Member Reviews

Thanks to the publisher for the chance to read this book in advance.
For me Elodie Colliard is always an assurance of a cozy book.
I was in love with Josh from The Past Encore, but Oliver is so adorable I have to choose him. How could it be otherwise?!⁣
I appreciated the fact that, as the previous books, we have a different setting and plot pattern, so it has a fresh component always appreciated.⁣
Then, my heart crushed when I understood what happened between Charlee and Oli years ago 😭 The story itself is quite simple, but I love Elodie's writing style. It's captivating and has such lyrical vibes I'm always invested in her stories. She was terrific in capturing Oliver's giftedness, not to mention the parts related to Charlee and Riley's mother. Plus point for a good male/female friendship rep 🫶🏻⁣

Respect for nature, feminine empowerment, healthy relationship and maybe a too perfect book boyfriend are the main ingredient of this novel ❤️

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ˋ°•*⁀➷・❥・“𝓘𝓯 𝓘 𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓸𝓯 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓶 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓼, 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝔃𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓭𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵.”・❥・ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

➸4.75 stars💫

OH. MY. GOD. That's what I told myself when I finished this book a week ago. Can I tell you how much I enjoyed and loved reading this book?! 😍🧡 This book came to me as a soothing balm to my soul, when I was in some of the toughest times of my life, and didn't feel like reading anything for weeks. I OWE THIS BOOK A LOT BECAUSE IT MADE ME SLITHER BACK TO MY READING HOME AGAIN 🥺💘

Now as always, here comes the exciting part of the review, so without further ado, let's meet our fabulous ✨characters✨:

“I was chasing after the person I was when I had you. I was chasing the happiness I knew with you.”

💌Charlee Fletcher~ aka Char, a renowned Toronto-based Wild Planet journalist, is suddenly thrust by her manager into the world of Pine Falls, a place where her pen pal resides, and was the reason for her heartbreak years ago and why she has been running without staying at a place all her life for the past 5 years 💔. Wild Planet is partnering with Movie Night Live to film a docuseries on the Great Bear Rainforest. She will be the reporter to lead the docuseries and has to stay there for two weeks, and amidst all of this, she never imagined she would meet her pen pal for the first time.

“I will never make you do anything you don't want to.”

💌Oliver Reynolds~ aka Oli, a BC-based Wild Planet reporter, a cute golden retriever nerd, and is very hypersensitive 🧸. I saw myself more within him, a character that's close to my heart. He was broken because of whatever happened five years ago. And then he meets Charlee for the first time, his pen pal from years ago and the only love of his life. He couldn't bring himself to explain why they had never met, and why he abruptly disappeared from her life. And now he is stuck with her for two weeks, and he will do anything now to make her stay in his life this time💞.

“Some very annoying part of me is glad that our paths crossed.”

What I loved about this book was, it has short chapters🤩. It wasn't dragging at all, and I didn't have the pressure to push through it. I was infact flying through the chapters🥰. And the cherry on top were the heartfelt letters shared between them years ago🥺💌. It was beautiful to see how their friendship bloomed into something more all those years ago💖.

Read if you like 💌:
🍂 Pen pals
🍂 Secret Identities
🍂 Forced Proximity
🍂 One tent/room/house
🍂 Second Chance Romance
🍂 Wildlife Enthsiasts
🍂 Found Family
🍂 Neurodivergent Cinnamonroll MMC
🍂 Fall Vibes
🍂 Short Chapters

Thankyou to Netgalley, the Author and Victory Editing for this wonderful ARC!!🥰💖

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This book is a second chance romance between Charles and Oliver who connect through heartfelt letters. When a chance to encounter goes wrong. Five years later there’s a chance for redemption and force proximity. You follow Oliver and Charlie’s journey deep in the Great Bear Rainforest. I absolutely enjoyed this book and loved how emotional and sweet it was.

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4.5🌟 - I really liked it!

Thank you @elosreadingcorner and @netgalley for the E-ARC!

Happy pub day to an indie romance you’re going to want to put on your fall TBR! 🍂

This has personally been my favorite of all of Elo’s books to date, and I am so proud of her and the growth of her writing and character development! This is part of an interconnected standalone series, and it was so fun seeing the characters from the other books sprinkled into this one.

