Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. I love the books that Jennifer Probst writes. I have read so many of them because there is never a dull moment in them. This one was steamy and romantic. The ending was better than I thought it would be. I'm grateful that netgalley and the publishers let me read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Small town, gossip, rivalry, chasing dreams, and making deals that are destined to backfire in the biggest way. Quite the rollercoaster as true love sneaks in where no one expects it. Good summer read with a fun cast of characters.

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I requested to read and review this book for free from Blue Bell Press. I loved this book. It was fantastic. There was romance, drama, mystery and suspense! A perfectly well rounded story and hilarious. Bonus there is a second book coming out that is looking just as promising! Aspen is an author who has had one hit and a few other good stories. She is looking to write another hit. But will she stumble upon the perfect story that she needs. Will her ideas lead to another best seller or will her idea flop. Brick has had a lot of tradegy in his life in a very short time. Can anyone help him turn it around or will he need to start over again. Love or maybe infatuation brings out some many different things and change they way we see something good and bad. Can the town of OBX help or hurt ? This book is for a mature audience and can be read anywhere!

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Enjoyable romantic comedy with a struggling writer FMC, looking to recapture her 1st success and a beach town tour operator MMC, trying to keep his inherited family business afloat. When Brick's Lothario reputation, unjustly earned around town following a nuclear breakup, hatches an idea that what Aspen needs to create is heartbreak, she makes him an offer to do just that by the end of the summer so that she can write another bestseller. In return, she'll fund the plans he needs to make that can be a lifeline to his business.
The interactions between the main characters were sweet, swoony and sultry. The supporting cast were well developed, especially Aspen's sister and Marco, Brick's business neighbor. Aspen's chemically enhanced book signing was hysterical and the highlight of the book. My only quibble is that I thought the end was a bit rushed, For my first read of this author, I found it a fast, fun read and look forward to checking out some of her other titles, including the next one in this series.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Blue Box Press for providing this eARC!

This is my first ARC review and I couldn't be more excited. Scrolling through available ARCs, the cover caught my eye so I immediately requested to read it. To my surprise, I was approved. Seeing that this was set in the OBX was appealing because of going there on vacation so much when growing up and now I wanna go back.

This story follows Aspen, who is a best-selling author in New York, struggling to write a new book. After a less than pleasant book signing, she decides to spend the summer in the OBX with her sister where she meets the town heart throb that everyone warned her about, Brick.

Throw in a fake romance, wild horses, sea turtles, touristy tours and more, and you get this book!

The only reason I gave this book a 4 star is because I'm not really a fan of the book title...but I digress. When this comes out in October - read it!

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Thank you NetGalley and Blue Box Press for this eARC!

I really enjoyed Aspen and Brick’s story. Aspen was an incredibly relatable character who thought she was living the dream but soon finds out there’s so much more to life. She’s down on her luck and tries to turn her life around with an INSANE idea and it was a fun ride.

Brick was a great MMC - moody, broody, and sexy as hell. He complemented Aspen so well and I LOVED their banter. I also loved that we got his POV as it helped bring everything full circle.

Overall I thought this was a great read. It was fun and sweet, and packed a punch in all the right places. This is perfect for fans of Meghan Quinn and Elsie Silver. I definitely recommend!

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This book scores a 10 on "could't put it down-ness". It is a great story with wonderful characters. I was rooting for Brick and Aspen as if they were my actual friends. Thanks for a great read!

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This book was very fun! I really enjoyed how witty and funny the writing was, it definitely felt like the rom-com it promised it would be.

The side characters were the best - they were sweet, extremely likable and an amazing support system for the main characters. They also added a sense of community to the story and made me feel like I was a part of it. Then the main characters were great too! I related a lot to Aspen’s creativity blocks and the anxiety and doom that comes with it - making her feel so much more real to me. It was also very interesting to see a little bit of the behind-the-scenes that goes on in the book industry. As for the MMC, I unfortunately did not feel all that connected to him by the end of the book. I definitely sympathised with how he had been villanised by the town and his other struggles but I wish we had gone deeper ito his character because he felt a little brushed-over.

My main critique of Book of the Month was the cringy word choices; the author would honestly have some overly-creative (ifykyk) descriptions for certain things that I disliked. Also a lot of expressions were described as being masculine or feminine which weirded me out because of how much those words were used as an adjective.

However, Aspen and Brick’s romance was cute and I thought that for the larger part of the book it was nicely fleshed-out and well-written. The ending is where I do have to say that it was rushed, especially with a third-act breakup we knew was coming; I thought we could have seen in more detail how it truly hurt them being apart from each other instead of skipping past that.

Finally the premise was one I loved, is it far-fetched? Maybe. But that honestly added a level of escapism to this romantic comedy that I was not expecting and surprisingly loved.

