Member Reviews

2.5/5 ⭐️

Yikes, this was rough. It had a cute premise and I loved that the FMC (Eleanor) worked at a music library doing archival work. It just did not work as a romance at all. The MMC (Luke) gave me the ick right from the start and it only got worse as the book progressed. It was red flag after red flag with him and by the end of the book I was hoping they wouldn't end up together so that Eleanor could live her best life without him.

The pacing was off as well, no tension or build up really for the mystery or the romance. Not one I would recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley, Lolu Sinclair and Lost Lust for my early access to this.

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Eleanor and Luke were vibrant and interesting characters, but everything they did felt surface level. I wanted to ask Eleanor: Why come to Austin? Why become so attached to a woman in a photograph? Some of these questions were answered later in the novel, but the answers were too late and too disjointed to create an emotional attachment to the characters. Eleanor in particular lacked a meaningful and well integrated backstory that would give depth to her actions.

I also felt a lack of tension in the story. There was a time limit with Eleanor leaving Austin, and some secrets in the relationship that threatened to come to light, but these were made fairly obvious from the beginning. There was no messy, conflicted climax to provoke a strong reaction or draw in the readers.

Overall, an interesting plot and set up, but lacking strong characters to drive it forwards.

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The synopsis of the story sounded so interesting to me and I was looking forward to a cozy mystery! The mystery wasn’t a big focus of the book and was solved 30% of the book. after that, I was wondering what the rest of the 70% of the book was about. I honestly don’t remember what went on in the middle of the story. The romance was insta-love and I couldn’t see any emotional connection between the two. Their romance was 100% physical attraction.

I liked Eleanor in the beginning but by the time i got 20% of the way through, I started to dislike her. She doesn’t really have any personality and is weirdly obsessed with the woman in the picture…she says she feels connected to her and knows her??? Girl what? Luke was okay, but also very flat as a character. He helps eleanor on her quest to find the woman in the picture simply because he finds her hot and wants to be with her. He also acted immaturely at times (both him and eleanor did and they’re in their 30’s…one would think they would be mature adults) and it was a big turn off for me.

The side characters didn’t have a lot of time in the book for the readers to connect with them, which was disappointing. therefore, I found the characters to be flat and very annoying (looking at you claire-) I did like the dog because who doesn’t like dogs in books?

This could have been better in several ways: the mystery lasting longer, the romance not be insta-lovey, and the main characters to be likeable (or have some personality…)

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This book was amazing! The story was very unique and I really loved the banter and the plot. I would highly recommend this book!

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I like a lot of things about this book, the writing most of all. I like the premise of the book. I hated the twist, but I can see why it’s important to the plot and how the characters could grow from that experience. I love how natural and realistic Eleanor and Luke's story evolved. I do wish the pacing was a bit more consistent because some parts of this book really dragged out. I don’t particularly like Luke ; he needs therapy. And I think Jolene gives shitty advices.. 😏

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“Love might not be simple. But it doesn’t have to be hard.”


this book has a really adorable story mixed with the vibrant musical city that's austin, a mystery that connects everything together and also some very hilarious and special side characters.

with eleanor we learn to be curious, believe in ourselves, find our place in the world and take a leap of faith in love and in life.

with luke we learn to follow our hearts, to trust in ourselves l, to share our love and favorite things with those around us and to be open.

it has love, it has music, it has places I now hope to visit one day and it's very truthful in the connection and serendipity of them and their love story.

It's just super cute and fun.

more of my favorite quotes below, so beware of possible spoilers

“We only have so much time on this earth. If there’s anything I’ve learned from losing my dad, it’s that. And Diane too. Being nervous, being scared is a waste of it.”

“I love you,”he says. “Everything I’ve done, as stupid as it has sometimes been, has come from loving you.”I cup his chin, unable to hide my smile. “What’s that look?”he asks. I take a deep inhale. His musk intermingles with the freshness of the air, a sweetness on the breeze. “I’m taking a picture, so I never forget this moment.”Luke moves in to kiss me, but he stops an inch away. “You’re going to have thousands of moments like this with me, Eleanor.”I close the space between us, indulging in his lips. Yep. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

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I can't say much about the book other than that I really enjoyed it. It captivated me immediately and I didn't want to put it down. The female protagonist's devotion to a picture and it's backstory was beautifully described.