I loved the pacing and flow of this book alternating between letters from the past and current timeline. Second-chance romance is just my FAVORITE, and this one truly just hit 👏🏻.

The forced proximity was just everything!! This had the perfect balance of plot, character growth, atmosphere, diverse representation, and cozy vibes!

If you’re looking for a heartwarming read for the fall with a bit of pumpkin spice, add it to your TBR!

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Unbearably Yours was a sweet, captivating story of second-chance romance, that delved into how many times it can take two people to finally get it right — I was rooting for Charlee, who chronically avoids her past, and the guy from that past that she can’t quite escape, Oliver.
If you love a small town romance, and want to root for a happily ever after, this one is for you!

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This book was a very well constructed romance. I love the letter aspect of it but for some reason, I just didn't fall in love with these characters.

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This was my first Elodie Colliard read, and I enjoyed it so much! Getting to read the letters between Oliver and Charlee and seeing how close they got before ever seeing or meeting each other was the sweetest. Oli is the most precious cinnamon roll and the way he took such good care of Char throughout the whole book actually made me weepy.

What brought the rating down for me was some of the dialogue, especially Oliver’s. There were some phrases that just felt unnatural and cringey and made me go “who would ever say this?”. It took me out of the story so for that reason I can’t rate it higher, but I did love them so much 🥹

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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3.75 Stars (rounded up)

This cozy, end-of-summer/autumnal read hit all the right notes for me. It was adorable in all the best ways and had just the right amount of spice. Plus, that bear-pun title? Absolutely loved it!

Oli and Charlee’s romance was engaging, even though second-chance love stories aren’t usually my thing. Their journey felt natural and sweet. However, I struggled with the heavy reliance on miscommunication and their refusal to discuss anything about their past. Miscommunication as a central trope isn’t for me, but once they finally started communicating, the mix of spice and sweetness was *chef’s kiss*. That really turned the book around for me.

I also loved the setting, especially the inclusion of local Indigenous Nations and land acknowledgements, which felt thoughtfully done, not just for the sake of inclusivity. Since BC is where I call home, this detail really resonated with me. While it would have been great to see an Indigenous character in the mix, I understand that it might have been too much to handle with so many underdeveloped side characters already.

My biggest issue, and why it falls just shy of four stars, (and it may be due to me not is realizing this is the third book in a series), some of the characters felt underdeveloped. There were so many interesting side characters that I wished for just a little bit more.

All in all, Elodie Colliard has a beautiful writing style, and her characters are easy to fall in love with—I just found myself wanting a bit more depth. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a cozy fall romance, especially if you like second-chance or miscommunication!

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“I love you. So thoroughly and unmistakably. I’ve known I loved you, the person you were, your soul, before I knew what you looked like”.

🌲strangers to friends to lovers
🐻second chance
🌲pen pals
🌲forced proximity (best yet)
🐻small town romance
🌲only one tent/sleeping bag
🐻slowest of burn ever

This story was so wholesome and perfect for me considering I just got back into camping. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it passed the vibe checks.

I must say Emile has to be one of my favourite side characters yet. A grumpy old French men out to f with Oliver and his mail until the very end.

From the very start I was hooked and I couldn’t stop cackling. Charlee is so funny and I found our personalities were quite similar, which was very intriguing. She’s also very strong and determined in life, despite the hardships she’s endured.

Then there is Oliver, MMC, his a cinnamon roll hero; kind and supportive. I must say I did add him to the roster.

You follow Charlee’s and Oliver’s journey through the Great Bear Rainforest for work as they shoot a docuseries. Can they work together for 2 weeks and put their past behind them?

This is honestly a masterpiece and I am off to read the first two from this series. Thank you so much Elodie for putting this into the world. PS. You sold me on the cover alone ❤️❤️

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I KNOW we aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but, if I see a cover by Leni Kauffman (@lenikauffman) I'm going to read it, plain and simple. I when I saw this cover on NetGalley I jumped at the opportunity to add another Lena-Kauffman-beautiful-cover-art-title to my read pile. And like most books Leni illustrates for, this book was sappy and sweet. 10/10 recommend, Charlee and Oliver are to die for, the way Oliver see's and describes Charlee throughout this book had me kicking my feet and giggling. (And wanting someone to see me that way).