✨read if you like:
fake dating (kinda)
hallmark vibes
beach/town setting
dual POV

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The story of Aspen Lourde is a slow burn, but once the tension ignites, the narrative doesn’t let go. Probst masterfully blends the humor of romantic comedy with the harsh truths of life, creating a tale that’s both swoon-worthy and deeply resonant. Aspen's journey to rediscover her passion and voice is one that any writer can relate to, as she pours her soul into her prose. Her character evolution, from a lost artist to a woman who embraces her own story, struck a chord with me as a fellow aspiring author. The steamy encounters between Aspen and Brick Babel are electrifying, but it’s the emotional depth and vulnerability that truly make this book stand out. Brick, with his irresistible charm, is the perfect counterbalance to Aspen’s drive, making their chemistry undeniably captivating.

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Book of the Month || Jennifer Probst

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC! Overall, this was a decently cute read but there were some flaws in the storytelling that took away from a better rating. The plot and the building up of Aspen's backstory felt incredibly rushed and skimmed over; leaving me, the reader, wanting more. Additionally, as someone who has been to the Outer Banks for the last 25 years, the building up of the setting also felt rushed and inauthentic. While there was a lot of name dropping of places throughout the book, the description of these iconic restaurants, attractions, etc., felt like just reading the synopsis of a Google review. There was so much potential to truly bring the Outer Banks and the magic to the readers and it fell flat throughout the book.

Overall, a cute, easy read. I especially wanted to keep rooting for Brick after learning there is more to him than meets the eye. There is also potential for a "sequel" or spinoff with the sister's story, which I think, if done right, could bring more reader's into the fold.

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**ARC Review: "Book of the Month" by Jennifer Probst**

*Rating: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)*

Jennifer Probst delivers a captivating and emotionally charged romance in "Book of the Month," a story that blends the complexities of love, creativity, and self-discovery into a page-turning narrative. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the Outer Banks, this novel explores what happens when a writer in desperate need of inspiration stumbles upon the perfect muse—and realizes that real life doesn't always follow the plotlines of fiction.

Aspen Lourde is a once-celebrated author struggling to replicate the success of her heartbreak-driven bestseller. With the pressure mounting from her agent and publisher, Aspen knows she needs a new story—and fast. But without any fresh romantic drama to fuel her writing, she finds herself in a creative rut. Enter Brick Babel, the town’s brooding heartthrob with a reputation as wild and untamed as the horses that roam the beaches. He's everything Aspen needs to ignite her creativity, but there's one problem: Brick refuses to play along with her plan to manufacture a heartbreak worthy of a bestselling novel.

The premise of "Book of the Month" is both unique and compelling, drawing readers into Aspen's world as she navigates the fine line between reality and fiction. Aspen's desperation to reclaim her literary fame leads her to propose a fake romance with Brick, a man who has his own reasons for agreeing to the charade. What starts as a calculated move to save his grandfather’s tour company quickly evolves into something much more complicated, as genuine emotions start to surface between them.

Probst masterfully crafts the chemistry between Aspen and Brick, creating a slow-burn romance that feels both authentic and inevitable. The banter between them is sharp and witty, providing plenty of laugh-out-loud moments that balance the deeper emotional undertones of the story. Aspen’s journey from being a woman driven by professional success to someone who rediscovers the importance of genuine connection and self-awareness is beautifully portrayed. Brick, on the other hand, is a refreshing hero—complex, guarded, but ultimately vulnerable in a way that makes him impossible not to root for.

The novel also explores the ethical dilemmas that come with turning real-life experiences into art. Aspen’s internal conflict over using her relationship with Brick as fodder for her next book adds a layer of tension to the story, making readers question whether some stories are too personal to be shared with the world. This theme of authenticity versus artistic expression is handled with nuance, giving the narrative a depth that elevates it beyond a typical romance.

"Book of the Month" is not just a love story; it's a tale of self-discovery and the risks we take when we blur the lines between life and art. Jennifer Probst has crafted a novel that is as thought-provoking as it is romantic, with characters who are flawed, relatable, and utterly unforgettable. Fans of contemporary romance will find themselves captivated by Aspen and Brick's journey, and by the end, they'll be reminded that sometimes, the best stories are the ones we never planned to write.

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Interesting to read a different story line in romance. Some of it felt rushed or thrown in to live up to the typical romance plot line. I liked the setting and Brick was a good guy. All in all, would recommend for a light read.

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3.5 ⭐️

My expectations going into this book were non-existent. Some of the dialogue and spice was cringey. If you can look past that, this was a fun read. I enjoyed the premise, the characters and it gave what I was hoping for in the end.

This was my first Jennifer Probst book, but it won’t be my last. I will definitely be reading Sierra and Kane’s story when it’s released!

Thank you NetGalley and Blue Box Press for the ARC.

