Member Reviews

SOMEWHERE TOWARD FREEDOM by Bennett Parten is a thorough, informative account of Sherman's march, highlighting its impact on freed slaves and Reconstruction, areas where I only have the most cursory knowledge. As such, my copy was heavily highlighted as I learned from Parten's extensive research.

Parten explains how "at least half a million enslaved people fled to US Army lines during the Civil War." This action crippled the confederate cause, but it also required navigating logistics of food and shelter. While southern plantation owners would attempt to hide valuables, food, and livestock in the swamps, freedmen could lead the US Army straight to it, with promises of support.

Additionally, The Port Royal Experiment was a flawed attempt at providing space for freed people to work and live together, but competing visions for Port Royal and too few resources ultimately led to its downfall. Even promises to allow freed people to own land they could farm were dubious, as plantations used to this end were often returned to planters after President Johnson pardoned them

in the epilogue, where Parten states, "If the March was a great watershed, it was also a missed opportunity. The freedom it produced was never conclusive." Parten reveals this nuanced time in our country's history and doesn't shy away from naming where we fell short.

(Thank you to Simon & Schuster for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.)

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Bennett Parten is a fine historical writer, and here he examines General William Sherman’s renowned march through Georgia during the American Civil War through the lens of the formerly enslaved people that followed him. It’s a job that needed doing, and I’m glad that Parten was the one to do it. My thanks go to Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the review copy. This book is for sale now.

The Union’s approach to formerly enslaved people evolved considerably over the course of the war. (This is your reviewer talking, not Parten.) In the beginning, when both North and South thought the conflict would be a brief one—ending, of course, in their own victories—anyone that left a plantation without permission to follow the Union army was promptly returned to their owner. But this was problematic from the start, if only logistically, as such practices slowed the army’s pace and drained resources from it, all in service to the enemy. For a while, then, everything was unofficial, as gradually, the formerly enslaved were sometimes folded into the army as support staff, helping cook, set up camps, pave roads, and whatever other noncombat roles needed to be filled. Eventually the practice was codified, not because slaves were declared free—not yet—but as “contrabands” of war. The idea was that by taking the enemy’s property that one runs across, be it livestock, crops, or (wince!) human beings, one’s own forces were strengthened, the enemy’s weakened. And after the Emancipation Proclamation, the formerly enslaved could theoretically go wherever they chose, but since guns and dogs can render such a proclamation from a far away and often unrecognized authority, it seemed like a wise plan for the formerly enslaved to follow the Union army.

Prior to reading this book, I was unaware of the relative size of the crowd of followers as opposed to the army itself. As Sherman’s forces made their way through Georgia waging total war, razing fields and burning cities, the crowd behind it grew from hundreds, to thousands, to tens of thousands!

Sherman’s first obligation, as he saw it, was to win this war. The army had to be his focus. Yet, as enthusiastic followers swarmed, they needed food, shelter, and sometimes other assistance. Initially, the troops were instructed not to give food to anyone other than those followers tapped to serve the army, but it proved difficult to enforce. There were children there, and they might well starve if not fed. The army had, as an intentional strategy, denuded the farms and villages of food and other necessary resources, so telling the followers to go find their own food was disingenuous. The army had nearly all the food there was; unfortunately, it wasn’t enough for thousands of extra mouths. And at times, Sherman and his generals made an effort to prevent, or to at least not help, the followers from remaining with them.

The greatest scandal was the one at Ebenezer Creek. (Sherman himself was not physically present for this, but what happened was consistent with his policies.) Georgia was full of rivers, swamps, creeks, and bogs, and in order to cross them, sometimes the engineers constructed bridges, and then either burned them behind themselves to prevent the enemy from following, or retrieved them for later use. In this instance, the enemy was close at the rear, and the order was given to pull up the bridges just as soon as the last soldier was across. The result was horrifying: with the hounds baying behind them, the desperate followers used every possible means to try to stay with the army. Some drowned; others were captured and either returned to slavery or killed. Women and children perished in those muddy waters, and later, the Federals launched an investigation.

There were other less dramatic, yet still tragic, incidents of the same sort.

In order to solve this conundrum, Sherman ordered a series of abandoned plantations in Port Royal, an island in South Carolina, to be turned over for the use of the freedmen and women. The book goes into a fair amount of detail about how these were run, with a fierce competition between two sides for control. Despite an overly colonial administration, formerly enslaved people were able to farm for themselves, and in some cases were able to buy land with the money they earned. It was a sound, if flawed program that was ultimately destroyed when Lincoln was murdered and Andrew Johnson, a sympathizer of the South, became president and gave the plantations back to their original owners, making no provision whatsoever for the farmers that now worked them.

