Member Reviews

If Megan Lally writes it, I will read it! Her debut was a five star read for me and though her second book is very different, it’s just as good! I loved the way this story was told in alternating chapters between before and now. The dual timeline added so much to the way the story unfolded! I found this to be a very compulsive read. I finished it during a late night reading marathon after I found myself unable to put it down!

I feel like this is a story I can’t say much about without giving something away! The less you know going in, the better. Let’s just say, Megan Lally really is in her villain era with Brooke’s character! If you enjoy YA thrillers, you need to grab this one.

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I freaking love Megan Lally thrillers. So impeccably written, this one does such a fantastic job of kicking around your heart until it feels like its battered. It is so vicious, both subtly and overly so, and it was incredible to watch it unfold.

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4.5 stars - This book was a crazy, non-stop ride that made me feel like I could not trust anyone. I flew through it and read it in a day. The diabolical characters made it so fun to read. The alternating timelines kept the book moving at a fast pace and was easy to understand.

Do not sleep on Megan Lally! Both of her books are so good. Big fan and look forward to reading anything else she writes!

Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for providing me with an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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NO PLACE LEFT TO HIDE was a fast paced thriller from Megan Lally, whose first novel (THAT’S NOT MY NAME) was a surprisingly excellent debut. This one didn’t live up to expectations, as its plot was extremely linear and the twists out of left field. Despite the flashbacks, the story evolved in a way where the character motivations felt unexplained, which left the entire story a bit hollow. That said, Lally constructs a well written story, so I’ll keep an eye out for her next one.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for the opportunity to read and review NO PLACE LEFT TO HIDE.

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I was really excited at the prospect of reading this book, so I was delighted when SOURCEBOOKS Fire sent me the ARC I had requested. Many thanks for that.

This story was a wild ride (in SO MANY more ways than one!) The action is unrelenting, and the storytelling flows really well. Think Mean Girls crossed with the Final Girl trope and you will have some idea of what I am talking about.

Brooke Goodwin has it all - ambition, wealth, popularity and a best friend who always has her back. So all she really needs to worry about is getting into Yale in order to get her demanding parents off her case. Well, that *and* the weird messages she's been receiving on her phone from a blocked number...

Because Brooke knows her parents will never forgive her if she screws up again, the way she did when she used one of their properties to host an illegal party where someone died. But who is behind these messages and what do they actually want from her?

This will be a hit with anyone who enjoys young adult stories that combine mystery, action and larger than life characters and I think most readers will enjoy this one. I certainly did!

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Thank you, Sourcebooks Fire for the copy of No Place Left To Hide by Megan Lally. The problem with reading a I did last year when I read That’s Not My Name, is the disappointment when the second book doesn’t measure up. This book was the opposite of a disappointment, and I gobbled it up! I am a long way from my teenage years but that didn't stop me from getting involved in the characters’ lives. If you’re looking for a fast engrossing book with writing that ratchets up the tension to unbearable levels, don’t miss this one! 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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I'm torn between love and hate feelings for this heart-throbbing thriller!

The tempo is incredibly high! The mind-blowing pacing between past and present, escalating pressure, climax, shocking revelations, and WTH ending are highly enjoyable, almost making me want to give this book five stars. However, this book contains some of the most hateable characters I've encountered in a long time. Of course, the culprit is despicable - you want to punch them in the face - but even the victim and supporting characters are extremely dislikable, which makes their motives seem a little far-fetched.

Without giving too much away, there are plot holes that don't make sense, and I found it nonsensical that only one person would be caught while others walk away. I'll stop here to avoid revealing too much. Just go in blind and form your own theories and opinions!

The story revolves around golden girl Brooke Goodwin, who always maintains great looks, perfect grades, and an intense extracurricular program, appearing to be the perfect student, daughter, and friend until her world is shaken to the core by an incident six months ago. A tragic boat accident during a party she secretly organized at her parents' summer house takes the lives of one of her old classmates and her arch-nemesis, Claire.

Claire's brother blames Brooke, threatening her in public places in front of her friends. On top of that, an unknown number keeps calling her daily, slashing her car tires, and sticking newspaper clippings about the accident to her car.

Brooke doesn't mention these threats to anyone, including her close friends and family, dealing with them alone. All she wants is to leave the tragedy behind by starting college and driving out of town. For six months, she's been lying low, living in social shadows. But when her best friend Jen insists on attending a beach party, bribing her with the news that her longtime crush Logan (Claire's ex-boyfriend) will be there, she decides to give it a go. Jen promises they'll be home before curfew and won't drink or get into trouble. What harm could come from having a little fun to celebrate graduation?

However, after the party, when a Bronco tailgates their car and the unknown caller escalates their threats, Brooke realizes she must do everything in her power to survive and beat her tormentor at their own game!

I'm giving this 3.5 stars, rounding up to 4 because of the heart-throbbing pace and tension-building that pushed me to finish this book in just a few hours in one sitting. While I'm not entirely satisfied with some of the explanations and unexpected turns of events, it's a very fast, easy, and unputdownable read that I recommend to YA thriller lovers!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for sharing this heart-throbbing YA thriller's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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