The only thing that bothers me is that the description of the characters in the book doesn't match the cover. In the book the female protagonist has curly hair and glasses. On the cover, however, her hair is straight and no glasses are visible. The male protagonist also has straight hair on the cover and in the book he is described as having locks.

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Loved this book! it's written in double POV which I absolutely love, the characters are described in a way that made me picture them immediately. It's a lovely romance between Eleanor, a new-in-town archivist at the Austin Music Library and Luke, a music promoter that knows the town like the back of his hand.
I love how the relationship is build up, they start off as strangers, become friends on their mission together until their chemistry becomes undeniable.

I must say this was almost a 5 star rating from me, but there were a few parts that I didn't like as much as the rest. That’s why this book gets 4 stars from me.

If you like cowboys, country music, banter, mystery and a meant to be kind of love story... This is the book for you!

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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This was a quick and easy read. I was really intrigued by the mystery of solving who the woman in the photo was. Luke and Eleanor had great chemistry with each other. Their relationship felt effortless from the beginning. My only issue was the conflict felt a little childish how Eleanor handled it. I feel like she didn't consider Luke's side at all.

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I was so excited when I got an arc of this book, thanks to the publisher and NetGalley, but I was left disappointed.

The summary of the book sounds really interesting but unfortunately disappointed.

The main female protagonist Eleanor starts a new job as an archivist at Austin’s music library.One day she stumbles across a photo of a musician from 1993.Determined to find out who the woman in the photo is she accidentally meets the main love interest Luke.The main male protagonist is a music promoter and knows every little corner of 6th Street.Together they go on a little adventure to discover who that mysterious woman is.

First of all the book trope is insta love which I am not going to lie I don’t enjoy reading,but honestly I can let that slide if the other parts of the book are well made.Sadly that was not the case with this book.

Another problem with this book is how Eleanor and Luke’s relationship is built up on a lie.He knows who the woman is but lies to Eleanor.

I personally didn’t connect with the character and didn’t really felt the chemistry between them.

I didn’t enjoy the book but there’s definitely potential for future books by this author.

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Lost Love on 6th Street by Lolu Sinclair

This is the 2nd ARC I've finished in August courtesy of @netgalley . The premise behind this story and even the authors writing style were a win for me, but there were so many other aspects that distracted me from those and overall made it only okay.

Eleanor moves to Austin from Chicago to start a new life with a new (temporary) job as a museum archivist. On her first day, she finds a picture that speaks to her, but no one knows who the woman in the picture is or what her story is. Eleanor makes it her personal mission to learn all about her. That night, she bumps (literally) into Luke, a music promoter who has connections throughout the city and wants to help Eleanor on her search.

The search for the woman in the picture is interesting, but while it feels like it SHOULD be a major focus of the book, it gets pushed aside multiple times to focus on the budding feelings between Luke and Eleanor which SHOULD make sense except it's one of those stories where the MMC is lying from the beginning about something minor (actually it's kinda weird) and that leads to him feeling guilty as they fall in love and obviously leads to conflict later.

That element, along with the rushed and glossed over resolution at the end of the book, really took away from my enjoyment of it. The first 70ish percent was fantastic, and I devoured it. The last bit, though, made it hard to finish and ultimately left me unsatisfied. I believe this is the author's first published book, so I'd be interested in reading other books by her in the future as I really did like her writing style.

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Luke was the definition of book boyfriend’s main boyfriend! I could not get enough and the due POV sealed the deal for me I AM OBSESSED

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**Lost Love on 6th Street** by Lolu Sinclair
**Rating:** ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

In my mind, this is the perfect book. Five stars, no notes.

I love the banter between Eleanor and Luke. At first, I thought this was just a romance book, which it is, but it is so much more than that. The element of found family and the plot twists add depth and intrigue to the story.

As a lover of country music and a concert photographer myself, this book was incredibly relatable. Without giving too much away, if you like spice, you'll love chapter 25.

"Lost Love on 6th Street" releases on August 20th. Thanks to "Lost Lust" and NetGalley for the early copy.

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"Lost Love on 6th Street" by Lolu Sinclair is a romantic novel set against the vibrant backdrop of Austin's music scene. The story follows Eleanor Hayes, an archivist working at a music library, who becomes captivated by a photo of a mysterious musician from 1993. Her quest to uncover the musician's story leads her into the world of Luke Wyatt, a charming music promoter familiar with every nook and cranny of 6th Street.

