Member Reviews

The premise of this book sounds amazing and exciting. And for a while, it is. But then it just gets tedious and I didn't care for the explanation, which totally fell flat for me. I wanted something more based on the description. Not a bad book, but not as good as I was hoping for.

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Eve Hardaway, newly single mother of one, is on a trip she’s long dreamed of—a rafting and hiking tour through the jungles and mountains of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico. Eve wanders off the trail, to a house in the distance with a menacing man in the yard beyond it, throwing machetes at a human-shaped target. Disturbed by the sight, Eve moves quickly and quietly back to her group, taking care to avoid being seen. As she creeps along, she finds a broken digital camera, marked with the name Teresa Hamilton. Later that night, in a rarely used tourist cabin, she finds a discarded prescription bottle—also with the name Teresa Hamilton. From the camera’s memory card, Eve discovers Teresa Hamilton took a photo of that same menacing looking man in the woods. Teresa Hamilton has since disappeared.

Now the man in the woods is after whoever was snooping around his house. With a violent past and deadly mission, he will do anything to avoid being discovered. A major storm wipes out the roads and all communication with the outside world. Now the tour group is trapped in the jungle with a dangerous predator with a secret to protect. With her only resource her determination to live, Eve must fight a dangerous foe and survive against incredible odds—if she's to make it back home alive.

Gregg Hurwitz is a gifted writer who seems to get better and better with each book. Highly recommended.

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(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

After the breakup of her marriage, Evie takes the holiday of a lifetime. A few weeks of hiking, rafting and jungle adventure at an eco-lodge in Mexico sound ideal. But what should have been the perfect pick-me-up soon turns into a nightmare.
Nothing is quite what it seems. There are secrets hidden that can't be allowed to leave their jungle hiding place. And which their keeper will kill to protect.
If she is ever to see her son again, Evie will be forced to find reserves of strength, courage and ingenuity she never dreamt existed. Or die trying.

Another cracking novel from one of my favourite thriller writers. Why do I like him so? Let's go to the tape:

1) Pacing is everything is a suspense novel and this book does it just perfectly. Add to that the suspense that builds along the way, then you are already well on the way to a winner!
2) Strong characters are always a positive - Evie is just that. Tough and resilient, I found myself cheering for her throughout the book. Another positive right there!
3) There is always something "current" about his books and this story takes terrorism and the fight against it to a new level which I really enjoyed.
4) You always feel like you have been dropped into the middle of a movie set with these books and this one was no different. I think it would be an awesome film.

So, there you go -at least 4 reasons to go and check this book out. You won't be disappointed.


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My feedback comments have gone missing! I reviewed this title previously yet it still appears in my list, "GIVE REVIEWS"

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