Elodie Collard, take my credit card, I'll buy your books, keep them coming.

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As a huge sucker for a second chance romance, this obviously hit all the marks for me.

It was sweet and oh-so-tender, I really loved the characters and the romance. The letters from the past were a great addition to the story and were executed perfectly in a way that didn't slow things down. I loved watching Charlee and Oliver fall in love (twice). They are truly soulmates!

*I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I had quite high expectations for this one, especially after loving the previous book in the series. Needless to say, I vibe more with Paris than with nature, which should have been my first sign.

The beginning was strong. I liked it, and I thought it was going in a promising direction, but I slowly lost connection with the plot and characters. I found the letter idea quite enjoyable, and the idea of the grumpy mailman made me laugh. The letters were quite cute. Plus, I liked that the reason that separated them was different than what I expected, which pleasantly surprised me.

Overall, I think multiple aspects didn't work for me, but I would recommend it to any nature lover who likes the pen pals trope.

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F I V E S T A R S 🥰🥰

I just instantly felt so connected to Charlee and to this little adventure they go on. But omggg the tension the yearning and chemistry you get between these two "pen pals" lol is so cuteee. was i a fan of the miscommunication yes and no Elodie does an amazing job and making it believable tho so for this book IT WORKS. Oliver ughhhhh he has my heart!!🥰 omg also hint the cover but youre not ready to read abt the bear/s in this lol

overall THE BEST fall read you can choose

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Unbearably Yours was a nice fall read. Oliver and Charlee communicate through letter first becoming friends then developing feelings for one another. This book is half flashbacks from those letters and told in dual point of views which I loved!

I do enjoy the book for the most part. I wasn't a huge fan of some things in books and specifically the big reason why they had a falling out. I would recommend it and I'd like to try other books from the author.

Thank you for the ARC Netgalley!

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4.5 stars

This is like a big warm hug in the form of a book🥹

Read if you like:
🌲 Friends to strangers to friends to lovers
🐻 Second chance romance
🌲 Letter exchanges
🐻 Forced proximity

Our two main characters, Oliver and Charlee, used to be pen pals back in the end of their uni days with plans to meet up one day. However, one person ends up not showing after which they don’t speak for five years until they’re surprised to suddenly find each other as coworkers on a documentary about Canadian wildlife.

I really loved this premise and thought it was done so well. The chapter structure switches between the letters they sent each other back then and the present time which creates a great buildup and also shows their familiarity. The tropes made way for some amazing tension (I’m a huge fan of the forced proximity trope) and some truly heartwarming moments.

I also just need to say how much I adored these characters. Charlee was inspirational and tenacious - she was such a pleasure to read about. Oliver was just an absolute sweetheart🥹 I really loved the neurodivergent representation with his character and I ended up feeling really protective over him. The two together was just *chef’s kiss* - they were different yet the same and just balanced each other out so well. Their relationship together really beautifully explored vulnerability and forgiveness.

I also just loved the wilderness setting in this one! I feel like this’d be an even more perfect read for autumn. The setting of the story was so beautiful and was written in such an immersive way that I really felt drawn into that world.

I think my only downside to this was that their letters felt a bit lacking and very “fast paced” in a way. I was so hooked on their romance and relationship in the present, however, I felt that they jumped from being mere pen pals to bearing their hearts to each other in just a few short letters. Now, I might just be a cynic, but it just felt that their relationship moved a bit too fast in their letters to each other.

On the whole though, I enjoyed myself immensely. It really was such a cute read💕

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this might be my favorite book of the series!! easy 4.5 stars!!!

I typically tend to veer away from second chance romance, but I loved elodie’s first 2 books in this series so I was going to absolutely give it a go & see what wild ride she took us on & I was NOT disappointed in the slightest. pen pals? forced proximity? one tent/sleeping bag? I see zero issues or flags with any of that. sign me up to snuggle with Oliver!

