Member Reviews

Concise look at the disappearance of Lauren Speier and one journalist’s need for answers. I like that it was to the point and not drawn out. In the interview with the author at the end, he states that he wants people to know who Lauren really is (which I don’t feel we get a sense of her from this book; very little biographical information is given about Lauren and it seems that the only point that is really mentioned is that she liked to party. Otherwise, this was an interesting read.

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People who like to read about true crime will like this book. I listened to it via audiobook. The author, Shawn Cohen, followed this story throughout many years and has delved into finding out more details about this case and searching for the answer to what happened to this young collegiate girl, Lauren. The story follows her college life and the choices she made that contributed to her disappearance, as well as, the people and events who were surrounding her when she went missing. Many people were not willing to talk to him and had disdain for Shawn. His search for the truth left him persevering and eventually Lauren’s parents appreciated his persistence. Shawn exposes truths and doesn’t hold any of the details lingering or hidden, even when it comes to conversations he had with witnesses who didn’t like him.

The narration by Kyle Snyder was strong and engaging. His depiction of the author’s experiences brought the story to life. Read or listen to this compelling, true story and determine if you can figure out what happened to Lauren.

Thank you NetGalley and HighBridge for the advanced audiobook. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I had never heard of the missing case of Lauren Spierer until I read this book. It amazes me how hush hush everyone became. I felt like Shawn Cohen did a great job writing this and getting the awareness out for Lauren. Going in completely blind he gave me all the details and all the information one might not have. While it was short it was a powerful punch. I hope for Lauren's family the book helps bring something new to light.

Thanks to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for giving me the chance to listen to an advance copy of the audio in exchange for an honest review.

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I was familiar with this case. I hope that this book renews interest in Lauren’s case and eventually provides some answers for her family. What I think I enjoyed most about this book was the fact that the author received the family’s blessing to write it. This isn’t some exploitative cash grab. It is clear that the author is attempting to share Lauren’s story and get eyes on this case.

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Being from Indiana, I have always been interested in the Lauren Spierer case. For that reason I was excited to hopefully learn more about the case in this book.

The author painted a really detailed picture of the the night Lauren went missing and her struggles with substances. I didn't really feel like a ton of new information was shared in this book and was left with the same feeling I've always had, her friends know exactly what happened to her and covered it up. Because I didn't find anything revolutionary in this book I'm giving it 3 stars. That aside I felt like it was a well written book.

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"College Girl, Missing" is a poignant true crime account that chronicles the enigmatic disappearance of Lauren Spierer, a 20-year-old student at Indiana University. The narrative emphasizes the circumstances surrounding Lauren's vanishing from a bustling college town following an evening of social activities, where her last known whereabouts included being in the company of fellow students and being recorded by surveillance cameras. Despite significant media attention and heightened public interest, the police inquiry failed to produce any definitive leads, resulting in profound distress for her family and friends. Author Shawn Cohen examines the intricacies of the case, revealing evidence suggestive of a possible cover-up, an inadequately conducted investigation, and conflicting witness statements, while also highlighting the emotional repercussions experienced by those left in the aftermath.

Cohen posits multiple theories regarding Lauren's fate, encompassing the potential for homicide or accidental demise, yet he ultimately leaves readers grappling with the uncertainties of what transpired. The audiobook functions not only as a thorough investigation of the case but also as a critique of media portrayals of privileged victims. For listeners unfamiliar with Lauren's narrative, this audiobook provides a novel perspective and engaging insights; however, those who have closely followed the case may encounter less new information. Cohen's commitment to advocating for justice on behalf of Lauren and her family permeates the story, rendering it a valuable resource for true crime aficionados, particularly those with an interest in investigative podcasts and documentaries.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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I was not a fan. The narrator's voice reminded of an episode of Curious George. Also I feel like the last half of the book was the Author talking about himself and his reputation.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for access to the audiobook. All opinions expressed are my own.

My rating is based solely on the storytelling/writing, and not on the life of Lauren Spierer or her family. I found this book to be written in a way that was simple to read, but gave no more detail than what was reported in the news. I found it strange the way that the author centered himself in the story. It felt like it was a book about his coverage of the story, and not necessarily all about Lauren's life or disappearance. The author acknowledges that Lauren was a well-off, attractive, blonde girl and points out the difference in coverage of her story vs other missing or murdered girls who don't have as high priority in the media, especially poor women of color. I feel like that point was essential, but the comparison felt a bit strange in a book that adds to the discrepancy. I hope that Lauren's family can find some closure and peace, but I'm not sure if this book helped the case, or further exploited her for the sake of a true crime novel.

