Member Reviews

TJ Newman is the epitome of thrill. Literally, I cannot read any of their books without my heart rate skyrocketing in the best way possible! This audiobook was fantastic as so are the others by the same author. I will read everything this author writes !!! It keeps me on the edge of my seat. It also seems that this author does the research before writing and I think that plays a huge part in why I love the writing so much! Five stars.

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I need a moment to compose myself after finishing this book. It's been quite some time since a story has moved me to tears. T.J. Newman delivers an action-packed emotional rollercoaster that keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you're familiar with Newman's previous work, you won't be disappointed!

A pilot has a heart attack and crashes a commercial airliner into a nuclear power plant in Waketa, Minnesota, causing a national crisis. The disaster is rated as a Level 8 on the International Nuclear Event Scale, surpassing previous major accidents like Fukushima and Chernobyl. Ordinary people in the town must come together to save their community and possibly humanity as a whole.

The characters in this book are silent heroes who face tough decisions and keep you grounded as the story spins out of control. It's a reminder of the importance of togetherness, bravery, and sacrifice in the face of adversity.

I highly recommend adding this book to your reading list. Just be prepared for a gripping and emotional journey that will stay with you long after you've finished reading. Let's hope this story serves as a cautionary tale rather than a guidebook for what could happen in the real world.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Hachette Audio | Little, Brown & Company for digital ARC. I am forever grateful, because this book will be talked about for a long time. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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How many ways can you be terrified to fly in an airplane? I asked myself this as I read TJ Newman’s latest book, Worst Case Scenario. The answer is many more than I realized!
As a person who has a fairly decent fear of flying, I found myself listening to this book with great intensity as the expert narrator, Joe Morton, had me on the edge of my seat. I was enraptured by the storyline of the flight crashing due to the pilot’s fatal heart attack. This was just the beginning, however.
The plane then crashes into a nuclear power plant in a small town thus creating a catastrophic event. This is a race against the clock, and the intensity of the multiple story lines had me listening for “just a little longer” every time I cued this up.
Once again, I found myself on the edge of my seat throughout the book. I credit Newman’s gifted writing and the excellent audio narration. I listened to the Audiobook, provided by Little, Brown & Company Audio through NetGalley. This audiobook was narrated by Joe Morton. Many thanks for the advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I've read both of T.J. Newman's earlier books and loved them both. This one was no different and I love that they brought the catastrophic events to even greater stakes with even more difficult decisions. And, I'm also SO glad I listened to the audio of this one as I thought the narrator was PERFECT. Truly one of my most enjoyable audio book experiences ever. The ending was done so well and was really satisfying -- I'll absolutely be recommending this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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This is my third book by TJ Newman and it's another corker of a novel! If you like thrillers, this book is for you. If you like unputdownable books, this is for you. If you like books that make you think about life, this is for you. Let's put it this way, I don't think I can imagine a person I wouldn't recommend this book to. It blends so many different elements of so many different genres, that it's safe to say it's got universal appeal. Trust me on this one, if you enjoyed Falling or Drowning, go and grab this one and free your agenda for the afternoon or night, because you start reading, you won't be able to stop. - Thank you Netgalley for this ARC în exchange for an honest review.

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T.J. Newman knows how to write a book that'll have you holding on for dear life! Starts off with a bang from the first paragraph and doesn't let up until the last.

Contingency planning for catastrophe can only take you so far which the small town of Waketa, Minnesota finds out when a commercial airliner crashes into the local nuclear power plant. As the hours quickly pass, the threat of a national radiation crisis becomes more real.

This audio is captivating! Joe Morton's voice was made for suspense. Loved the CB radio style additions that helped bring the story to life.

Really liked this one but I didn't think it was quite as riveting as Newman's first two novels, Falling and Drowning. In my opinion, this one didn't have the same sense of claustrophobic, heart pounding, breath holding intensity. With that said, I finished in 24 hours because the girl can write some suspense!

Thank you to Hachette Audio and Netgalley for the early copies!

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This is the first book I’ve read by T.J. Newman and it definitely won’t be my last! I absolutely loved her writing. This story and scenario was absolutely terrifying, and she was able to capture the emotion and struggles that each of the characters were facing so effortlessly. Although there were a lot of POVs and technical explanations throughout, it was written clearly for me to easily follow. In addition to the writing, the audiobook production was phenomenal! Joe Morton did such a great job of portraying the emotion of the story and I loved the production elements used. I highly recommend this book, especially on audio.

