Member Reviews

I can't believe that this is the end! It was a wonderful conclusion to a fantastic series, but I will always ache for more of this world and these characters. There are still clever anecdotes, beautiful layers, and wonderful imagery. I don't know how to convey the depth my adoration! If I could make everyone read this series, I surely would.

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While I feel like the plot could've been a bit better, I had a blast reading this book. There were plenty of intriguing descriptions of faerie stuff and adorable scenes with romantic interests and pets. The central concept of the fae re-enacting folklore and being guided by past tales was a somewhat unusual idea that worked especially well for this story.

My only complaint would be that a lot of plot placed Emily outside of the action. She sits on the sidelines while other people do interesting things, so instead of actually seeing things unfold, the reader is often only told about them by Emily after the fact.

However, while that issue was enough to push my rating from a 5 to a 4, it didn't get in the way of me enjoying this book at all.

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I loved this entire series by Heather Fawcett. Her take on faerie and the power of stories over the fae was interesting and watching the characters develop over 3 books was fun. I look forward to more books by her!

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If EMILY WILDE'S COMPENDIUM OF LOST TALES has one fan, it's me. If it has no fans .... I'm dead.
As always Heather Fawcett ignites something so dangerously endearing in me. While reading this, I felt the desperate urge to start knitting a scarf and reading scientific journals on mushroom foraging. Heather Fawcett has a way of making the most mundane things charming, and for that, I can never thank her enough. I LOVE this whole series. Book #3 is another 5 star from Fawcett in the books.

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thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this e-arc! 4.5/5 stars rounded down, emily + wendell 4ever!!!

I'm lowkey in denial this is the last book - reading this was kind of bittersweet in that sense, because I would LOVE to see more of emily and wendell but I felt like the way heather fawcett wrapped this book and series up was satisfying and well done. I loved seeing emily and wendell again, and I think it's so funny how far they've come (specifically emily) in terms of their romantic relationship. there's a lot of payoff from the first book when we're waiting to see if she'll even admit to having feelings for wendell, so to see her so worried over him and determined to save him feels like vindication.

one thing I appreciated is that even if there were things that I as a reader didn't like about the plot of the way the characters acted, I still understood why things happened the way they did, or why characters reacted a certain way. we know who emily is from the very beginning of the series, and even though she's constantly expressing concern and some fear over being in faerie, you know it's because she's a very logical person, and I liked seeing how some aspects of her have evolved but the core of her character and personality remains the same throughout all three books. wendell is, as always, a silly goose, but it was interesting to see him so willing to [redacted] himself for his home. some of his most interesting scenes were when wendell was acting not like the airheaded character we know him as, but to see his mood swings and the violence he's so willing to carry out, and I think those moment really reinforce that he's not human.

the plot was interesting as always - you really get to see emily shine when it matters most, and there's a truly emotional moment that happens that feels more meaningful because of their relationship now. I do think I still prefer the second one, but given time, this might get five stars from me. overall, a wonderful, wonderful end to this series and though I'm perfectly content with the way things have ended, I would in fact give heather fawcett a million dollars to keep writing in this universe

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I continue to be utterly entranced by this series. I can't help but recommend it to anyone and everyone who will let me talk for more than 20 seconds. It blends cozy fantasy with just enough plot to keep you hooked. I'm still chasing the warmth that this series leaves me with. If I could erase these characters from my mind and fall in love all over again, I would without hesitation.

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I received a temporary digital copy of Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett from NetGalley, Orbit and the author in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Emily Wilde and her fiancé, Wendell Bambleby, return to Wendell's home in Faerie to take back his throne and rid the throne of his evil step-mother; however, once Emily and Wendell return, they realize his step-mother has created a sickness that is slowly taking over the land. Will Wendell and Emily be able to stop the destruction or will they destroy themselves in the process.

I love the Emily Wilde series and this book delivered just as the other two have - excellent world building, imaginative Faerie stories and tons of subtle humor. Another enjoyable installment and hopefully more to come from the land of Faerie!

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Ahhh I loved this book. Obviously, I've loved ved Emily and Wendell since the first book in this series, but now we get to really explore their characters and Emily gets to nerd out about Faerie.

Emily and Wendell have such a charming relationship and I'm so happy to have been able to read the continuation of their story!!

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This is just as whimsical. and beautiful as the firs two - I am not even sure what to do with myself now that this series is over? I really cannot wait for future works of Heather Fawcett, i'll the honest, the first one wasn't my favorite, but my girlfriend absolutely loved it so I kept going and oommgg I am so happy that I did!

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Fan's of Heather Fawcett's Emily Wilde's series won't want to miss this epic conclusion to a thrilling series. As Emily is whisked away to the land of Faerie, she has to learn how to become Queen and take her place in the kingdom. She has precious little help aside from her fiancé, and everyone's determined to see her fail. Will she be able to use her knowledge to save the kingdom's magic? As we find ourselves on this epic conclusion, readers will delight and cry along with Emily on this wild epic adventure.

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In retrospect, I see it was foolish of me to assume this was a collection of short stories based on the title and a complete lack of any other information. As a result of this assumption, I put off reading it for a time because, well, that isn't always the right head space, is it? Welp, I've been proved very silly indeed. Unrelated: She threw in a little thing at the very end that had me sobbing for almost an entire day, so prepare yourself.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for early access in exchange for my honest review.

