Member Reviews

Scientia-labore-integritas (Knowledge, Hard Work and Integrity)

So reads the crest of Civitas-one of the country’s top private day schools, located in Atlanta, and run by headmaster Jerry Armstrong. But does he practice what he preaches?

Scandal is about to rock this community

Jerry encourages his soft spoken wife Anna to volunteer for the fundraising committee for the schools annual Gala-its MOST important fundraising event of the year, along with Rhea Connelly-the Parents Association President who knows the Texas secret ingredient for killer grilled cheese sandwiches and its other volunteer, Maggie Reed, a semi famous relationship therapist an author of best-selling book-“Reconnecting Between the Sheets”.

At first glance, it would appear that the three women would have nothing in common, but as it turns out-there is something that they do share-EACH ONE is hiding a secret.

And, when exposed, their marriages may NOT survive.

I recently finished Caitlin Weaver’s excellent debut “Such a Good Family”, and this book proves that the author definitely has a knack for creating well developed, relatable characters and a natural ability to write entertaining domestic suspense stories which cover a wide range of “challenges” that marriages and families might face.

Sharing more about what these women will encounter would ruin the surprises, for you, so I won’t say more, but suffice to say that things are not as perfect as they seem behind closed doors.

At 394 pages, I thought the pace could have been tightened in the first half, if a few pages had been trimmed and secrets exposed a bit sooner, but regardless, the author is now 2 for 2 for me, and I am looking forward to what she writes next!

3.75 ⭐️ rounded up!

AVAILABLE September 27, 2024

Thank You to Storm Publishing for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley. As always, these are my candid thoughts!

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A solid 4 star read. Well-written characters, interesting storyline and a lovely friendship between the three main characters as they deal with intense issues in their lives. I wouldn't call this a thriller, but a very enjoyable domestic drama that I will recommend!

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC of the book. I enjoyed the story and the character development. I was engaged from the very beginning. As a fan of horror/thrillers, I loved this story. The mystery and intrigue was there and I found myself staying up late to finish chapters. This is a book that's great for the fall season.

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There is a lot going on in this book. Three women, each with something they’re hiding from the others. The book did feel a little long because there was so much packed in, but it was still an engaging and entertaining read.
The book is told from the points of view of each of the women, so we gain an insight into their thoughts and concerns. It is set in a private school, and the three women are thrown together to work on a subcommittee for their parents association. The characters of the three women were believable and largely relatable, and the storyline was gripping.

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Really enjoyed this. Not heard of this author before but would look out for other books by her

Thanks for the opportunity to review. I would recommend to others

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This is a story of 3 very different moms who are on a committee together for their children’s school. Seems normal enough except these moms have secrets to keep. As their friendship grows and their secrets are revealed to each other, they unearth a scandal involving the school and those close to them. Will they expose the scandal and their secrets to other people? And what will happen if they do?

Although I did enjoy this read, it was lacking in a few areas. The pacing was a little off. The beginning was well paced and sucked you in. The middle dragged on a little too much. Then the ending felt to fast.

My other issue was this isn’t a thriller in my eyes. It is more like a dramatic fiction with a little suspense maybe. I feel like if people know that going in, they can enjoy it more for what it is. I did appreciate that the ending wraps everything up nicely.

Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an advanced copy of the book!

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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Things We Never Say by Caitlin Weaver was a pretty good read for me. I liked getting to know the three main characters and all of the issues and secrets in their lives. I wouldn't call this a thriller in any way, but a good domestic novel with plenty of drama.

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I realize these advanced copies have editing errors, but there were so many in the first chapter, that I couldn't figure out what was happening. I could not get into this book.

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Three women thrown together as part of a PTA fund-raising initiative; Anna quietly spoken, thePTA President and very wealthy Rhea and relationship expert Maggie. All have fundamentally different lives and unbeknown to the others, each have their own problems and heartaches. But as the fund raiser takes off much to everyone’s surprise, these three women begin to bond.

What we see on the surface of people’s lives is not always a true reflection of what is realistically going on. And when these women accidently unearth a major scandal that certain staff members from the Civitas School have tried to cover up, some for many years the women will become relentless in finding out the truth, even if it is to their own detriment. The book is told from multiple POV’s, and it is through these that we learn more about each character and what makes them tick.

Lots of secrets, lies, coverups and drama all come together in this domestic thriller to create a very good book. I read it in an afternoon, and you will easily move through the pages as you get taken into this world. Revelations will come out and I found myself satisfied with how it all wrapped up. Recommended, four stars.

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publisher for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions are my own.

