Member Reviews

Thanks to Dreamscape Audio & NetGalley for providing an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was hoping for a wacky, fun space adventure, but what I got was a completely over-the-top, kind of annoying FMC and a very buttoned-up MMC who had zero chemistry. Waaaayyyy too much attention paid to Ada's quirky and bristly personality and way too little on the plot making sense, IMO. The voice acting is insane (but kept my interest, I gotta admit. If I'd been reading I probably would've given up).

Two stars. Not my favorite.

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3.5 stars

The words 'space heist' are all you need to pick this book out

I really liked the story I just wish it was read a little less caricatured in the audio book- not for me but I can see the appeal towards a different audience!

This book could have really been longer but I think the sequel comes out soon so no need to wait too long to find out what happens next :)

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This is the first in a novella trilogy and I can't wait for the rest! Ada Lamarr is a looter. She seems to casually travel through space finding ghost ships and picking them over for the copper wiring and scrap metal but really, Ada is a badass con artist who knows exactly what she's targeting. After almost running out of oxygen and escaping her ship that's sporting a hole in its side, she is rescued by the Halifax, a government ship. The Halifax has good food, lots of oxygen, and Rian White, the agent in charge. He's smart, but Ada's smarter. The story kept me guessing until the end, and the banter was top notch entertainment.

The audiobook was amazing. The narrators hit the right notes delivering a sarcastic, suspenseful, fast paced story.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed Full Speed to a Crash Landing. It was a quick and fun space adventure with some romance! I really like the narration and Beth Revis's writing style. I knew I was going to like this book because I have enjoyed her other novels, like "The Princess and the Scoundrel." I can't wait to read the second book in this series!

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This was so so good! I loved the narration and the story was very intriguing.

I’m really excited to see what happens in the next 2 books!

I received an ALC of this audiobook from Dreamscape Media in exchange for a review.

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Loved this book. Enjoyed the characters and the withholding of information, I find myself hooked waiting for the next book. Amazing Sci-fi novella that has the cute starting of a romance and the thrill of us against them.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This was such a fun little space novel! I was gripped throughout this book and want to know more about what happened to Earth and the universe prior to the events of this book. I loved Ada! She was hilarious and added some great comical moments in this book. I cannot wait to read more in this series.

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Ada is quickly running out of air and is rescued at the end of her air by a ship sent to recover the ship she has already started salvage on. Rian is on a classified mission and is very curious as how did this one-woman salvage operation find this ship and did she find what they came to get off this unstable planet. Ada seems so helpful with her high tech suit and agrees to grab the data they came to extract from the wreck. But of course Ada isn’t what she seems even though she has won over some of the crew. A good tight story and a great hook at the end about what is going on in this universe and you have to wonder if they will cross paths again. Good entertaining audio book

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What a fun, fast pace, quick read! I enjoyed the story and the character dynamics, especially as we see the secrets unfold at the end of the novel. I think we all had suspected part of the twist but I did not guess the extent of it. I wish it wouldve been slightly longer and we could have gotten to know the characters a tad more, but overall I enjoyed this one!

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I would like to start by stating that this is a review of the audiobook. I have a suspicion that a lot of my opinions of this book are heavily colored by this and some of the things that irked me wouldn't have come into play if I was relying on reading and internal narration. I enjoyed Revis's Across the Universe series in the past so I thought this would be highly enjoyable and something to listen to on walks with my dogs.

While I did end up liking the story once I got into it. It took me until about the 60% to start caring about our main character, Ada, at all. When we first meet her, she struck me as difficult to like. She jumped topics too quickly and was belligerently sarcastic and forward to the point where I was hoping to see her put in her place by the other characters in the story.

I think a big part of this was having trouble distinguishing between dialogue she was partaking in, and her inner monologue. As such, I'm sure there were times where her inner dialogue seemed like "word vomit" to me. She was absolutely all over the place whenever she was interacting with others and many of her attempts at flirting were so forward and aggressive that they made me highly uncomfortable. (This falling into the category of "some things should never come out of a human mouth" but can squeak by when they're only in writing). With the narration, Ada seemed to be a character of extremes who lacked grounding.

In terms of plot, I enjoyed the heist aspects of this story. It was clever even if the science didn't always seem to be there (mass does matter in space...). Where it fell flat for me was in the romance aspect of the story. This was billed as romance being central to the plot, but the characters struggled to feel like they meshed in my mind.

I would recommend this if you're looking for a short space heist, but would definitely recommend reading a physical copy. I do think I'll read the sequel, but it will definitely be with a physical copy rather than as an audiobook.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to enjoy this story in exchange for writing a review.

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Ada Lamarr is going to die. She's running out of air, her distress signal is going unanswered and it's looking dire.
Until a government ship finally responds and picks her up at the last minute.

