Member Reviews

This was a very well written book! I loved the stories and just everything the author put into it. This was my first read of the genre and I actually really liked it!

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This book is absolutely AMAZING. I've never read a short story collection that hits quite like this and I'm now an even bigger Ken Liu fan than I already was. Incredible!! Huge, huge thanks to Saga Books and the author!

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I'm generally not a huge fan of short stories, however, I know this collection will be on my mind for quite a while. As with any collection, I enjoyed some stories more than others, but as a whole, I found each story to be incredibly thought-provoking. I read a single story each day just so that I could mull over the particular messages Liu was delivering with each tale. My personal favorites were "The Paper Menagerie," "The Perfect Match," and "All the Flavors." There was really only one story that didn't work for me, but as for the rest, I'd say I really enjoyed this collection. Liu's writing flowed so well, even despite some of the science-heavy bits, and I just love a good contemplative tale that shakes up your emotions, your beliefs, and your world view. I would absolutely read more by Ken Liu!

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Received an eArc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I am usually not a fan of short stories, but I kept hearing about this collection from Ken Liu and decided I would give them a try. I am so thankful I did because they were amazing! Ken Liu shines a light on Chinese/American history, language, family dynamics, and so much more through a lens of science fiction. While the vast majority of the stories included were excellent, the titular Paper Menagerie was on a whole different level. The story made me cry, which I never do. It still echoes in my mind a year later. I would highly recommend this book. Many of the stories would also be great to discuss in a high school classroom.

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Definitely a book to have and to cherish. Ken Lui;s books are already so captivating now to have. A book with many of his stories is a dream. The perfect book to read after a busy day. Thank you Saga. This is a book ill be reading over and over again.

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Ken Liu is clearly an astonishing talent. These short stories are remarkable. The title story is one of the best short stories I've ever read and I don't think I'll ever forget it. So many of these stories deal with memory and difficult decisions. It's not a light book as many war crimes against people are described in detail. But it is an important read and a really moving one. As with any short story collection, there are stories I liked more than others. Unfortunately, one of the longest stories in the book was my least favorite so it was difficult to get through at times but overall, this is truly a remarkable piece of work and I only want more of Ken Liu.

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