Member Reviews

Wow, I just finished No Place Left to Hide, and it was a fantastic read! It follows a girl named Brooke as she navigates the end of high school after dealing with some trauma, and it really digs into that mean girl mentality. I’m giving it 5 stars all the way! The character development is great—Megan Lally really knows how to make you feel for these characters.

The book is super fast-paced, and I loved every second of the journey. There are some awesome twists that kept me guessing. I can’t wait to read more from Megan Lally!

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I definitely enjoyed this one. I like when an author can write characters you just cannot stand. The characters in this book were truly all just awful. It reminded me of mean girls.

I enjoyed this one- probably more than her last book. I definitely look forward to more books from Megan Lally

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Never have I ever….finished a book and not been able to say I liked a single character.

Every single time I THOUGHT I was siding with a character, 2 chapters later and I found myself thinking ‘nope you probably deserve what’s happening to you’.
This story really goes to show you that you can’t hide from your mistakes, lies always catch up to you, karma is a b***h, and there is no honor amongst thieves.

Overall the non-linear timeline kept me entertained and interested enough to want to finish this story even if I hated everyone in it.

Thank you NetGalley and publishers for this ARC.

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Wow, where do I even start with this one?! The book totally had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! So, you’ve got Brooke, and let me tell you, this girl is dealing with, like, way more than she signed up for. We’ve got drama, secrets, and a stalker that just won’t quit. 😱

The suspense was SO real! I mean, I couldn’t put it down—every chapter had me like, “Wait, what just happened?!” The way it flips between the past and present was super cool, and honestly, I was living for all the twists. Also, can we talk about that car chase? I was legit holding my breath. 😳

That said, the ending was a little out there for me, but, like, whatever, it was still such a fun ride! If you’re into thrillers with a lot of teen drama and juicy secrets, this one is SO your vibe.

Thanks a bunch to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts! 💖

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No Place Left to Hide
By Megan Lally

After an outstanding debut novel, I am almost pained to write this review. Perhaps my expectations were a bit too high. Still, I am sure it could be a fun read for the right audience.

Stars: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)--I'm being generous
Spice: None
Format: EBook
Review: No Place Left to Hide by Megan Lally is a fast-paced YA thriller that pulls you in with its immediate intrigue and high stakes. From the very beginning, it sets the stage for an exciting, edge-of-your-seat experience. However, while the premise had promise and the pacing kept me turning the pages, it ultimately fell short in delivering the level of suspense I crave in a thriller.
The vibe of the book is something like Mean Girls meets Scooby-Doo—complete with cliques, secrets, and an underlying sense of mystery. At times, it even had me imagining a villain confessing, "I would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" While this dynamic added some charm and nostalgia, it also kept the suspense from reaching the darker, more chilling heights that I was hoping for.
For readers in the YA demographic, especially those who enjoy a quick-moving plot with enough mystery to keep them engaged, this book will likely hit the mark. While the conflicts between Brooke and Claire were palpable and the drama was compelling enough to maintain interest, as someone who loves a truly heart-pounding, intense thriller, I found the tension lacking. There are moments where the story could have dug deeper into the psychological or emotional suspense, but instead, it stays on the surface.
Overall, No Place Left to Hide is a decent read with strong potential, but it feels more geared toward a younger audience who may be newer to the genre. While it didn’t fully satisfy my hunger for nail-biting suspense, it might be a great pick for fans looking for an approachable, fast-paced YA thriller with a dash of high school drama and Scooby-Doo vibes.
Favorites Moments: My favorite part was the message thread shared at the end of the book…lol…kids…amiright?!?!?!
Recommend (Yes/No/Maybe): Sure why not….if you are looking for a grown-up thriller--this is not it. If you are looking for a YA--feels like all the high school vibes--YES!
Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for allowing me the opportunity to review the title.

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I was a HUGE fan of that’s not my name by this author and so excited to read this book. Unfortunately I found it a bit predictable but it was a good read none the less. I look forward to more from this author. Solid 3.5 for me.

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As a reading specialist for junior high students, I tend to read quite a few YA novels. I like to be able to recommend books based on my students' interests. I was delighted to receive an ARC of "No Place Left to Hide", having enjoyed her previous offering, "That's Not My Name." I found this book to be fast-paced and an enjoyable read. The book was divided between past and present story lines, and both were easy to follow. Did I have to suspend my disbelief a time or two? Sure did! But it didn't affect the twisted (and fun) journey Megan Lally took us on. Did I figure out parts of the plot? Why yes, but it was still a blast, and I read it in a day. I would recommend to anyone who likes an entertaining YA thriller.

