Member Reviews

I am really loving this author. This YA thriller was super fast paced with lots of twists of turns.

Revenge meets Mean Girls meets crazy entitlement. I thought I had this all figured out, and did get part of it right but never thought it would end the way it did.

Love the pace and the thrill of trying figure it out

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This is a gripping thriller that does not let the foot off the gas until the ending.

Brooke is an extremely accomplished young woman who has worked her entire young life to be the perfect daughter. She has even been accepted to Yale which brings a whole new meaning to stiff upper lip. There can be nothing that damages her name.

But, there was a bit of drama in Brooke's life last year and she has worked so incredibly hard to make it all go away. She feels sure that all the t's have been dotted and all the i's crossed but who are her friends? Who are her enemies? Are they the same? This entire book was nothing short of solving a 1000 piece puzzle and I am here for all the Megan Lally words. 4.5 Stars!

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A heart pounding thriller! Full of suspense, high octane intensity from start to finish. Characters you will absolutely love to hate. Their dastardly and despicable.

There some plot points I found that stretched logic a bit too far which was frustrating. But otherwise this book will blow you away.

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A page turner, suspenseful, and jaw dropping. We are 2 for 2 on not being able to put a Megan Lally book down!

This story follows good girl Brooke Goodwin who is focused on getting into Yale but has a past incident still arising. Someone is out for revenge. Who is behind all of the blocked calls? Who is in the truck? It’s truth or did! In this dual timeline of “Before” and “Now” it will have you guessing through every page!

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I loved Megan Lally’s last book and this one also did not disappoint. The author has a way of making her characters very relatable and the content was very engaging from start to finish. I would definitely recommend this book to others.

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No Place Left To Hide is such a fun “I Know What You Did Last Summer” /”Gossip Girl” vibe of a story.
Literal twists and turns, Brooke our main protagonist is just trying her best in keeping up with social graces and approval from her parents. When you think the coast is clear and attending a much needed party with her friends and crush, everything that was supposed to go right just goes wrong.
I did enjoy this book. I liked the internal struggle of Brooke balancing multiple inner demons while trying to keep up the facade that she’s “perfect” on the outside. Also the coming to accept that what Brooke was attempting to accomplish in pretending that your past actions do not have future consequences, was a very doomed effort from the start. Maybe it’s just high school, but real world dangers are always present.
Although the cliche’ party and mean girls drama, it did keep me at the edge of my seat.

Thank you to Magan Lally, publishers, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this story.

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I loved Megan Lally’s first book and was very excited for this one. I really enjoy books that take place all in one day, or even better, one night! After the 30% mark, this book really picked up and was hard for me to put down! I really like the storyline and I think that Megan Lally is REALLY good at make characters turn out to be not what was expected. I overall enjoyed this book! I did think that the now and then storyline was a little hard to follow, but I really think that was a me thing. I’m really excited for whatever Megan Lally has planned next!

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This book was such a quick and easy read! I’ve never read anything by this author but was intrigued with the cover of the book and the description so I requested it. I was pleasantly surprised by how well I liked it, and really enjoyed a couple little twists along the way.
The basic summary is simple. A young high school senior-Brooke-is about to graduate and is ready to start life over after an unknown “incident” that threatened her perfect life. As the book plays out, you’re torn between past and present, realizing how the choices of her past are catching up to her future. Brooke has been a bit of a hermit over the past several months, trying to stay out of the spotlight and focus on the next steps. However, she gets talked into a beach party in hopes of igniting a spark with her perfect crush. As the almost perfect night is nearing its end, things take a turn as Brooke realizes she’s being followed by someone that knows a little more about the “incident” than she realized. Will she survive the night or will the past catch up to her?
Definitely a book I would recommend and will be on the look out for more by this author!

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No Place Left to Hide is a super suspenseful thriller! All the characters (including the victim) are complex, well written and not always likable. The book was very interesting and I found myself constantly trying to guess who was behind everything. ( I was wrong, which is my preferred way because I love being shocked my a twist!) a great are appropriate thriller!

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Arc Review

No Place Left to Hide
By Megan Lally

5 stars

"Mean girls, secrets, a stalker, and a dead classmate. What could possibly go wrong when everyone involved has something to hide?"

I read Megan's debut novel That's Not My Name earlier this year and LOVED it(I still think about it), so I knew I had to get my hands on this one. No Place Left to Hide, the dreaded second novel to every new author, was a fantastic roller coaster ride! This book had my heart rate skyrocketing, it was the perfect fast-paced, page-turning thriller. I liked the dual timelines that kept you guessing and going back for more. The ending of this book left me shook and I had to sit with it overnight before I could write this review. I absolutely love that feeling. If you are looking for an exciting YA thriller, I highly recommend No Place Left to Hide coming out on January 7th, 2025.

Let me leave you with the book dedication: "For anyone who's felt the unique pain of being betrayed by a friend. They don't deserve you. Never did. Wish them the worst. Hit 'em with your car. Just kidding. That's murder." Haha need I say more? Read this book!

