Member Reviews

Okay this one was a bit slower to start than the first book, but eventually picks up about midway through. The slow burn is doing what it does best and slow burning the book away…. but I have a feeling once we burn we are going to get EVERYTHING!
Also I swear if book 3 doesn’t answer some of the billions of questions I have… we are going to have words Sylvia.

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I enjoy this fantasy world and how this second book brings some insight into what is happening, though with more questions since there is a book 3. Looking forward to getting answers (a little disappointed I didn’t get book 3 as an ARC).

This book is a little slow. A lot of pages for not that many important events. Many paragraphs could have been cut: too much pining, not enough communication, repetitive missions. I do like how their feelings towards another builds, but the "non speaking plainly" is a bit annoying. Too much lust or magical connection, not enough love and trust.

I hate how the poison made the king react. Assault should never be in a book when it happens between a couple we are supposed to root for.

Best thing: I love the mothcats!

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This is one of my favorite new trending authors. Also, the narrative of shadow king has been a trending theme/trope lately and this author rocked it with her own way of writing and make the concept her own. Very well done.

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I freaking loved this one! The angst, THE DRAMA, the sexual tension and spice were all fantastic. I NEED THE NEXT ONE IMMEDIATELY

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This series has been on my TBR for a little while as the description interested me. I enjoyed the first one quite a bit, but I found this second one a bit dull. It's not that there wasn't a lot happening in the story, but just that parts of it fell flat and I didn't find myself reaching to pick up the book to keep reading. It was still good, and I will read the last book. I just hope the next book feels more like the first one.

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When King Vor realizes he has been tricked into this marriage as well as betrayed by the human king he takes his anger out on Princess Faraine. While the trust is broken, feelings are brewing between the two. King Vor's realm is on the verge of collapse and disaster is around every corner. Slowly they realize that maybe they need each other in order to save both of their worlds.

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Faraine and Vor relationship was rocky to start. They had to figure out if they could get beyond that and make a go of it even with all the other things being thrown at them. I can't wait to see if they make it before the world goes crazy.

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What a fun read! The cover of this book is shady really drew me in, but the words kept me going. Enemies to lovers and forced proximity are my all time favorite tropes and the author did not disappoint. The characters were so diverse and there were so many layers to this book. It was hot and steamy which is always a plus.

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This book had me hooked from start to finish! The enemies-to-lovers trope is executed with such sizzling intensity, and the forced proximity adds layers of tension that keep you breathless. The twists and turns are brilliantly crafted, and the world of Fae kings and magic is utterly mesmerising. The characters are strong and captivating, plus, the slow-burn and the build up of sexual tension was quite satisfying. Overall, I really loved and enjoyed it. I can’t wait for the next.

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There was a lot of miscommunication, not speaking, that kept them apart in this one, and it was frustrating... but there was also a lot that I enjoyed.
Faraine is staring to come into her own a little bit, while Vor continue to be stubborn and full of blame for others for things out of their control (It's not like Faraine wanted to replace her sister!)
I did feel like this one could have moved a little faster... but the ending!

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