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2.5 stars rounded up ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brooke is a high school senior at a prestigious private Waldorf school, she is Ivy League bound, going to the prom with the boy she’s always had a thing for, and from a rich and powerful family. The thing is, she is always thinking of her friend turned enemy Claire who tragically drowned the first week of school. And she keeps getting cryptic texts and called from a blocked number, telling her to confess. But confess what? Claire’s drowning was ruled an accident.

An extremely fast paced thriller, this has believable dialogue and excellent pacing. I love reveals coming slower at first and then more and more over the course of the book. I loved this authors first book, That’s not my name. I was blown away by the ending of that book, whereas this book I guessed both who is the killer and who was doing the stalking right away. That said, I did still enjoy the story and development of the main character. If you like YA Thrillers, you still won’t want to miss this new release come January.

Spoiler below

The dedication page is very intriguing, but it gave away the end.
Thanks to @netgalley and @sourcebooksfire for the ARC. Book to be released January 7, 2025.

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Megan Lally has done it again! I absolutely loved her first book, That’s Not My Name. &&& her sophomore book did not disappoint 🙌🏻

No Place Left To Hide is a one night event, months after ‘the incident’. Brooke is the queen bee of her private prep school but something happened months ago that put it all in jeopardy. Now her & her bestie have a 90 minute drive home through the mountains at night…but will they make it. Someone wants the truth &&& they won’t stop til they get it 🏔️📲😱

I knew this was gonna be great! Dual time lines from a single POV was perfect & fast paced. Everyone seems to be morally gray (morally black in some cases) & I totally loved it! I wondered how “being chased down a mountain” road was gonna play out…but Megan did it wonderfully!! Kept me guessing & on the edge of my seat! I love watching the privileged go down & the ending to this was 🤯🤯🤯!!! It was perfect 🤌🏻

Grab this if you like:
•privilage 💰
•dual timelines ⏰
•mean girls 👯‍♀️
•revenge 👿
•betrayal 😱

🌟 rating: 5/5
🗣️ genre: suspense, thriller, YA
📖 pages: 272
🍾 publishing date: 1/7/2025

Thank you to @netgalley @sourcebooksfire & @megan_lally_ for allowing me to read this book early in exchange for my honest review 🫶🏼

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Holy Mean Girls!! I did not see that coming!! It's senior year and Brooke has her eyes set on Yale. The day she finds out she was accepted there is also a party. She hasn't been to a party since earlier that school year when a classmate died. Her best friend, Jena, convinces her to go and it's a great night until it isn't. Brooke has been hiding that secretly she has been harassed by someone but she doesn't know who. First it is multiple calls from an unknown caller then it is slashing her tires and messing with her car. The night of the party, the harassing is even worse but she decides she needs a night to celebrate. Little does she know how awful this night is going to end.

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This was definitely not what I expected, but in the best way! When Brooke finally rises to the top of the social ladder, she is followed on the way home from a party by someone who is threatening to expose her biggest secret. I really enjoyed the dual storyline POV that went back and forth between the car chase and before Claire had moved. I liked having more of the backstory, but wish we had more about their friendship prior to their falling out. Some parts of the car chase felt like it dragged on and the "twist" of the ending felt a little far fetched when it was revealed who was behind everything, but overall it was a quick-read thriller that I easily finished in one sitting - thanks for the ARC!

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Megan Lally has done it again! No Place left to hide was an absolutely fantastic and fast paced thriller! I was hooked from the get go
The different pov from past to present really hooked me in and I could not put this book down!

Brooke has the perfect life, good friends, influential family and just waiting to get into her dream school. One terrible night changes everything and she’s haunted by a taunting anonymous person who wants her to tell the truth about that night. Will Brooke reveal the truth or go to any length to keep her secrets hidden?
What a phenomenal story! You really feel for Brooke and hope that things go in her favour. Until things start to unravel and an unexpected truth is revealed. I loved how fast paced this story was and how things just started happening without any unnecessary drama in between! The POV from past to present really help make the story tie up and also helps you understand the full story! I loved this book and I cannot wait to read more by Megan Lally !
Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcefire books for this arc!!

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Thank you Netgalley for a free copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review. In "No Place Left Behind" by Megan Lally, Brooke Goodwin wants what every 18 year old girl dreams of: going to prom, getting the boy, making memories with her best friends, and getting accepted to her dream school; Yale. Although it might be difficult for her to do this after being accused of killing her classmate and frenemy, Claire, the year prior. To make things worse, now someone is stalking Brooke and won't give up until she "confesses" about what happened to Claire that night. What happens next unfolds in a dual timelines POV that will keep you questioning everything.

