Member Reviews

Major thanks to NetGalley & Hachette Audio | Little, Brown & Company for the ALC copy of T.J. Newman’s newest riveting book!

Truly I just loveeeee her writing style. The way that she describes the scenes from start to finish just sucks you in and gives you that adrenaline rush that makes you feel like you’re there in the action with the characters! I also always appreciate her first hand experience from the flight attendant profession that you can see in her writing.

This was another fantastic read from her and the audio was done wonderfully, per usual!

Definitely recommend any of her books!

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Once again, TJ Newman knows how deliver a heart-stopping, gut-wrenching plane thriller. You are immediately sucked in from page one. While the plot easily carried it along, what I found most memorable was the profound meaning of community that was present throughout the entire story. I truly fell in love with the characters, and I felt each of their sacrifices in my core. This one will stay with me for a long time.

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Pros: T.J. Newman's books are so much fun to read because they are plot heavy but are also filled with characters who are easy to root for. Like her other books, Worst Case Scenario feels like a situation that could happen and is grounded in reality . . . but hopefully will never happen. I read this book both on Kindle and audiobook and thought it was great in both formats.

Cons: I am the con here because I timed my reading of this book just a few days before flying. T.J. Newman's books probably need to be read with distance from flying.

Thank you to NetGalley, Hachette Audio, and Little, Brown and Company for the opportunity to read this book.

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I have enjoyed the heart pounding reads of T.J. Newman and this one is no exception. Even thought the catastrophe event was caused by a plane falling partly into a nuclear power plant, I am glad it wasn't another story with passengers stuck in a plane. The story literally stars with a bang and doesn't light up from there.
It totally reminded me of the show 24 with the count down on how much time left they have to fix the break at the nuclear plant. I enjoyed the side story of the plane parts landing on the bridge and causing problems there.

The downside to this story is that it's very surfaced without really knowing any of the characters. It was a story about saving the power plant and the kid stuck on the bridge.

The narrator, Joe Morton, did a great job on the pacing and keeping the story super intense.

Thank you @littlebrown @hachetteaudio for a copy of this book.

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Read if you like books with:
#️⃣ Multiple POV
⏳ Countdowns
✈️ Plane Crash Plots
🆘 Emergency Response
💨 Fast Pacing

Omg the production of this audiobook was so unexpectedly good with the sound effects with the radioing parts to make you feel like you are listening in on a crackling radio line!

I really enjoyed how the book opens with the POV of the plane crashing and then the on the ground reaction to not knowing what happened even though the reader knows, but watching it unfold and the decisions that are made when accidents occur and we don’t really know anything behind the how or why… also, the way the story looked at the tricking impact in various ways, was so well done especially in the emotional aspect and the many times of decision making and how do you decide with the moral question about one or many being saved.

All in all, this was a thrilling and emotional ride through a tragic accident and it’s impacts and as someone who was in elementary school with 9/11 it definitely brought up those feelings of the omg what happened and what else is coming for me in the well done emotional parts of the plot.

Thank you so much to the publisher for my ARC and ALC copy of this one! I highly recommend it to someone who wants their next bingeable book/audiobook!

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TJ Newman has mastered the art of writing suspense novels. If you like catastrophic, disaster movies, you will like this book because each of TJs books are like a disaster movie in book form. This story had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I shed a few tears throughout my listen. There are so many moments I found myself getting anxious or holding my breath and then the next scene I would be misting up and feeling sentimental. It was a roller coaster of emotions! There’s definitely a bit of scientific jargon but if you can wade through that and get past it to realize how it gives the book a very authentic and well researched feel, you will not have a problem staying engaged with the story of all these people making life or death decisions one after the other!

This audio was so well done! Joe Morton did an excellent job. There were several characters he had to narrate and he gave them each their own distinct voice. He’s such a skilled storyteller I was on the edge of my seat listening.

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T.J. Newman’s new novel is uniquely terrifying, fast-paced, and riveting. I was hooked from the beginning, starting with the inspiration for the book. This is the story of a massive disaster in a small town (imagine Chernobyl in rural Minnesota) and the people coming together to do whatever is necessary to make a difference.

