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Review for 'Christmas Ever After' by Jaimie Admans

What another absolute stunner from the extremely talented Jaimie!!! Well done Jaimie on absolutely beautiful and perfect read!! This is an absolutely gorgeous page-turner that regardless of whether you are laying on a lounger on the beach or curled up on the sofa in front of the fire Jaimie is guaranteed to pick you up and whisk you away to the stunning ever After Street.

The book is extremely well written with beautiful descriptions that completely drew me in. The synopsis and the cover match the storyline perfectly!!

Well, you may have noticed I have started reading festive books regular and very early considering it is only September but it doesn't matter if you are the type who doesn't want to hear the word Christmas until the day or whether you have already started thinking about getting the decorations down because regardless of how you feel about Christmas you will absolutely LOVE this adorable story!!

The storyline itself is absolutely magical and completely swept me away. This is the fourth book in Jaimie's 'The Ever After' series and although it is the fourth book in the series it can be read as a standalone with no problems but I cannot wait to go back to the previous two books that I have not managed to read yet and get completely lost in those too!! I mean, seriously, this book was just absolutely enchanting, beautiful, heart-warming and an absolute must read especially to turn a frown upside down!! In this stunning addition to this series we join Franca Andrews who is an ex-ballet dancer who now owns 'The Nutcracker Shop' on 'Ever After Street'. After her parents had a messy marriage and divorce Franca no longer feels the magic of Christmas or romance. Franca has been against the owner of the magical snow globe shop 'Love Is All A-Round' Raphael Dardenne ever since he moved on too Ever After Street. Franca hates Raphael and his late grandfather as Raff's (Raphael) shop has a magical history of bringing couples together, she thinks what they are doing is fraud and is to blame for the disaster of her parents marriage so plans on exposing them and getting their shop closed down. It gets to the point where they both end up fighting to keep their businesses but things go from bad to worse when Franca breaks 3 fingers in a fall which has been live streamed and she blames Raff for it. With her shop relying on her to make nutcrackers at the busiest time for her when she is unable to use her hand how will she save her shop? Well, you will just have to grab your copy of this absolutely gorgeous book to find out for yourselves!! I can promise that you will not regret it whether you start from this book or the first book in this series which is called 'A Midnight Kiss On Ever After Street' you are guaranteed to fall in love with the characters, the street and absolutely everything about Jaimie's absolutely stunning books and series!!! The storyline is absolutely filled with love, magic, snow globes, friendship, nutcrackers, drama, romance, rivalry and everything you could ask for in a stunning must read. You need to clear your schedules before starting this as it is completely unputdownable!! I picked this up in the morning and absolutely devoured it several hours later. I was completely hooked and so lost in the beautiful settings, magical storyline and amazing characters that I just could not put it down. Although I was devastated to come to the end I am going to go straight back and read the first book in this series which is called 'A Midnight Kiss On Ever After Street' and I'm excited to meet the characters again and see how they have moved on from the start! Jaimie's beautiful and evocative writing skills ensures the readers are absolutely sucked into the stunning storyline with the atmosphere and characters coming to life all around them.. I absolutely fell in love venturing into Ever After Street again and Jaimie portrays life in a small community absolutely perfectly I became so invested in this book that it actually felt like going on a holiday and I absolutely dreaded coming to the end where I had to unpack my suitcase and get back to reality. It was an absolutely compelling, easy to read, beautiful and addictive heart lifting read that kept me turning the pages. I loved discovering the pasts and histories of the characters and the street itself and I was absolutely swept away in the story line. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading about creating nutcrackers and future designs for snow globes and nutcrackers which I found to be a really unique and enjoyable part of the story! The characters, surroundings and everything came to life around me and I cannot wait to return in the previous and next books in what promises to be an absolutely stunning series. This book would make a beautiful movie and I will be the first in line to watch it!! An absolutely gorgeous, cute and addictive addition to an absolutely stunning series!!

Do not turn a single page of this book until you have cleared your schedules and when you do get ready to go on a stunning holiday you will not want to leave!!

