Member Reviews

I'm a total sucker for letter writing in books, and the pen pal relationship between Charlee and Oliver absolutely stole my heart. They started writing to each other as part of a program to improve their writing and earn extra credits. Over the course of a year, they poured their minds and souls into heartfelt (and occasionally spicy!) letters, growing incredibly close despite the physical distance between them.

But then, things went awry, and they lost touch for five years. Fate brings them back together to collaborate on a project that's important to both of them for different reasons. Despite old wounds and past hurts, they can't afford to back out of the job.

I was completely hooked, unable to put the book down as I tried to uncover what happened between Charlee and Oliver five years ago. I raced through the book, enjoying every sentence.

Oliver is the sweetest cinnamon roll of a male main character, but he's also a total nerd.. He's a caretaker, and there's one particular scene where he takes care of Charlee after an accident that absolutely stole my heart.

Charlee is stubborn, proud, but always up for an adventure. She has a feisty exterior and trouble showing her vulnerability. I loved watching her become more open with Oliver and more self-aware throughout the book as her character developed.

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Well this was a cute second chance romance.
If you are a sucker for a slow burn romance this one is for you.
I hoped that I would love this a little bit

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This was such a cute, cozy and heartwarming read with all nature and characters are like comfort people.

Tropes: second chance romance, Letters exchange, soulmates, cinnamon roll mmc, forced proximity, one bed(tent), camping. Spice:🌶️🌶️

I really loved how it started with them exchanging letters and grew a relationship. Its comforting to read this book.
Oliver is such a green forest and a NERD 🤌🏻🎀💗, Charlee is the exact opposite to him but perfect for each other. I loved how they cared for each even with all the past looming around .

But i felt they should have talked way before about what happened 5 years ago, not wait until it reached 80% of the book. Miscommunication doesn’t bode well with me.

Overall it was a good cozy read.

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You had me at tortured poets on the book playlist.

Unbearably Yours is the third book in the It’s Always Been You series. Our protagonists, Oliver and Charlee, are pen pals who fell in love but haven’t been in contact in 5 years until they both end up working on the same assignment; a movie documentary about The Great Bear Rainforest. Their forced proximity brings back old feelings, memories , and secrets as they tried to avoid the inevitable dip back into their past. This book can be heavy at times, lighthearted at others and a love letter to nature and all nature lovers. (Ps don’t wait until you finish the book to look up the great bear rainforest it is a MUST SEE)

Off the bat, this book was so enjoyable without having read the others in its series (always a win for interconnected standalones.) It makes me want to read the others to learn about the adorable and sweet people in Charlee’s life. I loved getting to learn about The Great Bear Rainforest and the spirit bears that call it home. I’m not one to be heavily moved by nature alone but this forest was different, after seeing it I understood why Oliver loved it so much.

Oliver and Charlee’s main conflict stems from miscommunication caused their unique pen pal relationship and a bitter French mailman (I love you Emile and I don’t blame you even if Oliver will). After five years of not speaking the two find themselves working on a project too important for either of them to back out. Their forced proximity gets them talking once more and cementing the idea both of them had years ago; you’re my person. I loved how much they knew each other without having met in person, the way Charlee just knew what Oliver was thinking by the stance he took. A key point of Oliver is his giftedness and it was handled so beautifully. Seeing how accepting his friends and family are about his neurodivergence, it was just overall really nice representation.

I loved Charlee and Oliver together. When they claimed they were soulmates, I believed them. These two connected in such an intimate level without ever seeing one another, and even when Charlee was running away getting drunk in the local bar, their bond was evident. I’m happy that when I look back on this book I get to imagine these two happily running the restaurant in Pine Falls. Not many books make my cry but there are tears marks on the page where Charlee sees the framed Christmas photos in Oli’s.

I had a such a good time reading this book, learning about nature and the way humans naturally push and pull. I love interconnect stand alones when you don’t have to read the previous books to understand. It’s a proud 4 stars for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Elodie Colliard for this ARC! 4.5/5 for me!

I really fell in love with Charlee and Oliver! I mean, seriously - who falls in love through letters these days?! It was such a beautiful story about two people who had a connection and found each other again - in the most unplanned and unexpected way. I adored watching them find their way back together and yet, come to understand how much they've grown and changed in the years apart.

