Member Reviews

I am a huge fan of historical “old fashioned” ghost stories and this one did not disappoint! I am also a fan of dual timelines- what a pleasant surprise to find three timelines with this one! It was wonderfully written and kept my interest throughout. The narration was also very good. I can’t wait to listen to the next book by Laura Andersen!

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An interesting ghost story at a boys school. It spans across years moving back and forth. Sometimes it was a bit confusing keeping the storylines separate. .

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I really enjoyed this book. The timeline seemed to jump around a lot and despite the authors valiant efforts, I got lost a few times. Luckily I was quick to recover. This book is so beautifully written. The history, the traumatic events both historical and personal to the characters, the mystery, and even the element of suspense. The narrator had such a beautiful tone to her voice and her range for character acting was impressive. There wasn't much I didn't love about this book. Definitely a 4 star for me.

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The Forgotten Boy by Laura Anderson

This gothic historical fiction was a wonderful surprise. I usually don’t like books that cover 3 time periods and 3 POV but it worked. All 3 stories come from Havencross and I loved the connections between all 3. We get the story of Ismay, a lady caught during the time of civil war, the war of the roses. She chooses her son over fealty to the realm. Then we have Diana, a nurse during the war, starts work at Havencross becoming a nurse at the school for boys and Juliet who is hired to clear Havencross out before it becomes a hotel.

Both Juliet and Diana see the ghost of a boy. Juliet takes on the task of trying to figure out who the little lost boy is and the story is truly heartbreaking. I loved the book. I thought the writing was phenomenal and the whole tone of the book was eerie and fabulous!

Excellent narration and my kind of book. 4.5 stars

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The Forgotten Boy was the first book that I have read by author, Laura Andersen. It can be described as a somewhat dark historical fiction ghost story. This is not the usual genre that I am drawn to but the cover intrigued me and I decided to give it a chance. I was glad that I did. The Forgotten Boy was well written and well plotted. It took place at a place called Havencross that metamorphosed from an ancestral home, into a school for boys and finally into a subject for exploration and discovery. It was written over the course of three time lines in alternating chapters and captured the lives of three courageous and strong women. This ghost story impacted each of three brave and heroic women in unique yet similar ways. I listened to the audiobook that was brilliantly narrated by Kim Bretton. The inflection of her voice was perfect for the various characters she portrayed.

In 1486, Ismay Deacon, was transported to live with family she was not well acquainted with. As she matured and grew into a strong woman, she stood up for what she believed in. Her family was determined to marry her off to someone who would bring wealth and security to the family. Ismay was determined to marry for love and nothing less. She was ready to fight for her happiness no matter the consequences. She lived during The War of Roses. Havencross Estate was her home. She was sole heir to the property. Ismay loved Havencross with her whole being and would protect it and those she loved beyond anyone’s expectations.

In 1918, Diana applied for the position as the school nurse of Havencross Academy. She had previously been a war nurse during the battles of World War I and had witnessed very harrowing deaths of the soldiers she treated. Diana was seeking a calmer and more normal life. She thought that she would find that at Havencross Academy. Diana had not been at Havencross long before she started to witness strange and unexplained things occurring. Was her brain playing tricks on her? Was she just being delusional? Then, on top of these strange sightings and some of the boys at Havencross Academy mysteriously disappearing, the Spanish Flu began to take the lives of some of the boys in her charge.

In 2018, a historian by the name of Juliet, with distant ties to Havencross, was sent to go through the contents of the home to see if there was anything that was worth saving. Not long after Juliet’s arrival, she started to witness strange and unexplained occurrences, similar to what Diana had been privy to. Through her vivid dreams, sightings and found treasures, Juliet began to unravel the long history of Havencross.

It was most satisfying when author, Laura Andersen, finally connected the links between the three timelines and provided the answers I hadn’t been able to understand myself. When she did this, I felt a revelation that was so clear and obvious. The three timelines and these three strong women fit together perfectly and yet for me it had not been obvious at all. It had been hard to imagine how these three women had been connected. The Forgotten Boy was full of compelling characters, twists in the plot and featured three strong and brave women protagonists. I felt that the three time lines was a little confusing, especially in the beginning, but as I got to know each woman, I began to enjoy their stories. In the future, I will look for other books written by Laura Andersen. I recommend this book.