I became completely invested in the characters, along with the storyline, who were all absolutely fantastic with their own individual personalities, flaws and quirks. They all started feeling like friends so quickly having got to meet and know so many of them so well. I felt like I was leaving amazing people and friends and feel quite sad about that but am happy in the knowledge that I can go back to the previous books in the series and meet many of them again while I am waiting for the next stunner to be released. Jaimie is hopefully writing her next book and bringing them alive as I write this as it wont take me long to zoom through the first and second books if they are anything at all like this one (hint hint Jaimie😉). I loved watching how Franca and Raff's characters and personalities develop and change from the first page to the last. I also adored watching them getting closer and seeing the sparks between them. It took me longer to warm to Franca than I was hoping, especially considering I clicked with raff practically immediately. Franca did annoy me on occasions as the fact that she blamed what happened to her parents on raff's grandfather and then taking it out on him to be ridiculous. I definitely found her to be cynical and immature but I did start warming to her and she definitely grew on me, by the end of the book I really liked her especially after when she broke her fingers and my heart went out to her. Raff on the other hand I found to be a warm, caring, compassionate and I found him to be a true gentleman. I did enjoy the enemies to lovers storyline and by the end I was absolutely rooting for them both!! Jaimie's is an absolutely phenomenal writer and her talent ensures that these and the other characters all leap off the pages and come to life in front of your eyes! I have NO idea how I have never read of her stunning books before now but I am so glad I have rectified this!! I cannot wait to meet most of them again in the first, second and next books in this series which I really, really, really hope is not going to take too long to come out!!!This is one of those series which could go on and on and I wouldn't get bored. Here's to meeting them all again along with the next new faces of Ever After Street!!

Congratulations Jaimie on yet another absolutely gorgeous success!!! I'm definitely looking forward to my next holiday on Ever After Street!!! This is exactly why you are in my favourite author club and my go to author when I need a frown turning upside down! Here is to your next success!!!

Overall this is a perfect, stunning, page turning beach or fireplace read with a great gang of characters that will sweep you away to the magical and enchanting Ever After Street from the very first page to the end!

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Christmas Ever After proves that Jaimie Admans is the queen of Christmas romances.

It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Jaimie's books. I always recommend one of her books if someone is looking for a charming pick-me-up read. However, I have to say that Jaimie's Christmas romance stories are on another level of swooniness. Her Christmas books are probably my favourite books in that subgenre. I cannot begin to describe the happiness and magical Christmas feelings her stories give me. Christmas Ever After was everything I hoped it would be. You will devour this book if you love Jaimie's The Little Christmas Shop on Nutcracker Lane. There are definitely some similar vibes between these two books. This story bursts with Christmas charm and magic, a cinnamon roll hero, rivalry between the two MCs, and so many sweet moments.

This story follows Franca, who has lost her Christmas spirit and really her spark in life. She feels alone in the world and doesn't know how to fix the rut she is in. The one thing she does know is that she does not like Raff (fellow shop owner) and thinks his magical match-making snow globes are a sham. They have a heated rivalry that has progressed to the point that the Ever After Business Council has stated that one of them will have to go at the end of the Christmas season. Things become worse for Franca when she finds herself injured and unable to make Nutcrackers anymore. She thinks that everything in her life is over, that is, until Raff comes in to help her make and run her shop. Gosh, I love a good rivalries-to-lovers story; it creates such great chemistry between the two MCs.

What I loved about this book was this reversal of that grumpy sunshine trope that you typically get in Jaimie's books. In this book, our hero is sunshine, a cinnamon roll character who believes in Christmas magic. Franca is prickly and wants nothing to do with the holiday season she used to adore. Watching as Raff tries to bring back joy and happiness in Franca's life was so cute and heartwarming. That man had me smiling and my heart pitter-pattering faster. What made Raff's character more real and relatable was his insecurities about running his family's business. Raff loves making snow globes but doesn't like the magical match-making element tied to it. His grandfather had the gift of matching couples, but Raff doesn't. You can tell he feels tremendous pressure and doesn't want to disappoint his family. This vulnerability made me fall in love with his character even more. I adored Franca, which is unusual because I don't always click with prickly female MCs. But I think Franca's loneliness made her so endearing to me. She's not a terrible person, but events in her past have made her see the world in a more jaded light. Her family life is full of hostility, and she is filled with this sense of hopelessness. My heart really did go out to her. I loved watching her grow in this book. It is always so heartwarming to watch a character fall back in love with their passion and also fall in love with a gorgeous man.