This was nothing but fabulous. The worldbuilding unfolded seamlessly, the characters were a delight, the action amusing and add in a little burgeoning romance... everything a series opener should be.

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FULL SPEED TO A CRASH LANDING by Beth Revis (Across the Universe) is a great mixture of sci-fi and romance. Readers meet Ada Lamarr whose spaceship has been damaged while she is attempting to loot another abandoned ship. It's a very close call, but the vessel that comes to her rescue is looking for some important information and that mission is headed by government agent Rian White. Sparks fly and Ada takes some daring risks while implying to readers that she may know quite a bit of background about the government project. I listened to the excellent audiobook which is narrated by Dara Rosenberg and David Bendena. I especially liked her feisty voice which seemed to really convey Ada's character. She reminded me of another space adventurer who dabbles in contraband: Jasmine "Jazz" Bashara from Andy Weir's Artemis. FULL SPEED TO A CRASH LANDING is a quick, action-packed read; the entire story takes about four hours on the audiobook so it is a perfect read for a short road trip or weekly commute. A trilogy (Chaotic Orbits) involving these characters is planned with the second installment, How to Steal a Galaxy, scheduled for a December publication.

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Absolutely loved this fast paced sci fi adventure! What a hoot! I will gobble up as many of these as I'm given. The ending was pitch perfect!! Can't wait for the sequel! More sci fi novellas please!

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That was a cracking little novella!
Holy moly the writing was excellent and the pace was fast!
It was just go go go the whole time and I loved every single second!

A very sexy space heist! The romance was white HAWT!!

4 stars

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Full Speed to a Crash Landing is the story of Ada Lamarr, a space salvager, who when we first encounter her, appears to be in over her head. What should have been a simple metal salvaging job has gone wrong, or has it? Thank goodness the spaceship Halifax is there to rescue her.

I immediately loved that the protagonist was named after two brilliant historical figures: Ada Lovelace, the 19th-century writer/mathematician considered by some to be the first computer programmer and Hedy Lamarr, the stunning actress who also invented techniques to prevent the jamming of radio signals during World War II. Ada Lamar seems to be both the beauty and the brains of a one-woman operation, and she is determined to use them in equal measure to get what she wants.

This story was a quick listen; I devoured it in a single day (listening at 2x speed). It was not a stunning work of literary greatness, nor did it have a mind-blowing twist, but it has tension throughout and left me curious about what is going on behind the actions of our characters, especially when it comes to how they fit into the larger world-building (or should I say worlds-building) that is gradually revealed during Ada's time with the crew of the Halifax. I will be looking out for Chaotic Orbits #2, How to Steal a Galaxy when it is released later this year.

I was wary of the romantic element promised by the book blurb. While that thread did not ensnare me (a matter of personal taste), it was not overdone in a way that made it feel excessive or forced. It was about the right level for a classic Carey Grant & Alfred Hitchcock thriller, only gender-swapped and set in space (which is a hell of a pitch now that I've said it). The protagonist's romantic overtures are half tongue-in-cheek and everyone in the scene seems to grok that. It provides some plausible deniability, while also building romantic tension in parallel to the mounting risks associated with Ada and the Halifax's respective missions. I am left wondering if Ada is nearly as clever as she thinks she is. So far it looks like she has pulled off her plan, but how much of that is luck and how much of that is skill?

The environmental portion of the world-building, especially the state of Sol Earth, was presented in a way that tells us something about how humanity got to where they are now without beating the listener over the head with the message of "Humans are bad, corporations are worse, and you are destroying our future". This is a potential future where we have managed to cope with what we have done to our home planet, and it is neither the apocalypse nor is everything hunky-dory.

A second narrator is portraying the target of Ada's romantic overtures, Rian, but his voice is not introduced until the action of this installment is concluded, which means there is no actual dialogue between the two narrators. Additionally, all his narration is delivered via epistolary sources, which gives it a dry/formal tone, reinforcing his straight-laced, all-about-the-mission personality (which ironically is not unlike Ada's single-mindedness, but expressed in a very different way). I liked the "official documents" approach, as it adds to the world-building and reminds us that he is part of a bureaucracy. Additionally, the way the footnotes in this section were handled was clear and effective, which is a low bar, but one that many audiobooks have trouble clearing.

All in all, it is perhaps a little bit pulpy, but I think it is a fun, almost bite-sized treat. Who doesn't want a space heist with a heroine who might have a heart of gold and not just be in it for the money?

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for sharing this audiobook for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Space Travel + Thrilling Heist + Enemy to Lover - Well delivered combo and applauds to accomplish all in a novella.

I hope this is a series and Rian (male protagonist) and I get answers on who exactly is Ada (female protagonist) .

