Member Reviews

I read this book about two week ago, and I still have such a hard time putting into words how much I loved this book! There’s just so much I fell in love with in this book, from the gorgeous cover to the complex characters!

Some of my highlights were:

🧡 Some of my all time favourite micro tropes were included in this book: penpals (I LOVE when they write letters to each other!!), second chance romance, they take care of one another when hurt… And all these amazing tropes were all so well done and worked so well for the story!

🧡 I can’t explain how much I love Charlee and Oliver 🥹 They were so sweet together, and I love how they found each other once again after everything that happened to them. They were just two lonely college kids who found one another, and their whole story and journey had me teary eyed and kicking my feet at how cute they were!

🧡 I love how this took mostly placed in BC, especially in The Great Bear Rainforest! I feel like I was able to clearly visualized the setting and I loved how the writing in this book was able to transport me to this place I’ve never been, but now definitely want to check out!

🧡 This book had me laughing out loud a few times, but also had such great sweet moments that had me swooning! I also got pretty emotional at times, and I love when a book is able to transport us on this incredible journey through many different emotions!

🧡 This had the coziest vibes and definitely put me in the fall mood!

🧡 Oliver stole my heart. He was such a sweet MMC, and I love the way his neurodiversity and hypersensitivity was explained all throughout the book.

🧡 The premise and storyline of this story was so unique and had me hooked from the very start right until the end!

Overall, this was such a sweet second chance romance sprinkled with so many great micro tropes that is perfect for fall, and I would definitely recommend to any romance lover! This book is part of a series but could definitely be read by itself! 🤭


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GAH!! Unbearably Yours is the perfect romantic comedy! From the start, I was delighted and fully invested in Charlee and her adventurous heart. Once Oliver came into the picture, I was rooting for both of them. I found Oliver’s sensitivity to the world highly relatable and utterly endearing.

I just love these two and their tension was impeccable. Fair warning, when the tension breaks, it’s cataclysmic. Easily the SPICIEST book I have read in a long time, if ever. Don’t let the adorable cartoon cover fool you. If you blush easily and are uncomfortable with the bedroom door being wide open, consider yourself warned. This book is extremely hot. 🌶️🌶️🌶️

I’m impressed that a book this steamy is also so sweet, funny and heartwarming. I hope to write books this well rounded some day!

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Charlee and Oliver's story was so unique and special. Charlee and Oliver are paired up on a project when they are in college, and they write each other letters about their life. They never meet in person, but they get close to each other through their openness in their letters. When they are set to meet, things don't go according to plan.

Five years later, Charlee is assigned a new project at work, and she is paired up with Oliver. Oliver recognizes Charlee's name, and he is shocked to find that the one person he can never forget is going to be working with him.

They go on adventures together as they begin their work in the beautiful forest of British Columbia, and they wind up sharing a sleeping bag together and only have one bed.

Oliver is such a cinnamon roll, and I really connected with his character.

The book flashes back to see Charlee and Oliver's letters to each other in the past, and it was so meaningful to be able to see what they wrote to each other. They poured their hearts out, and it led to a beautiful connection.

Charlee and Oliver had a fantastic second chance romance. It's a slow burn, but it is spicy too.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this amazing book.

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I absolutely loved this semi-second chance romance between two former penpals. I loved the relationship between Charlie and Oliver and the switch between their relationship as penpals, which we get to see develop through their letters, to their relationship now which is filled with so much tension from unresolved feelings and no closure from their fallout of no longer being penpals. Like they are soulmates and are meant for each other, which is obvious since they still have feelings for each other even though its been five years. They know each other better than anyone else and all this created such a wonderful romance. I also loved the cameos of our Macs from earlier books.

Overall, I loved this book and the series and highly recommend both!

