Member Reviews

3.5 ⭐️

this was surprisingly fun! i intentionally requested this short story from netgalley because i’ve been interested in reading some of elin hilderbrand’s works for the longest time and i thought something easy to digest like this would be a great start. safe to say, it didn’t disappoint. now i want to go on a cruise i most probably can’t afford. and the final turn of events had my jaw on the floor!! may a love like sophia and jp’s never find me. some men deserve nothing.

however, this didn’t get a solid four star rating from me because some of the used vocabulary in here was questionable. word choices such as gen x, sus, and nice guy rizz caught me off guard, and gave me a horrible ick.

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When her husband cancels on her last minute, she finally decides to go on the cruise alone... Find out what else happens (don't wanna spoil)

Okay so, I love Elin Hilderbrand, I have only read one of her books. But the vibe the everything is just soooo goood. However this one was not my favorite. I didn't really catch up with what was happening and all that. if the book was longer. Sure, then maybe. But... I just think all of it went by to fast.

Because the plot/story was interesting... But like I said it went by to quick so I did not understand a thing sadly- Anyhow, the setting and all that was cute. Really wish we get a longer version of this! Because I would 100% read that.

Because of me not really catching on, i can't really explain the novella to you so much. Because I didn't feel like I really got to know the characters and even reflect on the writing.

Thank you to netgalley for sharing this book with me for a honest review.

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Natural Selection by E. Hilderbrand, published by Amazon Original Stories, is a short story, a quick read that stays with me for days now.
Sophia is about to board for a vacation with her love interest when everything changes. She is to take the trip to Galapagos islands alone. Deep in denial for what's about to come. A navelshow, a story about liofe in general, betrayal, starting over, finding peace and freedom. A wonderful book, 5 stars.

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Natural Selection is a delightful short story. It was a quick and somewhat predictable read. I’ve read other Elin Hilderbrand novels and this was a quick sample of her writing style. Learned a few things about the Galapagos and the wildlife. The story centers around Sophia and her boyfriend JP on their first vacation together. Or so that is what you’d expect until he is called away last minute.

I did enjoy the read, although it felt a bit rushed.

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This was my first book by Elin Hilderbrand but definitely not the last! I enjoyed reading it and it would've been so cool if this was a full length novel. I highly recommend this short story if you're looking for something quick to read or if like me, you want to see if Elin Hilderbrand her writing style is something for you.

Thank you Netgalley and Amazon Original Stories for this arc.

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I wanted to try a short story by this author and it was a nice change to not have this be focused on rich people so much . This was a mix of many genres and kept my attention throughout . There was good build and character development in a short period of time — a fast paced read for the beach .

Thanks to Netgalley and Amazon Original Stories for this ARC. This is my honest review.

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A super quick read but everything was tied up nicely! I wish the author wouldn’t include words like Rizz, sus, and hella that took me out of the story but that’s personal preference 🤪 I was intrigued and curious the whole time, even though the ending was one that I feel has been done a lot!

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* I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this book. All thoughts are my own.

This took me all of 25 minutes to read. The thing about short stories is they have to be super impactful, otherwise it’s real tough to make it a good one. This was super boring and characters that seem unimportant. A woman is supposed to be going on a getaway with her boyfriend when his ex-wife calls the airline and he has to stay back while she goes on the trip. It could have made for a really cool full length thriller (with a different ending) but the ending is this was unsurprising.

I wouldn’t bother. It’s not reminiscent of any of the good Elin Hilderbrand books that I’ve read.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Original Stories for the opportunity to read and review this short story!

After Sophia’s boyfriend of six months bails on their rustic cruise to the Galápagos Islands moments before their flight boards, she continues on alone. This was a great short story that could easily be turned into a full length novel. Even at only 50 pages, I felt like Sophia was a fully formed character. The supporting characters on the cruise were also great!

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Ellen Hilderbrand delivers a predictable but thoroughly engrossing short story in 'Natural Selection'. I enjoy knowing that I will be transported to an exotic location for Ms. Hilderbrand's tales. Though I could predict JP's line, the plot of the story did take some unexpected twists. I liked that the characters were limited to the passengers and crew on the trip to the Galapagos, plus few others. I thought the characters were well developed. The point of the story, being that each of us is continuously going through an evolution and that we must be tough to survive, was concealed within the story but was obvious without overthinking. Overall, I give this short story four stars and do recommend it as I would almost any of Ms. Hilderbrand's work.

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While I enjoyed this short story, I know that Elin can do better with a longer format. This could have certainly been an entire book. It felt rushed in the description of the side characters in the story, and if it had been an entire novel I feel like they could have been flushed out a bit more. It wasn't bad at all, I did enjoy my time reading it, just left wanting more. That's almost always the case with short stories for me though. No matter, I will read everything that Elin writes, therefore I still enjoyed it.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Amazon Original Stories for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions within this review are my own.

