Member Reviews

You know what will stay with me the most about this book? Beau’s smile. I can picture it perfectly because it was a constant fixture in this story and I loved it! Let me tell you, Beau is amazing! He is top notch book boyfriend material and I honestly don’t know how Gemma resists him for so long. It was fun to watch Gemma change her mind about him.

This book is told from Gemma’s point of view and she starts out disliking Sunset Harbor. After spending three other books reading about this charming island, it felt like a stab to my heart. I LOVE Sunset Harbor and wish it was a real place I could visit. But don’t worry, Beau helps Gemma see the light and realize how amazing the island is.

Summer Tease is full of some really swoony, romantic scenes. What is it about being in water that makes a moment even more romantic? I don’t know, but Martha sure knows how to write them!

I loved to travel around with Beau and Gemma while Beau was on duty and doing all sorts of police work on their low-crime island. If I was going to get pulled over (in a car or a golf cart) I would hope it would be Beau Palmer writing me a ticket with his big, kind smile.

The ending was really cute and I appreciated how the conflicts panned out. There are some really interesting politics that were involved on the island and they were done really well and realistically.

My only wish is that we could have had Beau’s point of view and seen what he saw in Gemma. Also, perhaps a little bit less of Gemma’s crazy Grams. She’s a feisty one and I got a bit sick of her shenanigans. But overall this was a solid and really fun read.

🔥Romance: Kissing

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I cannot say enough good things about this series. Each author gave their unique story but they all tied together so wonderfully. They are adorable romances and each one is so special and cute in its own way. I love the small town island charm and how people seems to find different versions of themselves throughout these stories. So very well done- I’d recommend them as stand alones or a series to anyone! Perfect summer reads!

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Summer Tease was such a fun romcom! I loved listening to it! This series has been so fun getting see the same characters throughout on this amazing island!

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Summer Tease
Author: Martha Keyes

I requested an audio advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Dreamscape Media and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Falling for a Palmer would be the ultimate crime. Wild horses couldn’t drag me back to the small island where I grew up, but you know what can? Making sure the Palmer family–aka the worst neighbors ever–show appropriate respect to the newest resident of their retirement center: my grandma. But as soon as Grams moves in, her shenanigans put her at risk of being kicked out. Since she’s set on staying in Sunset Harbor until her last breath and there’s no way I’m staying on this nightmare island to take care of her, that’s just not an option.

Enter Beau Palmer, the infuriatingly charming local cop who’s got the connections to keep Grams right where she needs to be and help me get out of Dodge sooner. His price? Use my PR savvy to convince the town council into making his position full-time. That way, he can help his beloved island put the Sawyer/Palmer drama in the past. But the drama isn’t behind us. In fact, it’s right in front of me, wearing a police badge and a smirk that’s really started disturbing my peace.

My Thoughts: This is the Fourth Book in the Falling for Summer series. I have read the entire series and it is fantastic! I was fortunate enough to get most of the audiobooks on ARC and the ones that I did not, I was able to find through Hoopla. Gemma is back in town to get her grandmother’s house ready to sell while she gets her settled into the retirement home. Gram starts to cause a ruckus at the retirement home and almost gets kicked out. Gemma has to turn to the family rivalry, the Palmers, to get a favor called in to save her Gram’s place in the retirement home. In a quid status quo, in order to save her Gram, she has to do a little PR for Beau to get his part time position expanded to full time (with the appropriate pay). While teaming up together short term, feelings start to flow and connections are made… will this put the rivalry into full gear? Or will they finally put the Palmer/Sawyer rivalry to bed once and for all (no pun intended). This follows the tropes of island life, small town, closed door, and enemies to lovers.

The story follows a single person narration by Gemma, in her POV. Gemma has a PR brilliant mind, loves her Gram, but does not want to be held down by island life. Beau is a sweet, kind, and sexy young cop who just wants to be full time to be able to have a comfortable living on the island. The chemistry between these is two is evident immediately from the first interaction. The characters were developed well, were witty, full of chemistry, and intriguing. The author’s writing style was complex, closed door, clean, endearing, swoon-perfection, and just brilliant. Let’s not forget about Grams, she is very feisty, and we can all hope to be just like her when we grow up, to never lose your passion for life or your independence. The plot was well done and I enjoyed the character overlay between books. The best scene was the birdhouse war, very clever, all the way to the end.

The story is narrated by Ariel Royce, who does a fantastic job with the narration. Her voice carries well with voice variation through character distinction. The flow and pitch was even and easy to follow, even at 2x speed. Her voice is just easy to listen to, very smoothing, and really adds another element to the story. While these are series books and there is some character overlay, it is not necessary to read them all, or even in order, however, it will enrich the reader’s comprehension and experience by reading them all in order. I would highly recommend this book and the series to other readers. Fans of Savannah Scott or Julie Christianson, will really enjoy this story.

