, often ending the tale with many unanswered questions.


This is a short, reflective story that explores themes of self-discovery and personal growth against the stunning backdrop of the Galápagos Islands. While the plot may be predictable, the amazing sceneray and its vivid description make this a memorable read.

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At less than 50 pages, this short story is somehow still packed with well-developed characters, plotting and emotion. In a beautifully descriptive tour of the Galapagos Islands [that sells the vacation destination as well as any travel brochure], Sophia goes on an emotional journey of upheaval, growth and healing. While it does not break new ground, it is relatable in its emotional highs and lows, and the lack of a tidy wrap-up feels realistic.

This is a beautiful, heartwarming story from a master story-teller. Thank you to Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC (which was released on September 1st, 2024).

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‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, and it is not the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change.” - Darwin.

When Sophia Othonos is surprisingly dumped by her fiancé JP twelve minutes before boarding their flight to the Galapagos Islands and a luxury cruise, she agrees to travel alone, keeping JP’s camera with her to take pictures of the wildlife he wanted most to see. Not surprisingly, this is not a luxury cruise. Sophia’s disappointment leads to interest in both her fellow passengers and the unique wildlife found on these volcanic islands. JP is long forgotten before the end of this trip and the beginning of Sophia’s new life.

In 50 pages, Elin Hilderbrand creates a story just as satisfying as her Nantucket or St. John novels. I hope she will come out of retirement in the future, 50 pages at a time. 5 stars. What else?

Thank you to NetGalley, Amazon Original Stories and Elon Hilderbrand for this ARC.

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A lot of story is packed into a short amount of pages. If you are a fan of the author and have 30-60 mins to spare, this is an enjoyable read. I was expecting a romance and this is not one, but rather a story of self-discovery.

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5/5 stars! I thoroughly enjoyed this short story and couldn’t put it down. I finished reading it in one sitting. I have read most of Elin Hilderands books and this one did not disappoint. This short story is released September 1st, 2024. Thank you to Amazon Original Stories, Netgalley and Elin Hilderband for the opportunity to read this short story.

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This short story is available through KindlePlus, but I got my copy for free from NetGalley. Amazon Originals are very often good stories by well known authors, and this one is no exception. It tells the story of Sophia who, somewhat reluctantly, goes on a trip to the Galapagos Islands with her boyfriend, but her boy friend leaves her at the airport. While this story is not full of surprises, it is full of growth and the sub-characters are surprisingly well developed, given the brevity of the book. I recommend.

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For a novella, this wasn’t so bad!

Sophia and JP book a trip to “get away” when JP gets called back home due to an incident with his son (from his ex wife).

Sophia goes on the trip to the Galápagos by herself where she befriends her fellow companions on the boat and adapts to her situation despite JP ghosting her.

I liked how the book referenced Natural Selection multiple times and how parallels with the FMCs situation.

It was a quick story that made me wonder what’s going on and still had me like “damn” at the end.

First Elin Hilderbrand read and can’t wait to read more!

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Does Elin ever write anything not worth reading? The answer is “no” and this short story in no different! A quick little beach read to help you say “goodbye” to summer. Written in Hilderbrand’s signature style, “Natural Selection” will have you wishing for a boat cruise & a Mai Tai!

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