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Natural Selection by Elin Hilderbrand popped up on my GoodReads email because I follow Elin Hilderbrand. I'm constantly lusting after her books and requesting advance read copies. 28 Summers - declined; Golden Girl - declined; Reunion Beach - declined; Swan Song - declined; The Five-Star Weekend - declined; The Hotel Nantucket - declined (audio also); Troubles in Paradise - declined. I almost fell off my chair when Natural Selection was available as "Read it now". So what is a girl to do? Well, this one put all the other Advance Read Copies and bookclub books on hold and "Read it NOW".

Debating between 4 and 5 stars. It should probably be 4 stars, but ... yeah ... its Elin and she is about my favorite author. I really did love her description of the Galapagos Island. If Elin turned this short story (54 pages) into a full length novel, I'd read it.

I sincerely hope Elin continues to write. Write with her daughter, write with other authors, write about Massachusetts, write about the Midwest, please continue to write. In my eyes she can do very little wrong.

The main character in Natural Selection wouldn't have chosen a trip to the Galapagos, but her boyfriend/fiancé wanted to go there. The pictures looked great and she main concentration was which clothes would make her most attractive.

Moments before boarding the plane, her boyfriend is called to the desk to take a phone call.

Many many thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for approving my request to read the advance review copy of Natural Selection in exchange for an honest review. Publication date is Sept 1, 2024. (odd, that is a Sunday ... as opposed to a Tuesday. The Sunday before Labor Day. I was just reading on Facebook Friends and Fiction about Tuesday publication dates.)

It almost seems that Natural Selection is being made available to further entice readers to purchase Swan Song, written in conjunction with Elin's daughter. I've been dragging my feet; but yeah ... I'm in! One audible credit. I hear its great!

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Natural Selection by Elin Hilderbrand

Natural Selection is a very short story. Sophie is going on a cruise with her boyfriend J.P, and although she isnt really excited about the trip, she's looking forward to alone time with him. Unfortunately, JP receives a call right before boarding and has to leave for a family emergency, leaving her alone for the trip.
What will this trip help her to learn? And how could she possibly enjoy herself when she is alone on a romantic getaway? This is my second read by Elin Hilderbrand and I loved this short story. I could definitely have seen this as a longer story. If you are looking for a quick read, or something in between heavier books, then this is a great go to.

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I love Elin H and certainly look forward to her short stories! This one has all the things you expect from Elin, ocean, fun characters, development, and emotion.

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When it comes to Elin Hilderbrand’s narrative voice I'm a little like Dr. Seuss ... I will read it here or there, I will read it anywhere.
But I do prefer her usual Nantucket setting.
Enjoyed the adapting/evolving theme.

With thanks to NetGalley & Amazon Original Stories for this e-ARC.

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Thank you Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for this ARC by Elin Hildebrand.

Sophie is going on an 8 day cruise to the Galapagos with her boyfriend JP, but at the airport JP gets a call and has to turn back home to "take care of an incident". He insists on Sophie going alone on this trip and that she should take pictures of all the wildlife. She is hesitant but does as she is told. She finds herself questioning her life and her relationships. This short story takes the reader through the week in an incredible way.

This is my second book by Hildebrand and I can´t say anything else than that I love her writing. The books read like a mystery, no matter what is going on I always want to know more and more. This book is 40 pages long and I felt like I lived it. I could definitely read 400 pages about this trip and about Sophies journey.

I rated this book 5 stars and I highly recommend everyone to read it as it is available now on Kindle and Kindle unlimited.

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I don’t know how she packed so much punch into such a short story but she did! Fun and interesting and I was kind of sad to finish it bc it could’ve kept going for me! Many thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for read and review

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Thank you to netgalley for sending me a copy of this book for review. I was so excited to receive this one as I have loved Elin Hilderbrand books in the past but this one wasn't for me. I don't know if it was due to it being a novella but I couldn't connect with the story.

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*Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC!*
Such a cute and solidly satisfying short story! I read it all in one sitting. I really liked the author's writing- decent character development and details about the environment. I totally guessed the problem with JP in the beginning! I could relate heavily to the main character, Sophia, so it made this a very pleasant read. I'm glad she got her happy ending. I wished there was a little more on the natural selection topic- the lesson didn't feel fulfilled enough by the main character. It was a nice story without much to it. I just wished there was more story!

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Probably should have been a full length novel. It wasn't bad, but I found it to be very predictable. If you're looking for a quick read, this might be the book for you. I would have loved a bigger (non predictable) plot twists. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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