Member Reviews

wow what a good mystery of someone dying and money surrounding this rich family in capri. loved that it was told in different point of views and so many secrets and everyone had 2 sides to them.

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Saltwater by Katy Hays was hard to get into. Normally I enjoy stories told from multiple times periods and narrators, but this one was slow moving and convoluted at times. However, I'm glad I stuck with it because it started to move faster and make more sense after the halfway point and the twist at the end was worth it. Reading this book felt like watching an old movie, very atmospheric. Four out of five stars.

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I devoured this book. I was approved on Monday, and here I am, posting my review on Tuesday. My one regret is that I didn’t read it on a beach somewhere.

We split our time between the points-of-view of Sarah, who died in Capri in 1992, her daughter Helen, and Helen’s friend Lorna. There are two central mysteries in this book: what happened to Sarah in 1992, and where is Lorna in the present day?

The characters were so alive, so vivid; I was so interested in not just finding out what they did, but also their motivations for doing so. I was especially invested in all of the women in this book: Sarah, Helen, Lorna, and Naomi (Sarah’s sister-in-law). Four strong women figuring out their place in the world of the Lingate men, figuring out their roles and their desires and whether those are at odds with each other.

The first half of the book is a bit of a slow burn—in a good way—as we get to know the characters and the (beautiful) setting. But around the halfway mark, things really pick up and the twists start coming. Trust me when I tell you that you won’t see the last ten percent of the book coming!

This is the book I’ll be suggesting to my friends next summer when they’re looking for a well-written thriller to bring to the beach!

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This was a really good book. Good storytelling. I kinda figured it out, but not really. Glad I didn’t. Will definitely recommend when released.

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I enjoyed the description of the setting of this book, Capri is beautiful! Unfortunately, I was not able to get into the story and decided to DNF at 41%. I hope others like it more than I did!

Thank you very much to NetGalley and Random House Publishing-Ballantine for the advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Lingates are an old money family, those who want to be above reproach, above suspicion, whose name opens doors and where reputation is of the utmost importance. Helen Lingate grew up in this family, knowing her mother, Sarah died when she was three years old but not much more. Every year, the family returns to Capri, Italy to the same villa where Sarah died. Only this year, things are very different for the family, there are mysteries to solve. What is Helen plotting? What does Lorna Moreno, her uncle’s Marcus assistant know? Between her Aunt Naomi, who is a bit of a drunk, her uncle Richard, who wants to smooth over all situations, not to mention her own father, Richard, what does each member of the family know? Add in servants, acquaintances even the town’s folk, everyone has an opinion about what is happening, suspicions are raised, gossip is being spread and tensions are mounting.

This is a great read, the storyline flows between the present and the past. Each adding to the mystery and the tension the family is experiencing. Each mystery storyline provides clues but until the very end, you are not completely sure what is the truth. Well written, smoothly unfolding mystery, the characters are well developed and even the island of Capri is a wonderful addition to the story. This is a not to miss story!

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I like a good mystery, but this just didn’t hold my interest. The back and forth between the past and present didn’t flow. I also didn’t find it to be very suspenseful; something I definitely want in a mystery book. Thank you for allowing me to review this ARC.

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Saltwater is the thrilling investigation into the unexplained death of a wife, mother, and playwright. While I thought this book had an intriguing plot and setting and it came together in a satisfying conclusion, I personally found the flashbacks and many points of view challenging to follow. I’d recommend this to anybody looking for a twisty mystery and who enjoys multiples points of view.

Thanks to Netgalley and the author for providing a copy of this book for my honest review. I rate this book 3.5 stars, rounding up to four.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Slow burn, family drama, all set in the beauty that is the Mediterranean Sea. I think we are all fascinated by the one percenters of the world, and this peek under the tent was no disappointment. My one qualm was the pace of this story at times, but lack of "filler" made it all work. Some of it felt a little too surface level but overall, I really enjoyed it. All I wanted to do was book a flight to Italy after this. Some of the characters were unlikeable, but not so unlikeable that I didn't appreciate the story.

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This is the best thriller of 2025! Saltwater is the perfect combination of The Fury, The Villa, and Daisy Darker and is better than all three. Hays slowly unveils twist after twist and just when the reader is sure where the novel is going, a previously hinted at truth is revealed. Some of the best villan monologues, red herrings, and bait and switches in modern crime fiction. Be aware of every detail, because this book is masterly crafted and no plot element is wasted. highly recommended.

