Member Reviews

It's such a delight when a book you expect to be wonderful lives up to those lofty expectations! Reading the third Emily Wilde book felt like coming home after a long trip. The continued evolution of Emily and Wendell's relationship continues to be a joy to witness, and the main 'adventure' of this book -- saving Wendell's realm from a curse/his stepmother -- was equal parts fascinating (more faerie lore! yes, please!) and thrilling (there absolutely was a point when I flung my phone across the bed in disbelief). The unexpected star of this book, though, was Shadow. Oh, my heart -- loyal, trusting, protective, Shadow! Anyone who's had a dog (or any pet, really) will have their heartstrings tugged upon most mightily.

In any case -- Heather Fawcett has done it again. A brilliant story, brilliantly told, full of warmth and wonder.

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My favorite cozy fall cottagecore series. The pacing to me moved along much faster in this one and I was not mad. I love wendell.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Random House for providing me with a free arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

This series continues to delight and enchant! I have been a fan of Emily and Wendells's adventures since the first time i read them, and this book does not disappoint.

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Thank you to NetGalley at the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This series continues to be cute. I admit that I didn't like this volume as much as the pervious two, but it was still enjoyable. This installment is mostly spent in the realm of Faerie, which is largely nonsensical, and when it does follow rules, they have an incredibly strange logic to them. I understand that's the point of the Fae; their behavior is capricious, but as a practical person, this frustrates me. I wouldn't last 5 minutes, and I found I much preferred the prior books' focus on the problems that arise when the faerie realm intrudes on the "real world," as opposed to spending the time fully immersed in the world of Faerie.

Emily, of course, endearingly finds it all fascinating from an academic research standpoint, but is also smart enough to be concerned about the risks as well. Risks and consequences do, naturally, ensue, and as usual Emily must use her scholarship to combat them. This installment does continue one of my favorite trends of the series, which is that obstacles are overcome largely via knowledge, research, and preparation. Yes, Emily demonstrates courage as well, but she is able to be brave because she has some evidence backing up her strategies.

Essentially, if you liked the other two, you'll enjoy this one, and if you haven't read the first two books, you should. This book isn't a good place to start the series, as it references a lot from the prior stories. I think I read somewhere that this is meant to be the conclusion to the series. If so, I think it ends nicely, but it also ends in such a way that it would be easy to continue Emily and Wendell's story if the author wanted to. I'm sure I'd read a 4th book if it was written, but I'm perfectly content to have the series wrap up here.

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First, a big thanks to NetGalley and RandomHouse for letting me read this before its release date!

This was the first of of the Emily Wilde series I've read instead of listened to. Unfortunately my reading gets more regularly interrupted than my audiobook and there are some things I wonder if they follow.

The story follows Emily and Wendell into Fairy to take back his kingdom, which then leads us all over and back into previous books, so I do recommend reading books 1 and 2 first as you'll recognize many characters. Also, if you liked books 1 and 2, I think you'll also like book 3.

And I will admit, myeyes welled up with tears about a certain household pet in the series!

Overall, the book was enjoyable and we get to see more of Fairy and understand how it exists and operates and it ties firmly into the series, so as otherworldly as Fairy may be, readers are rooted in.

In my ebook version, notes and insights about certain topics were at the end of the chapter, while I didnt feel this way with the audiobooks. The audiobook felt like these notes flowed where the topic was and was more of an aside? I would like to have seen that at the bottom of the appropriate ebook page instead of the end.

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I absolutely adore the Emily Wilde series and this was no exception. It was a difficult start for me since it had been several months since I read the last one and this picks up right where it left off so I did have to refresh some of the details, but once I got into the heart of the book, I was right back in the heart of what I love about these books. At no point did I predict where the story was about to go, but I was always so engaged with the lore and history woven through that I feel like I learned something while falling even more in love with Emily and Wendell. Their romance still had me giggling and kicking my feet, though I did find myself wanting more of it towards the end. But still though I wouldn't necessarily call this a cozy fantasy as there are some high stakes, it does invoke that warm feeling of coming home again.

Thank you to Net Galley and Random House for providing me with a free arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4

I wasn't sure how I felt about this book, and I needed a little time to think about it, but here I am.

The beginning gave me a false start, and I had to start again because it literally just drops you into the middle of the story that we left in the second book, no build-up or anything. Not necessarily bad, but slightly jarring since I didn't re-read the second before I began.

I enjoyed the book, I did. Classic Emily and Wendell, the same back-and-forth and elements and fantasy stuff. But it also seemed like there wasn't a lot of story. It was missing something from the first two books, some fun and inventiveness. I can't put my finger on it, but it just wasn't as exciting for me. I do hope there are more books, but if this is the last, it's a serviceable, if somewhat tame, ending to the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing an ARC of this book.