I've never read the other books in this series by Colliard, but I definitely want to now. This was so sweet, romantic (definitely found myself swooning over the letters and Oliver!!!) and sexy. Spice was enjoyable - Oliver's mouth is 😍 - and I loved all of the side characters. They were there but not overpowering and I know that having written about some of these other couples, it was important to have them show back up.

Overall really happy with this book! I loved that the letters broke up the chapters, the dual POV, and the banter. I think some moments felt a bit short and abrupt, but I'm not that upset about it. All in all, it was a really beautiful love story that I devoured in basically 2 days. Can't complain about! 😍😍 If you have the chance to read Unbearably Yours, do it! Also, be prepared to want to go camping - even if you've never had an urge before in your life. 🤣

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ah, I wanted to like this book so much more than I did…
When I read a romance book, I expect and typically enjoy the slight suspension of reality when it comes to characters and convenient plot devices but there were times that this book pushed me a little too far on that.

For example, I found myself grinning at all the little details that showed that Oli was committed to sustainability at first but by the time it’s mentioned that he drives an e-truck I was kind of rolling my eyes like “okay okay I get it.” (Also aren’t those quite expensive for someone trying to put all their money towards such a significant and personal dream?). And I had a few other eye roll moments like that. Most of which were easy to shake off but it just started to feel like a theme.

As I approached the last third of the book, I found myself craving a deeper connection to the characters. I felt like I had a bunch of small details about them that gave me their vibes but somehow I didn’t feel like I knew them very well. Which also made it hard for me to understand the connection they shared. By the time the big confession arrived, I couldn’t understand how they had gotten there. I literally went back to count how many letters they had exchanged and to check the dates of them. The way they were written made it appear as if all the letters were included in the book and if that’s the case, Charlee and Oliver exchanged 12 letters, 6 a piece, before their planned meet up. TWELVE. And while the letters were heartfelt and honest and warranted their desire to meet, I could not reconcile their quantity or content with the level of their feelings for one another and that they both were holding a candle 5 years later. It just felt like too much, especially from Charlee, after relatively little correspondence, a heartbreak, 5 years, and then a couple begrudging weeks together.

There were so many little things I enjoyed about this book, I just am walking away from the read wishing it had gone a little bit differently.

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Unbearably Yours was super-cute with an almost tangible feel of place in the wilds of British Columbia.

Charlee and Oliver were pen pals in university as part of their journalism courses and ended up falling in love through their letters, despite having never met or even spoken on the phone. A no-show on their eventual, meticulously planned, meeting day, means they lose touch for five years until they are suddenly thrown together by work, to make a documentary that means a huge amount to each of them.

I loved both characters - they were unique in interesting ways without becoming caricatures. Charlee's love of the outdoors and exploration, her no-nonsense personality and her ability to take stock and understand how her life had been shaped was great to read. And Oliver is such a sweet and lovely character, so linked in with his emotions and close with his friends he has a vulnerability about him but also a more raw and cheeky side which I enjoyed.

I found the letters themselves took me out of the main story and were therefore a bit distracting, they felt like what they mostly were - the ramblings of teenagers/students and so I could have done without most of them. But I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the book which was an easy, enjoyable read.

Thanks to NetGalley/Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to review, this is my honest opinion.

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‘Unbearably Yours’ is a cozy & spicy small-town, second chance romance, perfect for late summer evenings or crispy, autumn mornings and warmer afternoons.

I’m a sucker for letter writing in books, and these 2 pen pals - Charlee and Oliver, who started writing to each other as part of a program to improve their writing and get extra credits, stole my heart. A year of pouring their minds and souls to each other in heartfelt (and on some occasions SPICY!) letters, brought them incredibly close, despite the distance on a map between them.
However, when some things go wrong, they lose touch for 5 years. A twist of fate brings them together to collaborate on a project, that is very important to the both of them for different reasons, and despite the hurt, old wounds and their past history, which makes them want to pull out of the job, they both cannot afford to do that.

I was so hooked - I couldn’t put the book down trying to find out what has happened between Charlee and Oliver 5 years ago, and what was the reasoning behind it. I finished this book at an extreme speed (for me), and I enjoyed every sentence of it (beside the ones that made me want to cry and take all of Oliver’s pain away).