Eleanor is portrayed as curious and endearing, with a touch of sarcasm that adds depth to her personality. Luke, on the other hand, emerges as a quintessential "book boyfriend" – confident, reassuring, and incredibly selfless. Their chemistry is palpable, and the dual point-of-view narrative allows readers to deeply connect with both characters, understanding their insecurities and motivations​

However, I found it hard to relate to the characters. When I read I want to imagine myself in the characters, I can cry with them, laugh, and even feel empathic for the journey that they go on throughout their book. With these characters, I felt none of that. There was a disconnect from the first page and I couldn't find it through the book. This gets 3/5 because I did have some favorite parts and was able to finish it but overall, it just didn't do it for me.

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I really enjoyed this book! I was hooked from the start by Sinclair's voice; plenty of description and emotion without feeling forced. I loved the setting and the way Eleanor and Luke's relationship felt so organic

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This was definitely a cute romance book. The writing style was easy to read and follow. There were multiple plot twists that kept the story interest stating from the beginning. The romance was steamy and capturing. Eventhou i enjoyed this story very much with the music history, romance, cowboy vibes, drama and all the plot twists i admit i thought there was something a bit toxic about the characters as well as their relationship which kinda gave me an ick and i just didn't think certain behaviors made sense. It didn't make me hate the characters but thats why i dont feel like i can give the book 5 stars. But all in all i did enjoy reading this book!

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✨i received this as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review✨
This was cute. It wasn’t lifechanging, but it was a cute, fun little read while I had the Olympics on in the background.
I did have a couple things I didn’t exactly enjoy with this, the biggest being the near insta-love situation and the conflict at the end.
Without spoiling anything, im just going to say that the major conflict in the story could have been resolved with one simple conversation and I’m a bit worn out with books like this. Luke very easily could have told Eleanor the truth at any time and none of the consequences would have happened. I also wasn’t a huge fan of Luke using the exact phrase “does she want me to grovel? I’ll grovel.” And then proceeding to not grovel for even one page. In fact, she’s the one who comes back to him, despite having done nothing wrong.
I promise I didn’t hate this book, contrary to how this review sounds. It was cute and light and easy, and if that’s what you’re looking for than this is it!
Again, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me have an ARC of this book.

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The concept of this book was adorable and filled with lots of scavenger hunts and adventure. The biggest flaw in the book is the lying. The MMC lies to the FMC at the beginning of the book about not knowing who the woman in the a picture is that sends them on adventures looking for her who she is. We end of figuring out a lot of information about this woman a long the way but the MMC doesn't tell the truth until he has to. The ending also wasn't my favorite as I wish he had to grovel more but overall it was sweet.

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I liked the premise. A photographer trying to make it in the music scene in a new city full of music history.

But that's about the only thing unfortunately.

The male protagonist was just constantly giving me the ick. He's pushy, he's close to obsessive, he's not respecting any boundaries. The female protagonist even dislikes some of it but is talked out of it by her best friend who think's this kind of behaviour is romantic. Ughh, whattt? The whole thing feels written by a man. Stereotypical manly behaviour that was considered romantic 50 years ago but shouldn't be in 2024 anymore. Ah yes, and he is lying to her from the start. Nice.

Other than that it was so much obsessing and mushing from both sides and not much plot. Since the reader is informed about a major twist almost from the start there was no tension building. I wished for more exploring and getting to know the vibe of the city, but it all felt dull. Even the supposed other plot twists were not that surprising.

Not for me, this one.

1,5 ⭐️

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Eleonor se acaba de mudar a Austin para trabajar en una biblioteca musical. Mientras limpiaba se encuentra una foto de una mujer y por alguna razón se obsesiona con saber que fue de esa persona.

Luke es promotor musical, por casualidad conoce a Eleonor y decide ayudarla a encontrar a la mujer de la foto.
Él esconde un secreto que pondrá en peligro su relación con ella.

La forma en como ella reaccionó al enterarse de toda la verdad me incomodo y me molestó, o sea en ese momento él necesitaba consuelo y no una tipa chismosa tratando de volver una traición en algo positivo. Sólo tenía que abrazarlo y callarse.

Lo de Diane y Frank fue horrible, no se como lo perdonó su esposa. A parte esa tontería de que recibió a Claire con los brazos abiertos, no me gustó.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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