***This review will be published on GoodReads two weeks before publication.

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I decided to reread Book 2 before starting so that I could have recent events fresh in my mind, since it picks up exactly where Book 2 left off. I have no regrets fully immersing myself in Faerie in this way. It's such a delightful world to be in! (Not, you know, Faerie itself, which is appropriately horrifying as it is beautiful, but this magical historical setting.) I loved getting to explore Where the Trees Have Eyes itself for an extended period, and meeting new denizens of that realm - especially Wendell's annoying little sister. And oh man, it's not all fun and games and coziness this time! We're having some adventures with dire stakes that glued me to the book - and only the best scholar of fairy lore in all England can study hard enough to save the day. Loved it, cried a bit at the end, and I think I need to buy copies of this trilogy and treasure them forever.

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I enjoyed this book quite a lot! I love books that deal with folklore, but Fawcett's works appeal to me in particular because she mentions the lesser figures in folklore while many books dealing with faerie only write about the royalty. This being an integral aspect of all three novels is a nice change of pace.

I also quite enjoyed discovering Wendell's realm and the magic contained within it. After reading through the previous two books, I believe this is a nice ending to the series and will continue to recommend it to anyone who will listen!

P.S. I'm so glad we got to see Poe and Snowbell again!

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This series is quickly becoming a favorite of mine, which I wasn't anticipating when I read the first one. I felt like this one went by a lot faster, though I don't know if that's just because I'm now fully locked-in after three of these things.

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I have loved all of the Emily Wilde novels so far, and this one is no exception. Here, Emily uses fairy-tale study to figure out how to save her lover from a deadly curse, and save his kingdom too. It's charming and fun and the characters are delightful and well-realized. This series is perfect for reading away an afternoon with tea and treats.

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Emily Wilde, Wendell Bambleby and co. return for the third book in a series that garnered an instant spot on my favorites list. The world of Emily Wilde is as enchanting as it is dangerous, full of colorful characters and locations. The romance is an absolute delight - both Emily and Wendell are fully-realized characters with their own unique perspectives and goals, which play off each other nicely.
This book finally, properly takes us to Wendell's Faerie kingdom after a brief foray in book 2. There are naturally some unexpected twists and turns that come with retaking a Faerie kingdom but to say much more would be spoiler territory.
Suffice to say, fans of the series won't want to miss this one!

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Much like the first two books, the third book in the Emily Wilde series is a delight. While it doesn't have the interesting details about all the various creatures and places the first two do, it instead builds on the first two that leads to a very plot driven story.

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I absolutely adore this series. It is incredible and there is a lot of depth behind all of the characters. I especially adore the use of the fae and traditional folklore.

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What a joy it was getting to revisit this wonderful world. I’ve adored each installment of this Emily Wilde series and the third book is no different.

Without giving away any spoilers, I will say it was a nice balance of new and old in this book, with lots of endearing moments with all of your favorite characters.

My only small note was that the pacing felt just a bit off in the beginning but it was never too much to distract and the book quickly grabbed my attention for the last half of the book!

If you haven’t had a chance to read this enthralling series yet, definitely go pick it up for a lovable heroine, fantastic world-building, and sweet (and sometimes spooky!) characters.

Thank you, NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine | Del Rey, and Heather Fawcett

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Heather Fawcett’s Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales should not work but it does. It has large blocks of expository texts and footnotes! Completely fictional, but still! How does this author manage it! I even skipped to the end to ascertain the ending before I continued. So she is even able to maintain suspense in the face of clearly not adhering to the popular bestseller plot formula. If you love Emily’s world you will love this book. If you are new to this series you must read the others. Especially if you have recently read the news or a particularly harrowing epic fantasy. It acts as a lovely balm of escapism.

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Fantastic book and series- 5 stars.

This series has been such a great read and this installment is no exception. Hard to review on this one without giving anything away. A very fast paced, action packed book. Emily and Wendall are a delight.

Heather Fawcett has done an amazing job and I look forward to her next book/series. Also loved the cover on this book.

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Love this series. Had a really hard time putting this one down.

Without giving away any of the story - Emily continues to be the heroin that we are all rooting for.

The third book is just as enjoyable as the first two and I loved it.

Highly recommend this series

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Yet again, Heather Fawcett has written an incredible cozy, fantasy adventure! I love Emily and Wendell's dynamic and their love for each other and their realm. I didn't feel like this book was quite as good as the first two, but I still devoured it.

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All Hail Emily Wilde! The scholar we love to follow as she sets forth into the dangerous world of Faerie is back.

The novel (the third of the cozy series) is set in a world where dryadologists study the denizens of Faerie. There are many Faerie worlds, accessible, as in the ancient tales, via various portals. In this adventure, the destination is a return to the eldritch home of Wendell Bambleby, Emily's beloved.

Emily, as her many followers already know, is a formidable scientist, one who eschews the frills and furbelows expected of women in her time, and who dives into her studies even as she is rightly terrified.

Fans won't need convincing to pick up this latest book, but newcomers to the series will discover a whimsical yet gruesome Faerie, a veneration for scholarship, a pop of romance, and an admirable and forthright hero. They can then hurry to catch up with the two earlier books about Emily's adventures.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for the eARC in exchange for my unfettered opinion.

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