Oliver is the sweetest cinnamon roll MMC, but also an absolute nerd with a filthy mouth 🌶 and he very easily established his place on my list of favourite book boyfriends. He’s a caretaker, and there’s only particular scene, where he takes care of Charlee after her having an accident, which had me on my knees!!!! 🥵

Charlee is stubborn, proud, always up for an adventure, with a feisty exterior and trouble showing her vulnerability. I loved seeing as throughout the book, she’s more open with Oliver and becomes more self-aware of her behaviour & how her character develops.

I loved the dynamics between these two - both in their letters, which are throwback chapters, but also in the present. From initially Charlee not being able to tolerate Oliver’s presence, to them re-discovering the bond between them.

Overall 4.25/5 ⭐️, I really enjoyed this book, its vibe & characters. I’m not a huge nature girlie, not like Charlee and Oliver, but somehow this book made me want to go hiking & camping.

Thank you NetGalley & Victory Editing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was wonderful. I have read the author’s previous books and she continues to write her characters with so much heart and depth. Her writing itself is poetic and beautiful. I love a second chance romance when it is done well and it was done really well here. The angst and tension between the two leads was top tier. The slow burn was incredibly slow but so worth it, the slower the better in my opinion! I loved the appearance of characters from her previous books as well. Oliver is a fantastic breath of fresh air MMC. He’s sweet, smart and sensitive which was lovely to read. Charlee is determined and strong but also vulnerable, I really loved her as an FMC. Overall I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!

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You know a book series is a good one when its final chapter leaves you satisfied but, at the same time, you wish the series would never end. Unbearably Yours (book 3 in the It's Always Been You series) is the perfect example!
Here's what I absolutely loved about this masterpiece:
🧡 Charlee (the FMC): she is adventurous, brave, feisty, true, and vulnerable. She is a badass, and I wish I was more like her.
🧡 Oliver (the MMC): he is sensitive, sweet, caring, honest. He is an open book, incapable of deceiving. He won't just make it in the list of your favorite book boyfriends. No sir! He will overthrow all the others! You've been warned!
🧡 The romance: Oliver and Charlee have such a strong connection right from the start of their story! Seriously, I felt it at page one when they had exchanged only one letter and I swear I already needed them to be together always and forever! Plus, according to me, this book contains the most beautiful declaration of love of all time! (I am not going to spoil it for you. Just read the book and then we can talk about it.)
🧡 The spice: The constant pull between Oliver and Charlee is so well written! I'm telling you... this is the BEST!SLOW!BURN!EVER! And once it burns... it burns so good!
🧡 The dual timeline and the suspence. The mistery behind the reason why Oliver and Charlee didn’t get the chance to meet in person in the past got me hanging on the edge of my seat. The rhythm of the story, the narrative style... it all got me hooked to the page.
🧡 The cameos from all the other characters of the series are so sweet!
🧡 The delicacy that Elodie used in writing about mantal health, loss, grief, gender equality, and nature conservation.

Elodie Colliard wrote a heartfelt story that has the power to make you dream, think, feel seen and at peace, and stand a little taller. Elodie usually thanks her readers in the acknowledgements of her books. But I think readers should be thanking her for giving them such precious books! So, thank you, Elodie!

I am seriuously debating with myself trying to figure out if I think this might be Elodie's best work yet. And, given how much I love her previous work, this is saying a lot!
What I know for sure is that this series' characters will always be part of me. Truth be told, if it were up to me, I wouldn't let this series end before every secondary character has had their own book (Emile the evil postman included)!

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If you are in need of a cozy, sweet, dual timeline romance with characters you’ll love and root for, this one is for you!

I absolutely loved the dual timeline between the past and present, and the use of the letters were a perfect way to break up the story! I enjoyed seeing how their relationship progressed through these letters, and how this then affected them when they met. The letters provided a prior bond, which was sweet to see as they rekindled their relationship.

This story was very well written, was easy to understand and I couldn’t put it down! The small town setting was so nice, and I loved the wildlife aspect that was mixed in. A special shout out to the Scotland trip at the beginning 😊

I would totally recommend this one to friends!

