Member Reviews

Omg I loved this!

The only things Brooke Goodwin should be worrying about are whether or not she’ll get into Yale and what club she’ll spearhead next. Unfortunately, her senior year didn’t go exactly as planned when her former friend, Claire ended up dead at one of Brooke’s famous Lake House parties last September. Suddenly her life is thrown into a tailspin, her parents don’t trust her and she’s dodging calls from No Caller ID. Someone is wanting the truth from that night and will stop at nothing to get it. Can she escape her past before it ruins her future?

Wow! This was fast paced and had me eating up every word! I loved the characters and how the story developed. the POV from before and now set the temp immaculately. I would love to see this made into a movie. Especially with those driving scenes, it would be great! It was the perfect YA thriller!

Haters will say it was predictable and sure, it was in parts, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that this was still amazing! I LOVED That’s not my name and not much can hold up to it imo, but this was a fantastic second novel! I will devour anything Megan Lally touches! 🥰

Trust no one.

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I'm rounding up to 3.5 ⭐️.
Thank you Net Galley for this book. This book was a little slow for me and I struggled to stay interested in the story. I loved That's Not My Name, so much. This is my second book by Megan Lally, and I will continue to read what she writes.

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This was such a fun read! It was dark and tense and gripping, the perfect fall book to read at 2 o’clock in the morning! It was like an exciting blend of Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. My only drawback is that the main character was kind of irritating at times with her repetitive perfectionist rich-people mantras, also I wish the ending was made to be a little less predictable because it would have been a really fun twist if it wasn’t kind of obvious, but overall I had a great time reading this! Thank you to netgalley for early access to this arc!

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After loving this author’s debut, I was excited for this book. However, it fell flat for me. The plot didn’t have any thriller elements I haven’t seen many times before. The car chase reminded me a LOT of ‘Run on Red’ by Noelle Ihli. The twist was a let down, and I didn’t feel any attachment to the characters.
This will be a fun read for new, young thriller readers but unfortunately I don’t think it will appeal to many seasoned thriller readers.

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I don’t think I’ve ever disliked so many characters in one book. Overall good suspenseful read. It’s filled with high school drama, over achieving mean girls, revenge and doing whatever it takes to do the right thing to find justice.

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This was so good!

Brooke Goodwin is a promising student aspiring for Yale. Her life is perfect but only on the outside. She has a secret, she has been being stalked ever since an accident at a party she threw. It's been months and her stalker is done being passive!

Just as soon as I thought I had it all figured out (way too early!) the twists got twistier. Megan Lally is the best and everyone should read this book!

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What a ride! The highly anticipated second book by Megan Lally kept me on the edge of my seat and did not disappoint. Finished it in one day! This is Young Adult (YA) which I normally don’t read/enjoy but her first book had me hooked on her writing style.

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This was a twisty, jaw dropping book. No place left to hide was my first by Megan Lally but it won't be my last. Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for my ARC.

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This was a quick and easy read. A little easy to figure out and there were some parts that didn’t add up to me but overall it was a good book.

Brooke Goodwin seems to have the perfect life. Wealthy parents, great grades, good looks, popular, and many extracurriculars. The only thing she doesn’t have is her longtime crush, Dylan. She also has a stalker that’s trying to get the truth about “the incident”.

As Brooke gets dragged by her friends to a party celebrating student’s success of getting into Ivy League schools. As she’s leaving the party with her best friend things quickly turn as her stalker starts following them down the windy mountain road.

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Rating: 4 stars ⭐️
Genre: YA-mystery
Release date: January 7th, 2025

This was such a good mystery, it made me addicted from the start. I was so obsessed with this book that I stayed up until 5 AM, unable to put it down! ✨

If you want to read an addictive fast pased story with a twist, I would highly recommend this story.

The book begins with Brooke Goodwin, a senior at Waldorf Prep with a dark secret. Brooke is being harassed because a local teenager, Claire Heck, was involved in a drowning accident at one of her parents property’s and someone wants to uncover the truth about what happened…

As the mystery deepens, we're introduced to a cast of complex characters, each with their own motives and hidden agendas.

Thank you to Netgalley, Megan Lally and Sourcebooks Fire for providing me with this copy. All opinions are my

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oh my gosh. This book was good. I did not wanna put it down for a second. I wish I could read more from her. Thank you netgalley.

