Member Reviews

Romantic suspense reads can always be entertaining and this one was no different. I struggled a little with some of the terminology and felt it was a little bogged down at times with political words, but it was still a great story if you can get past that. Because of some of the overly complex language, I had to re-read some passages in order to make sure I understood everything properly. With this book, romance is not as present as some other reads, but it is still there and good. It’s more of a back seat, so I wouldn’t even quite label it as romantic suspense because it isn’t quite as prominent as I normally find with this genre. The suspense aspect though was a lot of fun, and really entertaining and kept me engaged. I found the pacing to be perfect for this book. It kept my interest, and I was only interrupted by having to re-read passages. The twist on this one was great and I didn’t see it coming.

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I'm rounding up from a 3.5. I've read Selena Montgomery's work before (yes, I know it's a pen name) and she's pretty solid. I think I've read this book before? Is it a re-issue? Either way, this is a lovely category romantic suspense. You'll zip through it while also having to stop and re-read some paragraphs to make sure you understood the spy logistics correctly. A good book for a long train commute.

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I read While Justice Sleeps and Rogue Justice, different series but excellent reads and this title didn't disappoint.
Let me start with cons, the one thing I did not like about this novel is that there are a lot of political words that the average Jane or Joe might not be familiar with. I had to look up several words throughout the book to understand the context.

I always enjoy the suspense and romance in a Abrams/Montgomery story. This one was more of a thriller but the romance was not lacking. I was a little confused by the romantic tension between AJ and Damon. AJ's pouting and teetering with her feelings for Damon was irritating. There's a Scripture in the Bible "let your yes be yes and your no be no. This was something I wanted to scream to AJ.

I received a copy of this galley in exchange for my thoughtful and honest review

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This was my first time reading a book authored by Stacey Abrams/Selena Montgomery. I was intrigued by the blurb and the romance-suspense label. I don't read many romance-suspense novels, thus this novel was outside of my regular reading comforts.

The one thing I did not like about this novel is that there are a lot of "high brow" words. I had to look up two words in the prologue to better understand the sentence. I understand that the characters are educated individuals, however, having to look up words took the excitement out of reading the novel. I felt the novel was more of a suspense and low-level spy novel than a romance novel. I didn't understand the draw between AJ and Damon. AJ's constant pouting and back and forth with her feelings for Damon was irritating after a bit. The steam level is about a level one or two in this novel. I prefer more graphic love scenes.

Overall, this was a far read. I do like the author's writing style. I am hoping there will be a legal or crime drama (sans romance) soon by this author. I would read that genre. I would recommend this novel to individuals who like suspense novels with minimal romance.

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This book was okay! I think the writing was good and room for improvement but overall I would read another book by this author!

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This book is both fiery and tender. It perfectly blends heart-pounding action with romance that I absolutely adored. it’s a must-read for anyone who loves a gripping love story with a twist.

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