It is this aspect of which I knew nearly nothing. Part of this is because I am a coward; I have a dozen or more books about Reconstruction that I say I will read, but then I don’t, and that is because I know the ending will be heartbreaking. But there’s also this: conventional histories of the Civil War tend to follow one or another army, general, and so forth, and very few tell the story of what happens after the army marches onward. And so I learned a good deal from this portion of the book; and yes, my heart broke, but not as much as those of the people that were first assisted, and then abandoned by the U.S. government.

Finally, I want to comment on the notes and sources used here. They are beyond reproach, with many primary sources used, multiple sources per endnote in most cases, and well-integrated. I particularly appreciated the quotations of the followers themselves.

I highly recommend this book to all that are interested in the American Civil War, Reconstruction, and the many social and racial problems that have continued to weigh on American society ever since.

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Any student of the American Civil War is familiar with Sherman's March to the Sea, where Sherman's army marched from Atlanta, Georgia to Savannah in 1864. What was less explored was Sherman's views on slavery and the popular perception of the Union army as a force for emancipation, especially by the enslaved people.

Across six chapters, Parten's Somewhere Toward Freedom: Sherman's March and the Story of America's Largest Emancipation details the Georgia campaign, biographies many of the key figures, gives the setting and context and also explores the Port Royal experiment in providing land and wages to the formerly enslaved.

It was a moment full of hope, and had the potential to be a a strong transitional stage, but Parten describes why this did not come to pass. As with most things, it came down to politics. Some Union generals were as racists as the Confederates, not interested in the enslaved leaving them to survive on their own, sometimes pulling up their bridges ahead of the enslaved crossing, while knowing the Union army was pursued by Confederate cavalry.

The Port Royal project that makes up the focus of the second half, seemed doomed to failure from its beginning, never given enough resources to accomplish what was needed. Many of the formerly enslaved arrived with just the cloths they were wearing with little to no infrastructure in place for them to live and work. The islands were also highly dependent on the army and navy for supplies and transport, that left them greatly troubled when the war theaters shifted.

Parten expands upon this well known event with a new perspective and details, highlighting the failures of Civil War and Reconstruction.

Recommended to readers of Civil War history, emancipation, American History or military history.

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After Sherman took Atlanta, he had the choice of chasing Hood into Alabama or setting off on the offensive. He chose the latter- a March across Georgia. “I can make the march and make Georgia howl.” It also represented a change in tactics. Previously the Union generals had sought to capture key cities. Now, they would make it so the Confederates had nowhere to hide.
This total warfare, to bring the war directly to the south, not only gave the Confederates no rest, it laid waste to the fields of the rich planters and it took their manpower. Slaves had fled to the Union armies previously, but never in the sheer numbers as with this campaign. By the time Sherman reached Savannah, some 20,000 self-emancipated slaves followed the Union Army.
I was fascinated to learn that Sherman wasn’t a proponent of emancipation and had qualms about liberating slaves, except those that could be used to help the army. What he failed to see was that the slaves had plans of their own.
This book shows the dynamics at play during the march - the need to keep the army moving, limited resources and the sheer numbers of freed people (“the growing encumbrance”) vs. the knowledge of what would happen if the Confederates recaptured the freed people. General Jefferson C. Davis’s actions led to the calamity known as the Ebenezer Creek Massacre.
It also describes the Port Royal Experiment, which had started in 1862 but was greatly expanded once Sherman reached Savannah. The forty acres and a mule idea is thanks to Sherman. Of course, he was merely interested in putting a plan in place that would stop the freed people from following his army. It helped me understand how some of the beginning parts of Reconstruction came into being. It briefly tackles how Reconstruction failed. I would love to see Parten write a follow up book detailing Reconstruction - its beginning, middle and end.
This well researched and educational book reads well and kept me engaged. I appreciated that this was an in depth look at one aspect of the war, told not from a military viewpoint, but from the viewpoint of those who benefited the most from the war.
My thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for an advance copy of this book.

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Yet another exceptional addition to historical scholarship that focuses on the personal toll of the American Civil War and leaves all the military jargon at the door.

