Member Reviews

This was a strong character read featuring three very different women with little in common other than the fact their children go to the same school and they’re thrown together planning an event. When the women stumble across some paperwork that suggests something is amiss one of them can’t resist investigating it a little and what she finds out convinces the others to join her in uncovering the secrets of the school. Alongside this each woman is struggling with a personal dilemma and is surprised to find the other women could be the friend and support network they need.

This was an engrossing read which was at core a relationship read both in terms of the relationships the women have at home and between themselves. Each were facing a very real issue in their life and I enjoyed reading each of their perspectives where they balanced private pain and their public face. The scandal within the school was a great storyline which tied them together but I most enjoyed getting to know the women as their personalities developed during the book and their individual storylines.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of Things We Never Say by Caitlin Weaver due to be published September 27, 2024.
I had previously read Such a Good Family by Caitlin Weaver – I was thrilled to read this book by her!
Anna, Maggie, and Rhea are thrown together to work on a PTA project, and slowly truths come out with their “picture-perfect” lives. Each of them has a secret of their own and uncover a scandal at the prestigious school where Anna’s husband is the headmaster. Will they uncover the scandal but still keep their own secrets?
This book was excellent – it kept me riveted from the first page, and I devoured it in one afternoon. The secrets and lies kept coming from all three friends, and I could not wait to see what happened at the end – it did not disappoint!
Definitely one for your TBR list!
#NetGalley #CaitlinWeaver #StormPublishing #ThingsWeNeverSay

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