Thank you to HighBridge Audio for allowing me to listen to The Forgotten Boy by Laura Andersen through Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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“The Forgotten Boy” written by Laura Anderson is a wonderful tale with multiple povs. It involves a number of romances while following an immensely intriguing plot!
Within this novel lies three time lines that leading to the reveal of a heartbreaking history of why a fair haired boy haunts the halls of this building.
1460- Ismay Deacon attempts to hide within Havencross. A place passed down through her family. However, despite her attempts to conceal her condition news spirals, and everyone has their own conspiracy theories. In order to keep this ever so precious thing safe she makes a horrific decision. Then the Deacon family disappears…
1918- Havencross has become a school for boys and a war nurse is hired to take charge of the infirmary. However, it seems someone wants her gone. As she battles the outbreak of influenza, she is faced with a missing student, and a formidable treck into the medieval tunnels beneath haven cross!
2018- During the winter, historian Juliet Stratford is hired to spend her time organizing and cleaning up the Havencross estate. Being a historian she dives right into the mysteries that lie within the walls of the house. The who, where, when, why, and how of the forgotten boy who has haunted the place since the 1400s plagues her mind.
Will this boy ever have his story revealed?
Laura Anderson has pieced together a wonderful story, her writing is beautiful and she put a lot of detail into this novel. The way she threads the three timelines together in an almost seemless way is amazing. I am so grateful to have arc read this book thank you so much to NetGalley, the publishers and Laura Anderson for providing me with this chance.
I enjoyed the audio of this book, the narrator did a wonderful job at acting out the parts with their voice as well as keeping it simple enough to to not overwhelm the listener.

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The Forgotten Boy follows three timelines that all take place at the Havencross Estate in Northumberland.
1468: Ismay Deacon’s story is perhaps the most heart breaking. Being left in the care of a guardian when her family passes, the heiress fights for love in a time of arranged marriages at court. The sacrifices she must make when the English crown seems to have revolving ownership during the War of the Roses illustrate her strength as a young woman with little authority.

1918: Diana Neville flees to the boys' school at Havencross as WWI is winding down to serve as their school nurse. Previously having served on the front lines in France, Diana is looking for a little peace in the countryside and is surprised when she finds a familiar face so far away from the battlefield. What she does not expect is a ghost that haunts her and the Spanish Flu to rear its ugly head.

2018: Juliet Stratford needs a restart after her marriage falls apart. She is glad for the excuse to put an ocean between her and her ex, and the historian in her is ecstatic about poking around an old estate full of treasures. When she feels a presence looming, and her past starts to catch up with her, Juliet with the help of local Noah attempts to solve Havencross’s biggest mystery—the ghost boy who haunts the inhabitants.

Laura Andersen does a great job of managing three timelines without confusion. It does take some time and patience to become invested in the three different women, but the pay off is worth it. The paranormal aspects of this novel are so believable considering the age of the estate and what happened within its walls. If you are looking for a historical novel to get you into the spooky season, this novel will do the trick!

Thank you to NetGalley, Highbridge Audio, and author Laura Andersen for the advanced copy of the audiobook. The Forgotten Boy is out now! All opinions are my own.

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I loved this book. I was skeptical at first because it is in three time periods but the way the story was woven together was excellent.

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I've never read Laura Andersen before, but The Forgotten Boy evoked memories of the stories told by the great Anya Seton. In all honesty, Ms. Andersen's book is not at the level of Ms. Seton's tales, but it was well-done and kept my interest. The "forgotten" boy appears as a leitmotif (and perhaps ghost?) in two of the three storylines: one involving a nurse at a boarding school in Northumberland as WWI is ending and the flu is spreading, and the other an American historian staying at the same location 100 years later. But the boy's story originates in the oldest timeline, in the 1400s, during the War of the Roses. Not being a British historian myself, I found the names and details tossed casually about in that early timeline confusing, particularly at the beginning. (Spoiler/not Spoiler: Warwick is the bad guy!) By the end I was engrossed in all three tales, but I felt the author presented their resolutions in the wrong order, and the end of the 1918 story, in particular, was rushed. And while coming up for an attention-grabbing title is never easy, I find this one a bit misleading since a different missing boy is frequently discussed in the two modern timelines, and the "actual" (?) forgotten boy was neither a boy nor completely forgotten, at least by earnest historians. Finally, I listened to the audiobook, and while overall the presentation was fine, the narrator's American accent was grating. Despite my many criticisms, I'm very glad I read/listened to the book, and I look forward to exploring other titles by the author.

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I had a hard time with this one. The narration was amazing. I think I just am so American that I cannot conceive of a home with this much history. Plus the way people used to always die at home and the tragedies our ancestors lived with, there would be a lot more than one ghost in a home like this. I love the idea of doing all that research though. I would die for the chance.
Wonderful book, just not relatable to my small american mind.

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Really enjoyed listening to this audio, it gave great detail and I was entranced in the storyline. Audio is hard for me to enjoy at times but this was done exceptionally well.

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I love how this book doesn’t just jump from different characters but also completely different decades. There really was a little bit of everything in it! Love stories, thrilling bits and history! I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and would love to read more from this author!

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A story from my part of the world told in three timelines. Juliet is hired to clear out the sprawling mansion of Havencross in Northumberland, when she sees a boy - one who has haunted this place for a long time. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC/audiobook.

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𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
3 🌟
The premise "A building undergoes multiple transformations through the centuries—but a fair-haired boy continues to haunt its halls ." And the cover art is what caught my attention. Unfortunately, the audiobook isn't keeping my attention, I think I'm just confused on what's going on. If I had the eBook and was able to read and listen at the same time it would have been a better experience. Once it's published I will give it another try.

The narrator did a good job!

