Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book!

I do not believe my review for this book will do it justice for the sheer amount of wisdom and thoughtfulness contained in it. This is one of those books that needs multiple explorations and honestly I would recommend reading through with others because this book needs discussion and connection to fully land.

This book is a very dense and compassionate and honest look at the Jewish Voice for Peace organization and written by former leaders of said organization. It dives deep into the hardships, the victories, and all the in-betweens of JVP. As someone who has only been a little knowledgeable of the organization for the past couple of years this book provides a full education.

Not only does this book educate folks on the nitty gritty of JVP but also gives tools to folks in similar movements and non-profit organizations. I loved the thoughtful questions at the end of every section and would love to do a bookclub group to get more into what this book has to offer.

I will say this book is VERY dense and contains so much information that it really needs a re-read. However, if you want to know more about JVP or other similar movements and/or get more involved with community and social justice—this is required reading!

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This is an incredibly helpful, insightful book for understanding Palestinian solidarity. Many people (including myself) have only just had our eyes opened to Zionism and Palestinian resistance, and this was a wonderful introduction to concepts that many of us have been told are "too complicated" to understand.

Definitely a worthwhile, important read.

(Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.)

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I have been a huge fan of Jewish Voice for Peacefor years and feel very excited that they are publishing this book. Their message is powerful and one of utmost importance in this time in history.

As a Jewish woman, their voice was a beacon of light when I felt confused by Zionism being fully entangled with Judaism. Their stance of compassion, love and solidarity are everything we need right now.

I hope this book is spread far and wide and offers the same solace and invigoration of spirit to every hand it lands in. I will be buying many hardcopies to share with friends!

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for a honest review.

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