Member Reviews

This is a 3.5/5

A fun book, with a healthy dose of mystery and family dynamics. It's not a romance per se, since it's not the central theme.

Overall, I found it a bit challenging to follow the narrative as there were too many characters, with detailed back stories for many of them. Mostly, I wish the mystery was solved by Nura with only a bit of help from the side characters, since IMO that would have helped with the story flow better.

If you like books by South Asian authors, with modern matchmaking elements, this one is for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.


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In all honesty, I found this book to be mediocre. The plot, in my opinion, was a little disorganized, but I must admit that I was completely surprised by the resolution, which was masterfully done! Overall, I enjoyed reading it and thought it would be interesting for those who enjoy mysteries and thrillers as well as learning more about the matchmaker concept! There were a few characters that I wished we had gotten to know better and I also thought the romance element should have been developed more!

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The Matchmaker combines romance and mystery in a fun fast paced novel! If you loved Indian Matchmaking on Netflix this is the book for you!

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I was hoping for a bit more from this book. It was an easy and fast read and I liked the family dynamics.

The mystery felt a bit forced and I didn’t really believe the conclusion. I also wanted the main character to be a bit more involved with solving the mystery. I felt like all of the side characters were trying to solve it for her.

Then, the romance has potential but I didn’t feel any chemistry. It was sweet, but I didn’t feel the romance. Plus, he was in another relationship the majority of the book which I’m just never a fan of.

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Honestly this book was just okay for me. I think the plot was a bit all over the place, although I will say I did not see the ending coming at all so that was really well done!! There were a few characters I wish we got to know better and I wanted the romance element to be developed further but overall I enjoyed reading it and it would be fun for people who like a good mystery/thriller and learning more about the matchmaker concept!

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Interesting story, great info into the Indian culture. Took a while to get into the book. Enjoyed the details of the garments and the venues.

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This was such a good book, I couldn’t seem to put it down. I was hooked pretty quickly! I loved the detail into another cultures customs as well. The mystery was addicting.

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PLOT: Slow to Start with Good Ending
POV: Single Character
LEVEL: Adult
MISC: I really enjoyed the author's writing style.

This book is about a matchmaker whose recently matched couples begin to be sabotaged.

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The Matchmaker—Aisha Saeed’s first adult novel—is a wonderful romp through the trials of finding love, and a look at the dark side of jealousy and longing. Protagonist Nura is a top-notch matchmaker and running a successful business…until she finds her livelihood, and her life, threatened by a force she cannot identify. I loved that this book is part romance and part mystery. The glittering world of making love matches among Atlanta’s elite provides a wonderful backdrop to the vicious attacks on Nura and her company, and her attempts to root out the threat. I read this book quickly; it is fast paced and a lot of fun. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC and the opportunity to provide an honest review.

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I've read all of Aisha Saeed's books and was excited that she ventured into adult fiction. A quick and engaging read. I read to escape and to learn new things and this one filled both of those buckets; I especially appreciated the exposure to desi culture.

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4 stars- Devoured this on my beach vacation! Perfect cocktail of suspense without keeping me up with nightmares :) thanks netgalley & the publisher for the arc!

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Thank you Netgalley for an advanced copy!

This was a super interesting premise I was excited to get into, part romance, part mystery in the setting of a matchmaker business. It was a quick light read, I wish it had been a little…more? It feel like every scene was short and wrapped up quickly, and we moved on to the next bit right as I felt we could settle in. A very fun setting, but just a bit lighter than I expected!

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a nice unique blend of ideas and good execution! the matchmaker is a mystery novel with romance and family emotions, involving the successful matchmaker nura and her matchmaking company, piyar. one first glance, you would stop and wonder if you heard it right 😂 yes it is indeed a mystery novel a typical romance type of setting. the idea was so damn cool and aisha saeed weaved the threads well enough to make it a decent read with all the entertainment portions of family and romance thrown in.

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I've read all of Aisha Saeed's YA/JF books and I was so excited for her adult debut- and it did not disappoint! I love her style of writing and the mystery/romance had me hooked from the beginning. I definitely did not guess the twist at the end! Thanks to NetGalley and Bantam for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This has it all - romance, family, drama, and mystery. It was fun reading about the lavish weddings and desi culture as well.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Romance + mystery is in the air in this one! It was a fabulous read and I was hooked from the first page! It really has something for everyone and I had to know how it ended and what was going on with all her matches. I really enjoyed the authors writing style as well!

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Goodreads review:

Thank you for Netgalley the advance copy!

First, I loved the authors writing style. It was beautifully written. I went into this blind and wasn’t really sure what it was about but couldn’t put it down once I got into it. Nura is a matchmaker & interesting things start happening surrounding the couples she has matched. I was on the edge of my seat at the end! Amazing first adult novel!

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I really loved this book! The story was so addictive and I couldn’t put it down! The writing was so great and the plot was so well thought out!

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In The Matchmaker, Saeed artfully combines the charm of romantic entanglements with the suspense of a thriller, creating a narrative that is both captivating and thought-provoking. From the outset, Nura's life seems picture-perfect. With her impressive track record and a roster of exclusive clients, she is the go-to matchmaker in her community. Saeed does an excellent job of establishing Nura as a strong, relatable protagonist. Her struggles with societal expectations, personal ambition, and a complicated friendship with Azar, her childhood friend who poses as her pretend fiancé, imbue the story with emotional depth. The layered dynamics of their relationship create an underlying tension that is palpable throughout the novel, especially as Nura grapples with her true feelings for Azar.
However, the glittering facade of Nura's business starts to crack when a couple's wedding falls apart catastrophically. What initially appears to be an unfortunate mishap quickly spirals into a series of unsettling and dangerous incidents. Saeed expertly shifts the tone of the novel from romantic comedy to thrilling mystery, keeping readers on their toes as Nura navigates the dark waters of sabotage and deceit. The stakes are raised further when it's revealed that someone harbors a sinister intent—the danger feels real and immediate, heightening the suspense of the narrative.
One of the novel's strengths is Saeed's ability to weave cultural nuances into the storyline. Nura’s experiences reflect the struggles many face within tight-knit communities, such as balancing personal aspirations with the expectations of family and tradition. This aspect of the book adds layers of authenticity to her journey, allowing readers to see the nuanced dynamics at play in Nura's life—not just as a matchmaker, but as a woman finding her place in the world. Overall, this book is more than just a tale of love and matchmaking; it addresses themes of trust, friendship, and the emotional costs of failure. Whether you are a fan of contemporary romance or a lover of mysteries, this book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a gripping story infused with heart, humor, and a hint of danger.

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The Matchmaker drew me in from the first pages.This is so well written a mix of mystery romance a unique read that kept me turning the pages.Looking forward to reading more by this author.#netgalley #randomhouse

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