I know that young adult me would have eaten this book up! It reminded me a lot of my favorite series, Pretty Little Liars, with the stalking, conceited characters, dual POVs and the drama. This book was definitely more gory and suspenseful. It was also a super quick read and I think it would be an easy book to devour for even the most reluctant readers. The main character is not very likeable but that honestly makes the book better because it made it difficult to pick sides as a reader. If you or a young adult you know loves reading thrillers, definitely read this book!

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After reading Megan Lally's debut, That's Not My Name, as my first book of 2024 and giving it a strong 5-star rating, I knew she was an author I wanted more from. No Place Left to Hide is her upcoming 2025-release, with an expected publication date of January 7th, but I couldn't wait that long. Once I had my ARC, graciously received from Sourcebooks Fire, I knew I would be getting to it soon.

Unsurprisingly, this was so gripping and absolutely overflowing with twists and turns. It took me no time to read at all, and now I must wait for more Lally. It really was a double-edged sword reading this so early.

This felt a little inspired by the true life Murdaugh murders in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. I don't know if that was intentional by the author, but I was definitely picking up details and connections that made me think of that case. It also brought to mind Holly Jackson's Five Survive. If you had fun with that, you should check this out too. You may be wondering what it's all about, and I'm going to tell you as briefly I can; trying not to gush on about it.

So, we're following MC, Brooke, and to her, image is everything. She comes from a very successful family. Her father has been involved in law in their county for decades and is well respected. Her Mom is the principal of their prestigious school.There was an incident with a classmate a year ago that almost ruined it all for Brooke. Luckily, she was able to move on from it and has just been accepted into her dream school.

She's been laying low, but with the Yale acceptance, is finally convinced by her best friend, Jena, to attend an Ivy Party, to celebrate along with the rest of their classmates. It's been a while since Brooke attended a party, and even though she's hesitant, she's looking forward to letting loose for a bit. At the party though, she is confronted by the brother of the classmate she had the incident with last year. He blames her for what happened to his sister, and from there, everything begins to go downhill quickly.

There are screaming matches, accusations, threats, car chases, police involvement; it's pretty edge of your seat until the very BITTER end. I love teen drama. I love rich people behaving badly. I love having a front seat to it all and that's exactly what Lally delivered me in this one. Once I started, I could not put this down. Don't get me wrong, none of the characters are likable and I wasn't rooting for anyone, but boy, did I want to know all the tea!

While this is very different plot-wise to That's Not My Name, Lally's intriguing storytelling style was still on full display. I didn't give this a full 5-stars, because there were some minor things that didn't quite work for me, but overall, it was a very successful, fun reading experience. I would recommend this to any fan of YA Thrillers. Particularly, if you love really twisted stories.

Thank you to the publisher, Sourcebooks Fire, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I can't wait to see what more Readers think of this one, and more importantly, I can't wait for more from Megan Lally!

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A near perfect YA thriller. I am gobsmacked. Megan Lally gets better with every book, and this one left me so perfectly satisfied with absolutely every part of the ending. The pace was breakneck, the character work was deft and INTENSE, and the side-story of romance was just enough sweetness to balance out the viciousness -- and make it all that much more compelling.

Cannot WAIT for the next.

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This author is fast becoming a favorite. She creates plots that keeps you interested till the pulse pounding end . This moves at a fast paced much like a thriller movie . She is an author to watch
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review the book

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Brooke Goodwin has it all. She’s popular, involved in all the activities, and daughter of a prominent lawyer, her dad working towards a judge position. But one of her high school parties goes wrong and her ex best friend Claire winds up dead in a boating accident. She’s on thin ice with her parents, they don’t want their prominent name drug through the mud and then the anonymous calls start. Brooke is being harassed by an unknown caller. Never speaking, just breathing and endless calls. Brooke is just counting down the days til she can head off to Yale. But can she outrun the incident?
This was a fast paced psychological thriller alternating from the night of the incident to present day as Brooke is trying to outrun her secrets. The author did a great job keeping me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what happened at that fateful party.

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Wow! This book was excellent. The major swings in plot throughout the book kept me very entertained.

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No Place Left to Hide was a fast paced thriller that had me intrigued. The way certain scenes were described had my heart racing and I felt panicked alongside with the characters. If this were a movie, you bet that I’d be on the edge of my seat screaming at the TV.

One thing that Megan Lally did really well in this book was creating characters who were extremely unlikeable, but were meant to be unlikeable. I think it’s a special art when an author can develop characters who get under your skin.

For me, the predictably of the plot twist bumped down my overall rating for this book. I thought it was an interesting idea, but the fact that I picked it so early on ruined that thriller and mystery feel that I want right until the last page.

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No Place Left to Hide is a YA Thriller that keeps you second guessing who the real psycho-path is. A group of 5 friends turns into 4 after a tragic death happens at a party, but someone has to take the blame. How far are they willing to go to find out the truth?

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