Member Reviews

Sacred Prayer
90 Days of Deeper Intimacy with God (A Journal)
by Ann Voskamp
Publisher: Thomas Nelson and Zondervan Gift
Series: None
Rated: 4-5
Obtain: Buy
Back of the Book: “Experience deeper connection with God through the six SACRED steps of prayer in this 90-day guided prayer journal.
Ann Voskamp shares her own personal prayer practice to help you discover the power and beauty of prayer:
• Stillness to know God
• Attentiveness to hear God
• Cruciformity to surrender to God
• Revelation to see God
• Examine to return to God
• Doxology to thank God
Discover with Ann, that, when we retreat from the world to pray, to wait, to hope in God—we find true and beautiful perspective for our souls. Ann shares the six steps of SACRED prayer through this 90-day guided journey.
Prayer, communion, and connection with God is a life-changing discipline and gift. Prayer will enhance your life by:
• Growing your relationship with and faith in God
• Transforming you to be more like Jesus
• Aligning your thoughts and actions with the Bible
• Reducing stress and worry and increasing your peace
Take this sacred journey of prayer with Ann over the course of 90 days and see how God moves in your life and in your circumstances. When you need hope, the first place you should go is down on your knees.”
Impressions: I found this book to bring reverence to my quiet time reading God’s Word. I think the book format was best read as a physical copy however I read this in a digital form. The book gave opportunity to learn and grow through aligning your heart and mind with the Lord and the Bible. I was pleased with the book and feel like this is an excellent gift idea. I look forward to having a paper back version on my book shelf for future rereading and reference.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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Sacred Prayer, 90 Days of Deeper Intimacy with God by Ann Voskamp is a journal by you and for you to create space for the sacred. Ann provides the opportunity to explore the rhythm of SACRED: stillness, attentiveness, cruciformity, revelation, examine, and doxology, but what you take away is entirely between you and your creator who loves you deeply. I love the image she provides early on that no great thing was created without putting paper to pen and what is greater than your own soul. Allow yourself the opportunity to explore and make space for Him. Thee journaling space provides a few lines, so you may want a separate journal to keep writing. I found the coloring and layout to simple and pleasing to the eye so that it was easy to focus on the content, not the design. Great journal for yourself or to gift to others.
I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for a free advanced copy of this ebook to review. All opinions are my own.

Inspiring, and insightful, Ann Voskamp asks some difficult questions throughout the source of this devotional. I look forward to continuing with this devotional for the rest of the 90 days.

Her quote about needing to cut your fears down to size or you get into bed with the devil really jumped out at me and forced me to realize that I have been letting my fear rule much of my life and mind.

I enjoyed reading through this devotional.

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

This Devotional/Journaling experience will walk you through the S-A-C-R-E-D method.
✅Stillness to Know God
✅Attentiveness to Hear God
✅Cruciformity to Surrender to God
✅Revelation to See God
✅Examine to Return to God
✅Doxology to Worship God

This book discusses us living OUT our Faith and pressing into God, the giver of all Hope!

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I have read a lot of devotionals already, but this one is by far the best. I really like how interactive this book is. There are written Bible verses, but you have to look for yourself. It encourages everyone that aside from devotional books, you still have to pick up and read the Bible. This is such a perfect guide for praying.

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This book was start to finish amazing! Just absolutely full of wonderfulness. I was so just touched by all of the amazing words! Such a great book.

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A wonderful prayer guide focusing on 90 days following the author's six steps to enhance prayer. I can't wait to see how my prayer life strengthens as a result.

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