Member Reviews

I don’t think this book was very helpful. It gives a lot of examples of social anxiety which are a bit redundant as I think everyone knows what constitutes it. Then the suggestions to help are basically so just push through it. #HowtoUnderstandandDealwirhSocialAnxiety #NetGalley

As someone who has crippling social anxiety and has never taken it seriously, always just thought I was extra shy, this book is amazing. It goes in depth of the many: Why, How, What, When, and Where of social anxiety. I now take my social anxiety seriously like any other mental health subject. The book also helps you battle it and defeat it. Truly did change my perspective on social anxiety.

This felt more like an in depth pamphlet about social anxiety than an actual book. While it is helpful, it's meant for someone who is brand new to confronting their social anxiety. If you've spent anytime in therapy, this won't feel that useful to you.

I have struggled with social anxiety my whole life, and found this to be an incredible resource with tips I can start using ASAP. Only wish I'd had this as a teenager when my social anxiety became crippling. If you struggle too, this fine book is definitely for you!