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this was a lovely, tender, fun story! I loved Oliver & Charlee’s relationship—. how it developed as college kids through letters and in the current time having their second chance at being with one another. i love letters in romance books, and using them as the flashback points was so clever and special to read in this story. Oliver is the sweetest, tenderest, most loving character; his dedication to Charlee and all the people he loves is the most special thing. And Charlee is such a firecracker of a character, I loved seeing her come out of her protective shell and believe in love again with her soulmate! the side characters were also so fun to read, I hope this story gets a sequel and we can meet them all again. I also appreciated the little nod to Love, And Other Words, a similar story and favorite of mine!!!

thank you for the arc :))))

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I am so excited to be reading this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for this amazing experience!

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Thank you to netgalley for the ARC of this book.
I was first attracted to the cover, a cosy campfire setting? Yes please.
This book was a delight to read, Oliver and Charlee were really likeable characters who I was routing for the whole time.
I flew through this book desperate to discover why their plans to meet didn't happen. I was expecting to dislike Oliver as a result, but if anything, my heart broke for him.
I felt Charlee's rudeness was a bit unnecessary in places, she seemed desperate to run away rather than ask for the answers she wanted over the last few years.
Overall, a cosy read, perfect for autumn, I think this book is going to be huge.

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Charlee and Oliver started out as pen-pals through a writing program which lasted about a year. They frequently exchanged letters which became deeper and deeper and grew into a love connection and a plan to meet up. Which didn’t happen. Five years later they end up working on the same project – unexpectantly.

This was such a beautifully written romance. I absolutely recommend this read. Slow paced which suited the book and its characters very well. Second chance romance, forced proximity with a cinnamon roll hero. I loved this one!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for the opportunity to read this. All opinions expressed are my own.

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4.5 stars

This is the sort of book where you can really get immersed in the characters' world. I think I fell a little bit in love with Pine Falls, as well as Oliver and Charlee. And despite this being book three of a series, I never felt like I was missing context - only that I was probably missing out on some fab stories, something which I'm keen to rectify by doubling back to read the author's other books now.

This is the second epistolary second-chance romance I've read in as many weeks, and apparently it's my jam because I really enjoyed the way that the pair's past exchanges were gradually rolled out, revealing more about the characters' history and motivations and also resonating with the current narrative. I really felt Charlee's lingering devastation at how things played out, and while at times I wanted her to have the conversation, ask Oliver the question, I also understood her reticence not to go back there. And equally, my heart hurt for stoic, sensitive Oliver (possibly my new fave book boyfriend), being in the impossible position of needing to get on with the job and secure his dreams whilst also aching to set things straight with the one who got away. So while the reason for the lack of communication can feel a little contrived, I was happy enough to suspend my disbelief and be swept along with Charlee and Oliver's gradual reconciliation and burgeoning romance. And when they recapture the tenderness and depth of their original connection, it's pretty magical.

I also really enjoyed the supporting cast - particuarly Oliver's friends - and am hopeful that Matt and co. might get their own HEA in a return to Pine Falls at some point!

Angsty, sweet and tender, Unbearably Yours is the perfect cosy autumnal read <3

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Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC of Unbearably Yours in exchange for an honest and independent review.

While I’m coming into the It’s Always Been You series at book 3, I am first off grateful that I didn’t need to have read the first two in order to fall completely head over heels in love with this book, but secondly, I am beyond upset that I haven’t heard about this series until just now. I swear, I don’t live under rock either! I will be getting my hands on the first two the moment I’m done with this review because this cozy fall romance has wormed into way into my top 2024 reads and I’m not ready for it to end!

Charlee is a traveling journalist forever on the run researching environmental stories for her publisher, Wild Planet, whose office in Toronto, CA is on the brink of closure. In a last ditch effort to save the team, Charlee accepts an assignment that sends her to British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest for a two week trek in search of the elusive spirit bear that calls only this region hone. While the reward of accepting this assignment is huge, Charlee will quickly realize it may not be worth it when she comes face to face with her heartbreaking past.

Enter Oliver Reynolds, Charlee’s pen pal heartbreak she’s been running from for the last five years. Oliver’s place of peace is nature and all of the solitude it brings. Oliver has been working hard to get this life back on track after losing everything he held dear five years ago. When Wild Planet offers him enough money to guide a team filming a documentary in the area that would allow him to buy his grandparents restaurant back, Oliver jumps at the opportunity. This opportunity changes everything for him and things finally start looking up, that is until Oliver comes face to face with one of the things he lost five years ago and his biggest regret.

