Member Reviews

This book had some nice ideas even for people not in big business. I really liked the start of this book and found it very relatable. As it went on it become big business specific and was a bit dry for me.

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I didn’t know who Brad Jacobs was when I picked up this books. I saw the title and said, “sure, I want to make a few billion, why not?” Well, Brad started talking (I listened to the audio book), and I quickly realized he was my husband’s old CEO, and lives two towns over from where I used to live in Connecticut. I honestly didn’t know much about Brad, all I knew was that he bought the company my husband used to work for. Reading this book, I have such an appreciation for Brad’s Philosophy on business and employees. I was making a lot of mental notes while listening. The guy is smart, and I know he’s smart because he says you should always hire people smarter than you, and that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re an Ivy League grad because that’s just an accomplishment on paper. He’s looking at personalities- he wants somebody who will get along with other and create a positive environment, and he wants hardworking people who are go-getters and will do whatever it takes to get the job done so in the end they will thrive and grow, but at the same time he wants a good balance with the number of people on his team, so people don’t burn out. His marketing is also spot on. When he took over XPO, the change was immediate, and all logos on the trucks and uniforms were changed overnight. He is brilliant at what he does and he does it well. I think anybody with a business would really learn a lot from reading this book and even those with small businesses because who knows, your small business could one day turn into something that could make you a few billion dollars.

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I requested this book thinking it would be an interesting read. From the description I thought it would read more as a "how to" book, giving general advice and using his business history as examples. However, it came across as biography of the author and the many businesses he had. Seemed like the general message of the book was "Be A Good Leader".

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"How to Make a Few Billion Dollars" by Brad Jacobs stands out as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business leaders alike. Jacobs, a serial entrepreneur with a track record of creating seven flagship companies across diverse industries, shares his wealth of experience in this audiobook. Narrated by the author himself, the audiobook provides a captivating journey through the mindset, strategies, and practical wisdom that have led to his remarkable success.

The Mindset of a Billionaire

Jacobs begins by emphasizing the importance of mindset. He challenges listeners to "rearrange their brains," a prerequisite for achieving audacious goals. His candid insights reveal that success isn't just about tactics; it's about cultivating the right mental framework. Whether you're aiming for billions or simply seeking personal growth, Jacobs' mindset principles resonate universally.

Spotting Trends and Capitalizing on Them

The business landscape is ever-evolving, and Jacobs encourages us to ride the waves of change. He discusses the rapid evolution of technology relative to human development—a trend that defines our era. By identifying key trends early, entrepreneurs can position themselves strategically. Jacobs' advice on trend-spotting is both pragmatic and visionary.

Fear of Failure as Fuel

Rather than fearing failure, Jacobs suggests embracing it. He shares how he transformed fear into a driving force, pushing him to innovate and take calculated risks. His anecdotes of high-quality mergers and acquisitions (M&A) without implosion underscore the importance of learning from setbacks. Failure, he argues, is a stepping stone to success.

Building an Outrageously Talented Team

Jacobs doesn't downplay the significance of assembling a stellar team. He outlines practical steps for attracting and retaining top talent. From hiring to nurturing, he emphasizes the power of collaboration. Electric meetings, where ideas spark and ignite, are a hallmark of Jacobs' leadership.

Super Organism: The Company that Kills the Competition

Jacobs introduces the concept of a superorganism—a company that functions seamlessly, like a well-coordinated organism. He delves into organizational dynamics, emphasizing the need for alignment, shared purpose, and accountability. Jacobs' approach transcends traditional business models, creating entities that outperform competitors.

Humility, Compassion, and Accountability

As an entrepreneurial titan, Jacobs leads with humility. He acknowledges mistakes, learns from them, and inspires his team. Compassion isn't a weakness; it's a strength that fosters loyalty and resilience. Accountability, he asserts, is non-negotiable. Jacobs' blend of empathy and results-driven leadership sets a powerful example.

The American Dream and Beyond

"How to Make a Few Billion Dollars" isn't just about wealth creation. It's about pursuing dreams—whether in business, sports, arts, or philanthropy. Jacobs' roadmap transcends financial gains, guiding listeners toward personal fulfillment. His belief in free markets and the pursuit of excellence resonates with anyone striving for greatness.


Brad Jacobs' audiobook is a compass for those navigating the tumultuous seas of entrepreneurship. His voice, both authoritative and relatable, guides us toward success. Whether you're a budding business tycoon or an artist chasing your muse, this audiobook offers practical wisdom and inspiration. So, set sail with Brad Jacobs—your destination: a few billion dollars and beyond.

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"How to Make a Few Billion Dollars" is geared towards individuals who want to build a corporate empire. So a lot of it talks about how to successfully grow your businesses through mergers and acquisitions. But the majority of the content is really only going to be applicable to people who own businesses with at least $250K in annual revenue who can afford to acquire other companies.

Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs can glean some insights along the way, especially in the mindset and communications sections, but a lot of it is irrelevant if you haven't hired full-time employees yet. It's still great foundational material to be familiar with, though, if your dream is to take your business and keep growing it beyond what you alone can do with it.

Overall, I appreciated Brad's approach to people and relationships. I have a great deal of respect for his methodology even if some of it feels a bit too advanced for my little six-figure business yet.

Thank you to Brad Jacobs (from another Fairfield county resident), Greenleaf Audiobooks, and NetGalley for an advance review copy.

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A nice book for entrepreneurs and business owners. It starts with mindset, which I believe is an important aspect of anyone looking to make a couple of dollar. People high in the hierarchy might benefit from some of the tips the author give. He dives into hiring the correct people and what are some of the characteristics they should have, as well as how to identify them. He also speaks about how to manage meetings and guide them in an effective way. I do believe the appendices are really informative. It was a nice read and having listening to it I can provide better feedback to my customers.

I would recommend this book to: Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Managers.

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