Member Reviews

No Place Left To Hide is mind-blowing! The back and forth between the past and the present is perfect - it builds up tension and pressure

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Loved the pacing of the book but I was able to figure out who the stalkers were so not a full 5 stars

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Really enjoyed this one!! Was definitely not what I was expecting as far as the plot. I did figure out some things but not others. Was a fun thrill ride!

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This is my first thriller by Lally and, wow, she kept me turning the pages! While this young adult novel had plot holes and only hateful characters, there were some surprising reveals that did keep me guessing. 3.5 stars. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an early digital copy of this book that releases on January 7th, 2025.

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Another great book from Megan Lally! I love her last book, and that surprised me considering I don’t read a lot of YA. I was so excited to get approved for No Place Left to Hide! It was a quick, easy read and I really enjoyed it! I’m looking forward to what Lally will do next.

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No Place Left to Hide

Mean girls, high school drama, secrets, a stalker, and a dead classmate—this YA thriller has it all! The story alternates between past and present, building tension with every twist. Each chapter ends on a cliffhanger, making it impossible to stop reading. Just when you think you know what’s happening, the timeline shifts, and you’re left guessing again.

Though the plot isn’t entirely new, it’s executed so well that it doesn’t matter. From the start, the atmosphere feels creepy, and the suspense only ramps up. The book is fast-paced and perfectly timed—things get crazy quickly, with a wild mix of mystery and car chases.

The stakes stayed high, and the ending left me shocked. It’s the kind of story that would make an amazing thriller movie.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC! If you love high-stakes drama and jaw-dropping twists, this book is for you..

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One of those books you pick up and can't put down—seriously, I finished it in a day! Think mean girl drama, a stalker lurking in the shadows, and an unexpected revenge plot. Secrets fly around like confetti, and every twist kept me gasping.

It's fast-paced, young-adult thriller, full of all the juicy drama. If you're into quick, thrill-packed reads where no one’s hands are clean, this one’s a must!

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For the most part, I really enjoyed this book! There were parts I felt were a bit predictable and some characters I had my eye on from the start. But the thrilling parts definitely kept me on my toes and had me spooked!

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3.5 stars. I enjoyed this book for the most part but it was hard to get into. By the half way point it really picked up and the plot twists were enough to keep me interested till the end.

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Oh. My. God. I could not put this book down!!! The plot twist was 100% unexpected. I never knew where the story was going next. The dual time line was very easy to follow & I loved how the last bit of information was given through a group chat with some of the main characters. My jaw was in the floor by the end of this. I love it!!

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I was looking for a fast-paced thriller, and this book certainly fit the bill. I devoured it in one evening - simply unable to put it down! It had all the elements I look for in the genre - an unreliable narrator, dual timelines, and twists galore.

Brooke Goodwin has it all- wealth, popularity, and an acceptance into her Ivy of choice, Yale. The only catch? Nine months earlier, a classmate died in an accident, and someone is harassing her, believing she had something to do with it. But how could Brooke Goodwin possibly have anything to do with it? Her mom is the principal of a prestigious high school, her dad is about to be a judge and Brooke is president of student government for goodness sake!

The harassment seems to be getting worse as the year progresses, and it culminates on the night of Brooke's acceptance into Yale. She goes to a beach party to celebrate, and on her way home, it appears as though someone is following her. It's all in her head, right? It doesn't appear that way when No Caller ID begins obsessively calling her and her tail gets more and more aggressive...will Brooke make it out to tell the tale?

I found this book difficult to rate, as an adult reading a YA Thriller, so I am breaking it down into two categories:

YA Thriller: 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️

If I had read this book as a teen, my jaw would have dropped at the twists and turns in this book! It's very relatable for teens - the party crowd, pressure from parents to be perfect and the anxiety of getting into college.

Adult Reading a YA Thriller: 3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💫

Don't get me wrong, I loved every moment of my experience reading this book. It was perfect for an evening in - spooky but not so spooky that you can't go to sleep at night. The reason I gave this book fewer stars as an adult reading this book is that there were clues throughout the book that I picked up on rather easily. I am not sure I would have picked them up if I were younger, but as someone who reads a lot of thrillers, I correctly guessed several of the twists. While satisfying, it's not as satisfying as those, "What just happened?!?" moments.