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I really enjoyed listening to this book. The way it reads made me feel like I was listening to an interview with the reporter. I can see where others wouldn’t like the style but my love of true crime and bit of knowledge I had me enjoying every minute.

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College Girl Missing by Shawn Cohen is a compelling and heartbreaking exploration of the disappearance of Lauren Spierer, a college student whose sudden vanishing left her family and community in turmoil. Cohen’s investigative prowess and dedication to uncovering the truth behind that fateful night in June 2011 bring a fresh perspective to a case that has haunted many for over a decade.

Lauren Spierer was a vibrant, social young woman studying fashion at Indiana University, who vanished after a night out with friends. The narrative, expertly woven by narrator Kyle Snyder, alternates between Lauren’s life and the relentless search for answers by her family and the author himself. Snyder's narration brings a poignant touch, capturing the emotional gravity of the situation and the desperation of those left behind.

Cohen delves deeply into the events of that night, meticulously retracing Lauren’s last known steps through eyewitness accounts and security footage. The story unveils a chilling silence at the doorsteps of a group of male students, raising unsettling questions and speculations. While the book may not provide new revelations for those closely following the case, it offers insights into the human elements and the people entwined in Lauren’s story.

One of the standout aspects of "College Girl Missing" is Cohen's commitment to portraying the emotional landscapes of those involved, including his own journey in investigating the case. His witness testimonies shed light on the often-overlooked personal dimensions of such tragic events, emphasizing the crucial role of speaking out and sharing information in unsolved cases.

The book, while deeply engaging and informative, also left me with a sense of frustration and sadness. Lauren Spierer’s disappearance remains unsolved, and the myriad of theories and speculations surrounding her case underscore the complex and often blurred nature of such investigations.

One of the standout aspects of College Girl Missing is Cohen’s commitment to portraying the emotional landscapes of those involved, including his own journey in investigating the case. However, while Shawn’s journey is important and deserves to be told, I found that the inclusion of extensive details about Cohen’s personal journey and experiences sometimes overshadowed the main narrative. The shift in focus to his own story, while important to explain his connection to Lauren’s case, occasionally detracted from the core story of Lauren’s disappearance. At times, I felt this could have been a great documentary or even a podcast, where Shawn could sit down and walk through this case with the personal dimension of those affected. This aspect might not resonate with all readers and is the reason I gave the book 4 stars.

I am grateful to RBmedia and NetGalley for providing a free ARC of this book, allowing me the opportunity to delve into this case. College Girl Missing is a must-read for true crime enthusiasts and anyone seeking to understand the profound impact of unsolved cases on the victims’ families and communities.

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This was well told. I thought that the journalist did a good job of presenting the facts in a fair and interesting way. You can tell he did a lot of research into the case. It’s terrible what happened to Lauren and I’m sad that they weren’t able to solve the case and provide closure for the family.

This was a quick listen, I felt like the story and details flew by while I was listening. This was a well told and well narrated true crime story.

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I was intrigued by the story of Lauren Spierer's disappearance, as I'm from the area and around the same age, although I was attending college in a different state when she disappeared. But I didn't know much about the circumstances surrounding her disappearance so when I saw this on NetGalley I was interested to hear more. It was an interesting (and short) listen (I had the audiobook), although it contained a lot of repetition and filler that might have made better for a two-part podcast rather than a full book (less than six hours of audio). Something about the way that the author inserted himself into the story didn't land well for me either. I also didn't care for the narrator and would have preferred that the author read it himself. But fans of true crime will enjoy this quick and interesting read.

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College Girl, Missing is the true story of college student, Lauren Spierer who vanished on June 3, 2011 after a night of partying near her college campus.

I do not know how I had never heard of Lauren before reading this book as her story made national news at the time of her disappearance.

While a crime was potentially committed at the time of Lauren’s disappearance, to this day no one knows what happened to her.

I really feel for Lauren’s family and friends. The not knowing what happened to her must be devastating.