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🌟Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 rounded up to 5
💧Drip-o-Meter: 💦💦💦
💗Something I Loved: Other than the opening scene which was hilarious, I really loved the that the past perspective, their “first chance,” all took place through love letters. The pen pal concept doesn’t always work but it definitely did this time. It felt kind of old school, in that they didn’t just swipe right on each other or start off their messaging with a 🍆pic and suggestive opener, and I really enjoyed how much more pure it made their relationship feel in both past and present.
🫤Something I Would Have Changed: I love a second chance slow burn more than most but if the climax (pun intended) hadn’t finally come when it did I was about to lose my mind. I can’t help it… I just wanted them to figure it out and get together already because they were so clearly meant to be! That being said the 80-some% of the book that came before was really easy to get lost in and didn’t feel like it drug on unnecessarily.
🥰Favorite Moment: I don’t want to ruin it but… the ending. When Charlee “rights a wrong” and surprises Oliver with the grandest of grand gestures. I don’t know how to say it without saying it so... Just read it and you’ll understand.
🌶️Spiciest Scene: Chapter 29… Oliver got the message that “vibes are friends, not enemies” and he understood the assignment. It was years in the making and so worth the wait in the end.
📚Standalone vs. Series: Unbearably Yours is the third book in Elodie’s “It’s Always Been You” series of interconnected standalones. The characters are connected (FMC1 is MMC2’s sister and FMC2 is FMC3’s sister) but in my opinion, they do not overlap to such an extent that it would greatly affect your understanding or enjoyment of any of the books on their own. They definitely make appearances in each other’s books but they are quick cameos only.
📖Would I Recommend: I enjoyed this book the most out of the series and would definitely recommend. I thought it was well written and enjoyed both points of view in both timelines.
💬Tropes: Only One Sleeping Bag/Bed/Cabin, Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Lovers?, Second Chance, the Slow(est) Burn, Forced Proximity, Caretaking

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Unbearably Yours is an incredibly cute, heartwarming romance between two former pen pals finding each other again after years of no contact. I loved seeing Charlee and Oliver rebuild the connection they lost five years prior. This is a perfect fall romance with a bit of angst thrown in, and I loved every minute of it!

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When you fall in love over letters with a complete stranger and life gets in the way of you meeting what are the chances of being put on the same adventure filming team five years later. These two cannot deny that even if there are still hurt feelings they are still wild for each other.

I really enjoyed this one. Loved the idea of being able to fall for each other without knowing what each other looked liked.

I was lucky to be gifted this book by @netgalley

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This book was so damn cute! I loved both main characters and although you knew something happened and it was most likely Oliver’s fault, I could not come to dislike him at all. I wanted it to be something that I could be like “come on Charlee, you have to get over it because of xyz” and it definitely was.

The mixing of the letters and the chapters, so good. I was starting to get sad though as the story continued because as the letters progressed you knew that it was getting to the moment where everything fell apart. And I was dreading that.

Also how was he going to get the restaurant back once the filming fell through, I was disappointed about that but was hoping something would work out. Something believable but also a miracle obviously lol

Oh man, just everything about this story was just cute and cozy!

Thank you to NetGalley and Elodie Colliard for the advanced digital copy

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Unbearably yours by Elodie Colliard follows Charlee and Oliver’s adventure through life. They become penpals for a class assignment. Years later the finally meet, but they don’t discuss the night they were supposed to meet. This is my first book by Elodie and most certainly won’t be my last. Charlee is a fabulous FMC because she has endured so much in her life. She has worked so hard for what she wanted in life even after a really hard time in her life. As for Oliver, my heart goes out to this cinnamon roll man. Elodie was right, he is for sure on my book boyfriend list. An all in or nothing guy, ride or die, just all around amazing man who puts in his all for his people. I love how this was apart of an interconnected standalone series. I got a great gist of other characters without reading the other books. Overall, i would definitely recommend this book that enjoy romance, written letters, and an absolute cute story of second chance.

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QOTD: What’s your love language?

✨ARC Review✨

Y’all. You know how competence kink is a thing? Well, Oliver is like the ultimate competent man and yes, that’s really works for him.

Ok, so we have Charlee and Oliver who were college pen pals a few years ago. They fell in love through their letters. They were supposed to meet, but Oliver never showed. As you can imagine, this created some serious hurt feelings.

Fast forward five years later and they’re thrown together on a work assignment. They will be working in extremely close proximity in the wilds of Great Bear Rainforest for two weeks. Great! Plenty of time to hash out their issues while trying not to be killed by a bear…or multiple bears.

Listen. There are definitely things you have to suspend your disbelief for, like the enormous HR problem you’d have making your female reporter share a room with a male reporter. It doesn’t matter.

What matters is how flippin’ sweet and hot these two are together. The letters flash back to how they fell in love and their current situation is fraught with longing. It’s a delicious slow burn.

I highly recommend you check it out. It’s available now in KU.

My thanks to #netgalley and @victoryeditingngc for the ARC. All thoughts are mine alone.

