Member Reviews

Words cannot describe the emotions I went through in this book. I shared in the character's confusion, anger, anxiety, interest, and basically all of their emotions.

I love the magic system and the take on reincarnation was a personal favorite.

I loved watching the the characters show their softer and unseen sides. I am looking foward to the rest of the books as I cannot wait to watch these character's grow.

My only criticism is that I wish that the magic language could be translated or explained to us, but at the same time I understand keeping the readers in the dark about what it means because we then get to learn as they learn.

This is a brilliant debut book and I am excited to learn more about this world and I look foward to truly understanding all of the characters!

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Riyati Rebirth had a bit of a tough start for me. I found it challenging to follow exactly what was happening, as the story seemed to jump into the action without much context. The multiple points of view added to this difficulty, making it hard to keep track of the narrative threads. However, despite these hurdles, the dialogue between the characters felt authentic and true to their personalities. This realism in conversation kept me engaged and interested in their journeys. While the beginning was a struggle, I’m intrigued enough to consider reading the next book in the series, hoping the story becomes clearer as it progresses.

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