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I love how Megan Lally writes. I read That's not my name and I was needing more. The story was so was chefs kiss. The writing was so good. I needed more from her. Then she announced this gem. When I got accepted for this book I was so freaking excited. And guys, gals, gays, and they's. This book is so good. Megan Lally is such an awesome author.

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I Absolutely liked this book. It was fast paced and it kept me on edge from the beginning. Throughout the read I had a lot of suspicions how it would turn out, only to end up surprised by a twist.

This book is a great YA Thriller that I easily would recommend to everyone that wants a fast paced and suspenseful read.

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I can't thank NetGalley and the publishers enough for granting me this ARC. Earlier this year, I had read "That's Not My Name" by Megan Lally and loved it so much that when I heard about her new book, I couldn't wait to read it!

I had high expectations for "No Place Left to Die," and it exceeded all of them!
I was so drawn in by the plot, the writing, and the characters that I read it in less than 24 hours.
The pace was as fast as the car chase that we followed; it was impossible to stop myself from reading. The atmosphere was spooky and eerie; I was on the edge of my seat every time I had to begin a new chapter. The layout made the suspense, as we swung between past and present chapters.

I don't want to spoil the plot, so I can't say as much as I want.
Despite some predictable elements, some plot twists left me shocked. The characters were also very interesting, and my heart goes to Jena ♡.

A book I will recommend over and over, and I'm sure that I'll remember this reading for a long time.

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This was a great twisty YA thriller with a Gossip girl vibe that will have you second guessing everything as more and more is revealed!

When Brooke gets accepted into her dream school, nothing can get in her way of success. But there are many secrets in this story that will potentially bring everything crashing down. After a celebration party, she is being run off the road. Who’s following her and what do they want?

This book started out a tad slow then I just couldn’t put it down! It was a quick read with a satisfying ending!

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I was a BIG fan of Megan’s first book: That’s Not My Name, unfortunately, I didn’t love this one quite as much. What I will say though, is I really rate Megan’s writing style. It’s sharp and edgy and filled with so much suspense.

No Place Left to Hide, rates at 3 stars for me, the fast-paced ending, the short chapters, the tension had me pushing to finish it within one sitting. It was certainly easy to read and I’d definitely recommend this to YA thriller lovers. But, unfortunately, I didn’t feel much investment in the characters, the characters were all extremely unlikable. I guessed what was going to happen very early on and it felt really far fetched with one too many plot holes and inconsistencies. I’m disappointed I didn’t love this one as much as I was expecting too, but I can see a lot of readers absolutely devouring and loving this one.

Just as a side note: this would adapt REALLY well into a movie.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review 🙂

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for an ARC of this title.

I absolutely loved this book! It was not at all what I expected. There were twists and turns and the ending...Oh! My! God! THAT ENDING! If you enjoy fast paced, YA books I definitely recommend you grab a copy right away!

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Hahahahahah wow! What a masterpiece! I was so nervous picking up another Megan Lally after being blown away by That’s Not My Name, and there was a moment while reading this that I felt my anxieties and nerves were being justified. Megan Lally, I apologize for doubting you. The plot twist in this book left my jaw on the floor!

This book is the perfect fast paced thriller that screams teen slasher, legit the perfect read for this beautiful spooky season 👻👏

I will say, I liked That’s Not My Name more, but this baddie is still getting a 5 star. I will never stop thinking about that plot

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Megan Lally has done it again! Another fast paced, twisty thriller. No Place Left to Hide is full of suspense and has the best PNW setting with creepy vibes. While I guessed part of the twist before it was revealed, I still really enjoyed the journey of getting there. Another great page turner by Lally. I hope she continues to give us more!

Thanks to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire | Sourcebooks Fire for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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For some reason this book didn’t land it the same way as That’s Not My Name did. I thought that was a 5 star, fast paced, perfect thriller read with twists I wasn’t expecting.

With that said, the first 30-40% of No Place Left To Hide felt pretty slow moving to me. When things did pick up, I felt like before too long I had everything figured out - and my predictions ended up being correct. However, I did enjoy the ride and I was still captivated! The last half of this book absolutely flew by. I enjoyed the writing and the dual timeline. Overall, I’d give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Might have just had my expectations set too high after the first book but nevertheless this was an enjoyable read!

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