Member Reviews

this was a fun book! i enjoyed the characters and the plot was pretty solid. i think the writing was pretty good but could be fixed up.

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What a captivating and exciting story!
I really loved this book even though it is about assassins and I never thought I would like a character with this kind of work.

The chemistry and verbal battles of the main characters were thrilling and sometimes funny.

Especially the backstory, the driving force and the search for the 'why' were gripping and poignant.

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I DNF'd pretty early on and skipped around the book...this book just wasn't for me. I will say I was intrigued by the characters, their backgrounds and mysteries felt very 3D. But on a more personal note, I don't like such callous discussions of war or being an American soldier specifically. Maybe if I continued there would be some nuance, but it didn't happen early enough for me.

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The beginning and the ending were both fantastic. But I feel like the relationship of both needed more depth. Same goes for Veritys back story. Reinas back story helped a lot for character understanding. I wished that we would had that for Verity too.

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This book is about two undercover assassins, who accidentaly are set up to kill the same man.

This book is fast reading, with unexpected twist and hot reading. It is also about second chance and about finding a partner for life.

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I loved this novel more than I thought that I would. The writing was excellent, the pacing rapid and compelling, and the characters were surprisingly well developed and genuine feeling. This novel was a lot of fun, quite the thrill ride, while also being surprisingly sympathetic to some serious issues along the way. The author managed to take a premise that was fundamentally unrealistic and present it as a genuine and grounded story. This was a fast read without any sticking points, and enjoyable from start to finish.

High Points:
-Both protagonists had well developed backstories, clear motivations, and a lot of personality. The premise of this novel was quite fantastical however the realistic and grounded characters resulted in a realistic (enough) experience.
-The author did a great job fitting a lot of chemistry between the protagonists into a very small amount of time. On top of their initial attraction was stacked a lot of subtle but meaningful connections and ways in which the characters complimented each other. The first scenes of this novel would make an excellent starting point for any romance novel.
-I liked how the author managed to make assassins (for capitalistic corporate entities no less) likable and sympathetic somehow. I was afraid I wouldn’t really connect with the characters, but that wasn’t the case in the end.
-Both protagonists had their own clear and very reasonable motivations for their actions in the novel, aside from the romantic entanglement. I appreciated this a lot because as much fun as it is for someone to made drastic changes or major decisions for “love”, its honestly unrealistic and eye-roll inducing sometimes. The plotline and character motivations in this novel worked well.

-There was not a lot of romance or relationship development beyond the characters instant attraction. This was primarily an action novel, so it makes sense, but the romantic relationship was pivotal to the plotline so I wish we saw a bit more. The rapid timeline didn’t really allow for a lot of slower-paced scenes together so I understand why it was the way it was, I just want more!
-Some parts are unrealistic, but that’s simply what you get with an action flic!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What pulled me to this book is the premise of two assassins being star crossed lovers. You’d expect some heat, some intensity, some crime, some suspense. I guess we get all that, but very much just some. Some absolutely is the operative word for this book.
It’s not bad, it’s just duller than I’d expected for a book with two elite assassins as main characters. For a book set in Mexico City, an acknowledgement that mentions a spa swish check, this book has a surprisingly low Spanish word count. I don’t mind as such, I do believe it’s a missed opportunity of sorts. It doesn’t play the diversity card well, leans heavily into preconceived corruption and cartel ideas in Mexico. It’s an ok book, just too many missed opportunities in my opinion.

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This was a fun, fast paced book. Verity, the MC lives out-loud and does nothing gently. Reina is the opposite and incredibly thoughtful and articulate in every move. Separately, they are deadly. Together they are an entertaining good time. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. Definitely worth the read.

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Extremely fast read since I was so engrossed in the action. Felt like a movie script waiting to be filmed. Good time was had by all.

Thank you to Ylva Publishing and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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Verity and Reina, two skillful assassins cross paths at a club in Mexico. They are both there for a hit but dancing and flirting with each other is a great cover. After an amazing night together the pair realize the other’s identity. The hit gets messy when it comes to the attention of authorities. And now there is a price on Verity’s head and Reina is tasked to eliminate her.