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Mini Review:

Summer Tease by Martha Keyes is part of the Falling For Summer Series. This was book four in the series but each of the books in the series can be read as standalones. I am actually listening to these out of order but I don’t feel as if I've missed out on anything. It's almost as if things are all happening at the same time for these characters. I feel like the authors have done a wonderful job of collaborating and making this community connecte. In Summer Tease we have Beau Palmer and Gigi or Gemma. I’m not sure if I would classify the feel of this one Romeo & Juliet without the death scene or more Hatfields and McCoys. Or maybe a mix of both. There was so much fun banter and activities between Beau and Gigi. I couldn’t help but love Beau’s positive attitude. I fell in love with GiGi and Beau and was rooting for them despite their family history.
Some things I loved were Grams (she was definitely a hoot), Beau’s wooing of Gigi, the bird feeder, the cute and lovable Xena, the grand gestures, & Gigi growth in the book. This book was written from a single point of view and it worked perfectly for the book but if you sign up for the author's newsletter you can get a glimpse in two bonus scenes with Beau’s thoughts. Tropes included He falls first, rival families, cop romance, & hate to love. Summer is not over yet so go grab yourself a copy.

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Beau and the family drama had some fun moments, but again, the full-length book felt stretched. The small-town dynamics were cute, but I would’ve preferred this as a shorter novella. The characters didn’t stand out as much as I wanted.

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Thank you @Dreamscape_Media and @netgalley for a #gifted copy of this audiobook.

"I know you want me to stay away from you. But I don't know how. And I don't want to."

Summary: The Palmers and the Sawyers have had a feud for as long as anyone on Sunset Harbor can remember. Between a bird feeder being moved between the houses in the dead of night and mysterious chalk lines drawn on the dock, the two families are sworn enemies. Hence, Gemma Sawyer is back in town to ensure her grandma is being treated properly in Palmer's retirement home, Seaside Oasis. While driving "erratically" in her golf cart, Gemma is pulled over by none other than Beau Palmer, the part-time cop on the island. Beau wants to help Gemma see their island's good parts before she returns to her life.

Thoughts: This was such a fun story in this series. The feud between Beau and Gemma was so funny, mostly the birdfeeder changing houses back and forth. Gemma's grandma was such a spitfire and it was fun getting to know her more. We of course have heard of her in some of the other stories in this series, but she was fun to read in this one. I love that Gemma learned that people and places can change, even your number one most sworn enemy. Beau was such a perfect person to show Gemma the love and support she needed. I love that Gemma got to know Beau through shadowing him on the job to help him win a full-time position on the island. I also love the easter eggs it had for previous stories and future ones.

Ariel Royce made this such a fun audiobook to listen to during walks and chores. I felt like I was on Sunset Harbor with these characters. Definitely listen to this one if you can!!

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If you are looking for an easy quick summer rom-com to read then this is exactly what you need. My one complaint is that there is no steam in these scenes and so that was lacking for my personally. Still a decent book over all.

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Beau and Gemma are enemies due to a family feud and it was fun to see them come around and recognize the good in each other. I love how these stories are connected and I enjoy seeing familiar characters interacting with the current ones. I loved the history of the bird feeder and how it was incorporated into the end of the story. The audiobook is very well done and it was a pleasure to listen to it.

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This was my first ALC ever and also the first one I've read in this series. And let me tell you, I am absolutely in love with Sunset Harbor and its people. I usually read in order but this didn't feel like I missed out on the characters since the other books simultaneously happen, so you can any spotlight and enjoy out of order. I also want to live with Beau and Gemma and her Grams 😭

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A bit of the modern day Romeo and Juliet Trope. Kind of. If Juliet hated Romeo as much as the rest of her family but Romeo was intent on proving her she was wrong about him. Narrated by Ariel Royce, this book was so much fun to listen to and a super quick listen at that. My only complaint was that the "us vs. them" statements got a bit repetitive to me but I also get that Martha Keyes was driving in the fact that Gemma felt out of place there on Sunset Harbor.

Speaking of Sunset Harbor, I am absolutely in love with that place. For reals. If I was a quasi-billionaire I would build the place myself! And then I would find me a quirky Grams and make sure she was the first resident. Grams brings all the hostile, comedic relief you can imagine she might and Beau is right there supporting her the entire time.

Gemma and Beau are so cute together. They definitely have the on page chemistry and I loved reading their story from start to finish.

This is a sweet, kisses only rom-com that I would suggest again and again to anyone asking.

Thank you so much to Dreamscape Media and Paradigm Press for the ALC. It was a complete delight.

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3.5 stars

A cute installment to this series. I like the leads, and Gran was a delight, but I would have liked the story to lean into the origins of the family feud more. The difference between a 3.5 rounding up or rounding down for me is whether the cutesy moments have me giggling or cringing. This story leans more to the eye rolling cringe than the foot-kicking cute.