The romance has all that typical sweet charm that I have come to expect from Jaimie's books. You really cannot help but smile when you watch these two characters fall in love with each other. I lost count of the number of moments that had those butterflies fluttering in my stomach. This is a slow-burn love story. Franca and Raff fall in love over the course of the Christmas holiday season. I love the fun and cheeky banter between these two. And as much as the third-act break-up ripped my heart out, I knew the moment when these two finally got back together would be rememberable and oozing with swoony goodness.

Christmas Ever After is bursting with Christmas charm, and within its pages is a love story that is sure to put a smile on your face.

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Are you Team Nutcracker or Team Snow Globe? It’s a battle of wills and a whole lot of Christmas magic that makes this story shine. Enter Raff, a cinnamon roll hero who creates snow globes at his family’s shop. He’s the ultimate good guy who goes the extra mile. His dedication to help Franca after her unfortunate accident is a testament to his patience and wonderful character.

Raff’s charm is undeniable as he becomes Franca’s biggest cheerleader, even as they compete for who will keep their shop at the end of the year. His selflessness shines through when he sacrifices his livelihood and takes the time to learn how to make nutcrackers to complete Franca’s orders. It’s commendable, and if she didn’t take him, I surely would.

Franca is struggling to save her nutcracker shop after breaking her wrist. She reluctantly accepts the help of the man who left her on the ground after her accident. Her journey to accepting Raff’s help is tumultuous, but his attention and cheery countenance slowly become the light to her darkness. Add in his extremely loving and supportive family, and Franca is a goner.

Franca takes some time getting used to, but her pettiness hides her vulnerability. Having been on her own for a long time, it takes her a while to relax and trust Raff. It’s heart wrenching to see Franca struggle to feel wanted, but Raff and his family show her that she’s enough, just as she is.

As the storyline between Raff and Franca unfolds, it’s impossible not to be drawn to the characters and the way they bring out the best in each other. Their story is a reminder that sometimes, the people who appear the strongest are the ones who need a supportive hand the most.

This delightful romance captures the essence of Christmas, offering an escape into enchanting worlds filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a heartwarming happily ever after.

Thank you to Ms. Admans for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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I adored Franca and Raff and the whole festive feeling that this story had!

Franca sells Nutcrackers and Raff makes snow globes. Francas shop isn't doing as well and she's annoyed with Raff who sells his snow globes and the story of them bringing love. Franca really really dislikes Raff but when she needs help he is the first person who comes to her rescue and she realises that maybe she may have misjudged him

A gorgeously festive story, Love it!

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Everything you want in a Christmas romance, I really loved this one!
I had to laugh out loud at a few moments and loved the simmering chemistry between the two main characters, topped off wonderfully by the family and friends who made a wonderful supporting cast!
The magic and wonder of snow globes, nutcrackers and so much more in this fantasy Christmas "village" that just was pure escapism

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Franca owns The Nutcracker Shop on Christmas Ever After street, and is desperate to bring down Love Is All A-Round - the snow globe shop owned by the Dardenne family. Claude Dardenne ruined her life and, just because he's gone, it doesn't mean she can't destroy the legacy that his grandson Raphael has now taken over instead.

Unfortunately, at the grand Christmas opening, Franca has an accident and it looks like she might have to cancel all her commission orders - a disaster as obviously December is the busiest month for nutcracker sales! Together with her and Raff being in direct competition this month as the council have decided that one of them will be evicted in January, things are not looking good. Is it curtains for the final performance of The Nutcracker Shop? Or will a Nutcracker prince appear to defeat the mouse king and save the day?

Jaimie Admans just keep getting better and better, every time I think I have a new favourite she just writes my next new favourite! I loved this, I love nutcrackers, the ballet and snow globes and it's making me feel all cosy for Christmas. Maybe I just bought a nutcracker snow globe (I know it's September, it's Jaimie's fault). To borrow a quote from the lets you "escape from the world for a moment"...and sometimes we all need a bit of that.