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4. 5 stars rounded up for an excellent book on an overlooked aspect of Sherman's March to the sea from Atlanta. Most historians agree that Sherman's March through the heart of the Confederacy broke the back the the Confederate war effort. What has been overlooked was the effect of enslaved people leaving the plantations and self emancipating by attaching themselves to Sherman's army. By the time his army reached Savannah, Georgia, there were about 20,000 former slaves following him.
They played a vital role in helping Sherman's foragers to find hidden livestock and other food. They also deprived plantation owners of the forced labor needed to run the plantations. They also rescued Union soldiers behind enemy lines, in some cases hiding them for weeks.
But Sherman was opposed to having such large numbers of civilians following his army. He worried that they would slow him down, and he did not want the responsibility of feeding them. But they knew following him meant freedom. When he reached the coast of Georgia, he decided to settle them on the various islands along the coast. They were given 40 acres and leftover sick mules. But this was a temporary measure, to be overturned by President Johnson who pardoned the plantation owners and ordered the Army to return their land. I believe that this reversal was a travesty of justice.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in Civil War history and or African American history.
#SomewhereTowardFreedom #NetGalley. #SimonBooks
Thank You Simon & Schuster for sending me this eARC through NetGalley.

Pub Date Jan 21 2025

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This outstanding new look at Sherman’s campaign from Atlanta to Savannah in late 1864 and its aftermath is told from the perspective of what happened to the self-emancipating slaves who attached themselves to Sherman’s army. The march, which became the biggest liberation event in American history, was, Parten maintains, a watershed moment in shaping the meaning of freedom in the country.

I have read a number of accounts of Sherman’s march, but all were focused on Sherman’s strategy and tactics and military encounters. In this book I learned so much new, interesting, and important about the history of emancipation and Reconstruction that I constantly plagued everyone around me reading out excerpts.

Parten begins by informing us: “By the time Sherman’s army arrived on the coast, as many as twenty thousand freed people followed - all marching, one soldier would write, ‘somewhere toward freedom.’” These self-liberated slaves acted in a number of helpful capacities for the army, including scouting, intelligence, and performing manual labor - the latter often involuntarily. (They were also frequently forced to entertain the troops at night by singing and dancing.) They served as cooks, laundresses, valets, and teamsters. They dug trenches, constructed earthworks, built roads, and felled trees. Moreover, their knowledge of the landscape proved invaluable to the soldiers.

Sherman and the members of his army had to respond to all those extra bodies in their camps, and the results ranged from salutary to horrifying, as with the massacre of the Black refugees at Ebenezer Creek on December 9, 1864 at the direction of one of Sherman’s unfortuantely but appropriately-named generals, Jefferson C. Davis. At Ebenezer Creek, the rebel cavalry was hard in pursuit, and Davis ordered the bridges destroyed before the Blacks could get across the icy water. All of those at the back of the lines, mainly women, children, and older men, were shot by the Rebels or drowned trying to escape. Col. Charles Kerr of the 16th Illinois Cavalry said in a speech 20 years after the incident, ”As soon as we were over the creek, orders were given to the engineers to take up the pontoons and not let a negro cross. . . . I sat upon my horse then and witnessed a scene the like of which I pray my eyes may never see again." How many women, children, and older men were stranded cannot be determined precisely, but 5,000 is a conservative estimate.

While not as extreme as Davis, Sherman himself was not happy about the extra numbers of Black refugees, seeing them as an impediment to his movements (except of course for the work they did to free up white soldiers from having to moonlight as workmen.) Many of his soldiers as well worried about having to share supplies (in spite of the fact that in many cases they would not have even found them without the help of the former slaves), and others worried that “the collective force of an army that size moving at that [slower] speed made it impossible to police or contain.”

Nevertheless, Parten observed:

“Amid all the threats and shouts, the fear and uncertainty, as if standing in the eye of a storm, freed men and women retained a focused, clear-eyed view of what freedom meant to them.”

He explained that “their vision of freedom centered on things we might take for granted today,” such as the freedom to move from place to place, determining where and how they wanted to live, and possibly finding their family members from whom they were forcibly separated. That basic freedom to move, not constrained by a “master,” was everything to them. But they also realized that this freedom depended on their proximity to the army.