#romance #romancebooks #contemporaryromance #slowburn#booksbooksbooks #bookrecs #bookreview #bookstagram #ku #kindleunlimited

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I've really loved reading this. I wasn't sure what to expect because I didn't realize there was a book 1 and 2 but it's truly a stand alone and what a beautiful one. Elodie's prose describing the forest and writing their letters made it so that I could not stop reading. I was fully involved and smitten. I loved the nod to Love and Other Words as well as it's one of my favourite books. Will definitely be checking out more books from Elodie.

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I adored this book! The back and forth between Charlee and Oliver was so witty, funny, and engaging. Their chemistry bubbled deliciously with every look, every touch, until they could no longer deny their feelings. There is so much heart and love poured into this novel, even among the pain that they both have to confront. Elodie has, again, pulled off such a beautiful story of love with rich and dynamic characters but never shied away from the hard stuff. She strikes the perfect balance!

Unbearably Yours is out on September 3rd and is a must-read for romance and fall lovers alike. Picture your favourite hoody, a hot drink and a cozy blanket as you curl up with this book that will warm you from the inside out 🤎 Thank you to Elodie and Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this story so much! I enjoyed this story so much! Five years ago Charlee & Oli (Oliver) were in a college program designed to increase their writing skills, but they have never met. They exchanged letters and articles they have written through the mail. During these exchanges they fall in love with each other. Oli & Charlee feel so comfortable with each other that they put their hearts on the page. Finally, when they are scheduled to meet, something prevents one of them from coming and a whole bunch of hurt occurs as a result... for both of them.

This is a dual timeline and dual pov story. I enjoy both when they are done right and this one was done extremely well! We read their previous letter exchanges from 5 years ago and get to learn their thoughts and feelings during that time. And we get to witness their current emotions, feelings, and fears.

...Now, in current time, they are unexpectedly thrown together on a joint work venture. They both need this collaboration to be a success for different reasons, but how in the world can this ever work with their history???

Charlee has been scarred emotionally by Oli missing their planned meet-up 5 years ago. She is still very single and constantly runs after various adventures for her job, not realizing that what she is really trying to run away from is the fact that Oli didn't want to meet her as much as she wanted to meet him. He. broke. her. heart. When they are thrown together she is so angry that she doesn't even want to have the conversation about why he never showed. She makes Oli promise that they will not talk about it during this work trip. And he agrees.

Oli knows how much he hurt Charlee. He is quiet, drowning in his own pain and just as hurt by the loss of their future. But now, he is determined to try to make their second chance work.

They both have learned to survive with their pain. But now they are forced to relive the past. It is difficult enough in the close quarters of camping in the rainforest, then Charlee hurts her ankle...

Oli is so loving and caring, as well as a highly-sensitive man. He is both strong and smart. Charlee has a smart mouth and is fierce. She is also loyal and loving. These characteristics made them relateable and made me really care about them.

I also enjoyed the secondary characters, especially Lola and Riley. They were strong best-friends for the main characters.

This is the third story in the collection. I have never read any of the others and this was a great stand-alone read. In fact this is the first book I have read by this author and I would gladly read another. I enthusiastically recommend giving this book a read!

**Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op, and the author for an advanced DRC**

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No wonder that I wanted to read this author's books. They are simply wonderful.

Two timelines, letters through years, and then reunited. Oh, it was lovely.
The characters - adorably. Both Charlee and Oliver, and Oliver's friends. How passionate they are about their work. Nature, Canada's landscaping (I went to google everything).
They were so comforting. Even when they were mad with each other. How they connect, not seeing each other and fell in love.
It was a comfort, nice reading. I never wanted this story to end.

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“It’s as if you were etched into my soul, into my bones. I’ve know for years that you were mine and I yours. Soulmates. That’s what we are.”

They were Pen pals. PEN PALS!!! I fell fast for this one. It is a heartfelt story that brings a nostalgic feeling with the best fall aesthetic. I am a sucker for letters in a book, and the letters in this one felt so raw and real.

✨ Charlee is a journalist who loves to travel for assignments and for the adventure. Only this assignment is with her long lost pen pal and the guy who she was in love with until it all ended. Her character gave me black cat energy in the best way. She is fierce and has her walls up but is so vulnerable on the inside.

✨ Oliver is a charming cinnamon roll mmc who is quirky and gentle. Their last correspondence was five years ago, yet he’s only ever thought about Charlee. The girl who got away. He’s willing to do anything to get Charlee to trust him again. The way he would take care of her in this book had me swooning.