Review also posted on Goodreads but unable to link account.

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It's Christmas, the rush is over and it's war, as Franca and Raff fight to keep their place on Ever After Street.

Admans delights with the fourth book in the Ever After Street series, and it's everything I've come to expect and more. It's full on festive, fun and fabulous!

The community spirit on Ever After Street is wonderful as always and there's always a sense of something magical in the air too.

A beautifully written, heartwarming read that sparkles with seasonal joy and romance.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley, Jaimie Admans and Boldwood Books for this ARC.

Christmas Ever After is book 4 in the Ever After Street series.

Franca has won the lottery on Ever After Street to be the woman to kiss the man selected in the lottery under the arch on December the first, which will also be live-streamed. But things done go the way anyone expected as she falls and breaks her fingers and everyone witnessed the drama live! This was all because of her arch-nemesis, Raff Dardenne, but how will she beat him in the competition to keep her shop in January!

This was an enjoyable enemies-to-lovers novel and was just the book I needed. I haven't yet read the other books in the series but I don't think you need to and it can be read as a standalone. Raff was a perfect gentleman and his family was exactly what Franca needed. However, I did think some sections were longer than they needed to be and the "aaw's" were a bit much too.

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Christmas Ever After is part of a series but can totally be read as a stand alone.
This is the story of Franca (owner of the nutcracker shop) and Raff (owner of the snowglobe shop), who don't see eye to eye on anything and have to do a little competition to see who's shop must close in the new year. Franca gets injured because of another discussion and breaks a few fingers why she's unable to make any more nutcrackers. Raff, feeling guilty, offers to help Franca to save her shop.

What a fun and lovable story this is! I love the enemies-to-lovers and forced proximity tropes, the festive environment and the fact that both MC's have their own flaws and insecurities.
It's so well written and had me smitten from start to end.

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Christmas Ever After by Jaimie Adams is a delightful addition to the Ever After series, perfect for readers looking for a heart-warming festive read. Although this was my first experience with Adams’ writing, I found it easy to dive right into the story without feeling lost. It can definitely be enjoyed as a standalone, making it accessible for new readers while, I'm sure, still holding appeal for long time fans. The book has all the classic ingredients of a cozy Christmas tale, with its themes of romance, community, and the joy of the festive season.

At first, Franca, one of the main characters, felt a bit distant and difficult to connect with. However, as the plot developed, I began to understand her better and appreciate her journey. The relationships between the characters are well-crafted, with plenty of humour, warmth, and festive cheer.

If you're in the mood for a sweet, romantic, and Christmassy read, this book will not disappoint!

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Christmas Ever After is the fourth book in the Ever After Street series by Jaimie Admans. This enchanting tale is yet another wonderful addition to this series. The festive atmosphere and the slow-burn, enemies to lovers romance is entertaining, cozy and charming.

This story focuses on Franca, a consummate Christmas lover, and her Nutcracker Shop which is struggling to survive. Raff is her main competitor and despite themselves, the two inspire creativity and Christmas cheer in one another. The banter is priceless and the sweet, sensitive relationship between the two is dreamy. The story is hopeful and magical with a strong family dynamic, community support and a feel-good conclusion. I adore all of Jaimie Admans stories and this one is no different.

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Jaimie always delivers the Christmas magic! Her stories are full of whimsical charm and never fail to bring a smile to my face.

Christmas Ever After is a rivals to lovers story full of chemistry and heart. It will leave you wishing you could visit Ever After Street and soak up all of its magic.

Grab a soft blanket, and a warm cup of cocoa and settle in for a good dose of Christmas cheer!

*Thank you to NetGalley for the arc, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A lovely festive book continuing the Ever After series, which has been wonderful. This is a truly magical book, set in the festive season.

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Not only does Franca have rather a crush on Jorge the baker – and what a horrible bloke he turns out to be – but she’s rather partial to the baked goods he sells too, to the detriment of her formerly trim waistline. She discovers what he’s really like in the most desperately embarrassing way – but snow globe maker Raff, the man she’s always thought of as her nemesis, also plays a major part in the sequence of events that leaves her unable to make the custom made nutcrackers she sells in her shop. And it couldn’t have happened at a worse time – Christmas is coming, and there are so many orders to fulfil. And there’s the small matter of needing to prove how successful her business is – in a contest of her own making, she’s in direct competition with Raff to keep her place on Ever After Street.