•multi POV's (Ismay Deacon, Diana Neville, and Juliet Stratford]
•multi timeline (1460, 1918, and 2018]
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 Aug.6
Thank you, Netgalley, and High Bridge Audio for the audiobook for my honest review.

#bookreview #audiobook #mystery #historicalfiction #NetGalley

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Spanning centuries, three women connected to the haunted Havencross estate confront its tragic legacy. In 1460, Ismay Deacon makes a devastating choice to protect her son. In 1918, nurse Diana Neville encounters ghostly activity alongside a deadly flu outbreak. In 2018, historian Juliet Stratford uncovers the secrets of the ghost boy who haunts Havencross’s halls. As each woman faces the mysteries of the past, their stories intertwine to reveal a haunting truth.

I loved this. All three of the intertwined stories are well-paced and compelling. I’ve always been fascinated by the Wars of the Roses, so I enjoyed that aspect of the book. The audiobook narration added to the enjoyment of the novel.

CW: child death

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Three timelines, and the stories of three brave women perfectly woven into one ghostly story spanning centuries.
This was a wonderfully dark and at the same time comforting story perfect for the fall season. It was very well written, with an intriguing plot and captivating characters.
The eerie atmosphere throughout the story was underlined beautifully by the narrator.

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Well, I’ve always enjoyed books with dual timelines, but I believe this is the first I’ve read with TRIPLE timelines!

We have three separate timelines…
Mid 1400’s. (1468)
Early 1900’s (1918)
And early 2000’s…(2018)

In 1468 we have Ismay, who is a YOUNG girl with a good heritage and significant property (Havencross). The Royal lines are looking to court/marry her…not so much for love, but to gain wealth/property. But she is just a girl, and doesn’t want to marry for this. She secretly has a crush…on one who is not in the lineup for her…
As the War of the Roses comes to a head, her beloved goes to fight in the war… and she is so worried that he may not return to her…

In 1918 we have Diane, who is a nurse, and has just left the frontlines in hopes of returning to a more ‘normal’ type of life…
She accepts a job as a nurse at an all boys school with a relatively small population. It can’t be anything like what she experienced during war times…
When she begins to hear and see things that she just does not understand (or accept) she feels like her life is turning on a new axis. Is she the only one experiencing this? Has anyone else encountered it?? Is she losing her marbles??
As the Spanish Flu makes its way into the surrounding areas, Diane is concerned that the students may be affected…

In 2018 we have Juliet, who is a revered historian. When she learns that Havencross will not exist as it is, a short time from now, she opts to move into the place and try to find things out that just don’t add up in her mind. She feels like there are some missing pieces… and maybe she can find them or figure it all out.
As she spends more and more time there, she begins to experience similar things that she does not understand…
As she races to get to the bottom of it, she feels like her life might actually be in danger!!
Strange noises. Strange lights. The feeling of claustrophobia… Weird dreams…

When the three timelines begin to intersect, your mouth will be hanging open, like mine!! 😮😮😮

4 1/2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 for me, rounded up to 5!

#TheForgottenBoy by #LauraAndersen and narrated beautifully by#KimBretton.

Thanks so much to #NetGalley and #HighBridgeAudio for an ARC of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

***** This is due to be released in about one week on 8/6/24! *****

Feel free to like, follow and friend me on: Goodreads,
IG @ #BookReviews_with_emsr or
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Thanks so much for reading! And if you ‘liked’ my review, please share with your friends!! 📚⭐️

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The Forgotten Boy was the perfect spooky fall listen! A haunted house and a fair haired boy wander the halls are the theme of the story. A great listen!

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the audio version. I really enjoyed this book! I don' think I have read from this author before. Biy i would read from her again for sure. It was well written and if you are a bit of a Tudor fan you will like this book a lot. A very easy fast read. The narrator did a great job!

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Rating: 5
Format: Audiobook

Our reader is introduce to three protagonist spanning 3 different times in history at the same location, Havencross. Ismay in 1460, Diana in 1918, & Juliet in 2018. Diana & Juliet both start to experience ghostly interactions; thus starting their own investigation into the estates’ history. Readers are taken on romantic & paranormal adventures between all the characters while uncovering these main protagonists connections with one another over the course of history.

⭐️Different characters intersecting POV chapters from different time periods while readers are uncovering these protagonists connections across history
⭐️Plot twists! All plot twists unfolded nicely & kept me on my toes. I honestly was not expecting how the story unfolded.
⭐️All protagonists had challenges to overcome & readers got to experience characters’ trials/errors. There was not significant dynamic character growth for each individual protagonist but the small growth or trials that had to be overcome, connected to the plot very well & satistied me as a reader.
⭐️Overall plot & the protagonist personalities/traits = amazing! I was very engaged in uncovering the secrets of Havencross & was excited to continue to listen to this book.
⭐️Narrator was emotional while reading the plot & did a great job of relaying a dynamic story.


Thank you NetGalley & HighBridge Audio for a free early release copy of this audiobook for my honest review & feedback.

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