Oliver is a total book beau. he is actually perfect. I felt an immediate connection between Charlee & Oliver from the moment they interacted. their time was bound to come! & when it did, oh boy. 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ the forced proximity & second chance tropes in this book were the perfect combo for these mcs & gave me all the good feels!! it was wholesome & heartfelt. I also really love the representation of Oliver & his neurodivergence & sensitivities, they are not talked about / discussed enough & I feel Elodie did an amazing & caring job in describing the character & the representations. charlee & oliver complimented each other truly so well & I knew they were end game from the beginning. thoroughly enjoyed.

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Ok so y’all need to hear me out 🥹 I just finished this book like 10 minutes ago and y’all need to believe me when I say that the ending brought me to tears. This books is a 5 ⭐️ for me.

This whole book was so so so good! If you love cozy small towns, fall vibes, a bold/fearless FMC, a sweet cinnamon roll MMC this book is JUST FOR YOU. Not forgetting to mention the forced proximity (like a 1000%) and the dual POV. I also loved how fast paced the book was with fairly short chapters which literally hooked me and made this book impossible for me to put down.

Another really interesting thing about the book is the dual timeline, latter writing situation. Absolutely enjoyed this-lovely concept!

To summarise, I think that this book is a beautifully crafted love story that will have you swooning over the pages. Unbearably Yours is the PERFECT fall read that you take to the couch under a warm blanket with hot chocolate. Oh and! prepare yourselves to fall in love- Oliver is 😮‍💨

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I couldn’t get enough and was obsessed with Charlee and Oliver—seriously, I’m a sucker for second chance romances. Their love story? Chef’s kiss. The letters they wrote to each other were like emotional gut punches (in a good way) and gave me all the feels. The mix of past letters and present-day chapters brought everything full circle, with a slow-burn so intense I was practically yelling, “KISS ALREADY!”

Oliver is the ultimate cinnamon roll MMC—neurodivergent with hypersensitivity, sweet as sugar, and just trying to respect Charlee’s boundaries while she guards her heart like it’s Fort Knox. Meanwhile, Charlee’s an adventurous queen who’s way too perfect for him, and it’s hilarious watching them fight their feelings. Spoiler alert: they never stood a chance.

This book was like a cozy blanket and chicken soup for my soul!

Thanks, NetGalley for the earc!

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wow, honestly just wow. i don’t even know how to start. this was genuinely such an amazing and inspiring book. and the letters? the way they grew closer through them? it was amazing to read how their relationship grew and changed when they were in college. and then to read it again when they finally meet? truly amazing. elodie, i am so in awe of you, your writing ability and style, and the pieces of you that im sure you added to this book. it’s safe to say you’ve been added to my list 💗
i am so excited to see what you do next

now down to the logistics of my review
i gave this book 4.5 stars, and a spice rating of 3, there are a few explicit scenes on page, but they do not outshine the story and explicit acts between the characters don’t start until about ~80%, though there are some explicit details in a few of the letters.

read this book if you like
🏕️ strangers to friends to lovers
🐻 second chance
🏕️ letters
🐻 forced proximity
🏕️ adventures
🐻 small town canada
🏕️ only one tent… and sleeping bag… and bed…

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*Unbearably Yours* is a sweet and heartfelt second-chance romance that draws you into the tranquility of the Great Bear Rainforest. Charlee and Oliver's story in this magical setting is more than just a simple reconnection; it’s a tender exploration of love, loss, and healing. The vivid descriptions of the lush wilderness, complete with the incredible spirit bears, add a sense of wonder to their journey and the letters exchanged bring to life the sincerity and emotion of these two characters.

The book beautifully balances the wonder of nature with the intensity of unresolved feelings, making their time in the forest both adventurous and transformative.

Elodie Colliard's prose is gentle and evocative, making you want to escape to Pine Falls and immerse yourself in the peace and at times, chaos, of nature. *Unbearably Yours* is perfect for readers who crave slow-burning romance wrapped in the stunning beauty of the wilderness. By the end, you'll find yourself longing for a pen pal, your own retreat in the forest, and perhaps even hoping to catch a glimpse of a spirit bear.

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