Her dislike for him is deep-seated – her parents were brought together by one of his father’s supposedly magic Dardenne snow globes, now being made by Raff, but their marriage ended in a bitter divorce and Franca is determined to prove that there’s nothing magical about them at all. But when the chips are down, it’s Raff who unexpectedly comes to the rescue – becoming an unlikely friend, offering his support, learning how to make the nutcrackers, helping her complete her orders, although it might mean the end of his time on Ever After Street. And as they grow closer, she realises she might have seriously misjudged him – he’s definitely one of the good guys, and his family is rather lovely too. And if the snow globes really aren’t magical, and she has the means to prove it, does she really want to destroy his business, disappoint his family, and drive him away?

The slow burn romance that runs through the story is absolutely gorgeous – both Franca and Raff are such sympathetic characters, both complex in their different ways, with their past lives playing a part in their developing relationship. I was entirely invested in the possibility of them having their unlikely happy ending, but it’s certainly quite a journey for them both before things start to work out. The whole story is just so beautifully told, and with the most perfect Christmassy touches – emotional at times, filled with uncertainties and difficult decisions, but with plenty of humour and lightness too.

And I just love spending time on Ever After Street – it’s the perfect place to be at the most magical time of the year, wrapped in the warmth of the community who pull together to bring the dream to life for everyone who visits. This really is a book that needs to be on everyone’s Christmas list, and perhaps my favourite in the series so far – completely engaging, very moving, and as beautifully written as always.

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I loved this festive romance from its toe-curling cringy but amusing beginning to the uplifting end. Christmas Ever Street After Street consisted of several shops dedicated to Christmas all year round and was an ideal location for the two sparring businesses, Franca’s nutcracker shop and Dardenne Snow Globes. The conflict between often abrupt speaking Franca and Raff Dardenne leapt from the page making this enemies to lovers plot a joy to read. They couldn’t have been more opposite – her as an unbeliever of love and magic, and him who has them at the core of his family and business. Her hatred was palpable so spending time together produced some entertaining, heart-warming results.

Franca wasn’t an easy character to relate to initially until more of her backstory was revealed but gentle and more playful Raff was an instant hit. His adoration and dedication to his Christmas loving family and snow globes had to be admired. When he used his imagination and craftsmanship to help Franca with her failing business, the chemistry between them made it an addictive read. I needed to know whether the lore surrounding the snow globes was true and if they would find their much needed happy ever after when circumstance was pulling them apart.

This novel brimmed with Christmas – not only because of the festive street and shops but also Raff’s family. Their closeness and appreciation of Christmas reminded Rosa of her favourite romcom, While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock. The immersive scenes, made mr long for decorated Christmas trees, mince pies and orange flavoured hot chocolate despite it being a sweltering day when I read it.

Full of romance, humour and community, Christmas Ever After is perfect for readers who need a dash of festive spirit in the upcoming season. Once visited, readers won’t want to leave Christmas Ever Street.

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So lovely to visit Ever After once more
With characters there that I adore.
This time there's trouble ahead for two of the stores
As the angst between them no one ignores.

The solution it seems is a competition to stay
The other store will have to go away.
But fate intervenes as a video shows
There argument and fall so everyone knows!

With nutcrackers to make and Christmas so near
Franca is injured, so no reasons left to cheer.
Then Raff comes to her rescue, despite her being rude
Will she accept his help and change her attitude?

A story where assumptions prove to be so wrong
As Franca joins in Christmas festivities, she feels she belongs
As Franca and Raff get to know one another
Maybe there's a possible romance that they'll discover!

A heartwarming enemies first romance
Where an accident gives them a real chance.
A story where family, sharing and caring for each other
Can help them true love to discover.

But what will happen at the end of the year?
Which shop must go - or will it be both they fear?
The whole community are involved and there's surprises galore
In this delightful read, the kind I really adore!