The book starts with Ada shipwrecked on a planet, sending out SOS signals for rescue. Rian and his fleet on the other ship choose to help her looking beyond their suspicions. Ada is a high energy individual and can not help admiring handsome Rian with baritone sexy voice. What follows next is humorous banter, back and forth interrogation and an almost stolen kiss. Rian's crew and self invited Ada are up for a heist in the space and who has been using who is unclear till last chapter.

I enjoyed the humorous banter between both the characters, its refresher compared to other romance novels with same trope, using insulting and back stabbing comments to establish the 'enemy' angle of the relationship. Audio narration is done in two voices and I feel it helps to add the depth in character, especially when Ada imitates Rian's voice.
The setting of spaceship, planet and space walk is established decently well, I understand its difficult to go in details considering limited pages in a novella. The post apocalyptic kind of reference of planet Earth, where people are fascinated to see a 'real' peach, is also thought provoking. In the attempt to create a technological advanced world for our kids, are we taking away simple pleasures of life, like smell of a flower, eye soothing green color of leaves, taste of fresh fruit nectar.

Recommended !!

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Not really romantic. Maybe a start of one but I wouldn’t call it that. The sleeping that took place on Ada’s part was amazing. I didn’t think she planned everything she did to steal what she needed. The log part of the book was boring. Wish there was more to the story of what happened besides reading the long of Rian. However, the book did end with a good start to book two.

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Ahoy there me mateys!  This is the first novella in a trilogy. It was a short, fluffy read but I enjoyed it.  No major world building or politics here. The reader is dropped into the story where Ada, a salvager, is in her ship with a hole in the side and her spacesuit's air running out.  It was a great set-up.  She is rescued by a governmental ship who is searching for their missing spacecraft which has crashed on a local planet.

On the government side is Rian White, agent in charge.  Ada thinks he is hot.  Too bad he is the enemy.  Though this is a romance novella, this is just the set-up.  Ada and Rian spend time bantering.  Ada is clever, acerbic, and likes to aggravate.  Whether the reader likes her or not is the key to liking this book. The majority is told through Ada's viewpoint with Rian's only coming at the very end.

This is action packed because the government needs something from the crashed ship.  Time is short because the volcanic planet is going to destroy the ship and its contents.  Ada argues her way into the team that goes down to the planet.  Rian doesn't like it but doesn't really have another choice.  There is tension between Ada and the others and also the tension of the mission planetside.  It was very nicely done.

I do have to admit that I was not a fan of the narrators.  The female narrator, who reads the majority of the book, was cartoonish and overdramatic.  The male narrator was kind of bland.  His portion of the novella was written as a series of reports so it could just be the format of his section.

I did however like this enough to want to read the next book in the series though I will skip it in audiobook form.  Arrrr!

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This was a fun quick sci-fi romp. Ada Lamarr is a space scavenger in need of rescuing. She joins the crew of her rescuer, the Halifax, to retrieve an important bit of tech from a crashed spaceship. Earth is a dying planet, and while humans have settled on other planets, there are forces that are looking to save Earth. Ada's past and motives are a bit murky and she quickly butts heads with government agent Rian White, who reluctantly allows her to join the crew's salvage. The novella ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, however knowing this is part of a trilogy only makes me look forward to the next adventure. Most of the story is told in first person POV of Ada, with the last bit through mixed media of Rian's POV, with hints of what book 2's setting will be. I would consider this a cozy sci-fi and recommend for people who don't read a lot of sci-fi, or for readers dipping their toes in the genre. The narrators did an admirable job with the material.

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I will start by reviewing the end, you know what, I thought I would have a book narrated by two people since we had 2 distinct narrators, and I didn’t have that (but it makes sense) early in the book we had the female narrator making a mock pretend of the male narrator and I must say she was spot on hahah a deep and sexy voice, check!

I really enjoyed Dara Rosenberg narration, she was witty and fun, yeah she really brought Ada to life. Only about 10% of the audio was read by David Bendena, and it was more like a diary of what had happened and how he will act to find Ada again, but that is for me to know and for you to find out.

At fist this book started as if the Martian had a couple more characters and the main character was a woman, then you grab lost in space show and mix it well and sift it until you’re left with doctor smith as our main character, and I swear I imagined her as our main character in all situations even more when she was shoving food down her cake hole hahah. Hey I’ll just say it out loud I didn’t expect what she revealed in the end, well not all, but it was a fun ride.

Its a short read, but it was amusing, funny and we’re left with a very open ending, we still don’t know the full story, the why and for who is still in a very open page, but I definitely know that I want to read or listen to what comes next Ada is funny and really thinks ahead, like a very modern Jane bond! If you don’t like open ended stories, I will advice you to wait until the second book comes out, and then without any doubt, grab a copy and start listening to this one because you’ll want to continue the story! If like me, you’re impatient, well start reading now and then when the second book comes out, you’re ready as one can be!

Thank you Netgalley and Dreamscape Media | Dreamscape Lore, for the free AAC, and this is my honest opinion.

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