Member Reviews

Alex and Milo are at it again in their usual complementary and engaging manner.
When a couple of single shot victims seem too similar to be coincidence, they start to sift
thoughts of a possible serial killer, Milo and Alex go to work sifting clues and studying crime scenes to
find similar patterns.
As is usual for them, Alex works on the possible phycological profile presented by Milo works with the
tangible evidence.
Together, they work to stop a killer before he strikes again.
Great story with easy paced reading and strong. likeable, returning characters.
Every police force should have a Milo and Dt Delaware. in their ranks.

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4 stars

This book didn’t captivate me like a good Jonathan Kellerman novel usually does.

It was still a very good read. Lieutenant Milo Sturgis and Dr. Alex Delaware hop into their latest case. This is a twisty story.

A young woman, desperate to become an actress, is found dumped at a local hospital. She is dead of an overdose. Her friends and roommates all claim that she would never touch drugs.

The second aspiring actress is shot to death. The gun turns out to be one used in another unsolved murder. In fact, multiple murders.

Just what is going on here?

The writing is very good, the plotting excellent. I enjoyed the story, as I have nearly all of Mr. Kellerman’s novels. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of Milo and Alex.

I want to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for forwarding to me a copy of this good book for me to read, enjoy and review. The opinions expressed in this review are solely my own.

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Jonathan Kellerman does it again with a twisty, turvy mystery that will have you guessing til the end!

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Another great Kellerman novel. I am a huge fan and truly enjoyed this story. I enjoy how he develops his characters and settings. It is easy to picture in your mind as you read. 3 stars

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Alex and Milo face an extremely complex case after the body of a young actress is left in front of a hospital emergency room. Things become even more complicated when, soon after, more bodies are found. Their investigation is complicated by the fact that there is no connection between the murder victims. If it is simply the act of a thrill-seeking murderer, they are now faced with an impossible task. They find themselves facing a highly motivated killer whom they have never encountered.
Jonathan Kellerman's latest best-seller is filled with twists and turns, leading the reader through a dark, complex world that ends with a shocking conclusion that ends with a fantastic ending.

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I am a huge fan of the Alex Delaware series, I have read every single one, so I was ecstatic to get an early copy of the 40th (!) book from NetGalley. Kellerman never disappoints: intriguing mystery, great writing, characters you feel like you really get to know. Readers who are new to the series would enjoy this as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading all of the books. I loved this one and am anxiously awaiting #41!

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Dr. Alex Delaware and homicide detective Milo Sturgis investigate when the body of an aspiring actress is dumped outside of a hospital. Their investigation gets complicated when more people start turning up dead and they fear a thrill killer may be on the loose. You can always expect a fast and entertaining read from Kellerman, and this is no exception.

On a personal note, I've been reading Kellerman since the eighties (my mom was a fan and I used to read Kellerman's books when she was done with them) and Milo Sturgis is the first nonstereotypical LGBTQ+ character I can remember seeing in a book, so to Jonathan Kellerman for giving me the representation I needed at a young age.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for the advanced reader's copy! The book will be published on February 4th, 2025.

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Never disappointed! So excited to finish them and waiting impatiently for the next. This one is a super challenging one to connect the dots...but of course they do! I feel like Alex Delaware is almost full time working with Milo these days...answering every penny (is he even paid)? This one was excellent!

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#OpenSeason #NetGalley

Thank you Random House Publishing and Jonathan Kellerman for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

Alex and Milo have done it again! I’ve loved reading about these two and their adventures since I was a pre-teen. Jonathan Kellerman was the one who got me into my love for reading thrillers and true crime.

Alex and Milo start off trying to solve two murders whose only link to each other seems to be the murderer becomes the murdered. Then when more cases come to light matching that of the Murderer two stemming from over 15 years ago in Ohio they have to figure out who the killer is before someone else dies.

You get the familiar witty banter of Milo and Alex with a mix of other original characters of Robin and our four legged bestie Blanche.

5/5 yes.. can’t wait for the next one

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and TikTok and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

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Another hit in this ongoing series from the author. Filled with the usual mixture of mystery and suspense along with an intriguing storyline. This is a book which can be easily read and understood without reading others in the series. Certainly a book which I would recommend to others.

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As a longtime fan of Dr. Alex Delaware and Lieutenant Milo Sturgis, I look forward to each new installment in the series. This 40th book reminded me of putting together a jigsaw puzzle. It starts off slowly with no real understanding of the final picture but piece-by-piece the process speeds up as the picture begins to take form.

Alex and Milo team up once again to solve what appears to be a string of unrelated homicides. Supported by the “kids” as Milo refers to the younger detectives, they begin to sift through the plethora of clues until the true suspect emerges with a surprising twist. At times there were so many variables and people that it was a bit challenging to keep them straight as the story unfolds.

The best part of Kellerman’s books is twofold. First, the repartee and quirky aspects of the Alex and Milo bromance are always entertaining. The second is Kellerman’s talent for highly evocative descriptions of places and characters. This is an entertaining addition to the series, but not my favorite.

My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Open Season.

I've been reading this series for so long...I won't even say how long. That's how long it's been.