With fantastic characters who feel like they're your friends
This is a lovely story, making me smile as it ends!
For my copy of this book I say a huge thank you
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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This was my first read by Jamie Admans and I will certainly look out for more. This is such a lovely Christmassy story and the build up with the characters is vivid and lifelike. I adored all the interactions.

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Christmas Ever After by Jaimie Admans

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


A picture-perfect town, a place where dreams come true. Welcome to Ever After Street...

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but Franca Andrews has never felt more miserable. With business far from bustling, she needs a Christmas miracle to keep her beloved nutcracker shop open... But there’s one man standing in her way - expert snow globe maker Raff Dardenne.

Dardenne Snow Globes have a magical reputation for bringing lovers together, a myth that Raff continues to exploit, much to Franca’s annoyance! But this Christmas their shops are pitted against each other and only one gets to stay on Ever After Street. Franca doesn't know how her handmade nutcrackers are ever going to compete with Raff's magical snow globes, especially at the most magical time of the year!

Franca’s determined to prove Raff’s business is built on lies. But when disaster strikes, and she’s left unable to make anything, she needs help. It’s just very frustrating that the only person offering is her gorgeous, annoying, nemesis himself!

As these two enemies get to know each other, Franca discovers another side to Raff – kind, caring and funny. But unless she can prove that his magical snow globes can’t really match true lovers together, she’s going to lose everything…

But maybe it's not too late for them to put aside their differences and find some Christmas magic of their own?

My Opinion

Jaimie Admans has done it again!

I simply love this series and I feel that it isn't Christmas without a book by Jaimie Admans - and this was simply delightful. When I started this book I was only able to read the first 10% and I spent the rest of the day eager to return to Ever After Street.

Both Franca and Raff are fighting to save their shops but when France finds herself unable to make her Nutcrackers the pair are forced to work together. Can they overcome their differences and save both shops?

Grab a festive drink and a blanket and settle in for a treat. You will not be disappointed.

A Nutcracker is not usually part of my festive display but now I feel like I need to add one.

Rating 5/5

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I’m continuing to enjoy visiting the people on this street. My rating for this reflects how much I enjoyed the previous one.

Although there was more of an overlap between the previous three, this only recalls one or two people previously known. Although set in the same street, this book works almost as a standalone. I do have a problem with the slim lady depicted on the cover which clashes with one part of the plotline.

Franca won the lottery to feature on a livestream of the opening of Christmas festivities. She thinks it’s going to be the start of her happily-ever-after, but it doesn’t exactly go the way she intends it to. Raff begins as her arch- nemesis and to make up for a mistake, Raff starts to help Franca.

The transition into friendship and the progress of the story happens very naturally. Each character works well in their place, and we get in depth looks at several interesting protagonists.

The family members and some friends add entertaining input into the narrative. I really enjoyed this visit. The author has named to create a world with several heartwarming characters and scenes which are not repetitive. Each romance stands on its own, with its own baggage, speed of progression and resolutions.

I highly recommend this book and this series to anyone who likes happily-ever-afters with strong central characters.

I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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I was completely swept away to Ever After Street where it’s Christmas 365 days a year and there’s magic all around… and a couple of problematic Grinches in a head-to-head business deathmatch.

Franca is hanging on by a thread this holiday season. When Raff’s shop threatens her livelihood, Franca sets things in motion that could either benefit her nutcracker shop, or shutter its doors for good. When something bad happens leaving Franca unable to work, Raff graciously offers to help. Begrudgingly, Franca accepts. As the two spend time together, Franca begins to realize she may have been wrong about Raff all along.

Life has left its mark on Franca. She has been dealt several bad hands and has had to pick herself up off the ground more than once. She’s a strong woman with a vibrant spirit, but has a quiet fragility that’s not often seen. I could easily relate to her.

Raff is a complete surprise and I am so in love with him. If Franca doesn’t want him, I’ll gladly volunteer as tribute! He’s a wonderful character and I can’t wait for readers to discover it for themselves!

Jaimie’s books always evoke strong emotions. I laugh, I cry, I empathize, I love, and I take these stories into my heart for safekeeping. Franca and Raff’s story is fun, heartfelt, and so beautiful!

Christmas Ever After is the perfect holiday read. I highly recommend it and all of Jaimie’s books!

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