Jone Morton, the narrator of the audiobook, was a standout. His performance brought the story to life, even capturing the nuances of the different characters. However, the rapid scene changes without a pause make the narrative confusing at times.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Little, Brown and Company, and Hachette Audio for the advanced audio copy in exchange for an honest review! And thank you, TJ Newman, for writing this amazing book!

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A pilot in a commercial airliner has a heart attack and crashes his plane into a partially decommissioned nuclear power plant near a small Minnesota town, and the resulting damage could cause a level 8, extinction-level, nuclear accident. There's no time to wait for help, the people on the ground have to make decisions and take action to save their town and potentially, the world. Newman proves she can do more than thrillers on a plane with Worst Case Scenario, because most of the action happens on the ground in the aftermath of crash that happens in the first moments of the book, and and I devoured it in one day. Expect ticking-clock pacing, interconnecting plots, and complex, three dimensional characters. The audio was a great experience, well narrated by Joe Morton. Thank you to Hachette Audio, Little, Brown & Company and Netgalley for digital review copy.

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TJ Newman has done it again! I loved Drowning and felt rising waves of anxiety and claustrophobia reading that book, and now this book! A plane crashes into a town...that happens to house a nuclear power plant! I am not typically a crier when I read books, but this one yanked my heartstrings because of the difficult decisions the community had to make. Also, like her other books, Newman had continuous action and life-threatening events that left you with an elephant sitting on your chest. Newman is an auto buy author for me!

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As Dr. Seuss would no doubt concur, it is hard to read a book with one's eyes shut or listen to an audio book with the volume turned off. But that is what I tried to do, especially during the first third of Worst Case Scenario. For any similar wimps out there: Stay the course! This was a phenomenal read that included all the feels: abject terror, fierce determination, parental guilt, gut-wrenching parental love, sacrifice, commitment, and ultimately (spoiler alert!) the triumph of the human spirit. I held my breath, I cheered, and I wept. You can get the basic plot line from the book description, but know that author T.J. Newman, whose two previous works, Falling and Drowning, were excellent, has truly mastered the craft of telling a superb story. While I cross my fingers that some of the very real safety issues which give the book its harrowing veracity are addressed by those in position to do so, I'm putting this book on my keeper shelf and eagerly awaiting the author's next nightmare--whoops, I mean masterpiece!

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This was a highly anticipated read for me. The audiobook kept me intrigued most of the time however I did find myself getting a bit lost with a lot of the technical details. While it was an okay book overall, it is probably my least favorite by this author.

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I enjoyed the opening of this book where we heard from T.J. Newman about the inspiration behind the story, which sounded interesting so the premise was there but this book was utter chaos. There were too many characters so it was difficult to form a connection with any of them, there were too many storylines and I just didn’t care for the nuclear plant setting. There was so much technical information included throughout too about nuclear power and firefighting equipment etc that I found myself getting bored and zoning out. The genre of this book is mystery/thriller and unfortunately I just didn’t feel the thrill and care much for the mystery.

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Worst Case Scenario by T.J. Newman ☢️☢️☢️

I would like to thank NetGalley, Hachette Audio, and Little, Brown and Company for providing me with an advance e-galley and audiobook in exchange for an honest review. Look for it in your local and online bookstores and libraries on August 13, 2024.

When the pilot of a commercial airliner suffers a medical emergency mid-air, the plane crashes into a nuclear power plant. This sets off a chain of events that could lead to the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

Like her other two novels, this book is non stop action. It made me think of disaster movies such as Independence Day and Armageddon. While I didn’t enjoy it as much as her first two, it’s still a good read. Although, I’m not sure I can recommend the audiobook. I was not a fan of the narrator at all. Mostly because he pronounces nuclear “nuke-u-ler”. As you can imagine, that word is used a lot in this book, so it was very annoying. 😬

“This is what community is. It’s not a place, it’s not a people—it’s the acts of love done in a place by those people.”
— T.J. Newman, Worst Case Scenario

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I could not connect with any of these characters. At times the book was full of action and at other times it was extremely slow.