In this forced proximity steamy romance, Oliver and Charlee are forced to address what happened five years ago, when Oliver ghosted Charlee at the airport after they agreed to meet in person following a year long pen pal relationship. Can I just say, I loved how the author takes us back through Charlee and Oliver’s love story through their historical letters to each other. It’s adorable to be able to watch their relationship grow and strengthen through time. Fast forward five years, and Oliver is finally seeing the love of his life in the flesh and guiding her and her team through the BC rainforest. Rightfully so, Charlee is pissed and has her walls sky high, which Oliver seeks to dismantle one by one and finally open up about what kept him from the airport that day five years ago.

The chemistry between these too is palpable and their obvious attraction and history together springs off the page. Oliver quickly becomes one of my favorite book boyfriends in that every move he makes is so sincere and thoughtful. He doesn’t say anything without pouring every emotion he has into it because he’s bound to get it right this time. This slow build of sexual tension throughout the book is just perfection. I loved every minute of it. Now excuse me while I go hunt down books one and two because Elodie has me hooked on her writing and I need more! Absolute chef’s kiss for Oliver and Charlee’s love story! Three cheers for this Indie author and I encourage you to go out and support her works. They are phenomenal!

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ARC Book Review: *Unbearably Yours* by Elodie Colliard

Rating: ★★★★★

Elodie Colliard's *Unbearably Yours* is a mesmerizing third installment in the *It's Always Been You* series, blending heartfelt emotion, breathtaking scenery, and the powerful theme of second chances into a compelling romance.

Charlee, a dedicated journalist who avoids confronting her past, finds herself in a challenging situation when she's tasked with saving her Toronto-based Wild Planet office by participating in a documentary project in British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest. The catch? She must work alongside Oliver Reynolds, a man she has a tumultuous history with, and whom she hasn't seen in five years.

Oliver, a nature lover content with his peaceful life in Pine Falls, is driven by a desire to reclaim his family's lost restaurant. When offered a substantial raise to guide the Wild Planet crew, he reluctantly agrees, only to discover that his co-worker will be Charlee, the woman he once shared a deep connection with.

The story beautifully captures the tension and unresolved feelings between Charlee and Oliver as they navigate their forced proximity. Colliard skillfully portrays their journey, both personal and professional, amidst the stunning backdrop of the Great Bear Rainforest. The narrative is rich with vivid descriptions of nature, enhancing the romantic and adventurous elements of the plot.

*Unbearably Yours* masterfully explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the courage to face one's past. Charlee and Oliver's chemistry is palpable, and their gradual reconnection is both steamy and heartwarming. The story also delves into the solace found in a chosen family, emphasizing the importance of support and understanding.

Colliard's writing is engaging and emotionally resonant, making *Unbearably Yours* a captivating read from start to finish. Fans of second chance romances, small-town settings, and stories of personal growth will find themselves thoroughly enchanted by Charlee and Oliver's tale.

Thank you, NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, for the opportunity to read and review this enchanting and evocative novel. *Unbearably Yours* is a testament to the enduring power of love and the beauty of rediscovering what truly matters.

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4.5 ⭐
Tropes: Forced proximity, second chance, flashbacks, cinnamon roll MMC, small town, found family.

Ugh this book was so good! Unbearably Yours is the story of Charlee and Oliver. They met 5 years ago when they became anonymous penpals for one of their journalism classes. What started as an assignment to let an unknown stranger on the other side of the country critique their writing turned into love as they wrote back and forth over the course of a year…only for Oliver to shatter her heart.

Fast forward to the present. Charlee is working as a wildlife reporter who gets sent on assignment to a tropical rainforest to narrate a documentary about the area and with the hopes of seeing the elusive Spirit Bear. Except the guide and safety expert for the team is Oliver, who she hasn’t spoken to in 5 years after he stood her up at their first meeting.

The pacing of the book is great, and I loved the characters- Charlee is a laid back animal lover and Oliver is a quiet and nerdy woodworker hoping to buy back his grandparents' restaurant. It had the perfect amount of pining and tension for my angsty little heart too. Love this book!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the chance to read this arc in exchange for my honest opinion. All views expressed are my own.

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I really liked the concept of this book—long lost pen pals is such a cute idea. I think I got a little lost with all the flashbacks to their letters. Nothing about them suggested romance to me, so I was confused about how they were so impacted by each other? Love the idea but it just missed the mark for me.

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