After the march was over upon reaching Savannah, settling the refugees became critical. The task was beset by political as well as logistical problems. Many whites were interested in offering the Blacks nothing more than work on gangs as had been done during slavery. Wages for such work was often withheld, delayed, or lower than promised. Schedules were similar to those used by plantation overseers. As Parten notes, “That was never how freed people had imagined freedom.” They wanted their own homesteads, but whites saw that as a “handout.” (How these people were supposed to get the land on their own was not really considered.) Black advocates tried to explain to the Lincoln government that land was the key to how freedmen could take care of themselves. Not only did it mean autonomy. Importantly, land was inheritable, which meant it had generational value.

Initially, Sherman set aside some 400,000 acres to be distributed to the freedman in equal plots of about forty acres apiece. (His motive was not enlightened; rather, he sought to disencumber his army of the refugees.). But Sherman’s order granted only *possessory* claims to the land, not a full legal title. Northern free Black leaders and abolitionists therefore saw it as “a naked attempt to ‘colonize’ freed people.”

Nevertheless, some 40,000 people eventually settled on that land. . . . for a while. In April, 1865, when the Civil War ended, former slaveholders began returning to their old plantations. Returning planters, Parten points out, “had a powerful friend in the new president,” Andrew Johnson. When Johnson took office, he not only pardoned Confederate planters, but gave them back their land. In September, 1865, freed families were told that the land was no longer theirs. Johnson, Parten avers, “was dead set on rolling back the repercussions of the war and thwarting the pace of change.”

With the army gone, local whites felt they could do what they pleased, and they did. In addition, Union soldiers who were still in the area didn’t like the new status of Blacks vis-a-vis whites, and abuses and even assaults against the freedmen often ensued. The constant influx of refugees, especially during the cold weather, also heralded starvation and disease. But white overseers of relief felt that, as Parten summarized, “to eliminate hardship with too much charity or relief was to undermine the basic market logic on which the project had been based.”

Thus many of the refugees who first joined with Sherman on his march and remained on the coast when he left ended up sick or dead or empty-handed, far from home, and uncertain of freedom.

Those who stayed with Sherman until the end, until his army’s triumphal march in Washington on May 23, 1865, said Sherman’s army was the turning point for them, making all the difference between slavery and freedom.

Alas, as Parten laments in his Epilogue, then came the 1870s, when ex-Confederates, determined to roll back Reconstruction, initiated torrents of violence, personified most memorably by night-riding vigilantes wearing white sheets, burning crosses, and lynching Blacks who tried to exercise their new rights.

Still, Parten avers the legacy of Sherman’s March should rightfully be the redefinition of freedom in America, however unfulfilled its promises came to be.

Evaluation: This is an excellent history that will add a whole different dimension to any library’s Civil War collection, and is also important for the history of race in America. Highly recommended.

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An excellent debut book that frames Gen. Sherman’s famous March to the Sea in a new and engaging way.

The March is generally written about in the context of its destruction - of property, infrastructure and the Southern ability and will to fight. But as white Georgians fled ahead of Sherman’s advancing army, the enslaved people who were left behind moved toward the army, and moved with it. And the Southern system of slavery slowly disintegrated with every step taken by the soldiers and their growing group of followers. “Sherman's March has been remembered mostly as the campaign that conquered the South,” Parten writes. But “at some point, the March ceased to be a standard military campaign and took on all the attributes of a social convulsion.”

The March, in effect, was a large-scale fulfillment of the promises of the Emancipation Proclamation. Wherever the army went, the dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of enslaved people who joined their march became free. Some merely followed, others helped the soldiers along the way by working, cooking, cleaning, even providing entertainment in the evenings. But all are given credit here for taking the initiative, for self-emancipating, rather than being portrayed as passive recipients of their freedom.

They had to self-emancipate, after all, because Sherman didn’t necessarily want them tagging along. Among his soldiers and officers, attitudes toward the refugees varied from welcoming to indifferent to outright cruel, such as when soldiers would erect temporary bridges to cross a waterway, then pull them up before their followers could cross, leaving them to fend for themselves, sometimes with tragic results.

What makes this book stand out is that the formerly enslaved who joined the March are the centerpiece of the story and not a mere sidebar as they often are. And while the writing remains accessible without getting abstract or philosophical, Parten also manages to muse on the very meaning of freedom. To those joining the March, the act of moving, of no longer being physically and geographically contained, represented freedom. Where exactly they were headed was not so important, as long as they were headed “somewhere toward freedom.”

For most of them, that “somewhere” ended up being Savannah. That’s where the March to the Sea ended, but for the refugees who arrived along with the army, Savannah represented “not the end but only the end of the beginning.”