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Actually, the book I was going to read this weekend was The Mystery of Mrs. Christie by Marie Benedict, but inexplicably, every time I tried to open that book, my Kindle opened Book of the Month, so I ended up reading this story.
Excellent choice, Kindle! At first, it took me a while to get used to some of the characters' names, Maleficent? Brick? Really? Anyway, after getting used to the names, I can only say that the story completely absorbed me!
Aspen is a young writer who needs to write a second bestseller to prove to herself that she is not a one-hit wonder, but no matter what she does, she can't overcome her mental block, so she decides to spend the summer with her sister in the Outer Banks, where she meets Brick, the town's infamous Don Juan. From there, the story gets interesting, with hilarious moments and very sweet and emotional ones.
My favorite characters? Easy: wild horses, turtles, and Dug, Brick's dog.
A book that makes me cry deserves no less than five stars. Well done! I think I found my Book of the Month!
Now, just like the novel, this reader needs to read the sequel...
I thank the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.
The opinion I have expressed above is based solely on what I think and feel about this book.

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I thought this was very well written. As an indie author who will most likely never blow up on Booktok or become really famous, I related to Aspen immediately at the beginning of the book. I’ve been there at book signings, forcing a smile and hoping for the best only to sell one book - or sometimes not at all and found Aspen’s desire not to be a one-hit-wonder as she refers to herself, completely relatable. I loved the setting of this book! The Outer Banks sounds gorgeous and I’ve always wanted to go so it was nice seeing the fictional portrayal in this book.
Overall I found Aspen’s story to be uplifting and relatable and I really enjoyed it. This is my first read by this author but I will definitely check out her previous books.

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This is a 5 star because it is so brilliantly written. The story within a story is very intriguing and has you wondering about the author's motives until the very end. Many books when the main character is also a writer often seem contrived and lazy. Like the author is taking the easy way out of writing about themselves instead of digging deeper to give the character a different career from their own. But Jennifer does it so well, hinting at some real life situations while keeping the reader wrapped in the fantasy. We were in a rom-com inside a rom-com, what's not to love!!!

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How this book has such high ratings is beyond me. Let’s be real for a minute, if the main character was a man harassing a woman, we’d all be furious, but because this is a woman who can’t take n for an answer, it’s cute. And why is Brick so mean to his dog?! Hard pass for me.

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Aspen desperately needs a bestseller 📚
I love books that are about books and the publishing business in general. Give me a info from the kitchen any day of the week and I will never be disappointed.
Aspen writes amazingly, but her stories lack something. It lacks tension, raw emotion. Something has to change. ASAP. 
...When you feel confused in life, sometimes you really want to restart everything. To go back to the beginning, to a place where you felt good. That's why Aspen returns to North Carolina, far from the noise of New York. 
She is ready to do anything to bring back the spark in her novels. Including getting her heart broken. She needs Brick.
There is such ease in communication between the characters that I envy them. But I guess in love things happen easily. 
A fun, light read that will make you laugh at the whole experiment. I'm so glad I read it over the summer. It's perfect for the season. 
P.s. I always wanted to ask a man if he was capable of seducing my mind. Well done Aspen, you are my idol.

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Book of the Month || Jennifer Probst

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC! Quotes are not from the final version of the book. Releases Oct 22, 2024

“And once again, Aspen wondered if she’d committed the ultimate sin by falling in love with a man she’d hired to break her heart.”

Aspen is an author who is struggling to find success after her debut novel became Book of the Month and sent her to renowned author status. Unfortunately, her debut book pulled a lot from her personal heartbreak and her following books just keep falling flat. To find inspiration, Aspen flees to the Outer Banks of NC to stay with her sister.

Brick is the local bad boy heartbreaker. Brick was bequeathed his grandfather’s home, dog and tourist business of showing off the Outer Banks wild horse population. Only issue is, the business is going under and no bank will loan him the funds to get it back up and running.

Aspen devises a plan to help both her and Brick. Brick will date her, make her fall in love with him, and then break her heart to give her inspiration for the sequel to her best selling book and in exchange, Aspen will give him the funds to save his business. It’ll be a clean break at the end of the summer when she goes back to New York. However, the summer is hot, and the line between fact and fiction becomes easily blurred.

This was a fun, end of summer read, and it took place in my state which is always enjoyable! I enjoyed the characters in the book and the love story between Brick and Aspen. The author sets up for a sequel to occur with some of the supporting characters and I look forward to checking that out next year. If you want to read a quick romance and reminisce about summer, pick this up!

-ARC out 10/22/2024
-fake dating
-misunderstood bad boy
-summer love
-sets up for sequel
-dual POV
-3rd person POV

Spice 4/5

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This story is about Aspen, a writer who needs new inspiration for her latest book - a romance book, except that the well is a little dry. So she decides to make her own magic and heads to the Outer Banks, where she encounters Brick, who has a reputation within the town. He thwarts her advances, however, until she makes him a proposal to help his business which may go into bankruptcy. Both will get what they need out of the pact, and then they can part ways. Except, that is not how things work out, of course.

I thought the characters had good chemistry, there was a good vibe within their conversations and they reminded me of an actual couple. I think this is a good book for that summer romance vibe.

Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Box Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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