Member Reviews

I've never read this author and thought this short story would be a good way to get a feel of her storytelling, and I wasn't wrong. It isn't an earth-shattering surprise as I feel you know almost from the get-go, but I enjoyed the tie-in from nature and Darwin. It has me looking at my own life just a little bit differently, and that says something about such a short story.

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The descriptions of the wildlife are what make this a nice read. Sophia was a likable character making the best of an unfortunate change of plans when her boyfriend sends her on a vacation by herself. The story was predictable, but a nice read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of Natural Selection. Great short story. Looking forward to more from Elin Hilderbrand.

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I love Ms Hilderbrand’s novels but found this one predictable and wasn’t able to connect with Sophia as a character and there were so many side characters that no one stuck out to me.

Given that this was a short story, there wasn’t more than a little bit of character evolution, but I think I would have enjoyed reading more about Sophia in a novella as opposed to a short; as short as it is, it was too busy.

Unfortunately this one didn’t work for me on a few levels.

Other readers may love it, but it wasn’t for me.

Thank you to Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for the DRC

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I have not read any Elin Hilderbrand before and thought a novella might be a good way to see if she is for me. I thought this story was just okay. I wished there was more introspection and female empowerment, it just felt really surface level and I didn't feel any real connection to the main character. I did enjoy the writing style and the pacing, and the dialogue between character so I think I will give Elin Hilderbrand novels a try! I think novellas can be really challenging to write since they are so concise, there was just something important missing. I didn't really leave knowing exactly what this story was supposed to convey.

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A Riveting Tale of Adaptation and Deception

*lNatural Selection is an exhilarating and fast-paced short story that captures the essence of human resilience and adaptability. The story follows Sophia, a charming New Yorker, who finds herself entangled with JP, a Midwestern executive whose promises of love quickly unravel. The novel’s sharp observations and dynamic characters make it a compelling read.

Sophia’s journey is both heart-wrenching and enlightening. As she arrives in the Galapagos on a trip originally intended for herself and JP,she navigates the complexities of her relationship with JP, and she learns the hard truths about trust and adaptability. The recurring theme—“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, and it is not the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change”—is brilliantly interwoven throughout the narrative. This idea resonates deeply as Sophia faces the shocking revelation of JP's deceit and the reality of his life back home.

The narrative explores the contrast between Sophia’s adaptability and JP's inability to evolve. Sophia’s initial naïveté gives way to a poignant realization of her own strength and the necessity of change. The encounters with her shipmates add layers of complexity and highlight the struggles inherent in relationships where adaptation is not an option.

The book’s ending, where Sophia snaps a stunning photograph of a dolphin midair—a symbol of her own personal growth and transformation—is both metaphorically and visually striking. It’s a testament to the story’s powerful message about embracing change and learning from one’s experiences.

With its engaging plot and well-developed characters, *Natural Selection* is a must-read for anyone interested in a story about love, betrayal, and personal evolution. It’s a narrative that will stay with you long after the last page, reminding you that survival and success often hinge on our ability to adapt.

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Another hit for Elin. I adore anything she writes and just eat it all up. Loved the imagery throughout the story. Short and sweet.

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3.5 nature stars

I have enjoyed reading short stories lately, especially when I like the authors. This time, Elin Hilderbrand penned a short story about a woman heading out on vacation with her boyfriend when everything went wrong.

Her boyfriend gets a call right before they board the plane to Galapagos. There’s an emergency with his son, and he can’t go, but he wants Sophia to take the trip anyway. He even gives her his fancy camera and a list of the animals to photograph.

She didn’t even really want to go to the Galapagos but ended up enjoying the trip and getting to know some of the people on board. It turns out she’s rather good at photography. And not so good at picking men.

This was a quick read that fit the bill in between longer reads.

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2.5? 3? I guess. I think Elin Hilderbrand is phenomenal at making characters beliveable. Even this short story felt like so much character development in such a short amount of time howeverrrrr this should've been a full story. By the time you were hooked into the story it was abrupt ending. I haven't read many short stories before so maybe I have just learned they aren't for me!

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This was my first book/novella by Elin Hilderbrand and I really enjoyed it. This was a super quick read and made me want to read more by her.

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As a self-proclaimed Elin Hilderbrand fan, I snapped this book up as soon as I could. And it was just okay. Most of her books, while a bit cheesy and fun beach reads, are normally 4- or 5-star reads for me. This was like a 2.5.

I didn't much care for the main character (who's name I already forget), there were too many side characters introduced for them to make much of a difference to me, and nothing was fleshed out enough for me to truly care about what happened in this book. The only thing that kept me interested was finding out why the boyfriend had to leave so quickly with no explanation.

Is it still worth your time? If it takes you no time at all to read 54 pages (it took me maybe an hour or so), then feel free to read it so you can mark it off her backlog. But otherwise, you can probably skip this one.

