Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for my arc.
I was familiar with this case. I hope that this book renews interest in Lauren’s case and eventually provides some answers for her family. What I think I enjoyed most about this book was the fact that the author received the family’s blessing to write it. This isn’t some exploitative cash grab. It is clear that the author is attempting to share Lauren’s story and get eyes on this case.

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There is something so chilling about a Cold Case when it happens in the middle of a town and there should be Clues, but the investigators ultimately turn up with no answers. This is a college town disappearance with a look at the original incident, and the author reinterviewing people now to see if opinions had changed or new information comes to light. The author does a good job laying out all of the information and interviews so that the reader can come up with an opinion, although ultimately we are left without any closure just like this poor Girl's family.

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This read like a really long tabloid article with an uncomfortable amount of self insert by the author. It really went nowhere and the stated purpose of the book did not seem to match what the book was. The author stated that he always wanted to write a book and this felt more like he was doing just that. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy to review. The narrator did a good job.

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I love a good true crime story and this one did not dissapoint. This one focuses on Lauren Spierer, a student at Indiana University, who goes missing one night and is never to be seen again. I don't remember hearing about this as it happened so everything was new to me. The author goes into all the theories of what happens to her and in the end comes up with no concrete answers or new information- which is hard for me-I like this wrapped up with a bow at the end. I hope some day, someone can find answers and give closure to the family.

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I did not know about this story before listening to this audiobook and it absolutely gave me shivers imagining what may have happened to Lauren. Both the author and narrator did a great job in illustrating the case.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC.

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Lauren Spierer was a student at Indiana University when she disappeared. She was with other people. She was out in the open. And she disappeared. The case drew extensive media coverage. And she remained missing. Despite the media coverage and the witnesses, she was never found. Sean Cohen began investigating the case and found a botched investigation, among other issues.

This is a well-written and engaging book. The author is a good story teller and provides new evidence and new conclusions about what happened to Lauren. Including discussing issues that are not complimentary to her, but may lead to the the solution to her disappearance. If you like true crime, this is an excellent book.

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“College Girl Missing,” as recounted by investigative journalist Shawn Cohen, is not merely a book; it’s a chilling reminder of the fragility of life and the enduring agony of unanswered questions. Through meticulous research and compelling narrative, Cohen delves into the haunting disappearance of Lauren Spierer, a college student whose dreams were abruptly cut short one summer night.

The book unfolds like a tragic tapestry, woven with threads of joy, ambition, and youthful exuberance, contrasted starkly against the dark hues of secrets and silence. Lauren Spierer emerges from the pages not just as a case number or a face on a missing poster, but as a vibrant young woman, full of life and potential. Her journey to a reputed party school, her immersion in the world of fashion, and her social butterfly persona are painted vividly, making her sudden vanishing all the more heart-wrenching.

Cohen’s narrative is gripping, guiding readers through the events leading up to that fateful evening when Lauren stepped out to enjoy time with friends and never returned. The author’s attention to detail is evident as he pieces together Lauren’s last known moments, relying on eyewitness accounts and security footage that frustratingly lead to more questions than answers.

The investigation that follows is a labyrinth of complexities, with affluent male students at its center, their connections casting shadows over the search for truth. Cohen’s reporting shines a light on the aspects of the case that remained in the dark, bringing forth new testimonies and perspectives that had not been shared with law enforcement.

As a reader, one cannot help but be drawn into the emotional vortex of the story. The sense of loss is palpable, and the frustration at the lack of closure is a heavy burden. The book serves as a poignant reflection on the unpredictability of life and the profound impact of a single, unexplained event on a family and community.

In conclusion, “College Girl Missing” is more than an investigation into a cold case; it’s a narrative that captures the essence of a tragedy that echoes through time. It forces us to confront the uncomfortable reality that some stories do not have neat endings, and some families must learn to live with an eternal question mark. This book is a must-read for true crime aficionados and anyone who seeks to understand the depths of human experience in the face of inexplicable loss.

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College Girl, Missing by Shawn Cohen Narrated by Kyle Snyder. The narrator did an ok job of telling it did seem a bit dull. I hadn't heard this true crime story before and by the time I finished, I asked myself what was that? I didn't like it, I didn't feel it did any justice or help to the story of missing college student Lauren Spicer. I felt the journalist didn't offer much in the retelling of the facts and errors of the investigation. In the end, the girl is still missing and all her misdeeds are out there to be analyzed and judged. I felt it could have been told differently it didn't even balance her story with past endearing stories of her as a person. It felt like an attempt to gain from someone else pain. There is no new information or anything to help resolve the crime. As surely there was a crime but the investigators have not found any solid information. Plus, college boys are not forthcoming. I would not recommend this book. Lauren was not humanized, the investigators weren't able to solve it, the parents are still living in trauma and the college boys are still silent. No one benefits. Thank you, NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for this audio version I. Exchange for my honest review.

