Member Reviews

Building a God takes a close look at the emerging technology of Artificial Intelligence and its implications for humanity.

A much-needed book about the present and future of AI.
Covers many topics and attempts to offer a balanced argument, which is achieved to a large extent.
With slightly more rigorous editing, this would have easily been a perfect read.
I highly recommend this book.

I have a beginners knowledge of AI, and I found this book informative and more in depth about what AI is, how we can use it, and the problems we could face ethically.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is currently making swift strides in our lives, altering, manipulating, and even dictating how we should live it. In his book, "Building a God," renowned ethicist Christopher DiCarlo tries to delve deep into the human strive to create a 'Super-intelligent Machine God' and find out what would be the long-term effects of it. He tries to provide us a guide on how to navigate safely in a world that our tech giants are eager to hand over to the control of an entity that's created from human ingenuity, without any idea how it may respond to us.