I love Alex and Milo's bromance and enjoy the author's writing for many years.

The mystery isn't bad, especially when seemingly related murders pop up. How do they connect to each other?

My favorite type of mystery features a detective, a basic procedural, interviewing witnesses and suspects with a satisfying conclusion.

Open Season hits all the marks in that regard and it's always a pleasure to check in with Robin, Blanche, and Milo's competent and capable team.

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Even though this is the 40th installment of Milo and Alex, it as as fresh as the first book in this series. The storyline line starts out very simply but the after effects of the original murder just grows and grows. There are mentions of both of their personal lives but the plot is the main focus and focus is does. I am looking forward to number 41!

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There are no simple cases for Alex Delaware and Milo Sturgis and Open Season, the 40th in this superb series by the talented Jonathan Kellerman is no exception. The first body, wrapped tightly and dumped at a not so nice hospital in a not so nice section of Los Angeles, begins this complicated cold blooded murder case. More seemingly unrelated victims follow the first. Only one thing links these cases - the ammunition used by the killer. As Delaware and Sturgis work to unravel this twisted case, they discover the murderer has made one mistake. He thinks he/she is smarter than Alex.

Milo and Alex have an easy rapport and rely on each other’s strengths to solve complex cases. A backdrop of familiar characters, especially Robin and the beloved Blanche, bring life to the mystery and new characters add to the intricate plot line. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Ballantine Books and Jonathan Kellerman for this ARC.

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Reading an Alex Delaware novel is a special comfort for me since its my longest series so I was grateful to get approved for an ARC of number 40 in the series!

Alex and Milo are back in full force tracking down a serial sniper with no discernible pattern. The investigation has more than a few colorful characters and a couple of deadends that leave you guessing and, as usual, a very satisfying ending.

If you havent read the series, I highly recommend it!

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• 40th book in the longest running American detective series with psychologist Alex Delaware and his police detective sidekick Milo
• Compelling characters, well thought out plot, and surprising ending
• Slow first half with lots of seemingly non pertinent dialogue, but picks up in second half
• Includes many characters making Milo more of the main attraction this time with Alex playing the lesser role
• Not my favorite Alex
Delaware mystery, but worth the read

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Dr. Alex Delaware and Lieutenant Milo Sturgis--forty and fabulous in the Jonathan Kellerman psychologically twisted way! Open Season is the 40th book in the Alex Delaware series and Milo and Alex are working together to solve the case of a young woman who had been drugged and her body dropped outside of a run-down medical facility. As they begin to piece together her case, their suspect is gunned down in an assassination style rifle shooting. The death of their suspect then leads to additional assassination style rifle shooting cases where they must determine if and how the victims are linked. Alex once again comes through with his ability to piece together fragments that tell the full story, no matter how disturbing. This was a page turner and I devoured it within 24 hours! Thanks to NetGalley and Random House-Ballantine for an ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Rating: 5 stars Expected Publication Date: February 4, 2025

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This is the 40th installment in the Alex Delaware series, and Alex and Milo, now old friends of mine, are still at the top of their game! The 40th book fully embraces the location of these thrillers — mostly Hollywood this time in a thriller that follows an assassin possibly taking out unpunished bad guys. But how is a mom in a rowboat with her two year old a bad guy?

Kellerman is so very skilled at the detailed police procedural — his stories sort of “bloom” as we start with minimal knowledge about a victim and then branch out to investigating backgrounds, questioning friends and neighbors, building timelines, and searching social histories to finally get to the “a-ha!” moment that ties everything together. Dr. Delaware is more sidekick this time to Milo and Googler-in-chief, but his psychological takes have Milo and his whole familiar crew looking outside the box. Bravo for including all the detectives!

Kellerman (and now his son, Jesse) are automatic reads for me. Has it really been 40 years? The stories are never stale (I do believe they started in pre-cellphone days) and Kellerman has adapted modern day technology into his crime-solving. But that Cadillac Seville is now ancient — the last model year was 2004… Really, Doc, you deserve something new and snazzy. 5 stars!

Oh, minor irritation: “Clean-jawed”? What kind of adjective is that when describing a woman? Both Petra and Alicia get that description this time; Alicia in a previous book (which is why it re-irritated me now and why I googled it again as urban slang to make sure I wasn’t being petty). Of course they don’t have beards. ???

Literary Pet Peeve Checklist:
Green Eyes (only 2% of the real world, yet it seems like 90% of all fictional females): YES Always! Milo has green eyes!
Horticultural Faux Pas (plants out of season or growing zones, like daffodils in autumn or bougainvillea in Alaska): NO Very impressively, Kellerman knows what kind of landscaping was typical in 1950s California.

Thank you to Random House/Ballantine and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy!

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You can never go wrong with an Alex Delaware mystery. Lots of Milo and Alex together in this one with just a teeny bit of most of the other usual. A great story this time, and I enjoyed it thoroughly!

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Love Alex Delaware and Milo. I always enjoy reading books in this series. Thanks for allowing me to enjoy this book prior to publication. It's a typical book in the series with murder and police procedure. You won't be disappointed

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