If you’ve made it to book three, I think you know what you’re in for. We get more adventure, character growth, and a sprinkle of romance. I love that Emily knows herself and is willing to push her own boundaries. That being said, I did want more internal or emotional conflict as much of the adventure is driven by external forces.

This book made me laugh out loud and tear up and read until my eyes were dry. A great end to the series with enough left open for speculation.

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Such a lovely end to this series! Lost Tales picks up right at the end of Otherlands as Wendell and Emily head to Faerie to claim Wendell's throne. His stepmother is missing, presumed dead, and now Wendell is the next king. Their journey to the castle shows that all is not well in the kingdom and the former queen may still be alive and up to nefarious deeds. Emily researches faerie stories in earnest to discover what to do and how to stop the kingdom's destruction.

The story was a little slower in parts than usual but I still really liked this book! Emily and Wendell are adorable together and it was fun seeing characters from the other books again. I really loved Shadow's story arc! I've been afraid he was going to die with the frequent mentions of his slowing down. As an owner of a 15 year old border collie, it made me cry when Wendell found something to prolong Shadow's life and help his body keep up with his spirit, every dog lover's dream :)

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

This one starts right where the previous book left off. It was wonderful to see Emily and Wendell together again and to see what they got up to. Written like the previous books, it is unique and engaging. This one however felt a little slower than others, with some spots in the book feeling like a lull. My favorite part was the ending, it wrapped everything up very nicely and was a great way to end the book.

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Huge thanks to NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I kept telling myself I was only allowed to read one more chapter, but I was utterly powerless to put it down. What a satisfying conclusion to what I consider to be one of the best fantasy series I’ve read in recent years.

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As an absolute lover of this series and Heather Fawcett's writing in this series, I was NOT disappointed with this third installment (I cannot accept the fact that this is the end of the series, so I will not refer to this as such).
In this book, we are following Emily and Wendell - who are officially engaged to be married- as they travel to Wendell's home realm that he was cast out of as a boy. In Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands, we watch as Emily defeats Wendell's stepmother, which allows for the two of them to travel to the realm in this story. However, when they begin to settle in to being the monarchs of the realm, they find that Wendell's stepmother has cursed to realm to ruin - can Emily and Wendell save this kingdom before it is too late?
The setting in this book was absolutely just as magical and cozy as the previous books, and I loved how we got to see more of Emily and Wendell's relationship in this book. While their relationship has progressed throughout the series, Fawcett stays true to their natures and creates a relationship built on banter, trust and pure love of one another and who they are. This book took so many turns, but I never wanted it to end! Heather Fawcett has created the ultimate cozy academia fantasy series, and I will forever love these books.

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Seriously, the TWISTS, TURNS, and DIPS in this one. Oh my goodness, what a wild ride of a conclusion!

I'm gonna break it down like this:

• Where the Trees Have Eyes
• Lord Taran
• vengeful snails
• Shadow and Orga
• the housekeeper ("he is one of ours" 🥹)
• Poe's mom
• the Veil
• the enterprising brownie who sells nuts and snacks at any and every excuse for a gathering

This is one of my all-time favorite series. I'm sad that it's over but happy with how it wrapped up, and I'm so looking forward to Heather Fawcett's next series

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A big big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me at this one early in exchange for an honest review! I don't think I've been this hype about new entries in a series since I was a child, going to midnight release parties.

I am not sure what emotion I am feeling rn, but I think it's OOOooooOOOUghhh
I cackled! I gasped! I SCREAMED! Reading this felt like reading letters from a very dear, very messy friend. There's nice disability rep also!

If this really is the last book - and it feels like it might be - it is a nice place to wrap things up; the ending is satisfying, yet open enough that there COULD be more. (Please can we have more? ??)
Definitely try to revisit the previous two books, if you can - especially the second one. I shan't elaborate.

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I cannot get enough of Emily Wilde and Wendell's adventures throughout the faerie realm. They must work together to make it out alive of the cutthroat world of political intrigue and magical ramifications in Wendell's realm. As always, professor Wilde is wildly intelligent and turns out to be just the kind of faerie queen Wendell needs at his side.

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3.7 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group- Ballantine/Del Rey for a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review!

I'm still in shock that I managed to get this ARC because the first two were sooo good

Okay so I have super mixed feelings about this book 😭

One one hand, the lore is great. I am a sucker for good worldbuilding that actually makes sense, and by that measure, there was one specific quote that just tied together all of the disparate threads of the magic system in a way that made me set my iPad down and just stare at the wall in dawning understanding.

Also the (imo too few) parts where Wendell is being sweet were adorable, naturally. Also (weird compliment but) the vocabulary was actually so good lol. It just gave the story this sense of whimsy which I loved. Also all the side characters come back so it felt like the story came full circle.

But on the other hand, there were so many random hints strewn in about Emily's "true" feelings about her situation that it lowk made me feel uncomfortable?? Furthermore, there was this underlying tension about different beliefs that was never fully addressed which added to the discomfort. Like the only reason she's staying in it is for Wendell, but we don't get nearly enough enough Wendell scenes to justify why she's putting herself through that. Also, the main plotline felt slightly contrived, like something that shouldn't have been a problem was now the main conflict that they had to spend the entire book dealing with.

Nevertheless, the book was definitely fun and I mostly read for the cute Emily and Wendell scenes which always slapped so overall a nice (if slightly unnecessary) romp

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