This was off and running right from the start. The fast paced story takes place over only a few days. But in that time the pair play cat and mouse with each other and learn they are stronger together. There are flashback glimpses of Verity’s time as an Army Ranger and how Reina came into her job. I like that they are people of color with Verity being black and Reina Mexican. I got a little lost in the Mexican cartels and government corruption but it brings some plausibility to the storyline. I do wish their one night together wasn’t off the page. If the assassinations and body count are described I think showing more of their chemistry together would have enhanced why they find it so hard to get rid of each other.

This was a fun and creative storyline. Who knew I would be rooting for romance between killers.

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Exciting and Dangerous!

Verity and Reina meet while undercover at a nightclub and targeting the same hit. When each of them discovers who the other is, the next morning things are messy, but it gets even more complicated when Reina is tasked with killing Verity, who has somehow got under her skin that she can’t help but be attracted to.

This was super exciting and right from the beginning carried an element of danger in everything that was happening. It was quick, everything happening fast, emotions, feeling for one another, orders to kill, all to throw both Verity and Reina off their game. They were both really strong, determined women, and they put up a fight for one another that was both equal and scary, but it only strengthened this attraction between them in one of the hottest ways. Knowing they were rivals almost fuelled their determination to outsmart those giving the orders and play them, to get the result they both wanted.

Eventually, when they worked out they might be stronger as a team, I adored how they came together and worked out a plan to put the bad guys in their place, and potential to get away with a happiness that neither of them had ever dreamed they could have. It really add to the thrill of the story, just how powerful they were both individually and together. In a way, they were kind of unstoppable, so I was rooting for them and amazed by how they actually ended up using their smarts.

There was a lot packed into this story, everything from emotional and feelings, to action, adventure, and that enemies to lovers type relationship that can only be built by people like Verity and Reina. Their personalities is what made the story for me, and I loved it.

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Nobodies, to one night stands, to enemies, that is what we are starting with in this cute and funny mystery/romance. It reminded me of a movie called The DEBS which I love and I feel like this is a great concept. I hope to see a follow up because I felt like I needed more.

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I enjoy closed door/fade to black romances but, while I may be biased, I think this story would have benefited from showing the audience more of their intimate connection instead of fading to black.

These two assassins meet as strangers while unknowingly on the same assignment. They go home together for presumably a one-night stand. Their intellectual connection and physical attraction is clear from their first interaction. But with so much build up, the scene fades to black once inside the bedroom. We’re told about their intense connection and how thoroughly they enjoyed their night together. But come morning, one is assigned to kill the other.

And it’s this one night of intimacy and connection that is supposed to be the reason behind neither one following through with killing the other. And I just wasn’t convinced. I want to feel the full extent of their connection to believe they are going to make huge life altering decisions (for presumably the worst) to spare one another.

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This is an action packed book about two rival women assassins. Verity is an ex military Army Ranger who is now a contract killer living in Mexico City. Reina grew up an orphan who was adopted by a very wealthy woman running an international conglomerate. Reina is sent to finishing school and is taught martial arts. And she is tasked to eliminate anyone causing problems for the corporation.

Verity and Reina meet up in a club each trying to kill the same man. Afterwards they hook up even though they both know it’s a bad idea, neither can resist the immediate attraction that they have for each other. Early the next morning trouble starts with their handlers and the police looking for them . Here’s where the action starts with them avoiding the police and other bad guys and hunting each other as well

I liked both characters and all the action in this book. It was an entertaining and different read than most sapphic fiction. I would have liked to know the character’s thoughts better and have had more emotion and dialogue in the book. Especially more background on Verity and how she chose to be an assassin.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Sometimes you pick up a book in a genre you never read and, 18 hours later, you just need to scream about it. My deepest gratitude to Jennifer Giacalone, author of Verity’s Game, and Ylva Publishing for an ARC of this fun, queer, and action-packed assassin novel!

Verity and Reina don’t know it, but they’ve got a hit out on the same guy. The next morning, when they wake up together, they’re hit with the news: their hits were botched, and now Reina needs to take Verity out. This begs the question: how do you take someone out when you’ve found a connection unlike any other with them?