That’s because, once there, Sherman determined that his followers could not be allowed to follow him any further. So here, Parten faces somewhat of a narrative challenge, as the book’s protagonists part ways. Do you follow Sherman's army as it heads into the Carolinas, or do you stay with those who followed him to Savannah? He chooses the latter, which is certainly the correct choice in that it allows him to focus on what became of their quest for freedom as Sherman leaves them behind. But the narrative does, as a result, lose some forward momentum, as Sherman moves on and the focus turns to the aims, and ultimate failures, of Reconstruction.

It’s an important focus, though, beginning with some good background on the Port Royal Experiment, initiated years earlier to help set up former slaves to work the coastal South Carolina land that had been abandoned by planters. By the time of Sherman’s March, the experiment was already waning and would soon be overwhelmed by new arrivals when these plantations seemed a natural place to send Sherman’s former followers. This all gave way to the Freedmen’s Bureau, which similarly aimed to help freed slaves help themselves, only to end disappointingly, sending the freedmen and women back inland, searching anew for freedom.

So was their march all for nothing? Once again, the narrative circles back to the question of what exactly constituted freedom and what freedom meant to those who sought it. Was it freedom of movement, freedom of self-determination, equality of opportunity? The title of the book hints at the ambiguity, as the formerly enslaved searched for something, somewhere, hoping for a better life while moving toward an uncertain future.

The rest of Sherman's campaign, and the fact that enslaved people similarly flocked to his lines as he moved through South Carolina, is briefly mentioned in the book’s epilogue, with the tantalizing observation that this lesser-known march may have been “an emancipation event as large as, if not larger than, the March through Georgia,” with no hint as to whatever happened to those involved. So I wish we could have learned a little more about that part of the story.

But overall, I must say that I’ve read a lot of dissertations-published-in-book-form, and many of them tend to be earnest, dryly academic and of little apparent interest to a mainstream readership. This is a welcome exception. It’s extremely readable, well-written, with an occasional casual word or phrase thrown in to keep it from sounding stuffy, and with good character sketches that bring the book’s personalities to life. It’s thoughtful without being ponderous, it has something to say without becoming a screed, and it gives you something to think about without telling you how to think. I believe Parten is one to watch and I look forward to whatever he comes out with next.

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I love historical context! Bennett Parten's Somewhere Toward Freedom is a wonderful example of taking a deeper look at a mostly unexplored history event. In this case, Parten is looking at the mass emancipation which happened as General William T. Sherman marched to the sea. This event is certainly not overlooked, but the mass of people who followed Sherman are usually not the focus of the narrative. Parten spends a couple of chapters explaining how the march affected these newly free people and then the aftermath of which I knew very little.

I should mention that I have read a lot about the American Civil War. As such, I didn't need a lot of backstory for Sherman and other major players. I think the book stands perfectly well on its own, but it is worth mentioning that it may lose a little bit for reader's who don't have background for the overall war.

Otherwise, Parten's book is truly exceptional. I especially appreciated the fact that Parten lets the reader feel a bit of pride and hope just like the newly emancipated people of the story. However, Parten also doesn't dispense with nuance or the darker parts of the aftermath. The Union leadership could be just as cold and calculating as any Confederate. Thankfully, there are real heroes to root for including a Union officer who shouldered the responsibility of the Port Royal Experiment. This book has it all and I highly recommend it.

(This book was provided as an advance reader copy from Netgalley and Simon & Schuster.)

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Thank you, Simon & Schuster, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I just finished Somewhere Toward Freedom: Sherman’s March And The Story Of America’s Largest Emancipation, by Bennett Parten.

I was initially unsure whether I should request this book from NetGalley. I am not usually interested in military history, but can occasionally find a book I enjoy on that topic. Something told me that, by also including the emancipation angle, this was going to be a book I could get into. And I was glad that I decided to request this one.

This book focused much more on the emancipation aspect and on the slaves who were getting their freedom by joining the march were treated and faired than the military aspects. There was actually very little, if any, discussion of military strategic maneuvers. Overall, the book exceeded my expectations and was more enjoyable than I had expected.

I give this book a B+. Goodreads and NetGalley require grades on a 1-5 star system. In my personal conversion system, a B+ equates to 4 stars. (A or A+: 5 stars, B+: 4 stars, B: 3 stars, C: 2 stars, D or F: 1 star).

This review has been posted at NetGalley, Goodreads and my blog, Mr. Book’s Book Reviews

I originally finished reading this on August 9, 2024.

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