Thank you NetGalley and Hachette Audio for this ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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I put this at the top of my reading list because I heard how good it was. This is the epitome of a thriller, putting you right into the action and never letting up. The potential for disaster is huge, but even with enormous stakes, there is still a focus on individuals you come to love.
I got to listen to this audiobook, and the narrator managed to ramp up the excitement even more. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me preview this

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A big thank you to NetGalley for my ARC of this audiobook. What a wild ride this was! This book had me on the edge of my seat and had my heart pounding from beginning to end. This is TJ Newman’s third fast-paced airplane thriller. In this book, a commercial airliner pilot has had a massive heart attack. The plane crashes, but that’s not the worst part—it’s crashed into a nuclear power plant. The multiple characters have to work to solve one life-altering problem after another. It’s evident that Newman has done her homework on everything that could have possibly gone wrong in this adrenaline pumping thriller. I felt as though this was a movie playing out in front of me. By the end, I was so invested that I had tears. What an awesome book! On another note, the narrator for the audiobook was phenomenal! He had an engaging voice, and he kept me listening. A big shout out to Joe Morton and Hachette Audio.

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TJ Newman blew me away with her debut, Falling. Dare I say, Worst Case Scenario is even better! This is truly a heart stopping story and will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time!!! The character development in this book will have you feeling like you personally know the town and the people. And while there are a lot of characters, they all fall into place and with all the scenarios occurring simultaneously, they’re all pertinent. This story will horrify you with its plot, with knowing it truly is a real possibility, and with the author’s ability to make you feel like you are on the plane, on the bridge, in the plant. Newman has evoked emotions of shock, fear, thill, suspense, heartbreak and redemption. It will be a top thriller of the year!!! Just…WOW!
When a pilot suffers a medical emergency, he sets off a catastrophic event in a small town in Minnesota which houses a nuclear power plant. The ordinary people of Waketa, Minnesota – the plant employees, the firefighters, teachers, community members- must make decisions that will have rippling effects to the world at large.
I also received the audiobook, phenomenally narrated by Joe Morton! He captured the voice of each of the characters perfectly, expressing their confusion, fear, horror, love and compassion. The radio transmission sound effects were so jarring and greatly enhanced the audio version! Excellent addition!!

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Thank you to Netgalley, TJ Newmann and Little, Brown & Company for the ARC/ALC!

The Queen of emotional, action-packed thrillers is back! Truly no other author tugs at my heart strings or gets my anxiety spiked quite like TJ Newman - Lol! Her previous book, “Drowning”, was one of my top books I read last year so I was very excited when her newest book, “Worst Case Scenario”, showed up on Netgalley. The tension truly radiates off the pages (and comes across in audio) with this story. I couldn’t even begin to put myself in the headspace these people were in - what do you do when you are living the worst case scenario? The terror, the sadness, the absolute uncertainty of the situation is something I can’t imagine, and Newman wrote it SO incredibly lifelike. Everyday people became heroes, putting the welfare of others above their own, refusing to give up if it meant saving a life. Without giving spoilers, my heart both broke and was put back together in this story, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. On audio, the narrator was perfect and the way the story unfolded - with the addition of “radio” type calls - really added to the excitement too!

”Drowning” releases August 13, 2024! This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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I was lucky enough to have a physical and ALC. I went back and forth between both. The author captured me from the beginning and I would consider a real thriller. The narrator did an excellent job.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for both copies.
4/5 star

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T.J. Newman cost me an entire nights sleep. This thriller audiobook hooked me from the first believable emergency to the coda. The premise, aaircraft/nuclear issue, is a worrisome probability. The face paced story was expressively narrated by Joe Morton made several characters sympathetic and imperfect…both attributes are qualities the make characters real. The nuclear jargon is understandable for me, a non-science oriented reader.
I totally recommend this book. Just don’t start listening to the audio book at 9 PM on a work night.

Thanks to Hachette Audio for this preview copy.