Once I got into the story, I struggled to put this one down. It honestly felt like a movie, and I bet it would make a great one! It wasn’t only that the action didn’t slow down, but the dynamics between the characters, especially Reina and Verity. Their witty one-liners and constant pull-and-push were addicting. The cat-and-mouse game, all while death was constantly lurking around the corner, had me tearing through the book.

Descriptions were never lingered on for too long, but I still could imagine everything that was happening constantly. I even felt the impact of moments that touched on Verity’s struggle with PTSD, with Reina trying to reconcile who she wanted to be versus who she had been groomed into. The depth of the characters was just heavy enough to add additional dynamics but without dragging the plot down.

Overall, a killer read! (hah.) For my tastes and preferences, Verity’s Game by Jennifer Giacalone was a five star read for me, and the best news of all is that it’s coming out this Wednesday, the 14th! Pre-order now, or grab it when it comes out this week. :) Thank you again to Jennifer and Ylva Publishing for the ARC! This was a surprise delight.

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Assassin vs. assassin: rivals to lovers
This was a lot of fast paced action set in Mexico city. It‘s witty, smoldering, dangerous, scintillating.
At one moment Verity and Reina are attracted, the next one they look into their respective gun barrels. There are twists, turns and new twists. Really entertaining.
The descriptions are vivid (we talk assassins, so don‘t pick this up if you are not prepared for them doing their job in graphic detail), the writing is as fast paced as the action.
I really enjoyed this hand-to-hand, lip-to-lip fight and wondered what would come at the end - Giacalone does not disappoint. Catch up if you can and read this book.

I am grateful to Ylva to provide an ARC via netgalley. The review is left voluntarily.

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The military propaganda in this book was not my favorite. I enjoyed the writing and the chemistry between the two main characters, but that kind of soured it for me.

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A fast paced and engaging lovers to enemies romantic crime thriller. I enjoyed The Art of the Chase by this author and this book did not disappoint!

Verity is a 35 yo, ex military, now turned assassin for hire, and is hired to eliminate Senator Emilio Guzmán while he is partying at a gay nightclub in the Zona Rosa district of Mexico City. She is told to make it look like “gay sex gone wrong”. While scoping out the scene, she eyes “Sirena”across the room. Their eyes meet and soon Sirena is next to her. They have an immediate chemistry, but Verity is there to do a job first. After, she goes home with Sirena who shares her real name, Reina. They soon discover they were hired for the same hit and had both completed their task. After Verity escapes from Reina’s apartment a game of cat and mouse across Mexico City ensues.

With Reina’s next contract to kill Verity, the chase is on. Will their feelings for each other prevail or will they stay true to their profession and fight to the death?

This story is filled with thrills and the author skillfully gives us a glimpse into each of their histories so we gain an understanding of how their lives led them to where they are now. It fascinates paced and exciting with characters I felt torn to choose between. A good read and I look forward to more from Giacalone!

I received an arc from NetGalley and Ylva Publishing. I leave this review voluntarily.

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Jennifer Giacalone’s *Verity's Game* is a gripping blend of romance and suspense, enlivened by the sharp wit of its protagonist and a vivid setting in Mexico City’s art world. The story follows Verity, an elite American assassin whose razor-sharp sarcasm provides both humor and tension throughout the narrative. Her quick-witted remarks and biting commentary contrast starkly with the lethal seriousness of her profession, adding a layer of complexity and charm to her character. This sarcasm not only enriches Verity’s personality but also heightens the dramatic tension between her and Reina, her equally formidable and conflicted counterpart.

Giacalone further enhances the story by incorporating Mexico City’s vibrant art scene into the plot. The novel deftly uses fine art as both a backdrop and a plot device, with the characters navigating through glamorous galleries and dark, hidden spaces. This artistic setting serves as a rich, atmospheric canvas for their high-stakes game, reflecting the intricate and often dangerous dance of their burgeoning romance. The combination of Verity’s sharp humor and the novel’s artistic elements creates a unique and captivating narrative, making *Verity's Game* an exhilarating read that artfully balances intense action with romantic tension.

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I got this as an arc on Netgalley and it will come out next week! Yeah a proper sapphic delight. It's extremely entertaining and despite the hired killer angle a nice light read. And no it's not like mr Mrs smith. People actually occasionally communicate in this one.

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