This book is hard to rate. I found the story interesting at times but very repetitive. If you like to read about unsolved cases, this book might be just what you are looking for.

I listened to the audiobook and felt the narrator did an excellent job.

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In a time when true crime shows, books, podcasts are captivating the masses, this book falls incredibly flat. Listened to this one and the narrator’s voice sounded computerized with monotone delivery. This poor girl and her family deserve so much better from someone who claims to be invested in keeping the story relevant.

There were so many holes in the telling that die hard crime junkies have no hope of making any sort of connections. Never mind the fact that we have to learn the journalist had a relationship/trust with an ex hooker that created problems for him. How is that part of Lauren’s story? Seriously!!

Appreciative to NetGalley & High Bridge Audio for the advanced copy for a review.

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I listen to the audio book. I was hoping that this real life story had more unknown facts or accounts on what happened to Lauren the night she disappeared. In the end,
I was left still wondering what happened. Such a tragic story.

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Wow. College Girl, Missing was so incredibly well written. I inhaled this book in a few hours. It was tactful, full of facts and laced with empathy and humility on the author’s part. It was a tragic story with no resolution, and I truly hope that the release of this book will bring the family much needed justice.

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Cohen delves into the enigmatic disappearance of Lauren Spierer with a captivating narrative. The book illuminates the lesser-known aspects of this tragic case, making it accessible and engaging. However, the author's frequent self-references and emphasis on his personal connection to the Spierer family can be distracting. Cohen's central presence in the narrative sometimes overshadows the case itself, detracting from the core story.
The audiobook version, narrated by Kyle Snyder - only around 5 hours long - enhances the experience significantly. Snyder's strong narration adds a layer of depth and engagement that I was happy with.

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I remember hearing about this case on the news but couldn't remember how it was resolved. I did wish at time that the author went into more details about the case, but maybe the details of the case are just that limited and he did the best he could. I did enjoy the book and the author.

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In "College Girl, Missing," investigative journalist Shawn Cohen delves into the haunting disappearance of Lauren Spierer, a case that has perplexed investigators and captivated the public for over a decade. This meticulously researched account offers a compelling and heart-wrenching exploration of a young life cut short and the mysteries surrounding her vanishing.

Cohen's narrative skillfully weaves together the vibrant life of Lauren Spierer - a fashion student full of promise and zest for life - with the dark undercurrents that may have contributed to her disappearance. The author paints a vivid picture of college life, capturing both its exhilarating freedom and potential dangers, especially for young women far from home.

One of the book's strengths lies in its original reporting. Cohen presents new testimonies and evidence not previously shared with police, offering fresh perspectives on the case. This approach not only adds depth to the investigation but also raises important questions about the initial handling of the disappearance.

The author's exploration of the "dark side" that Lauren and her friends allegedly kept secret adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. Cohen navigates these sensitive areas with care, balancing the need for truth with respect for the victims and their families.

Particularly intriguing is Cohen's focus on a group of "wealthy, well-connected male students" implicated by the evidence. This angle raises thought-provoking questions about privilege, power, and justice in high-profile cases.
While the book offers no definitive answers - as is often the case with unsolved mysteries - it provides a comprehensive overview of the case, presenting various theories and allowing readers to draw their own conclusions. Cohen's journalistic background shines through in his objective presentation of facts and theories.

"College Girl, Missing" is more than just a true crime narrative; it's a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities young people face and the devastating impact of unsolved cases on families and communities. Cohen's work serves not only as an investigation into Lauren Spierer's disappearance but also as a call for continued attention to cold cases and missing persons.

This book is likely to appeal to true crime enthusiasts, those interested in investigative journalism, and readers drawn to unsolved mysteries. However, its themes of loss, uncertainty, and the dark side of campus life may be distressing for some readers, particularly parents of college-aged children.

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What a well told perspective of some very unfortunate true events. I was unaware of this case prior to picking up this book, so my opinion is unbiased.
This book will pull at your heartstrings especially as a woman and a parent.
This book follows the disappearance of Lauren Spierer, a college student. Lauren seems to have vanished in the early morning hours after a night of partying without a trace and to this day still has not been found.
This could have happened to any of us.
This book really makes you think. I'm unsure what to believe and if her "friends" were to blame or someone random. Things seem fishy with the boys accounts of what happened.
I really hope one day Lauren is found so that her family may gain some closure.

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