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A delightful enemies-to-lovers romcom! Gemma and Beau come from two families who hold a lot of grudges against eachother, more so from the Sawyer side than the Palmers. Gemma has a long way to go to let go of past grievances and hurt to see Beau for who he is. Beau is easy going and charming; exactly what Gemma needs. I feel like Gemma was more intense than was warranted about the family beefs but she came around and put it all behind her.

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3.75⭐, 0.5🌶️

This was a very cute family enemies to lovers where Gemma is back to her home town to help her chaotic Grandmother sell her home, and the families nemesis, the Palmers live next door. Beau Palmer is the island police officer, and sunshine incarnated! When Gemma's grandma keeps getting in trouble at the retirement home the Palmer's operate, she trades favors with Beau to keep Grams at the home, and Gemma and Beau start spending more time together.

This clean romance was a tad too kitschy for me, but I still really enjoyed it! This is the second book I've read of the Falling for Summer series and I'm enjoying all the interconnected characters of the island. While I didn't adore this book, it was a nice read, and I'm excited to keep reading this series!

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an ALC of this book in exchange for my honest review

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I think these books are just rue cutest. I love how they're all linked, but not intertwined to a point you need to read them in a certain order.

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I’m so glad to have the history provided in this book. The warring families, and the drama that surrounds them. I loved it. It’s something I relate to having grown up in a very small town where family rivalries can get out of hand for generations!

The audiobook of this one was very well done also. The story progressed as it should without any crazy inflection or distraction. The mark of an excellent narration. I’m starting to dig single POVs. What in the world, yall?

My favorite moments in this story definitely come at the close. I love emotional maturity, wrongs righted, and found family… ya know? Yall know.

Listen to this if you love an “ask me to stay” romance with a cinnamon roll MMC that can go all protective.

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Summer Tease is another wonderful story in the Falling for Summer multi-author series. These books take place concurrently on the same island and can all be read as stand alone novels. However, I am having so much fun reading through the series in order and seeing the main characters from other books make small appearances in whichever book I am currently on.

Summer Tease is an enemies to more story. Gemma Sawyer carried a lot of hurt and resentment toward the Palmer family, as well as toward the residents of the island in general, due to some events from the past that impacted her immediate family very negatively. Her family, aside from her Grams, left the island years ago.

Gemma was not a fan of Beau Palmer when they reconnected, but it sure was fun seeing Beau slowly begin to change Gemma’s mind about not only him, but also about the island. Beau was so good at his job as Sunset Harbor’s Police Officer. It was very clear that he was good at connecting with people and being able to de-escalate situations when needed. I liked seeing Gemma soften toward him and realize what a good man he was.

I listened to the audio book version of Summer Tease and really enjoyed it. The narrator did a great job! This story is told from Gemma’s perspective and I loved it from start to finish.

I received a complimentary copy of this audio book. All opinions are my own.

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This single POV part of the falling for summer series is a standalone but has deep connections with the characters and events in the previous books of the series. With great narration, you can tell easily who is talking when, and follow the story well. The characters all have fun and inviting personalities that make you root for their HEA in the end. It's a great addition to the well developed world of Sunset Harbor.
I listened to an ALC from net galley and the publisher. These are my own opinions.

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I’ve been enjoying this Falling For Summer Series which I’m reading totally out of order. Go figure. But I’m loving my visits. This time Keyes introduces us to Gemma. And her grudge.

Summing it up: Gemma heads home to be with Grams and tries to steer clear of Beau. Impossible when you’re the town cop. His family is enemy number one. And a birdhouse is involved.

Thoughts: Can I keep Beau? Sign me up for him as Chewie. Sign me up for him as anything. He’s funny and thoughtful and I’m going to be honest.. the most patient guy on earth. And that entire ending is SO good! Hilarious and swoony.

Should you read this? Yes! Make a visit to Summer Harbor and watch for Beau. This audio is a single POV and well done. I enjoyed the banter and crazy Grams. She’s a hoot. In a slightly terrifying way.

Can Gemma end the family feud and give Beau the benefit of the doubt? Can love find a way or will Grams be kicked out?

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Audiobook review:

Oh my goodness, this is a fantastic (feuding) enemies to lovers book! The Palmer and Sawyer families have been at war for decades. Gemma Sawyer has been on the losing side and feels that her family was pushed off the island because of the family feud. When she comes back to Sunset Harbor to help her grandma, she is surprised to feel attracted towards Beau Palmer, and she is surprised to learn some of her grandma's secrets. Gemma's grandma had me cracking up, and her antics in the epilogue were so sweet.

Overall this is a fantistic book. I highly recommend it! I would categorize this as a sweet romance with kissing only. Thank you to Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for the advance listener copy. A review was not required.

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