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I absolutely loved this. book as it's about a scandal involving a private school and three women who are friends and have their own secrets in their personal lives. I raced through this one at break-neck speed as each page left me breathless with each new realization, It's my favorite kind of convoluted-plot stories that had me racing to take notes with each new revelation! It's a winner for sure!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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I loved this story from start to finish it was a thrilling read. Fast paced and short chapters kept the action moving throughout. Thank you for allowing me to read and review.

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It's such a nice domestic thriller. Here we have 3 mothers in the same private school dealing with different relevant issues with their lives. Being a part of the same committee for their school's gala brought them all together which in turn unraveled their lives... for the better. I enjoyed reading this and following the fateful events that transpired in their "perfect" lives. The ending was so heartwarming.

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This book is about three moms who don't really like each other at first. They're all different, but their kids go to the same school. They have to work together to make the school one hundred years old.

At the start, they don't get along. But they have to work together to find a really bad secret. As they work together, they become friends.

The book tells the story from each mom's point of view, which is cool. It's like you're in their heads.

Two of the moms share their problems, and it turns out one of them is hiding a really big secret. I didn't see that coming!

I liked this book a lot. It was fun to read and I cared about the characters.

Five stars!

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Firstly thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced copy of this book on exchange for my honest opinion.

This book was told from the POV’s of the 3 women whose lives we got to delve into . Each had their own stories of happiness secrets shocks and twists all coming together in a common goal to expose fraud at the local school.

Really enjoyed the book this is my second book by this author and I read it in less than 24 hours .

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This was the first book that I’ve read by Caitlin Weaver and I really enjoyed it. The story of three women who weren’t friends that joined together to form a fundraising committee for their ritzy private school in Atlanta, it wasn’t what I expected. Told from all three points of view, Anna’s story was the most harrowing, but Maggie’s had a twist that I definitely didn’t see coming. Some parts seemed a bit far fetched, but all in all I thought it was a great story. The ending seemed a bit rushed, but I can overlook that.

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Things We Never Say is a beautifully written exploration of the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Caitlin Weaver’s storytelling is both introspective and engaging, drawing readers into a world where the weight of unspoken words and buried secrets can shape lives in profound ways.

The novel unfolds at a deliberate pace, building tension gradually as it delves into themes of guilt, loss, and redemption. Weaver’s writing is richly atmospheric, with a keen eye for detail that brings the setting and its emotional landscape to life. The emotional depth of the narrative is where this book truly shines, offering readers a poignant look at the ways in which people cope with pain and regret.

What makes this book particularly compelling is its nuanced portrayal of its characters, who are deeply flawed yet relatable. The complexities of their inner lives are revealed in subtle, powerful ways, making their journeys all the more impactful. The story’s slow-burn nature allows for a thoughtful exploration of these themes, leading to a conclusion that is both satisfying and thought-provoking.

While the pacing may be slower than some readers prefer, those who appreciate a character-driven narrative will find Things We Never Say to be a rewarding and moving experience. Caitlin Weaver has crafted a novel that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned, making it a must-read for those who enjoy introspective, emotionally resonant fiction.

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Thank you Storm Publishing and Net Galley for the ARC!

Anna, Maggie an Rhea are 3 mothers of children who attend an upper class private school Civitas - where your status quo absolutely determines how you will be treated. With mandatory parent involvement hours in the school, the 3 mothers find themselves thrown together for the gala board and will be forced to work together, despite their total different ways of life and opinions towards Civitas.

Anna, being the wife of the Dean, is viewed as stuck up and high and mighty due to being very quiet and her obvious position within the school. However, Anna's lack of words hides a very sinister reasoning and things aren't as they seem behind closed doors with her. You really feel drawn to this character and want to scream for her by the end. Maggie, the renowned sex therapist, also has her own personal issues at home and really this one was the biggest twist for me. You learn to love her curiosity and wittiness. Rhea is a boy mom and a powerhouse one at that. She is an extremely devoted wife and mother who also hides a very big secret for fear of losing all she's built. I personally enjoyed her growth, and the story line of her family as well. Through this book I fell in love with these 3 women and their blossoming friendship, and ultimately they saved each other in various ways.

Though there weren't many twists and turns during this book, I truly enjoyed it! I read this in one day, and was intrigued from the get go.

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Told from multiple POVs, this is a domestic thriller about three women who become friends while working on a committee for their children’s private school. Each of them is dealing with problems in their personal lives and it shows that you never really know what is going on behind closed doors.

I always enjoy mysteries that revolve around academia and domestic relationships so this was right up my alley. I loved Caitlin Weaver’s last book, and this one was just as good.

I did notice quite a few typos/grammatical errors, but I’m sure that will be resolved by the time the book is published.

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This was more of a domestic drama and it was a little bit too slow for me. I did want more of a thriller vibe and less secrets. I did think it was a little lengthy and thought it could've been less. The pacing also seemed off in the second part of the book, It was a good and fun read nonetheless.

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