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At first glance, the Lingate family seems to have it all - power, money, prestige…But swimming in a sea of luxury comes at a price, especially when your family also has secrets.

Katy Hays’s Saltwater transports readers to the shores of glittering Capri. Here the island’s breathtaking natural beauty stands in stark contrast to the elaborately constructed, artificial world of the elite, a world where everyone is expected to go to any length necessary to keep up appearances. Tired of endless rivalries, unspoken rules, and twisted deceptions, Helen and Lorna decide it’s time to exit the stage while they still can. Now they just need to figure out who they can trust in order to make their escape.

Hays’s pacing is on point throughout much of the novel, keeping events moving along smoothly while still offering needed context and building suspense. The switching perspectives helps with this pacing, but sometimes it feels like it does so at the expense of creating fully fleshed-out characters. While I can appreciate wanting to add a twist or two to keep readers guessing, the final twists feel more like impossible reaches.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book captivates with its intricate plot and well-developed characters, drawing readers into a world brimming with emotion and suspense. The author's skillful storytelling keeps you on the edge of your seat, making it hard to put down. A compelling read that lingers in your thoughts long after the final page.

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I think a lot of people will really enjoy this one. A mystery where Helen’s mom disappeared many years ago and now they are back in Capri and someone else disappears. But not only that, the way Helen is treated by the family is just bizarre and very controlling.

Personally, I didn’t really enjoy the writing style of this one. It went back and forth from past to present, which doesn’t bother me usually, but something about the way it was done made it a little confusing and hard to follow. It just felt a little chaotic.

The story itself needed a bit more suspense too. I think a lot of people will like this one more than I did. For me, it just wasn’t my favorite read, but it is still readable.

Thanks to netgalley for this free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Set in capri, Italy. The story flips back and forth between past and present. It’s about a rich family with secrets that end up with a mother/wife dead and the family’s Assitant gone missing who turns up dead. I felt it started a little slow but then it picked up very quick, I couldn’t put it down. I loved the ending and definitely wasn’t expecting it to end the way that it did.
Thank you random house publishing group-Ballantine for the arc through NetGalley. This book comes out 3/25/25 and it is a must read!

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A twisty Patricia Highsmith style story!

Helen's mother Sarah is found dead in the early 90's in the cliffs of Capri. Part of the powerful and well known,Lingate family, the death is big news but ruled an accident. Helen has wondered what transpired that night, and lived almost a half life in the shadow of her mother's absence. It's now 30 years later and the family has gathered for the annual vacation on the island. This time, there is enough planning and scheming that the secrets that have been buried will rise up.

It's a very, very slow burn, but the end is stupendous! #randomhouse #saltwater #katyhays

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The Lingate family has it all….money, exotic vacations, exquisite houses, family in fighting, brothers who don’t see eye to eye….and wives who can’t be trusted
OMG I never saw the ending coming. What a surprise! It’s a thriller, a mystery, a family saga.
Great setting and well depicted characters. Character developed was well done! This would be a great bookclub novel. Kudos to Katy Hays.
Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this roller coaster story.

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I've been loving an Italian setting this summer. Capri is ideal for murder and mystery. I love rich people behaving badly, and this book definitely had a lot of that! I enjoyed the twists and turns, and I was happy with how it all played out. While at times, I found some of the characters hard to follow and wondered if they were really important to drive the story, I enjoyed the read!

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Saltwater is a challenging read. The story told in present and past voices builds the intrigue and mystery as it is intertwined among aristocracy and the common folk. It definitely holds surprises as it twists and turns to the end.

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I am calling this now… this is THE book of the summer.. of the YEAR!!! Katy Hays was a new to me author and MANNNN she did not disappoint! I looooved this book and am so thankful I was able to live in this world for a little while.

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Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC.

This was a slow burn full of family drama inside a very rich family.

With picturesque descriptions of Italy's Island of Capri, endless drama and jealousy, and death, this really drew me in.

The best thing about a slow burn mystery is crazy twists at the end that you never saw coming. Katy Hays really tricked me, not once, but twice, and I love her for it. The surprises at the end were so shocking to me, I finished this book with my jaw on the floor.

I definitely recommend this book if you're looking for a great mystery about a crazy family willing to do whatever it takes to "protect" their own.

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