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Loved this YA thriller as it has great characters and suspense that doesn't let up! Brooke is part of a prestigious family and is headed to Yale in the fall. Her mother is the principal of Waldorf Prep and her father is an attorney, soon to be a judge. She's always been told not to sully the family name but of course there are parties to attend and alcohol to hide so they all have secrets from their parents. Told in a 'before" and "now" sequence the novel details two wild parties that get out of hand, punches, threats, a deadly boat ride and a car chase. It's a thrill ride until the final page!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Brooke works hard to maintain her perfect image. That does not change after an incident at her lake house party. Getting into her dream college is all that Brooke can think about. To celebrate, Brooke attends a party with friends. She hangs out with her crush by the bonfire, then heads home. On the way home, Brooke is aggressively followed by an old truck. That person thinks they know the truth about the incident that happened at Brooke’s lake house and will stop at nothing to reveal the truth once and for all.

This was my second book by Megan Lally and I enjoyed it just as much as the first. Lally has a true gift for writing suspense. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the book. I felt like I was right there with Brooke as the truck followed her and through the aftermath that followed. There were times my jaw dropped to the floor. I highly recommend this one to anyone that enjoys suspense and thrillers. Clear your schedule for this one!

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I am a huge fan of Megan Lally - her debut book "That's Not My Name" blew me away so I was super excited to read this book and even more excited I got an ARC copy from NetGalley Sourcebooks Fire for choosing me to read an advanced copy.

The entire book was fast paced and kept me intrigued. I found it difficult to walk away or put it down for long periods of time because I just HAD to know the whole story.

The only thing that I didn't love was how much I absolutely loathed pretty much every character in this book which I'm not used to when I finish a book...Typically I'd have one favorite character that I think about from time to time because I just miss the character but this time there wasn't one that would make me go back to relive their story.

The story time jumps from present day and about a year ago when "the accident" occurs so you get bits and pieces of the story of what truly happened during the accident and the end was definitely a twist I didn't see coming.

This story is told in Brooke Goodwin's POV who is the golden girl with ridiculously successful parents so she's under a lot of pressure to be "perfect" so when this "accident" occurs her reputation is on the line due to her proximity to it and the entire book revolves around her basically counting Down the days until she's able to leave this town of gossipers and memories to start new in another city for college.

All in all....I can't wait to read whatever else Megan Lally comes up with!

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She’s done it again, people! Brooke and Jena are so relatable. Brooke, the goody-two-shoes and Jena, the true hero of a friend. The lies, the cover-ups. Will it end? What will Brooke do when there’s no place left to hide?

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Where oh where are the true YA thrillers?

This one is not horrible, but there is zero climatic build up to the events, nor is there a sens of urgency, which makes this book an okay read.

I do like the characters were fleshedout well, but there was zero anticipation here.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book. It was definitely one that kept me on the edge of my seat. I could have read it in one sitting as it was so hard to put down. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending. I'll have to think on it a little bit more.

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3.5 Stars

This book had my anxiety and stress GOING. Writing wise, it was great. Will be reading more from Megan Lally. it was fast paced and tense. the ending however ruined what could have been a four star book. it honestly made no sense and it felt like it just came from nowhere with no lead up. our main girl, Brooke, was really the only character that felt somewhat fleshed out. Maybe if this had been longer???

I might have to reread it and move a little slower to see if I can pick up anything I missed that lead to the ending.

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This is a great book! I truly enjoyed the story. No shortage of twist and turns. If you are a Holly Jackson or Karen McManus fan this is definitely a book for you! Loved it! I’ll definitely be looking into this author!!

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wow is all I am going to say this book kept me on the edge of my seat and I’ll tell you a must read!! It kept me reading chapter after chapter. I couldn’t stop reading. Talk about Heart pounding. The twist though I thought I knew but wow!!! I will be reading more of this author right away!!! There were so many things that I didn't expect from this book. I flew though this in two days, She now one of my favorite authors, The adrenaline was really it had my heart beating fast. This is mean girls with a twist. This is my first ARC but cant wait to read more,

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This is my first Megan Lally book and what a great first read by her! The story has two timelines “Before” and “Now”. They were both strong and flowed nicely with the plot.

Brooke has the perfect life now, or so it seems. On the surface she is popular, just got into Yale, and the boy of her dreams, Dylan, asked her to prom!

Things changed for Brooke when her former friend, Claire, mysteriously drowned at the last party she threw at her lake house. Claire made sure she had everything Brooke wanted including Dylan.

Fast forward to now and Brooke starts to receive calls and pranks relating to the lake house incident. Things take a wild ride when Brooke and Jenna (her other friend) leave a beach party and they travel down a road with no service. From road rage to buried secrets Brooke and Jenna’s friendship is tested as they drive home from the party.

From the moment I read the dedication I knew this book was going to take a crazy ride! Thank you Megan for an exciting journey in the “mean girl” world.

Thank you Sourcebooks , Netgalley, and Megan Lally for an advance reading copy of this book.

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