✨ Charlee and Oliver have a past where they were once in love over letters. Now that they’re working together, they can’t deny that the chemistry is still present. They have a second chance love story that is full of longing, tender moments, and warmth.

Unbearably Yours has:
🧡 Letters
🪵 Forced proximity
🤍 Second chance
🍄‍🟫 Small town
💜 Found family
🏕️ One tent
🤎 Cinnamon roll mmc
🍂 Spice

✨ Add this one to your fall tbr! It’s available now

Thank you @elosreadingcorner and @victoryeditingngc for this ARC! 🫶🏼

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I adored this story of two former pen pal/writing critique partners who meet for the first time after a five years estrangement. Charlee and Oli fell in love with each other through their letters and were meant to meet, but Oli didn't show up leaving Charlee devastated. To their shock they're forced together when Charlee agrees to front a TV co-production on bears. The team's guide? Oli.

This book was so lovely, I couldnt put it down. I loved that Charlee was a bit spiky and angry while Oli was just this sweet guy that she cannot help but be drawn to. The supporting characters were also love and I loved the found family vibe. I am, however a bit perplexed that Charlee and Oli both worked for Wild Planet, albeit different cities, but they didn't see each other's byline. Surely they'd have read their own magazine or searched each other for their published work?!

I didn't realise it was part of a trilogy so after I finished this book I raced to my ereader and quickly bought the first two and devoured the book with Charlee's sister Riley. I cannot wait to see what Elodie Colliard writes next, she's definitely an autobuy for me now.

Thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and Netgalley.

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Imagine falling in love with your college penpal after months of exchanging letters, getting to really know one another then one day it all comes crumbling down… 5 years pass and you are forced to work together on a wilderness documentary which neither of you knew were part of until the day of meeting? OH and you have to bunk together in a small cabin in the middle of the woods with 1 bed for 2 weeks!


Oil Oli Oli… is the sweetest man I have ever read about, he is so freaking CUTE I could literally cry.
And Charlee? One of the most likable fmcs, she is so naturally funny, her opening scene had me in tears from how hard I was laughing.

The pain in their reveal of why it didn't work out 5 years prior had me sobbing, I felt so much for Oliver but was happy that Charlee understood and they were then able to allow themselves to show their love to each other.

Overall this book was the perfect cozy, heart warming, swoon worthy romance that I would 10/10 recommend especially for the fall 🤭🤎

If you love second chance romances, love letters, forced proximity, one bed, secret identity? Then this story is definitely for you!

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Thank you NetGalley and Elodie for my e-arc!

I can't believe I got to read this beautiful and heartwarming story. Elodie has a way with words—you really feel all the emotions through her characters. I find that second chance stories can be either a hit or miss, and this one is better than a win. I wish I could spend more time with the characters. 🥹

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This was a warm cup of coffee on a cold fall morning, cozy and amazing. I loved everything about this book, how their relationship grew, how relatable they were, everything!

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I love a good epistolary novel. When the letters are written that you feel caught up inside them and can’t wait for the next one to arrive, you know it’s a good book. UNBEARABLY YOURS by Elodie Colliard is one of these novels. So, if you are an epistolary novel fan like me, I hope you will love this book just as much as I do!

The letters between Charlee and Oliver were practically perfect, with the emotion and honesty growing as time went on, and they grew to know one another. My only grievance, which is more like just a personal want haha, is that I would have liked more and longer letters because I loved them writing to each other so much! But the way Colliard set up the book is perfect! We get a letter after every chapter that directly helps move the plot forward, even though it was in the past. I love the setup so much!

The tropes are abundant in this book! Two of my favorites that work very well together are slow burn and forced proximity. It’s the slowest of slow burns, and when things finally happen, you kick your feet with excitement as you read, mainly because this is all happening during the forced proximity. I knew people had to share tents, but there’s only one sleeping bag, which is a new favorite of mine!

I can’t forget to mention the friend group. Oliver has the best found family in his friend group. It’s the type of friends you hope for and want to be part of. They are a joy to read on the page.

I had little flutters of feel-good emotions as I read, but the final chapter and epilogue made my face wet. Charlee and Oliver went on an exceptional journey, and I loved all the feels!

Content warnings: (per author in the book) alcohol use on page, death of loved ones off page (breast cancer and smoke inhalation)

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