I have rated this book both on Goodreads and Storygraph, and I will share on my instagram @thecozybookgal closer to publishing date.

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This was SO good!! Megan Lally did it again! I loved her first book so I was excited for this one and it did not disappoint! This book gave me "rich kids behaving badly vibes" and I loved every second of it. Very fast paced. Each chapter leaves you wanting more. Her writing style and twists are chefs kiss!! Highly recommended this author and this book!

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This book was fast paced and I loved the balance between the past and present stories. I was equally invested in both timelines, so I didn’t want to put the book down. While I was able to predict one of the plot twists, the other twists had me wanting to go back and immediately reread the book to see what hints I didn’t pick up on. Overall, I definitely recommend if you’re looking for a fast paced, YA thriller.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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No Place Left to Hide is a non-stop thrill ride that will have you on the edge of your seat! It's not your typical revenge thriller! Everything I thought was happening was flipped and twisted and I was shocked in the best way.

Brooke is privileged and image is very important to her and her family. They're a big deal in her town. So she's pressured to do it all and be the best in everything she does. An incident occurred that could've ruined her chance to go to Yale and disappoint her parents. Luckily everything was cleared up and all she has to do is keep her head down and graduate.

Once she gets accepted to Yale, she's convinced to go to a party even though she's so close to getting out and starting over. After the party, someone is following Brooke and her friend. They are being chased relentlessly and Brooke knows it's the person that has been harassing her. Someone who knows the truth about the incident and will stop at nothing to make Brooke come clean.

I love how things were slowly revealed during the parts that were in the past showing how the incident unfolded. Those parts blended seamlessly with the present day scenes until the truth is finally revealed. No spoilers but I'll just say I love how Megan Lally wrote Brooke. You kind of understand how she is because of her upbringing. I thought whatever really happened I'm sure she's not completely blameless but maybe someone really is out to get her...

I don't want to reveal too much, go in not knowing anything like I did. No Place Left to Hide is full of shocking twists and is a fun read.

Thank you Sourcebooks Fire and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Highly anticipated this novel, I loved her first one That's not my name, this one fell a.lottle flat for me, Brooke was annoying from the beginning and I didn't like her sense of entitlement at all, it became a little more clearer as the story went on why she behaved that way

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A fab story, it will keep you guessing and hooked from the beginning and you won’t be able to stop until you reach the last page.

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Thank you Sourcebooks for the ARC! I loved That’s Not My Name, so I was excited for this upcoming release. Very fast paced and kept me intrigued. Seems like it was missing something and the ending was abrupt, I wish there was more going on in present day vs “before” - overall I did enjoy this, read in one sitting!

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The. Freaking. Reveal. *chefs freaking kiss*

I LOVED that’s not my name (it’s one of my top books for 2024) so I was thirsty for the arc drop 😩😅

No Place Left to Hide is completely different content-wise but just as nerve wracking and twisty as That’s Not My Name.

You’ll get:
A good dose of mean girl energy

To quote Megan in her acknowledgements, “[No Place Left to Hide] is this incredibly twisted book about what happens when privilege and bad decisions lead to consequences nobody could have seen coming.”

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No Place Left to Hide is an unputdownable young adult thriller by Megan Lally. When I say that it captured me from the beginning, I mean it. I basically put it down to sleep. Once I made it to 40%, it was over. I ignored everyone around me until I finished. I loved her last novel, and this one didn’t let me down.

Congrats Megan Lally on what I know will be another successful novel. Also, thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This one was very much a three and a half star read for me. It was more entertaining than a regular 3, but not quite as captivating as a 4.

The story felt too quick, in the manner of I didn’t feel like I’d truly read a complete story. I loved the premise, but I felt like I only read half of it. I needed more backstory. I needed to feel some kind of an attachment to SOMEONE.

But it did hold my interest, and I was stressed at points one would expect to be stressed. Overall, a good read that left me wanting just a bit more.

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC

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