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“‘We can’t see from in here. What happened?’ ‘A plane, Ethan,’ Steve said flatly. ‘A plane happened.’”

Have you seen Chernobyl on HBO? Were you old enough to watch 9/11 unfold in real time? Yes and yes for me so this one hit HARD. I read this is damn near one sitting.

T.J. Newman writes some of the most frighteningly real catastrophic scenarios, tapping into our deepest fears. These books are so stressful but in the best possible can’t-put-it-down way.

And hot damn this audiobook is FIRE! The narration nails the fear and angst of the plot line and he mimics airplane intercom announcements with spot on accuracy. I have no issues with anxiety but my fight or flight was activated! Holy hell.

“The situation we’re faced with today has major global implications. It far exceeds our current scale.’ He paused. ‘Mr. President, this could be our first level eight.’ ‘What would a level eight mean?’ ‘It would be an extinction-level event, sir.’” Utterly terrifying because it’s plausible. 😨

Thank you to Netgalley, Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Audio, and the author for the ARC and ALC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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It's official, T.J. Newman is a new favorite author of mine! These books are so uniquely terrifying for me and incredibly well-executed. The pacing and the story are always there. I'm giving this a pretty short and sweet review because I don't have any criticism to give. Highly recommend this book and highly recommend both of T.J. Newman's other books.

On a side note, I was lucky enough to get an e-book and audiobook of this one to immersive read. I really loved the narrator of the audio version, but I definitely had to slow it down at times to help myself keep better track of which characters were which. Loved both versions though, and I do recommend both. Just something to keep in mind if you are debating between which version to go with for your read.

Anyway, I really enjoyed everything about this one and am excited to get my hands on future books by this author ✈️🔥

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A commercial airplane goes down - which is a tragedy in itself. However, it is immediately apparent that the casualties from the plane crash are likely just the beginning based on the rubble that hit the nuclear power plant. Worst Case Scenario, like Drowning by the same author, would make a spectacular movie. It's fast-paced, engrossing, and riveting - the story of a huge disaster in a small town, and all the people who came together to do whatever they could to make a difference. Clear your schedule if you're picking this book up - you won't want to put it down until you see how it all ends.

I read Worst Case Scenario via audiobook (thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Audio for the advance listen). While the narrator did an impressive job in many respects...if you, like me, would be constantly annoyed by an incorrect pronunciation of the word "nuclear" (in particular when the word is supposedly coming out of the mouths of numerous experts as well as the President), opt for reading the physical or digital version of this book rather than the audio.

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Worst Case Scenario is so tense, poignant, and terrifying. This book is my favorite read of the year so far. Told from multiple perspectives, this story takes you through one of the most terrifying accident scenarios possible with the potential to end humanity. It also tells the tale of everyday people doing their best to save their families and the rest of the world at their own expense. If you're looking for an emotional rollercoaster—this is it. The narration by Joe Morton is phenomenal.

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Scary, terrifying, exciting, nail biter- those are the first few words that come to mind to describe this book. I’ve loved the previous two books the this author and this one was just as good. TJ Newman knows how to captivate her audience attention and keep them engaged until the very last chapter.

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Oh. My. Gosh. Are you looking for an intense survival thriller that will not only raise your blood pressure, but also give you heart palpitations? Then I have the book for you!

The author asked multiple pilots what their "worst case scenario" would be, to which one replied "crashing into a nuclear plant." ...and the rest is history. I didn't think she could possibly top Drowning, but this one did!

This was a very raw look at what would happen if a plane really did crash into a nuclear plant. I don't know if the science was accurate (hello i'm an accountant, not a nuclear physicist) but honestly i don't care. If i could give this book ten stars, i would. Definitely top 5 favorite of the year. Btw--if a thriller can make me cry, you know it's good.

As far as the audiobook goes, PERFECTION. So well done with radio actual speaker sounds. If you don't like audiobooks, i think this would be a fun one to tandem listen to while reading because the audio really added so much to the experience.

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