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I'm doing something I almost never do, writing a review before completely finishing the book. I'm a huge TJ Newman fan, and was fairly certain going into this audiobook that I would love it. This summer, I've been spending a lot of time with my 15 year old son in the car (hockey mom life, lol). He is not a reader, which absolutely breaks my heart. I have tried and tried and tried, but there has never been an actual physical book that's grabbed his attention (other than anime/manga/comic books, etc). But when we're in the car together, I can sometimes get him to listen to an audiobook. So when I downloaded Worst Case Scenario, I immediately thought- this would be a great book for my son, too. And I was right! We started it in the car and kept listening through dinner for two days in a row. We aren't quite done yet, but decided to save the rest for the drive to hockey camp in a few days. I have a feeling we'll be listening to Newman's previous books (listening for a second time, in my case) soon after finishing this one. Highly recommend, and many thanks for a book my son enjoys as much as I do—which is needle-in-the-haystack rare!!

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Ok but in all seriousness Worst Case Scenario was another masterclass in suspense, non stop action, and character work. The action begins in the very first lines of the book and never eases off the throttle from there. Moreover the stakes have been raised significantly from Newman's earlier works Falling and Drowning (both excellent as well). Instead of focusing on a tragedy for a family, or a relatively small group of people this time it is the whole country, and to an extent the entire human race, at stake. Despite this each individual character is deep and complex, the emotions they feel are real and they are all too easy to empathize with. I don't want to say more because I don't want to spoil anything at all about this book, because you absolutely should read it for yourself. What I will say is that Waketa, Minnesota (The fictional town the story takes place in) is a community that all real world communities should strive to emulate.

As far as the audiobook narration goes it was excellent. The dictation was clear yet full of emotion. The only nit-pick I have is that sometimes when characters are communicating via radio/megaphone/walkie-talkie they add an effect to simulate this. In most cases this is fine, but I did find it hard to make out once or twice while listening while driving to work. Again this is a very minor issue, and for the most part I enjoyed the added effect for its immersion.

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Wow another gripping, fast paced aviation thriller that manages to not only make your heart race but also break. I enjoyed how this story was focused on a community coming together in crisis even though it unlocked a new fear for me. I am completely fascinated by T.J Newman’s mind and how well she crafts a story and a crisis. You can tell that Newman does an immense amount of research for her novels and it takes the story to the next level! The audiobook was phenomenal, the sounds effects like the coms radio, and narration made the story really come to life. I couldn’t put it down I finished in this in day. I highly recommend grabbing a copy on pub day. Newman’s other 2 novels are being adapted and I hope Worst Case Scenario will be too because I need to see this on the big screen. Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. The author has a way of capturing my attention instantly. I had to keep listening to just one more chapter. It was a hard one to put down. Highly recommend.

Many thanks for my gifted ALC.

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Wow, this book hit every emotion! A pilot has a medical emergency and the plane crashes into the worst place possible - a nuclear power plant. A small town must come together to stop what could be the first Level 8 disaster.

I was completely invested in all of the storylines, but especially for the one involving Connor. I both read and listened to the book and really enjoyed the use of sound effects to make it seem like we were hearing the actual radio calls, countdowns, etc. This book had me hooked and I couldn’t wait to finish it to learn the fates of all of the characters.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Hachette Audio | Little, Brown & Company for this advanced audiobook. And thank you, T. J. Newman for thinking up yet another reason for me to be terrified of flying. This audiobook was AMAZING! I usually read T. J. Newman's books, but the audiobook had added sound effects which really brough this story to life and really made this into a full production. I read this in one sitting as it was a riveting storying and I wanted to see how it ended. Newman definitely does not disappoint in the story and suspense department. This author is on my auto-read list forever.

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Strap yourself in for this high octane thriller. From page one you are thrust into the high stakes action.

We join T J Newman for another fast paced aviation centred hit. A plane has crashed into a nuclear power plant. Each chapter is a countdown to zero hour, this builds anticipation as we don’t know what will happen when zero hour is reached.

This kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. I really enjoyed all the different stories linked to the main incident. We got to know an interesting and complex cast of characters including those in the village next to the nuclear power plant, those trying to stop a wider catastrophe and those in the actual plant.

I read this and enjoyed it so much I also listened to the audio. The narrator fit the story perfectly and really encompassed the urgency and the high stakes of the story.

If you loved T J Newmans first two then you’ll love this just as much.

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