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Thirteen years ago, twenty year old Lauren Spierer, a junior at Indiana University, disappeared on June 3, 2011. Lauren had been out with friends and had drank too much and had uses some drugs. She made her way through a few parties and bars and was seen on security cameras as well. Her last known location was at a townhouse with four male students. The story they gave is that she just left.
There was plenty of press coverage when Lauren went missing. The author (who is an investigative journalist) provides many different theories about what could have happened to Lauren. Hopefully one day we will know what happened. I listened to the audiobook and it was well done. If you like true crime this is a book for you.

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The author of this book is a journalist and he records what he has been able to learn about the disappearance of a college student at the University of Indiana in June of 2011.
Lauren has never been found and nobody has been charged with anything.
Great true crime read.
Thanks to HighBridge Audio, NetGalley and author Shawn Cohen for this ALC to honestly review

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I am from Indiana, so I have been drawn to Lauren’s story since she went missing. The author did a good job detailing the case and bringing important information to light. I hope someday the family will get the answers they deserve!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC.

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It's pretty clear what happened, most likely, given the nature of similar such cases. Still, the (unresolved/unsolved) case is likely to break hearts, even if you have reservations about Shawn Cohen's brand of mixing journalism with personal ambition.

Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. The book is narrated well by Kyle Snyder.

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College Girl, Missing: The True Story of How a Young Woman Disappeared in Plain Sight by Shawn Cohen is a compelling and meticulously researched true crime narrative. Cohen brilliantly captures the haunting mystery of Lauren Spierer's disappearance, a case that gripped the nation and left a family in unimaginable pain. He doesn't shy away from exploring the flaws and failures of the investigation, providing new insights and evidence that cast doubt on the original findings. The book is not just a retelling of Lauren's story; it is a powerful indictment of the systemic issues that often plague high-profile cases. Yet, amidst the frustration and unanswered questions, Cohen never loses sight of the human element, constantly reminding readers of the innocent life lost and the loved ones still searching for answers.

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I’ve sat on this review for a minute because I really struggle with what to think. While I do believe it was written well and presented all of the facts and theories surrounding this case, I just don’t necessarily see the point. To me, it felt like the author was either trying to find some Claire or he was trying to point blame and who he thinks did it and put some pressure on them. Without a resolution to the case the book just feels unfinished and kind of without point. Yes, she went missing. Now what? Hopefully, hopefully some justice but from what we’ve seen out of Indiana State law enforcement…highly doubtful.

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I typically enjoy true crime. This read as if were a random report. The narrator was very dull. Possibly a different narrator could have helped it. I feel for the family who have never found their daughter.

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Thank you, NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to enjoy this True Crime audiobook. I was not sure what I was exactly going experience while listening to this audiobook. This was a news story I was not aware of that I could remember so I jumped on the title. The story sounds like a play by play of the last moments of Lauren's life along with the classmates and friends that she held close. The questions that constantly goes through your head while reading is "what happened to, Lauren?" Someone has to know something. I am hoping that one day the facts will come forward and someone will say something.

If you are a true crime fan this one is for you.

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This was a good factual reporting of the case. It lacked little personality or the parents side. I think the same could have been accomplished from an hour long true crime podcast. The book was long and unsolved, I left sad and disappointed there was no justice for her.

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A great narrator that made the story tug all the strings that it needed to. A hard one to rate since its a real life story but over all, really important topic

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This was an enticing story based on the tragedy that happened in Indiana! It truly was more fascinating reading this knowing that it happened in the same home town as you! I remember hearing about this growing up and I think it impacted me a lot more than it might’ve for someone that lives far away. The story did a great job capturing the facts and presented it in a great way to not victim blame.

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🏫As someone who has lived in southern Indiana my whole life, I distinctly remember hearing about the Lauren Spierer case all over the news. I only remembered vague details so when I saw this nonfiction book about this case was coming out I added it to my tbr immediately.

🏫The book covers the missing persons case of Lauren Spierer who went missing from Indiana University in 2011. She had been out with friends and dozens of eyewitnesses reported seeing her that night. Despite national media coverage and widespread police searches, Lauren has never been found.

🏫This book was definitely an interesting read and I didn’t remember a lot of details from the case. At just under 5 hours on audio, it was a quick read! In the backhalf the author went on a random tangent about his own personal life. While he did explain how this personal story was relevant to the story, it just felt really disconnected from the rest of the book. Overall, I’d recommend this one especially if you’re interested in true crime! Also highly recommend the audiobook and personally think audio is the way to go for any nonfiction book!

🏫Thanks to @highbridgeaudio for my digital copy!

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