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This is an awesome short story about self discovery and not settling for less than we deserve. Living life and adapting to the fullest!

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Natural selection by Elin Hilderbrand is a short story. Something I initially didn’t realize until I dove in. A short but sweet story about finding yourself and finding joy.
Sophia Othonos sets out on the trip of a lifetime, a cruise through the Galápagos Islands with her boyfriend JP only to be left unexpectedly at the gate. Thus Sophia journeys to the Galapagos by herself and meets a fun cast of characters along the way.
I really loved the imagery and descriptions of the Galapagos landscape and all the wildlife present.
I think this could have been a bit of a longer story to fully flesh out some of the characters and give more time for development of Sophia herself however I still really enjoyed this read. Perfect for the beach!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories  for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

"Natural Selection" is a charming short story that follows Sophia Othonos as she embarks on a solo cruise to the Galápagos after her boyfriend, JP, cancels at the last minute. What was meant to be a romantic getaway turns into an unexpected journey of self-discovery.

Elin Hilderbrand beautifully captures the allure of the Galápagos Islands, using the stunning natural backdrop to reflect Sophia's inner transformation. While the story is somewhat predictable, it remains engaging, with vivid descriptions and emotional depth that make Sophia’s evolution relatable and satisfying.

Though brief, "Natural Selection" offers a thoughtful exploration of adaptation and personal growth, making it a quick yet impactful read that resonates long after the final page

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I really really liked this short story. Would you believe me if this is the first Elin Hilderbrand book I've read?

I absolutely loved the journey that the main character ended up being on to find herself... in the Galapagos Islands of all places! The twist at the end.. could totally see coming but it still hit good all the same.

Honestly, would have LOVED if this was a full length book. I was really getting into the setting and enjoying it!!

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This was just okay, I have enjoyed some of the authors full length novels, but this just seemed like an afterthought.

I saw what was coming from the moment he left the airport. I thought she was supposed to “find herself” but really it was a whole lot of nothing with lots of cringe references to current popular culture.

You can definitely tell this is a Gen X woman attempting at writing from a millennial perspective 🫣🤷🏼‍♀️

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I always look forward to a summer beach read by Elin.This was a short story but yet did t disappoint .I fell in love with the characters.I will say I knew where the book was going .I did feel she mixed up the genres with this one which I did like .Swim and swim to get this one .

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read if you like:
👩‍❤️‍👨 coming of age stories
📕 short stories
📍 stories about finding yourself

This is a quick little short story by Elin Hilderbrand, about a woman, Sophia, who heads on vacation with her boyfriend of 6 months, JP, to the Galapagos. When JP has to head home at the last minute to deal with an emergency with his children from his first marriage, Sophia finds herself embarking on the cruise alone. There, she realizes that in the company of others, maybe JP wasn’t what she was truly looking for.

This book feels like a true Elin story. Set in a beautiful ocean setting with stunning imagery and descriptions, she makes us feel like we are on the boat with the group, finding ourselves along the way. Sophia is both deeply flawed and incredibly vulnerable, in a way that’s both heartwarming and heartbreaking. While it’s easy to see where the story is heading, it’s still compelling to go along for the ride, and again, feel a part of the eclectic group of friends Sophia has made. Even though it’s short, the writing is so good that it feels satisfyingly complete at the end.

I can’t say much more without spoiling it, so check this book out on Kindle Unlimited today. Thanks to Amazon Short Stories and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Simply perfect! Hildebrand has created the lovely, if sadly realistic story, of a Sophia left at tge gate on her way to The Galapagos. Her boyfriend, who has professed love and proposed, is called away for a family emergency.

Sophia joins the small tour group and continues on the less than luxurious cruise on her own. It is during this visit that she sees Darwinian theory in action. Perhaps, learning from these experiences.

By the time Sophia ends this trip, she has experienced a journey of discovery and maturity. I certainly recommend this short and delightful story.

Thank you Netgalley for this charming read.

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Synopsis: Sophia Othonos and her catch of a boyfriend, JP, are headed to a couples’ cruise when JP leaves Sophia at the airport right before their Galápagos Islands getaway. Sophia ends up traveling alone, but why isn’t JP returning her calls or answering her texts? Is this the relationship she always hoped for? Is JP the boyfriend she thought he was?

What I liked: This was my first Elin Hilderbrand book (I know, I know… What am I waiting for?) but I will be a returning reader. I really like Elin’s writing; she makes you forget you’re engrossed in your book. She really packs a punch in few pages.

What I disliked: Girl, wake up! A predictable ending. I liked the last few pages, but I would’ve loved a more developed story.

This book is for you if… you need a quick, light afternoon read.

Thank you to #NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for the advanced reader copy of #NaturalSelection.

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